
6 Months Doesn't Make a Year

"Bang! can I have your iced americano that is in the fridge?

"Himchan, NO."



"YAH-" I recieved a text from Suga, a friend. It said:

From DarkSugar:

"Hey, HImchan...I played truth or dare last night with the boys and J-hope dared me to call Jin,"hyung"..and guess what?

To DarkSugar:


From DarkSugar:

"HE BLUSHED!!! HE TOLD ME HE LIKED THE RING TO IT! ANDTOLDMEITWASSPECIALSINCEIMTHEONLYONEWHODOESNTCALLHIMHYUNG!! I was so happy, becuase he was happy ,he said it feeled great..geez if I'd known that calling him hyung would get me treated to icecream, I would have called him that sooner....anyway, why don't you give it a try on Bang, you're younger and never called him hyung, so maybe he might be happy

To DarkSugar:

Then what if it makes him happy?

From DarkSugar:

Well, he might be relieved of stress and plus you can use it againts him...if you want something from him, do aegyo while pleading and calling him hyung

To DarkSugar:

pshhh..how will that make a difference..

From DarkSugar:

Quit being a baby and give it a try!

To DarkSugar:

Hey!, that was offensive on my part, you forgot our fandom name is 'baby'!

From DarkSugar:

Aishh! just give it a go already!

To DarkSugar:

Fine, fine fine, I'll try it..


"Bang! can i have your iced americano?"

"How many times do i have to tell you?! NO."

"Please Hyung.. *does aegyo*"

"No- wait,,did you just call me hyung?"

"yes..i did..can please have your iced americano, Hyung?"

"UGGHHH! Darn it! Fine! you can have it! you know you should really call me hyung more often"

"well if it makes you happy , I will...thanks for the Iced americano, Hyung!


Himchan dashed to the fridge leaving Yongguk blushing at what he just witnessed.


" I can't believe it worked!

"what worked?"

"oh- Daehyun, I didnt see you there.."

"what worked?" Daehyun repeated the question

"I called Yongguk, Hyung and he gave me what I want...i heard from Suga that it feels good to be called hyung from someone who doesn't usually call you that , I don't know why but, it worked, i got my iced americano!

"oh, good to hear..it feels great?...i wonder how it feels like.."

 Daehyun went away from himchan to wonder of how it feels like to be called hyung

"but himchan and yongguk hyung are older than me...so they can't call me hyung..and Junhong and Jongup already calls me hyung, but they do it all the time...everybody's called me hyung...everyone except.....YOUNGJAE!!"

Youngjae heard Daehyun yell his name so he went out and checked

"Why did you call me?"

"oh great! you're here, good timing!"

"good timing for what?"

"JaeJae-ah..can you call me hyung?

"yes, yeah i will.."



Daehyun pouted 


"but...You're the only dongsaeng who hasn't called me hyung yet.."

"So??.. that doesn't make a reason to why i should call you that, we're basically in the same level and age...and me calling you that just makes me sound that I'm accepting that you're superior..ugghhh *gross shivering* no way.."

"But...so are Yongguk and Himchan hyung, they're in the same age and level..and...Himchan calls Yongguk, hyung now.."

"seriously?....but I'm not Himchan hyung and you're not Yongguk hyung, so yeah... NO."

and thus with a few rambling, Youngjae exited the room feeling proud while leaving Daehyun to sulk in defeat...but Daehyun was Daehyun, and Daehyun is persistant and never gives up

*later that night...in Daehyun's shared room with Youngjae as they were laying on thier bed getting ready for sleep to take over themselves*

"Good night, Youngjae-ah..."

'"Good night Daehyun.."

"Hyung wishes you sweet dreams.."

"Thanks Hyu- wait.... haha nice try Daehyun..No, I'm still not chaniging my mind for that"


Daehyun cursed



* The next morning*

"Youngjae-ah , Today's a freeday... wanna go on a date with your favorite hyung?

Youngjae blushed

"ss-sure, Hyu- haha, not falling for that old trck! but sure..I'd love to go on a date with my favorite Hyu- almost had me there.. I mean, I would love to go out on a date with my favorite BUDDY"



*while walking to an amusement park*

"So what ride do you wanna go into,Jae?

"well, I wanna try the roller coaster..but I'm scared of hights..."

"Oh we'll ride that one then...don't worry, HYUNG is here..and feel free to hug HYUNG on the ride..HYUNG'LLprotect you.."

