Woohyun - Risky Paradise

Trapped in Paradise


Nam Woohyun was not a man who is easily satisfied. His expectations are set extremely high, only allowing sheer perfection to match his charismatic presence. When executing his orders, a hundred percent effort is definitely not sufficient. If your work is not up to par, he will simply flash that million-dollar smile with an undetected hardness in his firm eyes, voicing soft words laced with sarcasm that could fatally wound a person’s pride like a bullet. Blessed with devilish good-looks and an aura radiating iness, countless women had swooned under his quixotic charms and ideals, worshiping him at his feet like an idol if not a god. He had a gift with oral and body language – if he is out to make you miserable, then you will suffer until kneeling became an only option; or if fortunately his mood was as good as the weather, then you will find yourself drawn to the addictive sensation of being trapped in his paradise. Of course, the latter was a rare case.


He revered in the people’s attention, fears and praises alike embedding a dazzling confidence in his skin. Putting it in harsher but easier words, the young chairman of Nam Corporations was just plain conceited. He was so attuned to all sorts of accommodation and submission that the surprise that arrived in his leather scented office gave him a mixture of emotions, both positive and negative. He felt disappointed, intrigued, angry and mostly irked.


Keeping a colorless poker face, she stood rooted to the spot where Woohyun’s current secretary, Lee Howon ushered her to. Her face was powdered fair with neck-length black hair neatly tied into a small ponytail, hands on her sides with the left one carrying a laptop bag and a briefcase, the other clutching a black handbag no women Woohyun knew would ever want to be caught possessing.


Lying back against his enormous boss chair, he crossed one knee and casually brought his hand to his chin, the ruby in his ring reflected in his irises as he scanned her figure from head to toe, scrutinizing her professional appearance. Her sight was glued to the name plaque made of glass and displayed on rosewood, registering no sort of visible reaction like a mannequin. She must have noticed his gaze on her, but made no gesture of feeling uncomfortable. She was as static as a mannequin, and no one stands before Nam Woohyun without being cowered by awe or trepidation.


“Speak,” he commanded like a true leader. Howon took off his glasses and sighed, placing a file on his desk. He was Woohyun’s subordinate, but also his best friend, probably the only one who could get an eighty-percent score on guessing whatever the higher rank was thinking.


“She is chosen to be my assistant and apprentice. Her full details are in the papers. Consequently, she will be replacing me once your father finalizes my position in the Japan branch.”


He dreaded the idea of Howon leaving, but never allowed himself to show it. As a friend, he was patient and understanding, a good listener; as a worker, he was dedicated and precise. Woohyun would do whatever in his power to retain Howon, even if it seemed selfish preventing his job advancement. Just a delay, he thought. Primarily, his main aim now is to get rid of the eyesore that stuck like a prick. She would break soon enough, all the women he toyed with did.


“You sure she is as capable as you, in terms of mental and physical strength?” he raised an eyebrow and questioned. Mental was her ability to withstand his slave driving methods, physical was her stamina and agility to shield him from assassination attempts though it was not a necessary requirement since he has security with him 24 hours a day. Of course, Howon’s master degree came alongside with certificates in judo and aikido. And there was Woohyun’s curiosity on wanting to intimidate her.


Howon looked to her and nodded, signaling for her to give a reply.


Her full lips that were painted in crimson red pursed into a small smile, head bending down gracefully for a curt but respecting nod. She made sure he would never forget her low but smooth voice, his eyes slightly widening as she made her guarantee of skill and efficiency.


“I assure you that I am competent, sir.”


The next few weeks passed on like a blur, with her senior flying to Japan to settle affairs and Woohyun utilizing every single sap of energy in her to run errands and complete assignments. He overworked her after office hours, making ridiculous requests of her to accompany him to dinner with clients and handling work from company branches of different countries until the wee hours. Still, she did not utter a word of complaint much less show any sign of exhaustion or exasperation. She knew that one tiny mistake would grant him the opportunity to fire her, and she couldn’t afford that. Nam Corporations offers an equally high pay as her job and responsibilities. She needed the money to pay off the loan she got for her tertiary education.


So she remained calm and indifferent, only thickening the foundation she applied under her eyes to conceal the black rings forming rapidly. It was his way on getting back at her when she did not immediately quit the minute he suggested it the first day she came to his room. Quite frequently, Howon called on her to check progress. On most occasions, she never did answer since she was required to put her phone on silent when she was with Woohyun. This was flexibility he deprived her of, besides overloading her with tons of work and taking up her private time. Howon quickly grasped the situation and only texted her words of encouragement. There was nothing he could do. Any words in defense would only tighten Woohyun’s sadistic hold over her.


