
Various Jihyo's one-shots stories


{   Cupcake Stealer   }

by blacksodadrink_



   Ding Dong Ding Ding Dong Ding Dong 

Myungsoo the poor doorbell as he wait (im)patiently for his neighbour. He keep on pressing the doorbell with his typical pokerface plastered on his face. 20 more seconds of pressing and Myungsoo can already hear Jiyoo's cursing words inside of the house. "I'm coming!"

The doorknob twisted and the white wooden door open slowly, revealing a grumpy Jiyoo. "Oh, hi Myungsoo," she force a smile which is obviously fake with a very scary tone but Myungsoo shrug it off because he's just being himself. Not caring about people's feelings, yup, typical him. "Jihyo is in her room, getting ready now." Jiyoo yawn after speaks. Myungsoo nod.

"I know."

Jiyoo roll her eyes on the younger's coldness. She make a face. "Such an ice prince." she state in which Myungsoo chuckle lightly. "Just like always, make yourself home." Jiyoo open the door wide and step to the side, letting Myungsoo enter the cozy house.

"K." Myungsoo replied shortly and dash up to upstair which is where Jihyo's bedroom is located at. He open the door without even knocking, bringing Jihyo(who is combing her nest like hair) to shock that she almost got a heart attack (not really).

"The heck Myungsoo?" Jihyo throw the nearest pillow to Myungsoo. He raise his hands and catch the pillow. "What?" He ask, trying to act innocent. Jihyo roll her eyes.

"You can't just burst into a girl's room! What if I was changing my clothes?" Jihyo nag. Myungsoo keep his pokerface straight.

"Oh. You're a girl?" 

Another pillow was thrown to Myungsoo's direction. "Ha. Ha. Very funny Myung." Jihyo roll her eyes again and continue to comb her hair. Myungsoo look around Jihyo's room and chuckle. "Typical Jihyo." He says, gaining the said girl's attention.

"What?" Jihyo ask confusely at the sudden statement from Myungsoo as she put her comb on the table in front of her mirror. She blink.

"This," Myungsoo point his index finger around the (very messy) room, "is why I don't believe that you're actually a girl. This room looks like it has been raided by some big typhoon or something." Myungsoo state as he sit on Jihyo's untidied bed. Jihyo snort. "Whateves." 




"Hey, why are you eating your sister's cupcake without her permission?" Myungsoo ask, raising his eyebrow at Jihyo who is trying to quietly take 5 pieces of cupcake from the plate. Jihyo widen her eyes and smack Myungsoo on his head, "yah! Lower your voice, what if Jiyoo-unnie heard you!" Jihyo scold and put the cupcakes on a container.

"Why? What if she heard me?" 

"She's gonna get mad at me." Jihyo hissed, "you know how much angry she is when someone touch her things and knowing her attitude, I know she will not gonna give me any cupcakes. Taking it without permission is the easiest way." Jihyo blaber,putting the container in her bag.

"That's stealing," Myungsoo says and fix his colar, "you know that stealing can get you in the jail, right?" he continues making Jihyo roll her eyes for the umpteenth time. "It's only cupcake Myungsoo, beside, it's my sister's cupcake." 

"Still, it's stealing." 

Jihyo make a face, "I know how much you dream to be a policeman but this cupcake is just a food okay? From my very own sister. Now can we move before Jiyoo-unnie sees me taking her cupca-" before Jihyo can continue her word, someone, which is Jiyoo cut her word. "YAH! SONG JIHYO! ARE YOU STEALING MY CUPCAKES AGAIN?! YOU PUNK!" Jiyoo yell from  upstair. Jihyo gasp and pull Myungsoo to get out of the house.

"Let's go Myungsoo, Jiyoo-unnie is gonna kill us!"





"Wow, Myung just, wow. You are going to be a policemen in just a few years." Jihyo sip her bubble tea and look at the boring Myungsoo. They are currently sitting in a cafe, drinking bubble tea. "Yeah." he answer shortly. "After 3 more years of training, I am going to be an official police man." He state, Jihyo clap her hand and squel. "Lucky you! Your dream is coming true." 

Myungsoo smile, and Jihyo's heart is melting secretly. "So, have you found your real dream aside of having thousands of cupcake around you?" 

"Uhm, no." Jihyo shake her head and her lips. "Why?"

Myungsoo chuckle, "How are you going to keep your living then?" 