"okay...thanks Dae"

"don't you mean Dae-hyung?"

"Shut up. NO."


*in the roller coaster that was now heading up, ready for a downfall*

YoungJae's grip on Daehyun's hand got tighter and tighter..

"You do realize, I meant you could hug me and NOT fracture my hand"


"don't you mean 'sorry, hyung'?"

"nice try Dae- *roller coaster runs down*


Youngjae was practically suffocating Daehyun now with the tight hug and all...well Daehyun was too busy sulking for getting rejected again..

When the roller coaster went to the upside-down whirly part . The ride stopped at the point were they were upside-down

"D-Da-ehyunnie...w-what's g-going on?..

"I think..the ride's busted..and why on earth did it had to broke when we're at this very uncomfortable position?!!"

Youngjae was still hugging Daehyun, eyes closed..Daehyun was getting uncomfortable at this point, heck he was like 20 meters high, upside down, and he had his 'bestfriend' hugging him, while crying like there's no tomorrow

"ughh..Jae-ah, could you let go of me?"

"I don't want to! . I'll fall"

Daehyun's eyes softened

"It's okay, Hyung is here. and he'll never let you fall"

Daehyun smirked. maybe this time he could finally get Youngjae to say what he always wanted..

"Hyu- wait almost got me there but, I'm still not saying it.."

"oh.. rabbits on steroids! when'll you finally say it?!"

"when I'm dead.."

"You know, I could push you over, then you'd fall, and be dead..and maybe then You'd finally say it"

Youngjae's eyes widdened and he cried even more..probably all of Daehyuns bones were broken, thanks to the tight embrace he was getting from th latter...okay, despite all the bone crushing and rejecting.. he felt a hundred times guilty to make Youngjae cry even harder, don't forget, he also has a heart you know. He won't do nothing at a situation like this..

I'm sorry Youngjae, I didn't mean to make you cry harder.. I promise when we get out of this f-ing ride, I'll treat you to ice cream"

"That is, if we get out of this ride alive..Daehyunnie..I'm slipping.."

"No, No, No just hold on tight.." 

now Daehyun was the one hugging Youngjae tightly like there's no tomorrow


after sometime, the ride still wasn't fixed yet and Daehyun still had crying Youngjae in his hands (upside-down)..well Daehyun probably looked like he took a bath while wearing his clothes because of Youngjae's never ending tears

"What the hell is taking them so long?! JaeJae are you alright?!"

Daehyun looked over to Youngjae, who didn't respond ..he looked so pale and he wasn't awake...Daehyun had 3 coclusions to what happened to his JaeJae; One, he died. Two, he's unconscious or Three, he's sleeping...

Daehyun panicked , he wasn't moving , and the 3rd coclusion wasn't really all thought through. So in glorious attemp, he shook the latter 

"JaeJae?! Jae! wake up, you can't die here!! I'll be alone and I'm hugging a dead person, plus you still haven't called me hyung yet..Yah! wake up you lazy piece of shi-"

"Daehyunnie?..where are we- what the , Upside down? HOLY SHT-"

"*sigh* You're okay..so you were just sleeping huh?..don't do that again okay? you need to stay awake..I thought you died or something , You almost gave Hyung a heart attack"

"I'm sorry..but Pabo-yah!! didn't it ever occur to you that  I was still breathing? I mean, how couldn't you have notice? We're like 1 centimeter apart..oh wait we're not appart, you're practically hugging me..didn't you notice I was still breathing?!"

"I panicked okay!! what would you do if you were hanging upside down while hugging me and it turns out that i looked so pale and wasnt awake , huh? what would you do?!"

"well let me tell you what the proper thing to do when you're in that situation...first things first, put you're hand over my mouth or nose and see if there's any hot breath, then you'd know if i was breathing or not..."

"But how can I possibly feel your breathing if its like the north pole over here with all the wind brushing in?!"

"well if that doesnt work, check my pulse , from my hand or neck area"

"and remove  MY hand from holding on?! NO. WAY."

"GGahhh, if all that doesn't work , then the easiest, most convenient and possibly comfortable way is, if you move your ear over to my chest, and Hear my Heart beating..if its still beating, I'm alive and if its not then I'm dead ! there, simple as that!"

