After Party 3

Tale of The Hearts

Juggling two full plates in both hands, Sunny try to pop a smile. Confirmed that her smile is sweet enough to conceal the disappointment she's going through, she walks back to the counter all ready to act natural. Getting closer to the bakery's corner, she pauses and takes a deep breath. Feeling strong enough she strides forward confidently with a loud cheery question. "Ready for dinner everybody?"


"Sweet Sunny bunny!" Sooyoung already jump off the stool to rush towards Sunny. "Truffle macaroni and cheese!" swooping the plate from Sunny's left hand, Sooyoung exclaim in sheer joy.


"Know you'd love it," Sunny is all smile watching the excited girl.


"You're a baker honey, not a juggler," taking two more plates placed steadily on Sunny's right hand Tiffany chides the girl adoringly. "You could've called one of us to help,"


"Since I'm already there," Sunny pops a sweet smile for Tiffany.


"Alright," Tiffany feels no need to prolong the bicker as she reciprocates Sunny's smile. "Let's eat,"


With everyone picking their favorite dish, Sunny grab a chicken pot pie before taking a seat beside Taeyeon. "It really smells good," referring to the pie in her hand she smiles to the older girl.


Taeyeon simply smiles back. Oblivious of the concerned stare behind the simple smile, Sunny starts digging into her food until Sooyoung question manage to stop her from stuffing herself by force. "Sunny bunny, is vanilla ice cream included in your list of dessert?"


"Choi Sooyoung, that still isn't enough for your dessert?" pointing to the cherries chocolate pudding in the girl's hand, Sunny shakes her head dramatically.


"Oh Sunkyu, you know me better than that - Sooyoung smile sheepishly "Besides, this chocolate pudding will taste way better with a scoop of vanilla ice cream,"


"Alright, alright," Sunny backs down. "I'm pretty sure my brilliant boys do serve a scoop or two vanilla ice creams at the buffet table,"


"Sweet!" Sooyoung is already dreamy walking away to the buffet table when Yoona chimes in "Unnie, you could really just cut out the brilliant part though," hint of jealousy apparent in her complaint.


"Oh Yoong," Sunny stifle a gentle laugh. "You're much more brilliant than they'll ever be to me pumpkin,"


Satisfied with the answer, Yoona grins automatically. Looking at how simple the younger girl could be, Sunny breaks into a sincere smile but the smile disappear as fast as it came when Junsu returns to her mind. She was about to start stuffing herself again when she's being handed a glass of water. She turns to her right watching Taeyeon smiling "I think you've eat enough,"


Faking a promising confuse expression, she receives the glass from Taeyeon. "What is that suppose to mean?"


Taeyeon smile does not fade as she said fondly. "You're not okay,"


Placing the half empty glass back on the counter, Sunny laugh gently. "Oh Taenggoo, why wouldn't I be? I'm perfectly fine,"


"Really?" Taeyeon expression doesn't change. Still soft and welcoming, comforting even but the confidence in her hunch does not waver.


Watching Taeyeon, Sunny finally heaves a sigh. "You're too good at this you know?"


Smiling, Taeyeon deny the claim. "I'm not too good at anything Sunkyu, I'm just being a friend,"


"A very good friend," this time Sunny knows her smiles is real though bitter.


"So…" Taeyeon search for Sunny eyes. "About our Juhyun.."


Sunny just nod. She knows well enough what Taeyeon means. "Can't blame him though," Sunny pops another bitter smile. "Our Seobaby is too perfect to resist,"


"Said the girl who have all the high school boys running wild for her number," Taeyeon tease.


At Taeyeon jest, Sunny burst into weak laughter. "Taeng, that was ages ago,"


"Doesn't mean it doesn't count," Taeyeon wink playfully.


Sunny breaks into a faint smile at her friend's spontaneous response. This is why they called Taeyeon their own version of morphine. No matter how severe the pain is this fair, petite girl always has her way of mending their heartbreak. She always has.


"GOD! Seobaby!" the deep conversation between both Sunny and Taeyeon got halted in the middle when Yoona panic cry echoes out of nowhere.


"What's wrong Yoong?" Yuri asks. Surprise and worry mixed into one.


