
Hyung, Marry Me!

Chanyeol froze in his spot when his husband finally let out his emotions and his feelings and all the frustrations that he was keeping. He didn’t know his husband had such a bad day. He never was home much, so he had always taken Baekhyun for granted, thinking that all he did was play with the baby the whole day. He swallowed hard at the sight of his every fragile Baekhyun crying his heart out and breaking down right in front of him.

He quickly put his baby down on the floor after awhile to hug Baekhyun tight, and when he thought his husband was going to push him away and blame him more, to his surprise, the shorter wrapped his arms around his neck to cry even more on his chest, feeling a wet spot forming on his dress shirt.

“ I- im sorry, Chanyeol. It- its not your fault “ Baekhyun apologized, as he shook even harder when he felt his husband’s warm embrace. The touch that he longed so much, after having a hell of a day. he realized that it wasn’t Chanyeol’s fault as he was busy with work, busy finding money for the family and he wasn’t to be blamed for his own carelessness.

“ Baek. I had no idea you were having so much difficulties. Im sorry too.. “ he said, as he pat his husband’s back, trying to calm him down. He really hated it when Baekhyun was this weak. And he couldn’t do anything but hug him tight.

“ Look here babe. “ Chanyeol said, as he pulled away, trying to make the smaller look at his face. However Baekhyun shook his head and buried his head deeper into Chanyeol’s chest.

Chanyeol sighed, “ Look at me Baek “ he tried again, and this time uses his hands to cup Baekhyun face. The smaller gives up, and looks up to him. There were still stray tears rolling down Baekhyun’s smooth cheeks so Chanyeol kissed it away.

“ Its okay to do things wrong sometimes baby. “ Chanyeol starts, and offers a small smile, “ People make mistakes. I even dressed muffin wrongly the other day, and only realized when the neighbours told me his front was at the back. “ Baekhyun smiled at this, remembering what an idiot Chanyeol was, and still is! “ Just remember, it is normal to be a less than perfect parent. No matter how hard we try, it will never be enough. Byunyeol still cries, he will get hurt somehow, and fall sick. Its just how things work. We can only try our best Baek. And that’s enough “ Chanyeol says, as he kisses his husband again, and this time on his lips. “ So don’t stress yourself out too much. “

Baekhyun nods, and dries his eyes with his cardigan. He shows his bright smile to his husband in reply, and this time its his turn to peck his husband on his lips. “ I love you. “ Baekhyun says as he kisses him again, deeply this time. Just as their kick was slowly escalating into something else, with Baekhyun pushing Chanyeol to lie down on the bed, he hears Byunyeol’s loud “ Ma-ma! “.

Baekhyun immediately gets off Chanyeol. He stares at his baby and then back to his husband.

“ Did you just- “ before Baekhyun could continue, his husband also stares wide-eyes and nods his head slowly with his mouth hanging open

“ Oh my- “ Baekhyun starts squealing, and coos at his little baby and to his surprise his baby says something else.

“ Pa-pa! “ Byunyeol says, as he starts to stand up to get up his parents bed, with the help of the mattress and bed sheets.

“ He called me! Baek! Did you hear that?! “ Chanyeol beams in delight and hurries over to help his baby get on the bed.

“ I cant believe he is starting to talk already!! Our baby is growing so fast channie! “ Baekhyun squeals and shower his baby with kisses while Chanyeol tickles him into laughter, his eyes twinkling as he laughs and fidgets all over, his tiny stubby hands grabbing his mother’s face in the process, to which Baekhyun cringed at the pain.

Chanyeol laughed at his husband’s cheeks getting pulled and his expression turning. “He has got my strength babe. Look at him” he teased, while kissing the two precious people in his life.


The next few days Chanyeol took some time off work to accompany his husband to make sure he was stable again, especially since the incident where he literally freaked out for not being careful enough with Byunyeol. Chanyeol helped out in most of the chores, from feeding the baby (under the scrutiny of Baekhyun) to changing his diaper (with the help of Baekhyun) (okay maybe Baekhyun was doing most of the work and Chanyeol was just handing over the wipes). However he was only allowed home for the few days. Baekhyun forced him to return to his work after that.

Chanyeol was giving a lot of thought about Baekhyun’s distress over the whole incident a few nights ago. He was worried sick all the time whether Baekhyun was alright on his own, whether his tiny husband would be tired from all the work, if Byunyeol was being mischievous with his mom and giving him a hard time, whether his hands were tired from all the work. So, he made up his mind to search for a nanny online the second he gets a break from work.

