First day at work...T_T

Destiny of Love

"Chorong-ah, wake up~~" eomma's gentle but crazy loud voice called out from downstair.

I reach out my hand for my phone next to my bed, with one sleepy eye open I look at the time.


The company start to work at 9:50, so I got plenty of time to sleep more. Kekekeke~~ just one more hour of sleep would be fine, right?

I threw my phone out again and went back to sleep, continuing my beautiful dream.


 " PARK. CHO. RONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Eomma voice suddenly rang on my ears, the whole place feel like there is an earthquake because of her loud voice.

"Eomma! You're hurting my ears" I sit up from my blanket, while rubbing my still ringing ears. Eomma's voice never fail to wake me up, someday if I got ear problem, she's definitely the cause.

"So you're still alive, I thought you're already dead in your sleep!" she drag me out of my bed. My body, which just woke up, is like water. It naturally fall down to the floor.

Eomma glare at me with invisible fire around her back. She grab my alarm clock and put it in front of my face. She use her two evil fingers to push my eyelids up to let me see the time.

Oh My F#*:ing Gosh, it's already 9:20!!!

"Ahhh" I scream and ran to the restroom.

"Eomma, why didn't you wake me up?" I nag with toothbrush in my mouth.

"Young lady, you should be asking yourself if I had tell you wake up or not. You sleep like a dead woman, I can already see why you are still unemployed until today." Mom said as she walk out the door.

I rush myself to harshly brush my messy bed hair. Then ran to my wardrobe. Aish, there isn't any nice looking work clothes I have left. The only best one was wear by me yesterday at the interview already.

Just forcing my mind to work up, I put on a simple white blouse, which a blue skinny jean, and of course, ended up look like a 90s freak.

I quickly grab my bag, put whatever I need inside it, cold medicine, food, candy like chocolate, rice cake and chips. My phone, earphones, and some lip palm.

No more time to put on any make up, so I'll just gonna leave my pretty face for one day.

I ran down the stair....which of course, fall down on my .

"Owww~" I whine.

Eomma look at me saying nothing but a big sigh and shake her head.

I took an apple with me and ran out the door. Now is already 9:34. The company open at 9: 50, but the distance from home to there is almost 20 minutes...Q_Q


Manager Office

"Being chosen to work in here is an honor for you guys, this company alway require only people who do their work nicely, have manner, and courage." An old man wearing a black suit with a scary face walk back and forth in front of a straight line of new employees.

"We don't want to spend our money on useless employees like lacking of works, never come on time, and being disrespectful to the higher position people." 

The old man stare at each workers face which make all of them get goosebumps. He then took out a folder and open it.

"Now, I'm going to call out names, first person who is late to work will have their first month half of the earnings taken away." He said with an evil look to everyone faces.

"Park Chanyeol"


"Yoon Bomi" 


"Oh Sehun"


"Oh Hayoung"


"Park Chorong"


There were no answer so the old man look up, " Park Chorong!" he call again, but louder.

"First day of work, Park Chorong late, half of earning taken away." He sigh while marking down on the paper.

 Right on that time, I ran to the line while shouting, "HERE!!"

Everyone look at me, include the man. I take second to caught my breathe. "Park Chorong is here" I said as I bow to him.

The man stare at me for awhile, then said,"Still, take half of month earnings away."

I was surprise and mad at the same time," But I came right on time" I said while made an unfair face.

The man didn't even look at me said," You didn't reply me the first time, so it already counted as a late."

I was almost cry, what kind of rule is this? Can't he see that I was running to here, can't he have a heart and try to understand my situation?!!

But I can't do anything but biting my bottom lip silently.

The man finished calling out names and put away his folder, then a bunch of employees come to us and stand in front of each one of us. 

"This is your sunbae, for the next two days they will help guiding you guys around the areas, and tell you what you'll be doing." the man said then slowly turn around and walk away.

I signed of relief and slowly lift my head up to see who is in front of me. Wow, turn out to be a y beauty, perfect s-line and beautiful face. She have a long dyed blond-ish hair, her face we're wearing a small amount of make-up but it look totally beautiful. She arrogantly stand in front of me while looking at her nails.

"Hello, I'm Park Chorong, I'm very happy to work with you in the future, sunbae!" I respectfully bow to the girl.

Turn out that she didn't even look at me," Macie. And I don't want to talk too much so you better listen carefully cause I'm not going to repeat myself." 

Then she quickly walk away with her killer high heel. I immediately follow her. Dammit, what kind of sunbae is this?! Being all sassy and stuff...-_-


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Chapter 7: Update please !!! The story is so gooooodd !!
nurizatie13 #2
Chapter 7: Update soon pls
It's the best story
Waiting for next chapter
Chapter 7: This too funny hahaha .i can't handle this 2nd hand of embarrassment >_< aigoo~ chorong-ah..
Isabella37 #4
Chapter 7: They kissed!!! Chorong is funny!!
Isabella37 #5
Chapter 6: She's cute!!! Sailor Moon!!! Ahaha!! Oh my gosh, Luhan remembered her!!! Update more
nolovenolie #6
Chapter 5: Ah Chorong's character is so adorable ! Looking forward to Luhan and Chorong' interaction:))
Isabella37 #7
Chapter 5: I really don't know what will she do just to hide her from him!! She's really cute!! Update more!!
Nice fic, authornim! Chorong's character is very pretty cute! that President Luhan right?
Chapter 4: It's hard to find a chohan(lurong) fanfic, and when i found your story, it was like... OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how dorky Chorong is, how cool the President is, especially when she said butterfly tea and the President's react, so funny.
Please update soon! I really want to find out who the President is. It's Luhan, isn't?
Isabella37 #10
Chapter 4: Wow, chorong is late!!! I love your update