Chapter 1

Dashing Complex

"I'm sorry." Chanyeol said sheepishly to his class adviser.


"You're hopeless. You even managed to fall asleep while standing." The adviser said, still writing while seated at his desk. They were in the teacher's lounge and Chanyeol was called since he always falls asleep in class. He stood next to his teacher's cubicle shyly scratching the back of his neck.




"Did you stay up late last night, or what?"


"Well," Chanyeol looked at the floor. "I was playing online games."


His teacher looked at him and raised one of his eyebrows at him. "A game? Was it that good?"


"Yeah." Chanyeol smiled shamelessly.


"All right then," His teacher began. "You will be punished by attending school tomorrow."


"What?!" Chanyeol looked at his teacher with widened eyes. "But its summer break tomorrow!"


"Not for you." His teacher then got up. "You'll attend compulsory classes tomorrow. Now, you may go. I still have things to do."




Tomorrow was summer break and he was looking forward to it. It is all because Chanyeol grown so tall. No matter what he does, he always stands out. And he has been aware of that fact since who-knows-when. Giving out a final sigh, he started to walk through the exit. From the corner of Chanyeol's eyes, he sees one of his schoolmates trying to reach a box on top of some tall cabinets.


But then again, his height is quite convenient when reaching for high places. Chanyeol walked towards that direction and reached for the box and handed it to the smaller boy.


"Here you go." Chanyeol then smiled down at the other.


"Are you trying to be funny?" The other boy snapped at him, but took the box anyway.


"Yeah." Chanyeol said with a smile.


This is Baekhyun. Even though he's short his name starts with 'baek' meaning 'hundred'.


Baekhyun's lips twitched in annoyance. He passed by Chanyeol not before pushing the taller to the side.


"Move it, you giant! You're in my way!" Baekhyun said being the diva he always is. He walked to one of the teacher's and handed her the box.


"No matter how nice I treat you, you still keep on calling me 'giant'!" Chanyeol pouted.


Baekhyun turned back to cChanyeol and stood in front of the giant. "Oh? How about 'titan'?"


"Shut up, you fry!" Chanyeol talked back.


"What did you say?!" Baekhyun snarled pulling on the sleeves of his uniform. "You're asking for it!"


"Oh yeah? You wanna fight?! Bring it you shrimp!" Chanyeol took hold of Baekhyun's collar.


"Hey 'BaekYeol'!" A teacher called.


"Don't call me that!" Both Chanyeol and Baekhyun snapped at the teacher. The seemed not affected, but amused.


"Stop copying what I say, titan!" Baekhyun tuned to Chanyeol.


"Would you two stop your lover's quarrel? You're in the teacher's lounge for crying out loud."


"Lover's quarrel?!" Chanyeol almost shouted in shock.


"Eh? Aren't the two of you lover's?" The teacher asked innocently.


"We're not!" The duo answered again.




Chanyeol and Baehyun were called BaekYeol of the third year class 2. Besides being a combination of their name, BaekYeol also means something else. "Baek" means "hundred" and "Yeol" means "tenth". BaekYeol = 110th. And BaekYeol is also a name for a comedic singing duo on TV. Well, when they are fighting and bickering, they do look amusing.




After being kicked out of the teacher's lounge, Baekhyun and Chanyeol made their way through the schools corridors to return to their classroom.


"Who would want to be friends with a giant like you, anyway?" Baekhyun said as he tried to walk faster than Chanyeol, which he can't, since Chanyeol has longer legs than him.


"Yah! That's what I said about you, you midget!" Chanyeol sassed back.


"Back at you." Baekhyun said as he stuck his tongue out at Chanyeol.


"Back at you too!"


Baekhyun stopped walking and stood in front of Chanyeol. His hands on his hips and a smirk playing on his ink lips.


"And above all, you were snoring like a cow while standing in line."


Chanyeol bushed in embarrassment. "I do not snore!"


"I could hear you even from the front of the line." Baekhyun chuckled.


Baekhyun then walked ahead and Chanyeol was still rooted to his spot, invisible steam coming out of his nostrils.


"No wonder you don't have a girlfriend Park, or boyfriend." Baekhyun then winked and took off running.


I am so not in a comedian group with that guy! Chanyeol was now pulling on his hair.




Chanyeol stopped pulling his hair and turned around. He saw Luhan and Suho running towards him. He left them in class while he was called to the office.


"Sorry to keep you waiting guys." Chanyeol said.


Luhan waved his hand as to say 'no problem'. "So what happened? What did the teacher say?"


"I have to attend summer classes. Math." Chanyeol sighed.


"Really? Me too!" Luhan exclaimed excitedly.


"I thought only the top students that are studying for exams had to?" Suho asked.


"I had to because my grades were too low." Luhan pouted.


"I had to even though my grades were alright." Chanyeol pouted too. Then both of them looked suspiciously at Suho.


Suho scratched the back of his head. "I also had to study... I... volunteered. Helene."


Chanyeol and Luhan turned around whispered not so quietly to each other.


"Here that Luhan?"


"Hell yeah. Somehow it’s annoying.” Luhan whispered to Chanyeol.


“What do you expect from the top student of the year?" Chanyeol whispered back.


"Yah! It's not that!" Suho fired back.


"We're just kidding Suho-hyung." Chanyeol chuckled as he draped his left arm over Suho's shoulders, while the other on Luhan. 

They continued to walk until they were out of the school building. They talked about how Luhan got scolded by one of the teachers because he didn't wear his uniform during the closing ceremony. Who wears uniform at a closing ceremony? Oh yeah, everyone, except Luhan.

