1 - Prologue

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Chapter 1

A sudden spark from the lightning illuminated the gloomy streets of Seoul and was later on followed by the resonating thunder clap that startled all the drunken inhabitants of the city. The rain which mercilessly poured around the city was accompanied by the cold breeze of the wind. Despite the cruel rage of the nature, people continued their merrymaking as if they have no time left to do it the next time. Couples sharing their intimate moment at hotels, at motels, at their own home, but some shamelessly displayed their supposedly private interaction at the empty alleys of the city. ual desires are normal for majority of the population at this time of the year; not minding who they did it with as long as they get a very good time every night they are out.

Christmas season is fast approaching but it turned out to be the season of endless festivities to many, totally forgetting its essence and purpose. However, there are still few who still remember how to spend the holiday in a rightful manner, without having their mundane state of mind interfere. Families with younger children were content being locked up in the comfort of their homes, doing indoor activities that would ease them from boredom; simple things that every children were able to do with their family every Christmas season.

Slowly, the rainfall poured harder which could possibly flood the city. There wasn’t any typhoon coming but for some reason the downpour was too much, seemingly identifying with a certain young woman’s mood. Darker and thicker clouds loomed over the city, an impending thunderstorm was about to fall, but Shin Hyojin doesn’t seem to care about it. For her, getting sick won’t be a big deal anymore, getting hurt won’t be painful at all and even getting killed would be favorable to her. She despised the world for its cruelty. She doesn’t want to be near anyone anymore. As much as possible, she wanted to be the most miserable person in the world because of what happened earlier that day. What happened to her? No one knows except her.

Hyojin was not a crazy person. But that’s a false fact, not long after the most horrible event happened to her and her family. Grasping her hands firmly around the chains of the swing at an empty playground, she swung herself by pushing her feet away from the muddled ground, her eyes that was filled with misery focused at the sky – the sky which she assumed trying to sympathize with her situation.

She was wearing a tattered elegant blue dress, an expensive locket wrapped around her neck and a pair of beautiful earrings dangling on both of her ears. Who would think that this girl is crazy? She would be more likely mistaken to be a rich girl harassed by some maniac at the city. But her appearance doesn’t explain what she went through; an incident no one would ever want to experience.

Looking over the city lights with a suppressed smile, Hyojin attempted to ponder on the beautiful memory she had in her uneventful life. She would laugh at the juvenile and ridiculous moments, sob at the sad moments and groan at the unpleasant moments she encountered in the years of her existence. One could easily judge her based on how she acts, even if they don’t know what she went through.

Just when she was about to leave the place, a seemingly drunk guy caught her attention, making her gasp a little loudly in surprise. How could she not notice someone approach her place? The guy had his eyes closed while resting his head against the chains of the swing beside Hyojin’s. He looked as if he was working at a high class company in spite of his youthful appearance.

For a moment, the intended quick glance turned to a long stare and Hyojin hadn’t even noticed it until that certain male spoke, his eyes kept closed.

“Yah! Quit staring!” He yelled in an accusing manner before groaning as he trudged towards the slide to take a seat at the edge of it, all while muttering curses under his breath. He lay down on the area where children slide down.

Meanwhile, Hyojin was left wide eyed, not being able to process what happened. First, there was a guy who suddenly appeared beside her. Then, that guy shouted at her without any warning. How disrespectful, Hyojin thought.

“Leave.” The lad muttered softly, as if asking a favor from a friend. However, Hyojin wasn’t able to get it since his voice was too soft for her to understand. Seconds passed but she stayed rooted on her spot, sending him an apathetic stare.

“I said LEAVE! Are you deaf?!?!!” He bawled impatiently and stood from his place. He infuriately marched towards her, returning the hard stare she’s giving.

“Excuse me?!” Hyojin scoffed, shaking her head in disbelief. “Who are you to order me around? For you information, I came here before you. So I have the right to tell you to leave instead.” She retorted before finally standing up from the swing, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Well, I don’t care. Just. Leave. Me. Alone.” He said, emphasizing the last sentence hoping that she’ll follow. But he was disappointed when she replied, which really agitated him. 

“No. You leave me alone.” She crossed her arms over her chest arrogantly and sat on the bench near the street with a leg placed over the other.

He blew a raspberry and took another step closer to her. “Can’t you understand a simple sentence? This is my place. I want to be alone so leave.” He tried to contain his anger but the crazy girl just doesn’t seem to care.