"We have dinner without her," Yoona expression showed evident guilt.


"No worry little deer," Hyoyeon pats Yoona's shoulder to arrest her guilty conscience. "Seobaby is already on her way here, I've text her 5 minutes ago,"


"Thank you unnie," Yoona sigh in relief.


"No biggie," Hyoyeon smile in returns.


After the sudden shock is successfully amended, Taeyeon take a glance at the girl sitting beside her. Having to face Seohyun after Junsu's involuntary confession unconsciously makes Sunny starts fiddling with her fingers. She's obviously not ready.


Grabbing an empty plate on the counter, Taeyeon filled it with some truffle macaroni and cheese, hunkleberry macaroons, and cherries chocolate pudding before sliding it over to Sunny. "You should go and take this to Sica,"


Sunny looks up to Taeyeon when she starts biting her lip to hold back tears. "I'm sorry Taenggoo. I know I'm being selfish,"


Taking Sunny's hand into hers, Taeyeon offer her friend some solace. "You're not being selfish, you're just being honest with your feeling,". Taeyeon pause as she looks into Sunny's eyes. "And you know what? That is more than alright,"


"Thanks Taeng, I really owe you one," Sunny smile thankfully to the older girl.


"You really do," Taeyeon playful nature is back as she handed the full plate over to Sunny. "Now go,"


Received the handed plate, Sunny made her way to the kitchen, but after a few steps away she turns back to look at Taeyeon. That girl is still looking out for her. "I love you," she mouthed silently.


Still fixed on her preceding seat, Taeyeon nods with a small smile. "I know," and that's when Sunny finally turns back around and disappear to the second floor.




"Coming for ice cream?" right after Sooyoung reached him, Doojoon doesn't waste a second to ask. Being Sunny's business partner for 8 years, he knows her all too well.


"One big scoop please," smiling ear to ear, Sooyoung just nods eagerly.


With a chuckle, Doojoon scoop a massive amount of vanilla ice cream before lightly tossing it onto Sooyoung's plate of chocolate pudding. Watching the tall girl devour her improvised dessert Doojoon shake his head in marvel. "I'm amazed you could stay this skinny considering the baggage of food you eat every day,"


"Well, let just say my body loves me. I keep stuffing but it ain't expanding, lucky me," Sooyoung replies with a proud wink.


Witnessing the girl incredible confidence, Doojoon smile broaden. "You look happy tonight. I assume you are enjoying the party,"


"Indeed I am," Sooyoung agree right away. "Talking about enjoying, why aren't you? Come on Doojoon oppa, you're the second big boss, you shouldn't be here serving ice cream,"


"Why shouldn't I?" Doojoon refute. "Watching all those happy faces enjoying my food, that is my way of enjoying the party,"


"GOD, Doojoon oppa, you're such a kitchen nerd," Sooyoung said dramatically.


"GOD, Choi Sooyoung, you're such a glutton," it doesn't take half a second for Doojoon to throw back the tease before they start laughing together.


Pass over their playful banter, Sooyoung leisurely asks. "Where's Chansung? I didn't see him anywhere tonight,"


At Sooyoung question Doojoon smile spread spontaneously. These two and their crushes. "He's just over there at the cocktail table," Doojoon pointed to the table in the middle of the floor.


Turning her head to the pointed direction Sooyoung feels a pang of jealousy. "What's with all the girls?" watching the mass of girls hanging around the serving table Sooyoung mutter discontentedly.


"Thanks to Sica, he's an instant star tonight," Doojoon carefully analyzing the girl reaction before he continues mischievously "Especially with the girls,"


"Pssh," Sooyoung scorn automatically. "If I don't teach him to walk he'd be a total disaster anyway,"


"Wow! Somebody sounds jealous," Doojoon is totally amused.


"Me? Jealous?" Sooyoung eyes widen. "Hah, I've better things to do,"


Doojoon is in the middle of enjoying the girl's antic when Chansung appear out of nowhere. "Hi Sooyoung! I bring you cocktail," without a clue, Chansung is full of smile handing the cocktail to the girl.