Summer classes will start tomorrow; it will be okay as long as Chanyeol doesn't see any 'shorty' in his class.


"Hey. I heard that they will combine classes. Do you think we'll join a class with cute guys?" Luhan smirked.


"You have a boyfriend Luhan-hyung!" Chanyeol deadpanned. "And yeah, come to think of it, I never had a boyfriend before. So I hope I'll find someone that I'll like."

Unconsciously they stopped at the middle of the pathway, just a few meters away from the exit.

"How about Baekhyun?" Suho suggested smiling a wide smile.

"How could you say that Suho-hyung?!" Chanyeol gasped.

"What? I think you guys suit each other."


Chanyeol scratch his chin as he tried to think. This can't go on. Nope. Nuh-uh. I need to find a boyfriend or girlfriend as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'll always be paired up with that midget.




"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Chanyeol screeched as he saw Baekhyun sitting in a desk. In his class. 

"I'd like to ask you the same thing!"

Chanyeol's eyes widened when he understood.

I forgot that Baekhyun was also an idiot.

"Hey! I heard that!" Baekhyun screamed getting up from his seat. "And you're the one to talk!

"I'm only here because I fell asleep during the closing ceremony!"

"That's not exactly something to brag about!"

"You're not any better!"

"As if snoring is a special skill." Baekhyun scoffed.

The only available seat was beside Baekhyun, who was seated beside his friend, Sehun. But before Chanyeol could make a comeback, they began to hear the whispers of their classmates.

"Is that them?"

"They're the comedian duo of class 2."

"Aren't they entertaining?"

"This is the first time I have seen them."

"Can you please find another seat?" Chanyeol waved Baekhyun off.

"No way am I sitting beside Sehun! You move." Baekhyun retorted as he dashed back to his seat, hugging his desk. In the background you can see Luhan flirting with his boyfriend which is Sehun by the way.

"I was-"

"Hey, hey, hey, BaekYeol." Their teacher, Yunho, came in. "I see you get along better during summer." He said as he sees them sitting beside each other. Summer classes had just started and it's already like this. Yunho sighed.


"It's not like we want to sit beside each other." They both grumbled.


Chanyeol was starting to think that classes will be such a pain, since he's in the same class as Baekhyun, again. Chanyeol's attention was caught by someone entering the room. His jaw nearly dropped at the sight he sees. A tall handsome specimen made his way through the aisle. Chanyeol didn't notice that there was a free seat behind him.


"Excuse me, is this seat taken?" Said the guy.

Chanyeol could feel a blush coming. "Uhh, well, since there no body's there, so…" But the guy has already taken a seat and it was also the perfect time for Baekhyun to interrupt.

"If you sit behind Park, you won't see the board." Baekhyun chuckled.

"Shut up Baekhyun!" Chanyeol snapped and then returned back towards the stranger. "I'm sorry if I'm too tall.

"It's okay. I can see."

That made Chanyeol snapped back facing front. He can feel his cheeks burn. He cupped his cheeks to hide his embarrassment. 

I like him. Maybe it’s the fact that he's taller than me.

"Class 5. Wu, Yifan?" Yunho called. He has been doing the attendance already. And Yifan raised his hand.

So his name is Yifan from class 5.

But what Chanyeol didn't notice is the smirk that was playing on Baekhyun's lips as he watched the two giants' conversation.



After class, Chanyeol was still in a daze, smiling like an idiot and looking at the ceiling. 

"What's wrong with Chanyeol?" Luhan asked Suho.

"I don't know Luhan-hyung." Suho shrugged.

Baekhyun waited for Chanyeol's friends and their other classmates to leave and approached the daydreaming giraffe.

"Hey giraffe, can I talk to you for a sec?" Baekhyun said as he stood in front of Chanyeol's desk.

"What did you say punk?" Chanyeol snapped out of his reverie and towered over Baekhyun.


"Shut up. And don't stand!" Baekhyun snapped.

"Whatever." Chanyeol ignored Baekhyun and started to walk out of the room.

"You like Yifan." Baekhyun said with a smug grin causing Chanyeol to trip. Then in a blink of an eye he was holding Baekhyun's collar.

"How did you know that?!" 

Baekhyun snorted. "Puhlease~ I can tell by just looking at you."

Chanyeol's eyes narrowed. "Are you going to threaten me with money, or something?"

"Of course not. It just so happens that I’m friends with Yifan. Maybe I can get you two together." Baekhyun evilly smiled.

"Eh?! Really?! Alright! What do you want?" Chanyeol beamed at Baekhyun.

Baekhyun smirked. "Suho."



Next day...

"Hey Yifan, do you want to be friends?" Baekhyun smiled at Yifan.



A/N: This is just a trial~! If the story recieves goof feed back then I'll continue. HEHEHE Enjoy.

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hadibyun #1
Chapter 1: Will you continue this?
Chapter 1: Update please! I literally facepalmed at the last part!
Chapter 1: facepalm at the last part
heart4u #4
Chapter 1: lol hwaiting author nim ^^
bibbymilly94 #5
Chapter 1: Don't u dare to hold this up I love this bcoz there's krisho..and baekyeol... Awww pleaseee continue thiss...
Chapter 1: oh wow, I love lovely complex, so this can be sooo goood! :)
Chapter 1: OMG !!!! i loved lovely complex !!!* ^ *
and BaekYeol fit the character of risa and otani so well xD i can imagine them bickering XDD

and authornim please continue its only one chapter and i can already sense the awesomeness ^O^ !!! fighting !! (>o<)/
rockersnull #8
looking forward on this ♡