chapter 1


After waiting for almost 4 hours in the waiting area at the airport, an announcement has finally been heard.

“Ladies and Gentleman, we are now prepared to board for flight to destination: South Korea”, said one of the workers.

“Finally” you muttered a bit irritated because of the long wait. You weren’t a patient type at all. Not the least.

You got up from your seat and dragged your black carry-on luggage to a line of passengers forming to board the plane.

“Great. More waiting” you sighed to yourself.

Once your turn came, you handed your boarding pass and passport to a lady on a counter, verifying if everyone belongs on the flight. Thank you, she said as she took your identifications. She ripped a side of the boarding pass and gave you back the half as well as your passport. And have a safe flight! She finished. You smiled at her as a reply and slowly made your way.

Aboard the aircraft, a flight attendant looked at the piece of your boarding pass and motioned you to walk down the first of the two aisles. As you marched behind the other passengers in front of you trying to find their own seats, you noticed that there are 3 rows of seats. On both sides, the seats were in pairs and for the middle, in threes. “Please don’t let me be in the middle row” you mentally repeated yourself as you searched for your place. What’s worse than being stuck between a mother with her crying baby and an old man snoring loudly all the while resting his head on your shoulder. You see my point? 5 seats nearing the end, you finally found yours; 70Y. “Lucky me” you said. You won’t be sitting in the middle row after all! You sighed of relief.

You placed you backpack on your seat before putting away your luggage in the above compartment. Seeing you struggle to even carry your luggage, a man already seated in front of you helped put it in its place. You thanked him and settled in your seat, beside the window.  Seeing how the other passengers are still getting to their places, you closed your eyes, tiredness kicking in. Remembering a time you arrived late for a flight, you took no chances and woke up extra early to not miss this one. You didn’t get a chance to rest during the hours you waited because of all the noises around you; kids running around while screaming or laughing and people talking. But what irritated you the most was the annoying sound of “thuds” the rolling carpets would make when someone would walk by with their luggage.

Just when you thought you were finally able to get a bit of rest, you heard a person shuffle into the seat next to you. You slowly opened your eyes to stare at the guy now sitting beside to you. Your eyes immediately went wide. WOW. That was what you mentally said inside your head. You could have chosen any other words but those three letters were the ones you stuck to. Silently observing, you saw he wore a red and black plaid shirt with dark denim ripped jeans and timberlands on his feet.  Also a part of his outfit, a beanie sat on top of his head with his brown bangs laying flat on his forehead with some hair sticking out on his nape. Not to forget, a pair of shades covering his eyes. Just looking at him casually sitting down with his arms on top of a black backpack lying on his lap, you can kind of see arrogance, cockiness, don’t-talk-to-me-unless-you’re-other-that-a-piece-of-dust type radiating off of him. It’s as if you can already feel like this flight will be longer that it’s supposed to be because of him.

  You suddenly got surprised when you swore to have seen a light hovering above him like those angels you see descending on a church window. Thinking this awe struck trance you’re in, you pushed that imagination away.

“He’s freaking hot” you mentally told yourself.

Or not.

Because the moment you let your inner thought slip through your lips, you saw him smirk.

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It's been a month since i haven't updated, thank you so much to my subscribers for being patient with me ~ i'll update as soon as i have time :)


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Chapter 1: Oh snap it slipped xD
I like this chapter! :3 update when you can