"Stealing cupcakes, I guess." Another chuckle left Myungsoo's mouth. 

"Childish girl."

Just then, Jihyo seems like she saw a very interesting something as she glued her wide eyes to something beside their table, Myungsoo turn his head and saw; a colorful cupcakes, lots of them. Myungsoo sigh.

"You're not going to steal that right?" He ask.

"But," Jihyo gulp and blink, taking one won't hurt right?" Jihyo said and stand up, looking everywhere in the cafe to make sure that nobody is looking at her before snatching one of the cupcakes and sit back fast. She grin. "This look delicious!" 

Myungsoo widen her eyes, "you did not just do that." he said, speechless by how brave the troublesome girl is. "Do what? Jihyo play innocent.

"You just stole a piece of cupcake!" He says, a little bit loud. Jihyo then quickly cover Myungsoo's lips with her hand. "Yaish! I told you to keep your voice slow you idiot!" She hiss, looking at the wide eyes Myungsoo. She then sit back and sip her buble tea before slowly biting the heavenly cupcake.

"You're a cupcake robber." 

"Am not!"





"Ahh, my tummy is full." Jihyo pat her stomach and grin. "Thanks for the foods and the drink Myung-ah." She grin. Myungsoo chuckle. "Yeah whatever."

"Well, I'll get inside now. See you tommorow." Jihyo wave, before she can enter her house, Myungsoo grab her hand and a sad face is plastered on his usual pokerface.

"Why?" Jihyo ask at the sudden change of Myungsoo's attitude.

"Actually, we can't meet each other tommorow." Myungsoo says and look down. Jihyo stand still, "w-what? Why?" 

"I have a tranining tommorow,  at the United States."

Jihyo widen her eyes. "H-how long?"

"3 years." Myungsoo look up and saw Jihyo face saddening. 

"Oh." She fake a cough. "So, we're not going to meet for 3 years?" She ask, a glint of tears forming in her eyes. Myungsoo's heart clench at the sight. He nod. Jihyo let out another "oh." Silent took over them for a few second before Jihyo break the ice. "That's.... a long time." She blink, trying to hold back her tears. "So, good bye?" 

Myungsoo let Jihyo's wrist go, "uhm, yeah. Good bye." He said and slowly turn around. 

"Myungsoo?" Jihyo call out once again. Myungsoo turn his head at her direction and ask a simple "yeah?"

"T-take care." 

Myungsoo nod, he turn back to Jihyo and walk toward her. "Jihyo, I pologize for the next action I am going to take on you." He says, still walking to her in slow pace. Jihyo raise a bow. "Do what?" 

"This." Is the last word Myungsoo says as he lean to Jihyo, pecking her lips for a good 2 second before pulling back and give the biggest smile he has ever give to Jihyo. Jihyo's heart skip a beat, but deep down in her heart, she is crying as she look Myungsoo turning around to enter his house.
"3 years." She says one more time.

"I don't know what can I do for the rest of 3 years without you."






3 years later


3 years has past in a very slow pace (according to Jihyo). Feeling emptier as ever, she take a look at her phone, it's been 3 years Myungsoo didn't update anything on any of his SNS account. It's also been 3 years he has been in Jihyo's mind, especially during the 'goodbye kiss'. It haunted Jihyo every single day. But knowing that it is just a friendly kiss, Jihyo feel dissapointed. 

Myungsoo didn't tell her when he'll come back to Seoul, what date, what time, he only told her than he's going back in 3 years. Basically it's been 3 years and Myungsoo is still out of reach. 

Jihyo sigh. "Why are you always in my mind?" 

Jihyo didn't really did much for the rest of years without Myungsoo, just doing her job to annow Jiyoo and stealing cupcakes from her neighbourhood, her own sister, her grandparent (when she visit them back at Ilsan) and even at bakery. Her stealing habit has become more serious now, she's starting to steal from shops. But having Jiyoo around makes her thankful as she's the one who always go and pay for the cupcakes then apologize for Jihyo's doing. Though sometimes, no scratch that, always have been Jiyoo scold her, but she still loves her unnie.



On one fine day, Jihyo decide to go and take a drink at Myungsoo's favorite cafe. She ordered the same thing from 3 years ago and take a sit at the same table. Unexpected enough though, the same colorful cupcakes are placed beside the table, she widen her eyes. The urge to steal them are big, and being the sneaky Jihyo, she quickly take one piece, not realizing that someone saw her and take a bite.

