Chapter 25

Best Mistake

"Thank you for going to Namsan with me today." Jessica pulled up in front of Taeyeon's house. After the kiss on the cheek, Taeyeon's cheeks remained a pale shade of red and Jessica found that really adorable. She reached out to touch Taeyeon's cheek gently and smiled. Taeyeon looked at the slender hand and held it in both her hands. Jessica's hand was cold, either that, or she was feeling a bit too hot. She looked down at the and and smiled shyly.

"If I didn't go... Maybe I wouldn't know?"

Jessica laughed and wiggled her fingers. "If I intend to do it, I can do it any day."

Taeyeon was still not used to this, especially since she was the one who always showed her affection towards the other person. She was still not used to receiving the same but she could get used to it. She gently the smooth back of Jessica's hand. Yeah, she could get used to it. "You still beat me to it."

Jessica grinned. "No, I didn't. From the day when you were talking to Harvey at your office, I took it that you've confessed already."

"Eh? That doesn't count!" Taeyeon protested and pouted slightly.

"Really? Then, I'm still waiting," Jessica chuckled.


Jessica sighed and shook her head. Taeyeon could be so out of the situation sometimes but it did not bother her because she was sure Taeyeon heard it, just that she had not processed it.

"It's late already, go up before Yuri starts accusing me for kidnapping you?"

Taeyeon looked at her phone and saw a few missed calls from Yuri. What more did she expect from her protective older sister? She could even go to the extent of searching every street in Seoul; that happened when she accidentally fell asleep in her office and her phone battery was flat. When she went home, Yuri tackled her onto the sofa and started shouting at her.

"Mm. Good night, see you tomorrow." Taeyeon unbuckled her seat belt and pushed open the door. "Sweet dreams."

Jessica smiled as she remembered the first time Taeyeon said sweet dreams to her. It was still rather awkward between the both of them back then but now, things had changed and it amazed how time could change so much things. Maybe it was not another person who came in between her relationship with Harvey, it was time. It has been a while since Taeyeon last said sweet dreams to her and she was sure tonight, she could even smile in her dreams.

"Sweet dreams to you too."

Taeyeon stood there, not wanting to leave until Jessica drove off. She waved and told Jessica to go first but not before she said softly, "Love you."

Jessica smiled and nodded before driving off. Taeyeon looked on as the BMW disappeared from her vision. That was the first she ever verbalised her love for Jessica but she did not know if she should do it so she said it softly. She hoped Jessica heard it but even if she did not, there would still be another time. She smiled foolishly to herself and went into the building before it started drizzling.

Still smiling to herself, Jessica turned out into the main road. Then she reacted to the lingering words that hung onto her. "Love you." Taeyeon said that? Did Taeyeon really say that? She tried desperately to recall what had happened a minute ago and it occurred to her that Taeyeon really did say that. Her smile grew until it hurt her cheek muscles but it did not matter. That two words gave her a sense of security that never occurred to her. Taeyeon gave her the sense of security she had always wanted.


Taeyeon unlocked the door to the apartment and saw Yuri sitting on the sofa eating from a big porcelain bowl. "I'm home!"

"You're home?" Yuri took a look at her before turning her attention back to the series playing on the television.

"What's with the cold reception?" Taeyeon threw her towards Yuri and plopped down beside the latter on the sofa.


"Kwon Yuri, did you even hear what I've just said?"


"Oh my goodness, why did I even bother trying?" Taeyeon waved her arms around dramatically and stood up to go to her room.

"How's your day out with Jessica?" Yuri paused the show and turned to her. "Come back and sit down."

Taeyeon turned back and sat down on the sofa with her legs up. She had a smile on her face and Yuri had never seen that smile for such a long time. The last time she saw that smile, Taeyeon was in love (that is, with the wrong person) and she knew something must have happened between the both of them. Something good must have happened.

"Good." That was all Taeyeon said but she was still smiling.

"Judging from that stupid smile on your face, I can say you two are... Official?"

"Well..." Taeyeon started saying. "She kinda confessed."

Looking at her sister's contented smile, Yuri could not help but smile. It really had been a long time since she had seen that kind of smile on Taeyeon. The smile that could make a heart warm, the smile that could make you want to smile too, the smile that could make a sister finally stop worrying about her not being happy. She felt a weird feeling welling up at her nose and her eyes started to get moist.

"Yuri?" Taeyeon asked. Yuri was smiling but suddenly tears were in her eyes and it shocked her. Yuri had never cried in front of her before. Even if she was lying on the hospital bed unconscious, she was crying outside the room, never in front of her. "Why are you crying?"

"Ah?" Yuri raised her hands to her eyes and wiped away the tears in her eyes. She frantically dried up the tears on her cheeks with her sleeves and sniffed hardly. She had never thought of crying in front of Taeyeon. She made sure Taeyeon never saw it but this time, she would make it an exception. The tears kept flowing and she brought Taeyeon into a hug. She leaned her forehead against Taeyeon's shoulder and sniffed loudly. Taeyeon did not know how to react and she did not know why Yuri was like that. She hugged her sister back and laid her head against her shoulder. Her sister's hug was the best, it was the warmest, even though she was crying, she could still feel the warmth in it. "Are you happy?"

