Seek A Light

Fine Line

"You have a meeting at 2 and another conference call at 4," Luhan stood over me as I sprawled on top of my chair. My leg was hooked over the arm rest of the swivel chair and my arm was hanging over the side as I spun around and looked at Luhan with my head hanging off the other arm rest.
"I've been to nonstop meetings all day!" I whined, pushing my leg off the wall again and sending the chair into another rotation. "Can't you just cancel the rest of them and let me sleep or eat or something other than sit in a room and listen to things that I don't freakin' understand?"
"Yeah, and why don't I also just run the company to the ground and make us go completely bankrupt at the same time?" he responded, his voice dripping with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes, feeling his hand slip under my back and pushing me forward, forcing me to sit up. I slumped against the back of the seat, full on pouting by this point.

"But I haven't even had time to eat! You know I love food more than I love people sometimes," I huffed out, feeling the empty feeling in my stomach overtake my entire abdomen area. "Like I honestly feel like my stomach is gonna eat itself if I don't put something in there soon."
"You can eat after you're done everything," Luhan tipped the chair forward, making me slip out of it and onto the ground. "You can't quit when you're almost there _______________. Don't you wanna finish what you promised Mark?"

I picked myself up from the ground and patted down my pencil skirt, "Since when do you care about what I promised Mark? Wait no, scratch that. Since when do you care about Mark in general?"
Luhan's shoulders moved up and down in a shrug as a quiet sigh escaped his lips, "I figured I might as well try to maybe get along with the guy since he's due to be back any day now."
I nudged his side with my elbow, "Don't pretend like you haven't been counting. You're nervous he's gonna take your spot aren't you?"

His face fell into a serious expression as he started to move towards the door but he didn't say anything.
"I'm gonna take that as a yes then," I grabbed my bag off my desk and ran to catch up with him. He was speed walking at this point, which meant that I was basically jogging beside him.
"You can take it anyway you want. You're the CEO after all."

His hand reached out to press the down button on the elevator but I put my body inbetween his hand and the wall before he could touch it. "Hey, I never asked to be the CEO first of all, and second of all, he's not gonna take your spot."
"You make it sound like being the CEO is a bad thing," Luhan stepped back, crossing his arms in front of him. His usual sassy pose.
"Well let's see. I'm stuck in meetings all day long, listening to stuff I really don't understand. I was in college to be a doctor and all of a sudden I'm thrown into the business and finance world. Of course I'm gonna make it sound like a bad thing considering I really don't wanna be the CEO. But I'm holding out for Mark and to correct the mistakes my grandpa made. Which is why I'm so grateful to have you here, so no one's gonna take your spot ok? Calm down."

"I swear, everything's cause of that guy," he mumbled under his breath. I stepped closer to him, trying to throw him as much shade as possible without looking constipated.
"My grandpa basically destroyed his family. The least I can do is help fix things."
"Yeah, but he almost destroyed you."
"He so did not!"
"Ok, he helped your crazy dad almost destroy you out of revenge. Then he ditches you and goes traveling around the world by himself and you're still doing this for him. What part of this makes sense?"
"I'm not doing this just for him," I huffed out, pressing the down button and turning around. "The company needs a fresh start after my grandpa died. I figured now would be the best time to change things and give the stolen money back to the people he took it from. But I did promise Mark that I would change this company for the better by the time he got back from his trip."

The elevator doors dinged open and we stepped in. Luhan reached over and pressed the ground floor button.
"His so called 'self-reflection, soul-searching' trip," he said, his voice laced with sarcasm and his fingers making quotes in the air. I nudged him in the side again, hard enough for him to jump backwards. "Ok fine! I'll shut up!"
I chuckled before the doors dinged opened again, letting in the noise from the lobby. We walked out together past the front reception desk and out the doors, where the car was parked by the curb, waiting for us.
"Ms. ________________," the driver bowed at the sight of me, hurrying to the side door closest to me and opening it. I forced a small smile at him and nodded even thought I hated it when people did stuff like that. Holding open doors, bowing, talking super formally to me....all of that just wasn't me. And this world wasn't one that I was interested in. I was just here to make things right.