"Pffftttt...possibly comfortable? hahahaha my jaejae is so cute"

YoungJae blushed



*a few minutes after that*

"I think they fixed the ride"

"Yah think- *roller coaster continues moving down at a fast rate*   YAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH  DAEHYUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!"

"Thats my JaeJae..


*when they got out*

"Geez Jae, look at my shirt !"

"Oh. MY. GOD. I'm so so so sorryy!!! did i really cry that much?!"

"Yeah but.. this probably isnt just tears...probably some drool when you slept. Oh and some Snot too, from all you're crying"

Youngjae was hella embarrased, Daehyun's shirt was all wet and it was all thanks to him..and not only that, he was also very embarrased he had to be so clingy during the whole entire ride, which was like and hour or so...maybe an hour and a half

"I'll make it up to you, I promise!!

"How about you call me hyung ..that'll make us even.."

"Nah, calling you hyung, won't help you escape an incoming cold from your wet chest...let's just get you a new shirt...they do sell shirts too in amusement parks ,ya know?"

"Fine *sigh* and after that, I'll treat you the the ice cream i promised i would after making you cry...hehe sorry about that, Jae-ah.."

"No need to be sorry, Daehyunnie~


*after getting a new shirt....when they arrived in the ice crem shop*

"say ahhhhh~"

"Geezz~ You dont have to treat me like a kid, ya know?"

"I know but, You are my babyJae and a few years from now, You'll be all grown up and won't let hyung feed you anymore..its good to enjoy thing when it's happening , Jae...this won't last forever you know.."

"i know, but i wish it could.."

"really?, then hurry up and open wide, here comes the chew chew train"

"Ohh ,Daebutt"

"can you atleast make it a 'Daebutt-Hyung?"



* after a whole day of fun and adventure (and endless arguing), they decided to go to their last spot before going back to the dorm, at a nearby park..where they could clearly see the sun set*

They could clearly see the other couples as well. They were all holding hands..and Daehyun didn't want to be left out, so without hesitation, he hel Youngjae's hand gently, yet the latter did not complain

"it's beautiful isn't it?" 

"yeah..I wanna say Thank you.."

"For what?

"For putting up with me...it feels like, you were the one i was loooking for, my whole life...You understand me ..do mischief with me...help others with me...sing with me...protect me...even if it meant being in an upside-down roller coaster for an hour and a half...you still embrace and never let go of me....I'm just really thankful i met you atleast...but i don't think i can find any way in returning the favor to you"

" What are you talking about ?, You've done all that I could ask for..well there is one thing,.That i want, but you still haven't done.."


"call me hyung"

Youngjae never took his eyes of the setting sun..instead he just gently smiled at Daehyun's suggestion but never answered...

"c'mon, lets get going...It's gunna get cold soon.."



*in their shared room*

"Jae. Jae. Jae.. "

Daehyun kept poking YoungJae's cheeks


"c'mon, Jae..call me hyung"



"Daehyun, no.

"But, I'm a year older than you..."

Youngjae stood up from their bed and got to the door

"I'm gunna use the bathroom"

Then the door closed

Daehyun hanged his head low..

"He's never gunna call me hyung..I'll just give up now I guess..."

But then the door opened

"Thanks for today, Daehyunnie~ and for the record...6 month's doesn't make a year, Hyung"

The door closed again

Daehyun couldn't sleep.











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Chapter 2: Oh..nice one
Chapter 2: when i read the description..i immediately recognized that i have already read this in the past but to refresh my memory..i read it again and i was laughing the whole time..this ones great. ^^
Jiminssi-Tae #3
Chapter 2: This story was interesting lol
Chapter 2: OTP!!!!!! I keep having to take a break from daejae because it's really unhealthy the amount of love I have for this ship but this was soooo cute and adorkable and omg being stuck upside on a roller coaster is so scary and I would have freaked out just like Youngjae lol
Zeloorr96 #6
Chapter 2: This is so funny. Esp at the roller coaster part HAAHAHAHHAHHAHAH I JUST CANT IMAGINW THEIR POSITIONS hahaha. And ofc its so freakin cute. But i cant understand that "Thanks for today, Daehyunnie~ and for the record...6 month's doesn't make a year, Hyung" ;___; thank u anyways <3
Chapter 2: Hahahahhahaha cuteeeeee
KeyboardHero #8
Chapter 2: The story so cute ( ´ ω ` )
already done ^^