"Damn, taste heavenly as ever-"

"Song Jihyo." A voice interup her. Jihyo snap her head at the direction and widen her eyes again. There, the person who called her, are the one and only Myungsoo. He looks taller than before, his shoulder looks wider and his hairstyle has changed. Most importantly, he's in his police uniform, looking a thousand times hotter than the past years. 'He is officially a policeman now.' Jihyo thought.

"M-myungsoo?" She gasp. 

"You are under arrest for stealing and giving drugs." Myungsoo says with a straight face, not a single smile. Jihyo's knees tremble. Not forget to mention that Myungsoo also look scarier. It's as if he never know Jihyo as the cold eyes stare down at Jihyo. 

"U-uhm, M-myungsoo, y-you know t-that t-this is just a c-cupcake right and holy kimchi I never give anyone drug! "Jihyo stutter, she's afraid that Myungsoo is really going to throw her to the jail. Before, Jihyo will joke about this but now, she feels like Myungsoo is being real about breaking the law. And drug? Heck Jihyo never even touch any drug, where the does Myungsoo got the information from?

"You're still breaking my law." He says coldly.

"B-but, I promise to pay it later, please d-don't let me go inside a jail! And I swear I never gave anyone drug, just please." Jihyo panic in the verge of crying, oblivious to the fact the Myungsoo said my law instead of the law.

"Paying is not enough for what you've done to me." 

Jihyo froze, "W-what are you... t-talking a-about?" 

"Song Jihyo, I repeat that you are under arrested for stealing my heart and giving me drug with your kiss that makes me think about you non stop for years in the United States." Myungsoo says, a smirk finally appear on those playful face. Jihyo is speechless at the statement. Myungsoo then let out a soft laugh. "Yah, you should really take a look at your face, it's funny." He said and pat Jihyo's head. 

"Long time no see, Hyo." Jihyo's heart skip a beat at the nickname Myungsoo had created. She is still frozen on what Myungsoo said before. 

"I... steal your heart?" She says in a whisper tone, still loud enough for Myungsoo to hear. He nod and smile. "yes, idiot." I keep on thinking about you for the rest of-"

Before he can finish his words, Jihyo throw herself at him and hug him as tight as she can. A tear drop on her cheek. "I miss you!" 

Myungsoo laugh again, "I miss you too Jihy-"

"And I love you." 

That word left Myungsoo in shock. Jihyo back away from the hug. She smile. "You steal my heart too, you idiot. So I guess we're both under arrest?" She grin. Myungsoo stare at her and smile before leaning closer to her and kiss her for the second time. But this time, it's full of love and happiness as butterfly roam deep inside of both of their stomach.




Hi guys! Blacksodadrink_ here, a lame update for you guys. LOL this is like the lamest story I've ever write. What is this lol.
this was request by 2 people (or more) before, forgive me for the mistakes, this is un edit so yeah. I'm writing this fast because my homeowrk is waitinggggg T.T
Hope you guys enjoy!!! 

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Ivanbaby #1
Jihyoxleedongwook plzzz
pujciastuti #2
Chapter 23: Great story, thank u for your update
LilaPandas #3
Chapter 21: Yayyy. I love JiHyo x Idol stories
Chapter 23: they starting to get attracted toward each other.. so sweet.. love it.. thank you for the update =)
Foreverminho #5
Chapter 21: This like one of cf...the boy was poor..and he was hungry..nobody help him., so he steal the food from the store and got caught..but the owner, didn't report to police instead he give the boy food and water..the son of the kind uncle didn't get it why his father help him..after years..the uncle have serious sick and got hospitalized.. Like fate, the doctor that treat him was the poor boy he had help before..same like this story..he pay for the bill for the uncle bcs he can't afford it..so the moral values is we should help each other in sincere.
Chapter 21: Thanks for the update :) This was a sweet chapter, though I was hoping that Jihyo and Suho would see each other at the end. I was smiling throughout the chapter, I really love it. Keep up the good work!
dinnikim2310 #7
Chapter 21: i love the moral you put in your story
Chapter 21: Happy to see you again
Do you know much I love all ur fics?
By the way if you can do office theme for ji hyo unnie please like misaeng
I Dont know if you have watched that drama
Thanks and I appreciate it
Chapter 21: thank you for the update authornim.. i feel like crying right now :'(