Hyojin shrugged. “Whatever. I won’t leave. I came here first. Find another place where you can be alone.”

“Damn!” He walked towards her and trapped her within his arms after pulling her up, leaning her against the light post a little harshly. Hyojin instinctively closed her eyes in anticipation of the blow she might get from him, but nothing came. He just sighed as he leaned his forehead on her shoulder and surprising her with his next words. “Sorry….Did I scare you?”

The man let go of her and sat on the bench where she was seated few seconds ago. “Alright then…If you want to stay here, then at least be quiet.” Hyojin let out a breath which she’d been holding and creased her eyebrows, confused with how the man’s mood quickly changed. Bipolar? Aiish! She complained in her mind, not caring to give him a reply.

Hesitantly, she sat a feet away from him, being cautious with what he might do next. She looked at her bruised wrist she got from him and without her knowing tears started streaming on her cheek when she reminisce the obnoxious scene she witnessed earlier that day. Her heart breaks every time it crosses her mind. Each time, she blames herself for being so weak and helpless. Every time, all she wanted was to end her life. Was that how her family felt during that time? …or was it worse?

During that time, she cried terribly, the first time she cried sincerely since the tragic event happened. She was too preoccupied of her own thoughts that she forgot that there was a guy seated beside her, staring at her in disbelief. Only moments ago, she appeared as a tough girl who can’t ever cry, but seeing her breakdown like that made him think that she might be going through something difficult right now.

He honestly wanted to scold her at first, but seeing how she cried she pushed the thought away. He has never come across such situation so he was uncertain with what he should do with her. Should he leave her alone and let her cry? Should he comfort her by telling her encouraging words? Should he apologize once again for it seems like he’s the reason why the girl was crying? He let out a heavy sigh and decided to do anything he could to make her stop.

Hyojin wanted to calm herself down but for some reason she can’t because whenever she closes her eyes, she see flash backs and she hated it. She was about to let out another batch of tears when a hand suddenly held hers, even intertwined his fingers with her. For a second, she stopped sobbing and merely stared at the guy she fought with earlier. What the hell is he doing?!

“Will you please stop crying? You look ugly.” Though he intended to express it nicely, but he said it other way. He scolded himself in his mind for it.

“Ah…alright. Sorry for not being able to keep myself silent. Maybe I should really leave you alone.” Hyojin wiped her tears and made an effort to stand up, feeling awful for being weak in front of a stranger. She was suddenly pulled back to sit by him and she mentally facepalmed when she forgot that he was holding her trembling hand.

“Just stay. I don’t mind.” He told her in the gentlest way he could, afraid to scare her and make her cry again. “Tell me. What are you sobbing about? You’re not crazy, are you?” He gave her a very judgmental look that made her really uncomfortable but she did her best n

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yuu_sama #1
Chapter 1: Hello, author-nim? ^^ Finally I got the right time to read your fanfic~ and wow, I can say that this is so beautifully written. I'm not an english native speaker, and thank you, your story has taught me and given me more and more new vocabularies to expand my list of english words.
Seriously, I was so fascinated by your writing style~ it's just wow... I think I can't even describe how impacting your writing ability to me~ but that motivates me too! I really want to be a brilliant author like you~! <3
And about the story... I'm very curious about what happened to Hyojin. I mean, you already explained what happened to her parents, but I hope I can understand her emotions soon. Taehyung - Hyojin - Myungsoo... I think they're all tied by the same string of fate, arent they? The missing patient Myungsoo was looking for was found in his own home in the end! BAMMM... I can already guess it, but why was I still surprised, hahaha XD
There are still many things that left me wondering. Why did Taehyung look depressed when he first met Hyojin? He must have had his own problem before he argued with her about the swing, the bench, and the others. And the situation was a bit ironic since Taehyung had a brother who was a psychiatrist, but he still can get a mental problem. Arrggh~ what was actually happening to my Taehyungie? And about Myungsoo... I can "sense" that Myungsoo was concerned about Hyojin more than a doctor to his patient. He was frustrated... like a hopeless lover, wasn't he?
Ooohhh~ I'm gonna wait for your next chapter, author! ^^
Don't stop writing, because this is awesome!
yuu_sama #2
Author-nim, I can't wait to read this story until I get the right time! ^^
Woaah, I was skimming through your story... and immediately falling in love with your writing style!
That's really beyond daebak and I can't explain how excited I am to find this story!
I know this is going to be awesome! :)
Hwaiting, author-nim!