Taeyeon nodded her head which was still rested against Yuri's shoulder. "Probably one of the happiest moments in my life."

"As long as you're happy, I'll be happy." Yuri said in a nasal voice. And Taeyeon understood why Yuri was crying. Her sister had never explicitly told her that she was worried for her but her actions expressed that everytime. From the day Yuri arrived in her life, she looked out for her, despite being in a worse position that her. Yuri had no father or mother but she seemed to live each day much more happily than herself. This was something Yuri never told her; the reason as to why she was so protective. Because Taeyeon was all she had. Taeyeon was the only relation she had in this world and she was not going to let her slip away. But when she received the call from the hospital that Taeyeon was in the hospital, it felt like the lightning had just struck her. She was paralysed at that moment, she could not feel anything and all she did was to drive madly to the hospital. She looked at the light to the sign that reminded her of the danger her sister was in and slipped down onto the chair behind her. She blamed herself for not looking after Taeyeon and she felt so hopeless, that her life was slipping back to the days when she could see no end. But now with Taeyeon sitting in front of her, hugging her, very much alive and most importantly, happy, Yuri felt all the worry she had put herself through was worth it.


Sooyoung and Tiffany were lazing around in the living room. They had been preparing for their exhibition for the whole day and did not hear from Jessica for the whole day. Sooyoung was lying on the bean bag with her feet up against the wall and head near the ground while Tiffany had her feet up on the coffee table. On other days, they would call Jessica but they could already guess that she was with Taeyeon so they did not bother. The door unlocked and the both of them turned immediately to the door.

"I'm home!" Jessica called out.

'Hey baby!" Sooyoung shouted as she rolled onto the ground. "I miss you!"

"It's only a day, Soo."

"But still... Why are you smiling like an idiot?" Jessica sat down between the both of them. Sooyoung noticed Jessica had been smiling the moment she entered. "Something's fishy."

Tiffany laughed and leaned towards Jessica. "So Taeyeon and you..."

"I, uh, confessed."

"Oh my goodness, the suspense is finally over!" Sooyoung said out loud.

"I'm happy for you, Jess and you better cherish her, or I will not let you off." Tiffany put her arms around Jessica's shoulders.

"Why does it sound like you like her or something?" Jessica narrowed her eyes. "Do you want me to tell Yuri?"

"That's what she wanted me to say."

"Really?" Jessica's eyes widened.

"No." Tiffany laughed and separated herself from her friend. Jessica pushed her friend off her bean bag.

Sooyoung sighed and sank deeper into the bean bag. "So I'm really the only one left single."

"Well, stepping out of the house can be your first step to say goodbye to singlehood." Tiffany threw a pillow at Sooyoung. "And going to the exhibition venue and the art supplies store don't count."

"Easy for you to say, Mrs Kwon. While you were busy going out with Yuri, I'm at home busy drawing."

"Efficiency, Soo, efficiency."

Sooyoung threw the pillow across to Tiffany and hissed, "Details. I care about details!"

Tiffany rolled her eyes and laughed. She stood up and headed for the kitchen. "I'm making instant noodles, you want?"

"Yes, please, extra egg, yeah?" Sooyoung patted Tiffany's hand as she walked past her.

"Of course I remember, I can even recite your menu in my sleep."

Jessica looked at her friends and shook her head. They were like Tom and Jerry, never letting go of a chance to bicker and get at each other's neck but a second later, it would be like nothing had happened. She was grateful for the both of them, always welcoming her back unconditionally when she had problems. She would never want to lose them, ever.

"Hey." Sooyoung hit her in the arm.


"I'm happy for you, forget about Harvey Lee and focus on the wonderful person in front of you now, okay?" Sooyoung said softly as she held her hand. "No matter what happens, Tiff and I will be here for you."

"I know, thank you, love you guys." Jessica hugged Sooyoung who chuckled and returned the hug.

"Love you too, Jess. But I love my food even more, so I need to make sure Tiff doesn't mess it up." Sooyoung stood up and rushed to the kitchen. Jessica laughed and leaned back against the bean bag, eyes shifting to the show that was playing on the television. What a great night, she thought. It was the first time in a while since she could just sit around without having much thought in her mind. 

"Tiffany! You messed up my instant noodles!" Jessica heard Sooyoung shouted and subsequently, war broke out in the kitchen.


A/N: The story is going to end in about two or three chapters. I have a new story in mind and I'm still thinking if I should start writing it soon because writing is becoming my favourite past time and it feels weird without writing for two or three days. Anyway, a random question... I'm just curious, how old do you guys think I am?

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Iam here.... Reread again
qiugui #2
Re read this story again. Still one of the best taengsic fics, best mistakes
Chapter 30: I'm back here :) i like this story, i keep coming back...
Mihyun101 #4
Chapter 29: AWWWEEW
Mihyun101 #5
Chapter 25: Awww
Mihyun101 #6
Chapter 22: Shet keleg
Mihyun101 #7
Chapter 21: I used to hate yulti and skip their parts of a fanfic, but they’re starting to grow on me and i love em uwu
Mihyun101 #8
Chapter 29: Oh my god, I read this in one sitting. Damn, this is such a great story. It's kinda simple yet meaningful, thank you for this, you are really a great writer!
Iamsoshi09 #10
Chapter 30: Love the story simpel yet good