



Kibum was always the slimmer one. 

The one with more friends and family and the one everyone adored. He had the face too. The high cheekbones, thin lips and small eyes. Those were the features everyone tended to admire. 


Minho on the other hand, was taller and a bit plump. Some might have described him as "fat". His features were ordinary, plain even. Plus, he wore glasses. 


Despite their physical differences they had something so great and intangible that others detested and some yearned for and that was a solid friendship. 


Ever since time began good friends were hard to find. Difficulty has always existed in finding a companion that genuinely cared for you, supported you and strengthened you during troubling times. Fortunately, Kibum and Minho were able to have and maintain such relationship for three years.


However if Minho should be truthful to himself, at times he found himself being jealous of Kibum who was every thing he wasn't and everything he secretly wanted to be. 


At the moment Minho forced himself to look away from his friend as they worked on their calculus homework.


"Is everything alright?" Kibum asked when he looked up to meet Minho gaze...glare?



Minho's one worded response was monotonous and seemed to kill the conversation Kibum was trying to create.


"You're awfully quiet today." Kibum opted for a smile. 


Minho gave a noncommittal shrug and returned his attention to the work before him.


Lately, there was this undeclared competition between Kibum and himself, well, only from his standpoint. Kibum was perfect which only made him

aware of his innumerable shortcomings. One of which had been bothering him recently was his looks.



Minho fiddled with his fingers nervously whilst he managed to maintain a conversation with Jinki. The other was a friend of Kibum but no one knew of the fluttering feeling that overwhelmed him when Jinki even acknowledged him at campus. At times he chided himself for suppressing his infatuation but he just couldn't help smiling a bit too wide, laughing ever so often and staring a tad too long. None of the above never went unnoticed; Jinki was quite perceptive.


"Why is Kibum taking so long?"


Minho noticed how conversation abruptly steered to his friend but tried not to make much of it. He could be over-analytical at times which never bode well for any situation.


 "I don't know he's usually out by now." Minho replied. "So the game on Saturday.." he began, attempting to take control of the interaction to prolong the discussion.


"Hey!" Jinki ran off mid sentence to greet Key who was making his way over from the secretary's office.

Kibum waved his hand and smiled in acknowledgement. His smile was gorgeous. Kibum was gorgeous, so gorgeous. Minho didn't stand a chance. And no one liked to be ignored. So as he watched Jinki engaging Kibum he tried to ignore the pieces of his heart breaking and his pride fighting to stay together.



"Let's go to the movies together this weekend" Kibum suggested.


"I don't want go out this weekend."


"Uhh..ok." Kibum tried hard to hide the hurt in his voice.

"What about that yoghurt place on Sunday ?" He tried an alternative.


"I'm already fat." Minho turned the page in the novel he was reading. "But you can go."


"Minho you're not fat."


"Yes I am!" He screamed,

rendering Kibum speechless."I'm sorry but I'm not up for anything." (Anything with you)


"Minho, I'm sorry. We don't spend that much time together like we used to." Kibums voice barely audible afraid he might experience another outburst.


"Why dont you ask Jinki? His voice hinted with disgust.


"Jinki? Why would I ask him?" Kibum asked totally confused, unsure of where this was heading. "What's your deal?"


Minho sighed and slammed his book in frustration. 


"You're beautiful, you're smart, you've got the body. Heck, you're freaking perfect! You could get anyone you want. Anyone." He seethed. "No one looks at me but he did. Jinki did. Well... he used you until he saw you. "


Kibum held his breath. His heart palpitated. How do you respond when your friend blames you for that kind of thing. He didn't how to feel really. Was it betrayal or a grudge ? Was it both? But one thing for certain was he felt was hurt.


"I see." He managed to croak. A tear escaped from his left eye but he hurriedly flicked it away. He got to his feet and began packing his things.


Minho immediately felt guilty. He'd made Kibum cry. The only friend that had been good to him for as long as he could remember.


"Kibum." he began running over to console the other. He touched his arm but Kibum flinched. Minho heart broke even more.


"I'll go now." Kibum said whilst he hung his head refusing to let Minho see just how torn and hurt he was, how very torn.


"Im sorry kibum. I'm-"


"Just an ." Kibum added before pushing past and leaving Minho room. Minho's eyes nearly fell ou their sockets becuase for all the 3 years he'd known Kibum, the latter had never used such words in his presence much less directed at him. Kibum always had been composed and patient and Minho ruined that.


Minho felt like scum.



Kibum ignored his calls that night. But should he have felt angry seeing him sitting with Jinki for lunch that school day? In the past he'd be inclined to join them but he took his lunch and headed outside. Never seeing the sorrowful eyes directed at him.


Minho's lunch never tasted more bitter. 



Minho wasn't sure if they were ignoring each other but he'd tried to avoid Kibum at all cost over the last 3 days. Now as he made his way down the hall with tentative steps he saw Jinki at his locker. If he had the courage to ruin the best friendship he'd ever had, then he might as well pluck some up and make a propsition. 'Yolo right' he thought as he approached Jinki.




The other span around and offered a small smile. 


"Hey Jink." His voice was devoid of its usual enthusiasm which kind of extinguished Minho's hope.


Now or never.


"Do you want to maybe grab a cup of coffee this Saturday or any time you're free?"


Jinki cleared his throat maybe out of ... discomfort?


Minho deflated a bit more.


"A cup of coffee?" He reiterated, sounding uncertain.


Minho nodded shyly and unconvincingly.


"Sure coffee would be fine." He began and Minho knew, Minho knew with his soul there was an awaiting 'but' in his explanation.


