Love At First Sight (baekhyun one-shot)

Love At First Sight (baekhyun)

It was one of those rainy nights that I met Byun Baekhyun. And yes, he is the Byun Baekhyun from the famous EXO. But not back then when I first met him. I met him by the side of the road crying like there was no tomorrow. I walked up to him and asked if he was ok, even though I knew that it was rude to go up to strangers and talk to them randomly.  “hey, you ok?” I asked. He sat there not moving like he didn’t hear me so I tapped his shoulder to get his attention. “ Yah, I asked you if you were alright!” I yelled. He finally raised his head up and looked at me. There was tears in his eyes and he looked so sad. I couldn’t help it but to just hug him to make him feel better. He pulled back and stared at me for awhile and I did too. After a couple of minutes, he broke off the stare and asked me something. “Why did you do that?” I stared at him and said “I don’t know. I felt like I had to hug you.” I stared at his eyes and fell deeply in love with him. Now I understand what people mean by LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. I broke up the stare and stood up. I held out my hand to help him up. He took my hand and stood up. I put my hands on his face and wiped his falling tears. He looked at me shocked at what I did and grabbed my hand from his face. “Why are you being so nice to me even though we are strangers?” he asked me. I didn’t answer him because I know that the only answer that I can give him was ‘BECAUSE I LOVE YOU’. “It doesn’t matter.” I answered. “” I held out my hand for a hand shake. He looked at my hand and then at me. He smile and said “Baekhyun nice to meet you.” I smiled back at him. I love his smile and hoped that I will get to see it a lot more. He looked down at his feet and I noticed that he is crying again. “Yah…I’ll buy you bubble tea so stop crying. I like it better when you smile.” I said to him. And I blushed a little just hoping that I might not see it. He raised his head up and smiled at me excitedly. I took his hand and ran to the nearest café.


I bought him bubble tea and myself coffee. I looked at him happily and asked him “Why were you crying earlier?” He looked at me then away. A tear slide down his cheeks and his smile turned to a frown. “Umm…I’m very sorry for asking. If you don’t want to tell me then you don’t have to tell me.” I said panickingly. “It’s ok…I’ll tell you” he said. “Umm, no it’s ok. You don’t have to…” he cut me off “but I want to” I looked at him and he continued. “It’s…it’s just that the girl that I really like rejected me.” I kept on staring at him and then gave him a small smile. “It’s ok…there will be a girl out there that is meant to be with you and love you.” I said. He looked at me and smiled a little. “I hope so.” He said sadly.


We walked out of the café and was about to go our separate ways. I bowed to him and said goodbye. I was about to leave, when he suddenly grabbed my arm and asked me my number.  Turned around and said agreed. I took out my phone and handed my phone to him and he handed me his. I typed in my number and gave his phone back to him. Then we went our separate ways. That’s how we met.


(after the above)

 My phone ranged and it was Baekhyun. I picked up my phone and talked to him. “Hey…ummm…do you…umm…want to go out to get some lunch later?” he asked me. “YES” I said excitedly. “okay, meet me by the park that we were at yesterday at 12 o’clock.” He said. “okay, see you later” I said. After I hung up I jumped everywhere screaming like crazy. I ran to the bathroom and got ready. I wore a simple t-shirt and blue jeans because the news said that it was going to be sunny. I looked at my phone for the time and it was already 11:30. “OMG, I’m gonna be late!” I ran out the door and to the park which is only 2 minutes away from my apartment. I looked at the time again and it was only 11:32. I ran to the playground to check if the swings were wet because of yesterdays rain. I was surprised that it wasn’t so I sat on the swing. After a couple of minutes, someone came behind me and hugged me. I turned around and it was baekhyun. I wiggled out of his hug and stood up with shock. “Baekhyun…you scared me. I almost had a heart attack!” I yelled out of shock. He walked to me and hugged me. “I’m sorry _______ that I scared you but I have things more important to tell you.” He said softly. He pulled back and looked at me for a while. He then kissed me. My eyes widened and I kissed him back. Baekhyun pulled back and said “Remember the first time we met, you said that there is a girl out there that is meant to be with me and love me? Well I think that I found her.” I smiled and said “Well…that’s great” I felt heartbroken just listening to his words that he found the one. “so whos that lucky girl” I asked. “I brought her along so close your eyes.” He answered. I closed my eyes. Baekhyun suddenly pressed his lips against mine. My eyes widened and my mind went blank. He pulled back and said “I now understand what people mean by LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. When I first met you, I fell in love with you. I love you and your kindness that you gave me. When I need someone to talk to, you were there,  I would always be with you. I could never keep you out of my mind and whenever I look at you, my heart starts racing fast. And I always knew that you were the one that was meant for me.” He pulled out a bouquet of roses and said “________, will you be my girlfriend?” I blushed and tears started dripping down my cheeks. “I love you too. I loved you since the day that I met you. And yes I would love to be your girlfriend.” I said smiling like a freak. I grabbed the bouquet and Baekhyun kissed me again.


                                                                                                ~THE END~

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