Chapter 001

I Still Love You

[3rd Person]

"Baekhyun! I-i got t-to say s-something" (Y/N) stutter.

"Wae?" Baekhyun replied 

"I-I-" (Y/N) started to say but paused a sec.

"Hmm?" Baekhyun asked enjoying the view of the lake and the refreshing wind.

"I-I like you!" (Y/N) confessed. Baekhyun smiled at her but sadly.

"I'm sorry, I-I can't accept your feelings." Baekhyun felt guilt as he said that. However it was for her own good. He was a wolf and she was a beauty. s made an marriage arrangement with Baekhyun and Park Minnie. Baekhyun's wife to be. But he didn't want her he wanted (Y/N). However nothing can stop this marriage. Why cause he had mark Park Minnie as his.

"I have a fanice and I 'love' her"

"Oh.......sorry for bothering you then" (Y/N) said as her heart felt broken no it was broken. Baekhyun stood up and started to walk away. "Baekhyun, always remember that I'll always love you" (Y/N) said as Baekhyun paused and then walked. Tears ran down her eyes as she tried to keep clam but more tears came. (Y/N) stood up and was about to leave but some guy came pushing pass her making her fall not onto the ground but into the lake. However Baekhyun was still in her view.

"BAEKHYUN!" Was her last words before (Y/N) fell into the lake. Baekhyun heard his name and turned around to see (Y/N) falling into the lake. his eyes widen as (Y/N) struggle to get to the top of the lake. Baekhyun ran towards her getting ready to save her. But her struggling stop. 

            He was to late

                                   "(YOUR NAME)!!!!"

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