Tell me

Hojoon was strolling past the living room, when he spotted the leader and a certain vocal stealing glances at each other from across the room.

"Just sit with him for goodness sake." he rolled his eyes at the look Sehyuk was giving him.

"Shut up." the leader mumbled, but none the less moved to sit ontop beside Sangdo. He quickly looked back at the two before going into his room, and found them staring intensely at eachother.

'They were always weird together.' he shrugged and plopped down onto his bunk, pulling out his phone to check on the fan messages.



Sehyuk shifted uncomfortably under the younger's fierce gaze, 'Aish, why did Hojoon have to make things so awkward.' the leader thought, secretly murdering the other in his head.

On the other hand, Sangdo was contemplating whether this was the right timing or not.

Then, he suddenly remembered the other member's advice.

"You've had so many chances before, don't blow it next time!"

"He's too naive for a leader, can he not see you staring at him as if you're going to gobble him up?"

Although some of their 'advice' weren't particulary the best, Sangdo mentally patted himself on the back, this is it, now or never.


"N-Neh?" stuttered, feeling slightly flustered when hearing his voice, when did his voice drop so low?

"What do you think of me?"

A moment of silence passed before Sehyuk' face started to burn for some unknown reason.

'Park Sehyuk! Get it together, why are you suddenly so hot?'

Despite the chaos inside his head, he managed to crock out a small, "W-What?"

"I said, what do you think about me?"

Once again it was silence that greeted him, "Hyung, are you blushing?" he snickered at the sight of his embarrased leader.

"W-WHAT?" Sehyuk screamed, jumping up from his spot, eyes wide as ever..

"Calm down hyung, I was only joking with you." Sangdo grabbed ahold of his wrist and pulled him down again, causing the unaware leader to lose his balance and fall, landing perfectly ontop of the younger's lap. Taking this precious opportunity, he wrapped his arms securely around his waist, leaning in to whisper against his ear.

"Hyung, I like you."

He didn't know what had gotten into him but he was no longer shy or afraid. Maybe it was because he thought he had waited too long for this, or maybe it was because he was finally able to confess his feelings after years, starting from trainees to now.

As expected, no response was heard and he could physically feel the elder tense under his arms.

"I-I like you too, you're a good dongseang." the other replied nervously, looking around the room, hoping to find another member that could save him from this situation. And so often he wonders, where can 11 grown man disappear to? Not to mention, his heart was beating so frantically and loudly, he wondered if Sangdo could hear it.

Sangdo sighed and reached forward to turn the other around, of course he had expected the other to consider it as a hyung and dongseung kind of relationship, but he was now going to prove him wrong.

"Ani, hyung, I like you this way."

Without hesitation, Sangdo leaned in and placed a chaste kiss on the leader's lips, completely making Sehyuk sick. (Good or bad, we don't know.) Sangdo slowly closed his eyes and placed his palm onto the other's hot cheeks, caressing them slowly. He wasn't expecting the other to respond, but he poured out five years of endurence, all to him. Hopelessly moving his lips against frozen ones, after feeling unsuccessful, he pulled away and opened his eyes again. There the leader sat, completely in daze, lips turning pale, his whole face turning pale with it. Seeing how unresponsive the other was, scared Sangdo, at least a slap on the cheek or a scolding could make him feel better. Sighing again, Sangdo attempted to wave his hand infront of the other's eyes, by the fourth wave something clicked in Sehyuk's eyes, and that's when his brain began to function again.

Jumping off the other's lap his eyes were darting around in panic, his heart was speeding faster and faster as he hovered his hand over his mouth, as if he was trying to hide it. His breathing was uneven and he burried his hand into his locks, hoping this was all a hulicination, but when he turned to look at Sangdo, he knew this was no dream.

The expression Sangdo had one was unknown, or maybe Sehyuk hasn't been paying attention over the years.

"I-I'm sor-" Sangdo tried to apologize, seeing how panicked Sehyuk was, definitely told him, maybe you should'nt have done it.

But Sehyuk cut him off before he even finished his two second sentance.

"AAK!" he screamed, making Sangdo jump in his seat.

"Oh no, w-what- no- I. What if- this can not- wha-" he began, only getting cut of shortly after.


The first thing Sangdo could think of was to kiss him, hoping it would calm him down just a little. (Or maybe after kissing the leader for the first time, his lips were smaller and softer then it actually looked like. He may or may not have developed an addiction to his lips.) At least he wasn't rejecting him or pushing him away. At last he pulled away reluctently when he felt the elder was literally trembling underneath him.

'Did I really scare him this much? I knew he wasn't gay! I'm so stupid!' Sangdo thought sadly as he continued watching the other panic.