"But I kind of like someone."


That was no surpise though it hurt the same. The feeling was all too familiar having been in the friendzone, that lonely street, for all his life.


"That's understandable." Minho said sounding robotic. "Is it Kibum?" Now why would he even ask that? His heart bore the brunt of rejections in basically every form thus far, why not put it through some more misery?



Jinki biting his lip was enough of a response. Dejection and rejection always embaced him with open arms and he was no stranger to the terrible feelings that plagued him. Presently, he saw Kibum turned the corner, making his way over.


Minho bade Jinki goodbye with whatever pride he had left before Key saw him and stalked to his dorm. He let the darkness, heat and emptiness consume him beneath the bed sheets. Soon after there was a knock at his door. He trudged over and swang it open without considering the peephole.


He should've concerned the peephole.




"Hi." Minho echoed.


Kibum stood there, the light framed his silhouette. Still as gorgeous as ever.


"Can we talk?"


Minho nodded and stepped aside to allow his entry into the dark abyss of his room. He then flicked the light switch which illuminated his dorm and his face which was bathed in sweat.


The atmosphere was thick enough to slice with a knife. Moments passed before either of them said anything. None of them made the mistake of glancing at each other too fearful that their faces might reveal too much.


"I'm sorry." Minho began. "I was being an like you said and your friendship means more to me than jealousy or any guy." 


Kibum heard the sincerity in the other's apology and mustered the courage to face him. 


"I was hurt when we fought the other day and we said some things we didn't mean." Kibum took a deep breath. " But...I was even more hurt when you started avoiding me." He sniffled.


"I thought you wanted nothing to do with me. You ignored my calls that night-"


"I lost my phone in the bus that evening. I was disoriented and...broken." Kibum eyes swam in his tears.


"I'm so very sorry." Minho pressed." I wish I could take it all back."


Kibum spared a tight-lipped smile.


"Jinki asked me out today..."

Minho's heart hammered in his ears. 




"I didn't accept."


"You don't have to reject him because of me." Minho explained shakily. "As much as you like someone, you can't force them to like you back." 


"You may not believe me but I know the feeling." That earned Minho's full attention.


"What do you mean?"


"I've liked you for a while now. " Kibum confessed.


"What?" Minho eyes widened in disbelief and looked away.


"I'm not your type or anything." Minho reasoned aloud.


"My type?"


"Yeah. Jinki is like your type."


"I don't have a type and I don't like Jinki like that." Kibum said. " I like you."


Hearing it for a second time made Minho even more bewildered. He'd never thought of Kibum in that manner.


"It's okay if you don't feel the same but I still want you to be my best friend."



Ever since Kibum confessed , Minho started noticing things. Things like Kibum's smile, his bellybutton ( his shirt always rode up when he stretched) , his milky expanse of skin( Kibum had always changed his shirts in front of him), the way his jeans hugged his legs and thighs and even the plump mounds of flesh above them. Minho started to notice all these things which made him wonder if he liked liked his friend more than a friend should or if he was only admiring Kibum's killer body.


"Why are you looking at me like that?"


"Like what?"


"Like ...you want to jump me." Kibum smiled creepily.


"Y-yah!" Minho stuttered, feeling hot and bothered all of a sudden. 


"It's fine." Kibum smiled. "I don't mind."


Minho wanted to scream at the heavens or bury his face in a pillow because his friend caught him staring and he was sure that his cheeks reddening did not alleviate the awakward situation he was in.


"You're too cute sometimes." Kibum smiled and continued with his homework.


Yes. Homework. They were doing homework. Now if only Minho's frantic heart could calm down and give him a break so he could start making sense of the problems before him.


With pencil in hand and a mission in mind to murder calculus like a boss, figuratively of course(becuase it would be impossible to murder calculus literally), but Kibum then crawls over and steals his pencil. HIS PENCIL. Anyway so KibumKibum continued whatever he was doing and kissed him softly on the lips. The feeling was new and Minho was quite inexperienced and his lips were tad clumsy too. But Kibum being as smooth as he always was kissed patiently and sweetly becuase he didn't want Minho scampering off the next instant annnnd becuase the other was just being too darn adorable for him to not pounce.


When they parted Minho sat frozen in place, still as a mannequin. If it was some sick fantasy plaguing his mind it was absolutely the worst timing in the entire universe. He then went on to think about Kibum's lips and how they felt so soft against his and how the moment seemed so surreal and magical and.....Kibum stole his freaking first kiss!


On the other hand Kibum was panicking a little due to Minho's,well, unresponsive-ness. 


"Oh god." He visibly relaxed when Minho's eyes darted back and forth after a good 30 seconds. "For a second there I thoight I killed you and I was this close to feeling like a pedoph-"


Minho being truly assertive for once in his life ended his freind's rant with a peck to the lips becuase he wanted to feel paralysis once again becuase.....




he could get used to it.



He didn't feel so jealous anymore either.







if it was weird this story was originally Onkey but i converted it to Minkey..

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Chapter 1: Auww.. Reading minkey from u is nice. They r my otp too.
They r so cute. Poor jinki tho
super adorable i love that it ended as minkey
Chapter 1: Minkey!!!so cute , :):):):):):):):)
Chapter 1: hahaha that was a nice one
Chapter 1: Cute!!! I want more! Hehe...

Tnx for d fic!
Chapter 1: Aww..thank u so much author nim for making dis..finally a happy minkey ending for me..they were both cute with a Lil bit cuter, oblivious n nerdy Minho..so yayee for minkey...<3