Date Two

Date Two - Logan

Pacing outside of the movie theater, Logan checked his watch for the hundredth time in just three minutes. Sliding his hands into his pockets, he kicked a stray rock between his toes, just trying to pass the time until you met him in front of the movie theater for your second date.

Pulling out his phone, he wanted to make sure that he didn’t miss any messages or call from you. Yet seeing nothing made him more anxious. Letting out a deep breath, he tried to calm his racing heart before he turned his head and saw you walking up the sidewalk.

Cute light jeans hugged your legs with some rips on the knee and thighs, your mocha colored boots riding just below your knee and your white scoop neck long sleeved shirt, with the sleeves pulled over the elbows and a tastefully long necklace to go with it, you were dressed to impress.

"Hey Logan~" You sang while waving to him, walking over to you he was dressed in a dark green collared shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his jeans hugging his thighs and black high tops, a black tie tied around his neck.

"Hey, _______. You look like you are ready for a magical movie date" He smiled and rested his hand on your back.

"I am ready only if perfectly popped popcorn is included" You teased

"Of course, no date would be perfect without the perfectly popped popcorn" He giggled and opened the door for you into the movie theater.

Walking over to one of the touch screen computers, he entered his information and paid for the tickets before the two tickets printed off into his hand. Smiling at you, he turned around and held the two tickets while the two of you headed over to the lady that ripped your tickets.

Handing you back the stubs, you smiled as you started to head over to the correct theater.

"Where are you going, _______?" Logan chuckled as he stood there and looked at you a little puzzled.

"Aren’t we going to the movie first?" You pointed over your shoulder in the direction of the theater.

"Not without our popcorn" He smiled and started to walk over to the concession counter.

"I was just kidding" You trotted over beside him as his eyes looked over the menu.

"But I was serious. Besides, what is a movie without the popcorn" He smiled and ordered and extra large popcorn bowl to share between the two of you, grabbing your drinks, you both started to head to the theater.

Shuffling through the doors, the dim lights made it hard to see until your eyes adjusted. Climbing the stairs, you found your row and seat as you sat in the comfy leather and Logan took his seat next to you.

"You chose really great spots" You told him with a smile

"Thank you, I thought you might like them" He smiled, sipping on his drink while he adjusted the reclining seats to make it perfect.

"H-How did you do that?" You questioned, watching the footrest come out and his seat lean back.

"Oh it is easy, it is just a little button on the side of your armrest" He leans over and shows you where it is. "This makes it lean back and this up, then this one don’t touch because it will make you go into the upright position automatically" He chuckles as he shows you.

However, little did he know that your heart was beating so quickly from him leaning over you just to show you the controls. Nodding your head, indicating that you were understanding him, he sat back in his seat and munched on some popcorn while you adjusted your seat and got comfy.

The commercials before the movie kept on repeating, so you two just made small talk until the house lights started to dim. With the movie starting, he moved the popcorn bowl between the two of you.

"I hope you like the movie" Logan whispered to you as you saw the beginning of the movie before the title showed onto the big screen.

"I can’t wait to watch it." You said honestly.

As the movie started to progress, you started to munching on the popcorn, your hand brushing against Logan’s as your eyes met with his twinkling ones, pulling his hand out, he let you go first before he grabbed some of his own. Wanting to have seen this movie for a while now, you were intrigued by it, it was so unpredictable and suspenseful that you were enjoying the twists and turns in the plot.

Logan however was watching you most of the time, watching the light from the movie bounce off of your beautiful face, rounding your full cheeks and off of your beautiful hair that framed your face. Glancing down at your hand, slightly gripping the armrest between the two of you.

Something unexpected popped out and both of you jumped, his hand going into the popcorn bowl and you hiding your eyes until the next scene.

Turning his attention to the movie, he decided to try again and hold your hand. This time he watched you closely, his hand gently slid over yours. Bringing your lip between your teeth you tried to hold back your bright smile. Twisting your hand into his, you smiled and glanced over at him, leaning over towards you.

"Is this okay?" He whispered next to your ear. Nodding your head, you looked over at him with the smile that you were trying to hide.

Moving your eyes back to the movie, you started to lean closer and closer to Logan, with your shoulder gently touching his, you eased your head down on his shoulder carefully. Looking down at you, he brushed his thumb over yours with a smile on his face.

Once the movie was over and the two of you watched all of the credits to see if there was any extras at the very end of the movie. Grabbing your things, the two of you stood up and walked out of the theater, tossing your paper cups and empty popcorn bowl in the trash, the two of you continued to hold hands as both of you made your way outside.

The warm sun welcomed you outside as a gentle breeze kept you cool while the sun started to dip behind the buildings. Casting large shadows the two of you stood outside the theater right where you both had met up a few hours before.

"Thank you for the movie, today was really fun. I haven’t been in a movie theater for a while" You blushed looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

"You are welcome, thank you for coming with me, I had a fun time with you" Logan smiled. "I can walk you to your car if you would like me to."

"That would be great" You smiled and began walking in the direction of where you parked your car.

Talking about the movie on the walk, both of you found yourself laughing harder and louder than you could remember. Unlocking your car, you tried to catch your breath as you opened the door.

"Thank you once again, Logan" You glazed up at him while your hand gently squeezed his.

"You are welcome, can I call you maybe tomorrow so we can set up another date?" Logan inquired

"I’d like that" You beamed, his handsome smile pulling back and his white teeth shining at you.

Bringing one of his hands up, he cupped your cheek gently while he leaned in and kissed your cheek gently.

"Have a safe drive home" He wished you as he pulled away and looked back into your eyes.

"I will. Talk to you later" You slid behind the wheel as Logan shut your door and waved to you as you pulled out of the lot.

Spinning around on his heels, he started to already plan for your third date as he walked back to his car. Knowing that something special was happening between the two of you gave him butterflies as he couldn’t wait to tell s about the amazing girl that he fell head over heels for. You.

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Chapter 1: I haven't been in a movie theatre for a while too.. it's been 6 months and I rarely go there..
anyways the story was really cuute and anyone could have the really same scenario you've written.. so sweet <3

I don't know who's this guy but it's my first time to read a story for non-Asian.. that was unexpected here? Did u write for others who're not Asians?
I cant believe you like btr too omg i thought im the only one who like them around here :'))) this story is so good thankyou for making it <3
Chapter 1: I like the plot :) good work! ;) ♡
nabi_devi #5
Chapter 1: ahh Logan!! <3