The second kiss  had honestly caught Sehyuk by surprise (not that the first one wasn't). But he couldn't help but notice how the younger's lips were sweet and soft, perfect lips to be kissed by. Shaking his head frantically after he realized what he had thought, 'No, No No!' he thought.

He felt uncomfortable and scared when he stood there, and the first thing he thought, was to run.

But we all know running away from our problems only makes it slightly - tinsy bit worst.


After a few moments, Sangdo was alone in the living room, determination fuming inside of him,

'After so many years, and I get rejected. I'm not going to let this happen! I'll show him we can make it, I'll show him I'm worth the try.'

"Why the long face honey bunch." Yoocheol asked as he entered the dorm, kicking off his shoes in the process. Sangdo looked up and pouted, "I confessed."

"Then why did-" Yocheol turned around looking into the hall and remembered how he ran into the leader in the halls, remembering how the other didn't even say 'hello'. But now he realises, turning back towards Sangdo. "What are you going to do about it?" he asked, knowing the other always had something up his sleeves.

"What else can I do? Confess to him again but intead of kissing him maybe-"


Sangdo leaped forward and slapped his hand over the camel's face, "Care to say it any louder?"

"Sorry. But honestly, y-you kissed him?"


"Did he respond?"



Sangdo sighed and nodded in agreement.

"I know."

A long silent moment followed after, before Sangdo finally broke it.

"I screwed up didn't I?"



"Xero oppa! Sarahaeyo!" a fan screamed. Although Jiho couldn't see which fan had screamed that, he briefly looked up and made a heart with his hands.

"Nado! Saranghae!" he screamed, making the crowd of girls scream. Chuckling to himself he turned beside him and smiled at Hojoon who was staring out into the crowd.

"Hyung," he started, startling the elder.

"You love me too right?" he spoke into the mike, turning thier once private conversation, to public.


"You love me too right...?" he repeated, not forgetting to use his famous aegyo as he leaned closer towards Hojoon.

Hearing the fans chant, 'YES!' he muttered a faint , "Yea." if it wasn't for the still silence of the room, his answer would've gone unnoticed.

"Aw, hyung's so shy!" Jiho exclaimed before turning back to the fans, starting a new conversation.

"Stupid Jiho." Hojoon sneered under his breath, fanning himself, hoping it would stop his face from going any redder.








"JUST ANSWER HIM! GOD DAMN IT!" Hyunho yelled, before plugging in his headphones.

"Hojoonie hyung!" Jiho cooed again, plopping down beside the other, examining what he was doing.

"Neh?" the other replied absent mindly, continuing to stroll down the fancafe.

"Why are you always looking at the fan messages? Do you love them more then me?" he joked, hoping the other would respond more actively.

But all he got was a short, "Aniyo."

He pouted but decided to read the fan messages as well. His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier but one message immedietly caught his attention.

"Saranghae Hojoon Oppa!" he whispered.

Hojoon turned to him and started in disbelief, "W-What did you just say?"

'Well that got his attention' Jiho thought.

"I was just reading the fan's message." Jiho giggled before pointing at the screen.




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Meep21 #1
Chapter 3: Please update!!! This is so good omg
Ceciheart15 #2
Chapter 3: Love 5 he story , please update
J-hopearmy #3
wow!! it's great!!! keep writing
WushuMochi #4
reallaica95 #5
Chapter 3: Huhuhu. Update soon. It so effin' perfect. Hojoon and Jiho. Arrgh. Plus ByungJoo and Hansol. Can't wait to read the next chapter.
Chapter 3: Jiho and hojoon.....
Galaxy_30 #7
Chapter 3: OMG Jiho and Hojoon reeeeeeeeally need to get together like. It's seriously bugging me how they haven't.

Poor Hojoon does like everything in the house pretty much. Always treating other members and what not.

Jiho just pin Hojoon on a wall and kiss him!! Like SERIOUSLY!!!!!
2ne1cbdm #8
Chapter 2: +more Kissing scenes please... ... ...(^_^)☆
2ne1cbdm #9
Chapter 2: !!!!!!!!more!!!!!!!
Even though I'm not a that big shipper I loved the part with Sangdo and Sehyuk!!( ^ω^ )
Aaaaand: as a hardcore Hanjoo shipper I want to know how this part if the fiction goes on... (=^ェ^=)
Really great work!!
Chapter 2: Oh my g! P-goon and Sangdo >//<!!
Their story is so cute! You go Sangdo! Show him!
Nakta all for his Hyung's love~

And Xero persistently teasing Hojoon. No question Seogoong is annoyed XD, he's funny like that :)).

A lot of love interest in one story :D, and I like each of them! I'll be rooting for the two Dragons ^//^♡!!