Everyone has Walls

Thank you very much for the comments and the upvotes. It really means a lot especially this is my baby fic. :)

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Catalina390 #1
Chapter 2: Thank you tooi~ so good
pinkhamsters #2
This was so lovely to read. Thank you <3
Chapter 1: awww~ just so cute of sehun asking jongin about him and taemin despite his crying. this is too good. :)
Chapter 1: This was so well-written! It felt as if I was watching a movie play out before my eyes! I could totally imagine all the steps and the evolution of their relationship! Great job author-nim!
Chapter 1: crap this is tooooooooooo real
jambydsy #6
Chapter 1: This was ....just .... woooooow
Chapter 1: im crying becoz it feel so real asdfghjkl
Chapter 1: I'm not crying . I'm not crying . I AM NOT CRYING . OTL this story seems so real I almost forgot that it's just a fic :'< Whoever you are authornim , thanks for writing this . This is so beautiful . Again , sorry for invading this comment section :'D
CuTAEpie #9
Chapter 1: Awwwwww Sekaaaaaai <3
deeragon93 #10
Chapter 1: Nice story, but just to make sure, did you post this in LJ before?
I think I've read this somewhere ^^