Chanyeol was busy on his tablet when he hears a knock on the door.

“ Not going for lunch? “ Kyungsoo peeps in, with a file on his hand, being the busy assistant he was.

Chanyeol looks up from his tablet screen, “ Oh. Umm… yeah. Just- well, busy with some stuff “

Kyungsoo sensed the hesitation and smiled, “ Personal? “

“ Uh-huh. Nothing much actually. Just looking for a nanny “

“ Oh. I can recommend you one. She takes care of my niece, and she is a really lovely lady. “ Kyungsoo steps into the office, already putting his file aside to grab his phone from his pocket to give Chanyeol more details.

“ That’s great! Have a seat, please “ Chanyeol gestures towards the chair opposite from him, and the shorter male gets comfortable on the chair.

“ Ill send it to you through Line “ Kyungsoo says as he taps away on his screen then stops halfway, making a face. “ Ops “

“ Hm? What is it? “ Chanyeol hums, confusion all over his face.

“ I just realized.. “ Kyungsoo smiles, a heart shaped forming on his lips. Chanyeol never realized his assistant had that. So unique, he thought. “ I don’t have you number, boss “ Kyungsoo continues, his smile growing wider.


Just like any other day, Baekhyun would wake up earlier than Chanyeol and his baby, that was, if his baby wasn’t crying his lungs out for milk in the middle of the night. He would start his day by making food for his working husband and Byunyeol. He was glad that his son was growing more and more each day, now beginning to try out different baby foods but at the same time he hoped his baby wouldn’t grow so much. He missed the moments where his baby depended solely on him, but now he has started to crawl very well and even stand up on his chubby little feet.

He sent Chanyeol to work happily, with the giant always leaning down for a kiss before leaving and giving his baby a hug and telling him to be a good boy and listen to his mummy. Baekhyun doubt his little baby even understands anything yet.


“Open up baby. Ahh.. “ Baekhyun said while opening his mouth wide hoping his baby would imitate him. Byunyeol opens his mouth to laugh at his dad who was now mimicking a motorbike with his spoon.

Baekhyun spots this chance and begins to put the spoonful of mashed carrot in his mouth but as soon as Byunyeol notices it he quickly closes his mouth. He was just exactly like Chanyeol, disliking carrots with a passion. He used to like it when he was much younger but now it was so difficult to get him to eat it. Baekhyun remembers reading a book about babies tastes always changing. He tries again, getting frustrated because that was the only food he made for him. And also Byunyeol was starting to be very grouchy because he was actually very hungry but wasn’t going to have carrots for the day.

Baekhyun tried to be patient, even going upstairs to get his toys and letting his play with his pororo. He calm down abit so Baekhyun tried again, with a smaller spoonful this time. However, the baby was still being very stubborn. He knew his baby was hungry so he forcefully put it into his mouth. Byunyeol wailed instantly, spitting his food out and dirtying his clothes and flailed his arms everywhere and even accidentally pushing Baekhyun’s hands and dropping his bowl.

Baekhyun’s face was red by now, his floor a mess along with the baby and his clothes, and the baby seat. His baby kept crying and he himself was about to explode. However he remained calm, lifting his baby up and quickly stripping him off to his pampers and throwing his clothes in the laundry bag. He gave him milk instead, letting him be satisfied for awhile while he made another food for his baby and cleaning the mess.

The crazy lunch time was over, and he ate the leftover carrots, not wanting to waste it since Byunyeol already wasted so much on the floor. He tucked his baby in for a nap and switched on the tv. It was 4PM, it was the first time of the day he actually got to sit down. He was blankly staring at the tv, not even watching, and soon he fell asleep.

The doorbell rang, and he quickly got up. Having Byunyeol made him a light sleeper and quick to be alarmed. Before going to the door, he stopped by Byunyeol’s room to scoop him in his arms, since it was time for him to be awake anyway. There was once he let him sleep in and he was overly energetic at night. It was not fun staying up late to entertain his baby.

He walked to the front door and was surprised to see a middle age lady.

“ Erm. Im sorry.. you are? “ Baekhyun asked after opening his door to see an unfamiliar face. He actually hated opening doors to stranger.

“ Im Mrs Jung. Im sorry I was a little late. “ she said, and extended her hand, Baekhyun was still confused but he didn’t want to be rude so he took her hand. “ I am the new nanny “ she said, with a professional smile.