"________________, you coming? We're gonna be late if you keep spacing out at the door," Luhan called from the other side of the car. I nodded, snapping myself out of the trance I didn't even know I was in then quickly rushed to the opened door and slid in.
"What were you even staring at?" he asked, clicking on his seat belt. I shook my head, buckling my own.
"Nothing. I was spaced out. Don't really know why."
"Maybe you do need some food in you."
"Gee, you think?" I literally tried to sound as sassy and sarcastic as possible in those three words that came out of my mouth. Not sure if it worked or not, but either way, this kid better feed me before I pass out in middle of this next meeting.

Luhan sighed, picking himself out of his seat a little and straining his neck to reach the driver, "Stop at the next restaurant you see."
In that moment, I swore I heard angels singing in my head.
I would've thrown a mini party in the back of this car if I could, but Luhan would judge me so hard, so instead I silently prayed that the next restaurant would be a KFC. My craving for fried chicken was seriously calling my name.

"I'm gonna go get you the food cause you take forever at these places," Luhan said, his body already halfway out of the car. I looked up, not even realizing that we were already parked in front a KFC.
Today is definitely my lucky day.
"Stay in the car! Don't you dare try to run away from this meeting," he yelled back at me as he shut the door and started walking towards the restaurant. I scowled at his back then sank back into my seat. Like I was gonna run away when there was food on the way.
"The kid didn't even ask me what I want," I sighed, opening the door on my side and stepping out, trying my best to run to catch up to him in my heels.

I have no idea why I even thought running in heels was even gonna be the least bit ok. By the fourth step, my feet were already protesting. I stopped, stumbling my way along until my ankle decided to give out. I braced myself to hit the ground and the embarassment to come with it, but all I felt was a pair of strong arms stop my fall and lift me back up.

"Thanks," I smiled, letting out an airy laugh as I looked down and straightened out my blazer and skirt.
"You never were good at wearing heels," the owner of the arms replied, making my mouth drop open and my entire body freeze up. 

That deep voice. That slight accent.
No way. I knew he was coming back soon but I didn't know it was this soon.

"Mark?" I looked up and saw his face staring back down at me, his big brown eyes swimming with 20 different emotions all at once.

Author's Note
chapter title: Seek A Light-Happiness [x]
if you guys couldn't tell, i've been kinda obsessed lately with LDH artists xD LDH is an entertainment company that manages J-Pop groups and i kid you not, they are some of the best J-Pop groups out there. i've had E-Girls, Generations, EXILE TRIBE, Happiness, and Flower songs on replay for the past month lol
i totally recommend all of them.

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sorry about the wait everyone! the term is ending for me so things are getting super busy with school and interviews. i'll try to update soon! :D


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Chapter 56: Major life adjustment!
Its wondrrful story..i wonder why only 18 peoples votes on it though.

It really amazed me how u arranged the plot and mysteries...and the reasons of everything behind me make me suprised somehow.

Initially i thought she gonna turn into werewolf or something when she turn 21...kakakka

Silly me, wasn't
Angelz0715 #3
Chapter 56: Amazing story and all these emotions ㅠㅠ
shaneLRB #4
Chapter 2: I'm already loving this authornim
Chapter 56: OMG! I read this story in one day and it's daebak!! Great job authornim!! I love Mark Tuan!♡♡♡
Chapter 56: I absolutely love doesn't go along with the regular typical prompts and I am glad it didn't. Thank you for writing such an amazing story. I would love to read more mark fanfics. Thank you.
penielhyunsik #7
you know what so special about this fanfic... all of them are my bias *oohhhyeay* lalalala~
Chapter 56: NOPE. IT'S NOT ENDING RIGHT? AUTHORNIM, YOU'RE JUST TROLLING US RIGHT? I MEAN APRIL FOOLS DAY IS TILL FAR AWAY. HA-HA-HA. It could not be ending. ㅠ. It's too beautiful to be ended. ♥ i love this story so muuuuuuch. ♥
Chapter 56: Wah ! IT was Beautiful!!
Thank you authornim.
I really enjoyed it!
Fighting authornim!
70V3LY #10
Chapter 56: *TEARS* this was beautiful. Every part, every chapter. THANK YOU! <3