
The 7 Deadly Sins

Title: Envy [3/7]
Author: peperochu
Rating: G
Fandom: Infinite
Pairing: LHyun, onesided!Woogyu
Genre: Romance, Angst
Warning/s: male x male- I should seriously stop putting this as a warning.

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He hated how when they were together, they would forget the world. Sunggyu watched two seats away, absent-mindedly swirling the drink in his hand, making what was left of the ice clink against the glass. Sungjong had asked if he was okay and he simply nodded and took a sip of his drink and stuck his tongue out, it was mainly melted ice by now and didn’t taste like it should.

Woohyun and Myungsoo would be so engrossed with each other, big smiles stretched across their faces, listening intently to whatever the other had to say, and when Woohyun laughed with Myungsoo, Sunggyu felt like his heart was a volcano. Weird image, he knew, but it really felt like all his bottled emotions would eventually erupt, creating painful shards of emotion inside him as a volcano creates sharp obsidian.

He didn’t want to say it, but at this very moment, it was almost like he hated them. Though he knew it was impossible for him to actually harbour hatred towards those two, smiling like idiots.

Sungyeol and Sungjong were across him, having an ice-cream eating competition since Sungjong couldn’t drink and Sungyeol chose not to. Sunggyu couldn’t help but smile when he looked at the two holding their heads, eyes squinting from the “brain freeze”. But from his peripheral he could still see Myungsoo and Woohyun and he knew that there was more to them than just simple glances and light touches.

“Are you okay?” Dongwoo lightly hit Sunggyu’s arm and Sunggyu instantly turned his head to the right to look at him.

“Yeah, your drink’s all water now,” Hoya pointed at his drink, “it’s not even Guinness anymore, it’s just…water.” Sunggyu just inspected his glass.

“Yeah,” Sunggyu didn’t remove his gaze from the translucent beige liquid, “I’m okay.”

Dongwoo and Hoya just shrugged and ordered more drinks.


“Maybe we should’ve given him more bread to eat.” Hoya said from the back, his speech was slightly slurred but he seemed more sober than Dongwoo who was clapping and laughing by himself, seated in between Sungyeol and Hoya.

Woohyun’s face was flushed and he could barely even form coherent sentences. He had draped himself all over Myungsoo as they sat in the car, both of them not noticing Sunggyu’s imperial death glare two seats away. Sungjong was sitting in the front seat and he and Sungyeol could see Sunggyu, and they knew what was up.

“He smells like alcohol,” Myungsoo stated, making a disgusted face, trying to pry Woohyun off, “his breath smells quite toxic actually.” 

“Myungsoo, hey, Myungsoooo~” Woohyun said loudly into Myungsoo’s ear, thinking he was whispering, “y’know what…? You look really hot t’night, I-I think we should t’tally fu-mmfff.” Myungsoo covered Woohyun’s mouth with his hand and Sunggyu just looked out the window. Sungyeol and Sungjong exchanged worried looks and Dongwoo and Hoya were just laughing in the back seat, enjoying the spectacle.

“L~” Woohyun whined as soon as Myungsoo’s hand was off his mouth. Myungsoo scrunched up his nose as he was attacked with a wave of alcohol infused air, “at least give me a kiss.” And before Myungsoo- or anyone- could react, Woohyun’s lips met Myungsoo’s in a messy, bitter kiss.

Everyone’s eyes widened and Sunggyu’s teeth grinded together. He tried to tell himself that maybe it was the alcohol that made Woohyun this way, but it was unconvincing. Dongwoo and Hoya started cheering as Myungsoo and Woohyun’s kiss deepened, hands began exploring, disappearing under thin layers of clothing. But before it turned into something much more intimate, Sungyeol cleared his throat loudly and Myungsoo’s eyes widened with the realization of what he was doing exactly, and pulled Woohyun off.

Woohyun just laughed and rolled off Myungsoo, instead turning to snuggle under Sunggyu’s arm and hug his waist. Sunggyu tensed a little as he looked at Woohyun who fell asleep straight away, tucked under his arm.

“Oi! Oi~ oi…haha, how was it?” Dongwoo asked, giggling and tapping Myungsoo’s shoulder

“Bitter, but it was pretty good,” Myungsoo smirked and Hoya just let out an “OHH!” and hi-fived Myungsoo. Sunggyu could feel the jealousy rise but the burning feeling in his chest dissipated almost instantly when Woohyun shifted in his sleep and buried his face into his neck.


When they finally arrived back, Myungsoo carried Woohyun on his back to the bathroom where he then proceeded to regurgitate everything he had consumed in the past couple of hours into the toilet. Sunggyu told him that he looked tired and that he’d take care of Woohyun. At first Myungsoo was reluctant to leave but Sunggyu insisted and Myungsoo knew better, even if he didn’t want to leave Woohyun in that state.

“Please make sure he’s okay.” Myungsoo said quietly to Sunggyu before he slipped out the bathroom, and Sunggyu just nodded. He didn’t have to be asked.


Sunggyu knew that the next morning, Woohyun wouldn’t remember that is was Sunggyu who took care of him. He wouldn’t remember that it was Sunggyu who stayed up with him and that it was Sunggyu who listened to him talk about how deeply in love he was with someone else. How it was Sunggyu who held him as he fell asleep.

But Sunggyu didn’t care. Because this was the only time he could hold Woohyun in his arms like this. Because he remembered every single moment they shared. Because right now, it was only was him and him. And just because he was irrevocably in love.


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698 streak #1
Chapter 5: 😅
698 streak #2
Chapter 1: i just found this 😅
OppaIsWaitingForMe #3
I just noticed some grammatical errors.. Whatevssss. English is not my mother language anyway heh

Btw "Do you like coffee?" <If you know this reference then i shall love you and obey you forever and ever.
OppaIsWaitingForMe #4
OMG 2012!! HELLO IM FROM THE FUTURE! Anyways! I'll have to disagree with yaaaa ;--; how can you say that? I mean Gyu never tops look at him... *Shows a collection of cute pictures of GyuGyu* LOOK- AT- HIIMMM!!! HES SO CUTE HOW COULD HE TOP?!? Is it because hes older? Nah dont think so... ! look at this man on the other hand *Shows a bunch of y photos of Namu* CHOCOLATE AABBSSSSSS~~~~ Yeah.. I wholeheartedly disagree with you on this point heh... pfft i should just take my pathetic outta here before i get the boot 0-0
Chapter 7: poor Sungjong xD gyu knows n notices evrythin kkkk great story^^
Chapter 7: BAHAHA! I couldn't help but laughing the whole time I was reading Lust.
Poor Sunjong.
I just kept thinking of,
"Nuuu! Pineapples! Stop! Nuuu!"
haha! That was good though x)
Chapter 7: Aaaaaaaa a lot of WOOGYU!!! and i love all of them!!! especially envy and lust omfg this is just so awesome really like it ^^
Chapter 7: one of the brilliant and witty fic series/collections for infinite. i particularly loved WRATH. hell yeah! for all violent people out there. hahahaha... gluttony was cute, envy was sad, lust was y, pride was fun, and sloth and pride were sooo... woogyu. ^^
I liked all of them, but I loved chapter 4 the most! It was so cute! :D
Chocolato #10