; Prologue

I'll protect you

Even though suicide thoughts speak their ways into Kyungsoo’s mind, it really doesn’t bother him. With all the constant bullying he has been receiving, it doesn’t really affect him either. It’s strange. He’s always been constantly told, “Do what makes you happy.” When he’s already depressed.
                “Crap.” Kyungsoo whispered when the gang of bullies came up again. “Hello Kyungsoo. Do you have my lunch money today?” The gang leader asked, with a little smirk crawling up his face.  Kyungsoo started to panic slightly. He didn’t bring his money today; he thought it would be better to starve to death for today.  “Sorry. I didn’t bring it.” He mumbled slightly. The leader scoffed. He asked him to repeat it. “I didn’t bring it today!” Kyungsoo yelled. They all started to laugh. The leader held Kyungsoo up with his collar and pinned him to a wall.
                He already started punching Kyungsoo in the jaw. He just stood there, getting injured just. Like. That. Kyungsoo started wincing due to all the heavy punches. The leader let go of his collar and dropped him on the floor. “Kick him.” He said to his gang, and they started kicking him hardly near the groin area and his legs. Jongin started walking by to see Kyungsoo being injured. He didn’t know who he was but, he was willing to help.
                Jongin went up to one of the gang members and punched him. He started beating all of them up heavily. They started to have bloody mouths on first contact. Jongin fought and fought until all of them fell unconscious.
                Kyungsoo started to go faint, he felt like as if he was drunk and was about to pass out. His vision went blurry, and before he passed out, he saw a glimpse of Jongin’s face.  “Thank you.” Kyungsoo whispered, and then it all instantly went black.


                3:00pm. that was what Kyungsoo saw on the clock when he woke up. He found himself laid down in someone’s bed covered in bruises. He saw a box filled with Band-Aids and ointments at the bottom of his feet.  He looked around to see where he was. He looked over at the frame on the nightstand. It showed Jongin and with his family. “So, this is his room.”  It looked so plain, so simple.  Most of the things he had were black and white.
                When Kyungsoo was going to get up, Jongin entered the room to check up on him. “Hey, you’re awake. I couldn’t leave you all alone on the ground, so I carried you to my home. Stay right there, I’m going to put some ointment on your bruises.” Jongin took the little box of Band-Aids and ointments and opened them. He took some ointment and put it on his jaw. Kyungsoo winced a bit, but otherwise he didn’t mind. Jongin did that to all the bruises on his body and added Band-Aids on them as well.
                “Why would you help me? A pathetic person like me doesn’t need help from someone like you.” Jongin stood there like a statue. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t even know why he helped. Jongin kept thinking. He wanted to think of something simple but, he lacked something.  “I-“Jongin just kept stuttering. He seemed speechless. “I- It’s- wait. It’s just that you had something, something that made you stand out. You seemed. Special.” 

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