"Oh thank you," Sooyoung sound extremely sweet for a moment until she continues coldly "But I prefer making my own cocktail," and she stomps to the kitchen.


Being left in such a manner Chansung looks over to Doojoon. "Making her own cocktail?" he asks quizzically. "She didn’t even know how to make her own sandwich,"


Doojoon finally laugh out loud. "You better go and check before she blows the kitchen away,"


Puzzled with the whole situation, Chansung just follows Doojoon advice and head to the kitchen. He was just entering the kitchen area when he sees Sooyoung rummaging through the alcohol cabinet. "Do you need help?"


Successfully pulling out a bottle of Vodka, Sooyoung reply spitefully "I don't need your help. And you know what? Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be outside entertaining all those girls with your newfound charm?"


"Entertaining? I'm not entertai…" Chansung words is stopped short when he finally realizes something. He looks over to the pouting girl before he doubtfully asks. "Sooyoung, are you jealous?"


"Jealous?" Sooyoung fake a chuckle. "No I'm not. Why would I be? You're just hanging out aren't you? Besides, they are all pretty, of course you'll be charmed, and…"


"Choi Sooyoung," Sooyoung ramble is cut short when Chansung spoke out honestly. "Yes they're pretty but you'll always be the prettiest for me,"


Dumbfounded, Sooyoung stand still. "Really?"


"Yes," watching the dumb stricken girl Chansung take his chance to ask again. "So, you're jealous aren't you?"


"Of course I am," her words comes faster than her mind when Chansung finally laugh. Contented. "So you do like me,"


"No, I'm not," Sooyoung blood rush to her cheeks.


"Really? You don't?" Chansung asks mischievously.


"Well. Maybe. A little,"


Chansung laugh again. "Are you sure?"


Watching the amusement on Chansung face Sooyoung finally give in. "Fine, I do like you. A lo.." Sooyoung involuntary confession left hanging when Chansung pull her in for a sudden kiss.


"I know," Chansung breathe when he pulls away. "You like me a lot. So do I,"


Recovered from the sudden kiss, Sooyoung eyes glint playfully. "That was nice, I didn't know you're such a good kisser,"


In split second, Chansung timid self is back when he quickly avoid. "We should start making you cocktail,"


"Ok," Sooyoung pretend to comply but when Chansung turn around she sweeps in for a second kiss and watching Chansung freeze, Sooyoung laugh heartily. At the kitchen door, it's a different story altogether as Doojoon smile spring wide, satisfied witnessing the two heart finally comes together.




Finally! A new chapter! It's been almost a year if I'm not mistaken, and I'm truly and truthfully sorry for the long wait. I'm thankful for all of your unending support and I hope you all can forgive me for being such a bad writer to all of you who continue to love my story. Since today is Christmas, I present this new chapter as a gift to all of you especially to those celebrating. Hope you all have a happy holiday! Merry Christmas!


p/s : to multiwitztons of thanks for always cheering me on, I really appreciate your effort^^ Love ya!

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Chapter 3: #throwback lol :) this story deserve so much more love and appreciation
HeRShEly #2
Chapter 31: Authornim! I hope you haven't forgotten about this story:/
HeRShEly #3
Chapter 31: Authornim! Pls update sometimee:))
multiwitz #4
and still waiting...
multiwitz #5
Chapter 31: just wanted you to know that i'm still waiting.
Chapter 31: Kyaaaa!!! Chansoo couple confession I love it... That so sweet^^ lots of couples here r my biases especially taecyoon kyaaaa... I love them so much as for seobaby I prefer yonghwa or kyuhyun oppa's and for yuri unnie nichkhun oppa that will be good... But it's okay author nim hope u update soon author nim jeongmal kamsamnida hwaiting!!! by the way ur fanfic is daebbak!!! The best of the best... Kasamnida ^^ annyeong!! ^_^ >_< •_~
multiwitz #7
still waiting...
Chapter 31: I really like your story!!! More wootae plz :D !! Keep up the good work!
multiwitz #9
Chapter 31: thanks for the nice christmas presents !!!
hope you have a nice holiday !!
parkjaebum211 #10
Chapter 31: Update update !!! can't wait for jaysica interactions~ :))