“ What?? “

“ Your husband just hired me yesterday and told me I can start work today. Is there something wrong?? “ she asked, concerned.


That night when Chanyeol got home, it was very late and Chanyeol went to bathe quietly seeing Baekhyun was asleep in the baby’s room with Byunyeol lying on his back peacefully asleep too.

When he got out of the bath, he was surprised to see Baekhyun sitting on their bed, expecting the latter to be spending the rest of the night in the baby’s room. He went over to give his husband a hug, not even bothering the droplets of water still dripping down his hair. Baekhyun old stood still, not returning the hug but he just ignored it, thinking it was just Baekhyun being tired.

“ How was our son today “ he asked, as he went to his cupboard to grab some clothes.

“ Who is this Mrs Jung who stopped by today? “ he shot, not even bothering to reply Chanyeol’s previous question.

“ Oh, she didn’t introduce herself? She’s- Er. Wait. Are you mad? “ he answered nonchalantly but midway he turned around to see that Baekhyun looked utterly pissed off. He dressed himself up quickly, worried sick because he knew Baekhyun’s expression was not a good one.

“ You. Hired a nanny without discussing it with me? “

“ Baek- “

“ Am I not enough for Byunyeol in your opinion? Just because of that one mistake I did? “ Baekhyun retorted, flash backs of how he panicked when he thought he lost his baby

“ What? How could you- That is most certainly NOT what I was thinking- “

“ Then what is it?! A stranger just appearing in my house without me knowing a single thing. Or are you just guilty you are not around most of the time so you think a stranger could take over you place to look after OUR baby. “

“ Baekhyun! What the hell are you talking about? I thought I was doing you a favour! You looked tired all the time. And now you’re twisting the story and saying all these stuff about me?! “ Chanyeol raised his voice, getting angered when Baekhyun starts to point out how he doesn’t spend much time at home. Hell, he was trying his best to support his family here!

“ I can handle the baby myself! Even without you, okay?! Your parents are already giving me a damn hard time and scrutinizing my every movement now that I have a baby. What do you think they will be thinking about if we actually get a nanny, Yeol! “

“ Who the hell cares what my parents think?! This is our lives. This is our own family and our baby! “ Chanyeol paused, getting really tired of this argument. “I get back home tired after working my off, even getting reprimanded just because I was making too much personal calls in the office to make sure the nanny was arriving as soon as possible. Looks like it was all unappreciated and I even get scolded at home! Why do I think like im the only one trying here, Baekhyun?! “

“ Excuse me?! You have the audacity to say that?! Park Chanyeol, last time I checked, every single thing in this household is my responsibility! All you do is spend your whole day at the office and I have to do every damn work at home ! “

Chanyeol was about to answer again, but he was just too tired of Baekhyun’s drama. He took his coat and car keys, and went out the door.

For the rest of the night, he did not return. It was the first time Baekhyun had to sleep alone as he cried silently on their bed.


A/N : yay my wifi is back (it has always been but at last i could connect my laptop to it) (i had to try everyday) (turn on my laptop and then when its not working i cri and turn off my laptop) 

an update yay! i still have a week of sem breaks so ill make sure i update ALL my stories again 

so how was this update. i plan to add real life angst to this along with fluff at the right time to potray how married lives would be like (as close to reality as possible) 

thanks for reading my update up till here hehehe hope u enjoy it

as usual, comment !!!! ^^


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Chapter 8: Wait I remember you mentioned Kyungsoo as Jongin's husband in chapter 5, now in this chapter you're introducing him as a new member JN the story as someone new to Chanyeol?? Am I wrong??
faithlane #2
Chapter 9: You're not going to finish this story are u?
Chapter 10: A cliffhanger huhu nooooooo
Chapter 9: Please update this again!!!
Chapter 9: i think there will be some infidelity act between soo and yeol.
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 9: i can understand baek, but can chanyeol?
Chapter 9: oohaamayfjayyyy!!!! i dont wanna continue reading cuz i dont like when relationships go downhill, but im weirdly attracted thinking the ending will be happy. hopefully it wil ^^ and thanku, ur story is awes-amazing~~~ update quickly
AnaNeo #8
Chapter 9: i love this nim please update soon!!!!!
ryuuga #9
Chapter 9: i loove ur story author nim ,,, update soon pleasee ??
Chapter 9: Such a good story!!! Update soon!! ^^