In the meantime, the demon took joy in making her life a living hell. He purposely treated her in many ways unlike how he treated his old friend. There was something he enjoyed in watching her resist, pushing boundaries to break that icy mask of hers. She was simply fascinating as she sat in front of her office desk at twelve midnight, fingers typing away while sipping coffee that ran cold. Woohyun noticed she left her pink fingernails short and not manicured, always wearing the same pair of high heels and cheap conservative suits that did not compliment her body. He wasn’t the type of man to be impressed and amused by a woman who didn’t know how to dress, or maybe he’s been playing with too many s to admit that she was classy and beautiful in a very raw and exotic manner. She had stunning features, one of the most unique being her light-colored eyes. Another thing was that she never stuttered even in stressful environments. Her voice was as mellow like a cello’s tune, an attribute rare in women.


Kind. She was too kind to people. Too kind to him.


He smirked to himself. Maybe it was time to break the rules and turn the game up another notch.


“I would like to take you out for dinner.”


She looked up at the source of the sudden interruption. The building was already empty, leaving the surroundings eerie with the soft winding noise the laptop’s motor made. Blinking once, her eyes were about to close and drift off to another short sleep. Woohyun was leaning towards her, blazer draped over his shoulder while sitting on the mahogany table, his face dangerously near hers. His eyes landed on her lips and lingered, already hungry for her taste; his ears eager to hear undulating moans escape from .


Her right leg kicked the carpeted floor instinctively, causing the chair she sat on to roll backwards. With a measurable distance between them, she felt more at ease lowering her head to hide the obvious blush that formed on her cheeks. He was a renowned playboy, and the fact she kept reminding herself that did no effort in helping her regain composure. No, Nam Woohyun was too dangerous for her involvement.


“It’s alright sir, I’m fine,” she answered crisply. Desperately digging for files at her drawer as a façade, she needed to convince him that she still had a lot of work to follow up as a legit reason. In actual truth, she pretty much finished everything. And he hadn’t increased her pile in a long time.


He placed his fingertips on her chin and tilted her head up to meet his eyes. She thought that he was gorgeous with a face sculptured by God himself, a personality as alluring and evil as Satan. The tension in the air grew as he found a glint of fear in her eyes, the very first one since he met her in the beginning of time. The corner of his lips curled up in a smile, feeling the excitement of satisfaction. He spoke with such a low volume that made her toes cringe in anxiety. This was his weapon nobody could ever resist – seduction.


“Just take it as a reward for all your hard work. You’re still coming, because I never take ‘no’ as an answer.”



He drove his BMW to one of the hotels he owned, with her still strapped securely in the passenger seat. None were conversational starters as she was secretly timid inside, and he was planning a scheme to bring her to bed tonight. She looked out the window most of the journey, admiring the city lights and quiet streets. He stole glances of her, seeing buried innocence and a home in the nineteen year old. Woohyun imagined her smiling with him, playing in the meadow he used to love when he was young with their children. It was funny how his brain was altered to function now. He never pictured a future where he would set up his own family with any women he’d been before. His own parents betrayed one another by cheating with ever-changing companions. Their marriage was a political one and as long as scandals were avoided, they were free to do whatever they want with whomever they want, free to be strangers.


Growing up in a cold household like that, one couldn’t possibly expect him to trust women. Or trust himself in return.


They proceeded to dine in a suite. At this hour of the night, all sections including the lounge were closed. The servants bowed as they brought out mouth-watering delicacies, preparing a bottle of alcohol under Woohyun’s order. Eating in silence, they sat opposite each other and soon finished their meal. Grateful, she made sure she thanked him for delicious food she hadn’t had for months. Woohyun smiled back a genuine smile, an automatic reaction from watching the dimples formed on her cheeks. Her eye smile made her look so much younger and prettier than she appeared to be.


He swallowed a gulp of saliva, dismissing the guilt building in the back of his heart as he uncorked the bottle and poured the content into a wine glass. It was nothing strong to him, but he knew she had a weak tolerance for alcohol. That was probably the only defect he could spot in her otherwise flawless resume and profile.


“I can’t drink-“


Too late, he already pushed the half filled glass towards her, swirling the maroon liquid in his own.


“A toast, to your excellent performance and my approval of your acceptance into the company.” He announced proudly, convincing her to take a whole shot down . A few milliliters of wine was already enough to make the blood rush to her head, feeling warm and tipsy but still holding on to the brink of consciousness.


He poured for her again and raised the glass, draining it completely into his system. She did the same, not wanting to anger her employee. Drinking seemed to raise her blood temperature a several degrees higher and she cooled the skin on with cold fingers. The sight of her flustered was driving him crazy, and he was sure she was going to pass out at her third until a cold voice stopped him from continuing.


“What is your motive, Nam Woohyun?”


It took her all of her strength to voice these few words out. She couldn’t care less now if she was making a mistake by addressing him informally. He chuckled at her semi-drunken state trying to steady herself on heels to walk towards the entrance. It was inevitable that she would fall and he caught her by the waist. She shoved him away, refusing his help. She had a funny feeling on what was going on now, and she felt stupid for falling into his trap.


Woohyun did nothing to finish his plan. His expression was already pained when she pushed him away. The second time she was about to fell, he caught her wrist in time again, and she dropped her handbag to deliver a weak blow he managed to dodge easily. In a sober state, that punch must have been meant for his protection, not hers. However, she didn’t know that while Howon was skilled in both judo and aikido, Woohyun had an extra taekwando to add to a longer list of martial arts including those.


“Would you stop being so stubborn and let me help you?” He shouted with a worried tone, pinning her body down on the bed, letting his whole weight rest on hers. She glared at him with a heaving chest, still panting with a venomous comment that came out in broken breaths.


“I-I should- have known…you…you…would treat me…like those-“ she mumbled her phrases incoherently while stopping the tears from falling.


“Like those girls…you toyed- and slept with.”


Anger shot through his eyes like an adrenaline, her accusations surprisingly hitting the bull’s eye on his heart with a sharp arrow, a reverse situation on what he was used to inflicting upon others.


“I-I-don’t need a man…a boss like you-“


Her cries were muffled by a desperate and savage kiss, leaving her only a split nanosecond to breathe before was conquered once again by his dominating lips. Despite her hands constantly beating against his chest, he was too blinded by desire to stop them; already forming a rhythm with the duo’s racing hearts. One of his large hands stilled her face against his, while the other continued to and undress her skillfully.


She moaned involuntarily when he inserted his tongue in her, struggling to breathe as Woohyun imprinted his burning desire even more prominently by and fervently on her neck, labeling her as his. She didn’t have the voice to scream and shout, moans and grunts already emitting from the pleasure he so generously presented. As he planted a second more chaste and slow kiss on her, her body responded on its own by returning the favor. Instantly, she knew she lost the battle against the lust-driven man.


His collared shirt was already ed the moment they broke apart, revealing a well-toned chest and firm abs. Woohyun placed his hands on her cheek and collarbone, never expecting the night to turnout this way.


“You-“he started to whisper huskily, breaths ragged and uneven.


“I don’t need a woman who couldn’t even protect herself-“


“I tell myself-that I need to dispose of you…because you were becoming a damn threat-“


She watched him cover his forehead in shame, hair wildly tousled with veins pulsing around his bobbing Adam’s apple.


“. Why did you have to be so perfect and indifferent…why did you had to ing invade my every thought-“


Frowning at Woohyun’s profanities, she s his arms around his neck kissed him softly and gently that he froze. He expected her to toss him, curse him, probably knee him and call him crazy. Instead, here she was doing the unexpected, forgiving the manipulative and torturing bastard he was. He her bottom lip before feeling them quiver, feeling her pull away her hands that buried in his hair.


“I know you’re dangerous. And I can’t take the risk with you."


“You’re cruel, you know. Saying this when I already reached the limit of not being able to live without you, when I need you, when I lov-“


He felt a finger pressed against his mouth to silence him.


“Until I know I can trust you, that it is a safe paradise for the both of us. I will wait for that moment, and then I will be ready to listen to you say those three words…”


Woohyun nodded silently, closing his eyes to vision a spring where she sat among the blooming flowers, inhaling the deep scent and calling his name lovingly. It was a happy paradise they both deserved. And it was not far away.


Sorry if this chapter wasn't up to par. I meant for this to be a birthday present to radxrey XD My birthday is coming soon, on the 26 which means two more days. Any of you want to guess how old am I? Hahaha XD

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great job!
onlyinfiction #2
Chapter 8: ... I still come back to read Dongwoo's every once in a while. I love it that much~ /randomconfession.
Pandapinky #3
WOW!<br />
That is all I can say. Dongwoo's chapter is my favorite :)
I am going to cry at the epic that is your collection of Paradise one shots.<br />
I love the way you phrase your sentences albeit still confused trying to to figure out the individual scenarios for each one shot.<br />
Anyways, this was just to let you know this story was a job well done:D<br />
Btw, did Teaser 2 turn out to be an actual chaptered fic or is it still in the works? Because everybody could use a little more Hoya/Myungsoo seduction uhuh.
Infiniti #5
wow, myungsoo's and sungyeol's part were awesome! great job!
dongwoo you're so handsome even crossdressed so do it~~~ XD<br />
aw i think i'm going to like this new story~~~~<3
radxrey #7
Teaser Two:<br />
at first i thought she was an aspiring dancer<br />
then i read that they have a mission?<br />
is she supposed to distract someone while Hoya gets whatever they need?<br />
haha, how ironic to ask Dongwoo if he wanted to cross dress.<br />
i'm sure he wouldn't mind. xD<br />
he's attractive as a man or a woman.<br />
what an interesting ending!<br />
i want to read more.<br />
so this is a new story? :D<br />
i'm so excited!<br />
your fics are all so amazinggg.~
radxrey #8
Teaser One:<br />
*jumps up & down* *clapping uncontrollably*<br />
i can't imagine a life of only black and white.<br />
the last one of what?<br />
omg. this is so interesting.<br />
i want more! you're driving me crazy.<br />
haha, i can't wait to read more.<br />
ohhh, I really likes Sung Gyu & Hoya's stories too. ;)<br />
If you have any free time or any other ideas branching off from those stories<br />
you should post them. xD<br />
of course, no pressure~