Part 14

Hidden in Vision

'Jung Yeon’s elementary school'

The last time Woohyun had visited Jung Yeon’s elementary school, was when the Principal made a call late last year,
to his clinic to inquire assistance for their security’s guard dog who wasn’t feeling well.
Since the school was only a few minutes’ walk away from his clinic, Woohyun had agree to take a short trip down.
Upon arriving at the school, a woman greeted him and introduced herself as Principal Lee. She then guided Woohyun to their break room, where the guard dog was.
After a quick check-up and examination on the dog, Woohyun prescribed a few medicine and handed them to the Principal.
From the way she cares for the dog, Woohyun could tell the students in this school were in good hands.

Woohyun didn’t want to charge her any consultation fees since it was just a minor issue,
and he was already over the moon at the fact that the Principal of this school took notice of the existence of his tiny little clinic at the corner of the main street.
In exchange, Principal Lee had offered to treat Woohyun for dinner together with his son, who was waiting for her at the entrance,
but he politely rejected it since he felt that he would be interrupting her family time.

At that time, Woohyun did not pay much attention to her son but he did casually took a glimpse at his nametag when he passed by him while exiting the school gate.
However after his last day as a medical student at the hospital, Woohyun has connected the dots and figured that the other kid with Myungsoo, was actually Principal Lee’s son.

Also, ever since that day he had check on the school’s dog, Woohyun has also offered to volunteer to do free check-ups for the rest of the animals that they have in the back garden of the school, every once a month. In his most recent visit, after he had graduated, Woohyun heard from one of the cafeteria staff that recently the Principal has been bringing another boy along with his son for the other volunteer events at the school, and immediately, he knew exactly who that person was.

Even though Woohyun doesn’t work the hospital anymore, every now and then during his free time, he would still visit Sunggyu at his ward to check on this conditions,
and also to help officer Hoya keep an eye out for anybody suspicious lurking near Sunggyu’s ward.
Every time Woohyun visited, he noticed the amount of flowers and get-well soon cards gradually gets lesser and lesser.

Life goes on as usual for the rest of the world.

In a blink of an eye, Woohyun had stood by Sunggyu for 6 years.

Until the day, Sunggyu woke up.








*Beep beep*

*Beep beep*

“Hey… can you switch that off.”
With his eyes still closed, a hoarse voice escaped his lips as he buried his head under the pillow to muffle the sound.

The beeping continued on, and gets louder and louder as with every passing minute.

*Beep beep*

“Woohyun-ssi, please turn that off…”

The only sound resonating the room was the sharp beeps going off on the nightstand on the other side of the round bed.
Sunggyu groggily moved the pillow away from his head while his other hand reached towards the back.

“Woohyu-” Hmm?

His hand landed on the cold sheets behind him.

Slowly turning his body, his hand continued to venture until he reached the edge of the bed.
No one. Woohyun wasn’t with him.
Sunggyu lied flat on his back and grinned sheepishly at that same ceiling fan that was above him.
He can’t believe that so much has happened since the first time he landed in this exact same spot.
A flush of heat gathered on his cheeks, Sunggyu can’t help but let out a squeal as he covered this face with both hands.
The images of Woohyun last night clouded up his thoughts and for a moment, he had forgotten that the clock was still beeping.

Oh right.

*Beep beep*

Pushing himself up, he leaned to his right towards the nightstand, and pressed the button on the back of the desk clock.
As he turned the clock around to check the time, he noticed a sticky note pasted on the front of it.


‘Don’t leave yet. Out to get breakfast for you.’

              σ( ̄(●●) ̄)


Aish this man drew a pig on it, is that supposed to be me?

Sunggyu scoffed at that thought, but at the same time he couldn’t help but noticed that the handwriting looks familiar. Where have he seen them before?
Just then, he scanned over to the table opposite the bed. The previous time he was here, he recalled seeing that one light blue envelope with tree drawings,
which looked like the ones he’d received. Ah, that’s right. This handwriting was the same as the ones Sunggyu saw on those cards written for him, but signed off without any names. Now part of the mystery was solved, but there were still questions like how Woohyun knew where to send the flowers or how he even knew that yellow roses were his favourite. Someone must have told him. No one knew the reason why yellow roses are Sunggyu’s favourite, except for his family members.


It was quite an embarrassing incident that happened, but nonetheless has made Sunggyu love the flower even more. It was during his 1st year of his middle school on Valentines’ Day, when a girl surprised Sunggyu with a rose after school. He has never once received a rose, let alone a pink rose, and the fact that the girl who passed him the rose was one of the popular kid, made him blushed. In their school, usually when somebody wants to confess to the person they like, they’ll either get them a pink or red rose. Sunggyu didn’t knew how to react, he never knew a popular kid like her would actually like someone like him.

When White Day arrived, Sunggyu prepared some candies and chocolate, which he later on passed to the girl while he confessed to her. This was the part which he felt embarrassed about. The girl was really confused at first, but eventually she explained to Sunggyu that the rose was actually not pink in colour, it was in fact, yellow. Yellow roses generally means that the person appreciate the friendship and it’s more like a ‘thanks for being my friend’ kind of message to Sunggyu.

It was also then, on that day, he found out that the whole class did receive the exact same rose, and that he actually has minor Tritanopia, which means in his visions he sees things more in blue and red tones, which was why he saw the yellow as pink. But it was because of this misunderstanding and embarrassment that he started loving yellow roses, since to him it was still in pink, and it was also the colour of the first rose he has ever received.


As Sunggyu grew older, he could slightly pick up on greenish and orange tones, but he still sees yellow as pink. He smiled at the recollection of his middle school years, when everything was simpler and carefree. If only he could go back in time, to when he was still staying at their old family house, together with Myungsoo and his parents at his side. Sunggyu let out a sigh before moving the blanket on him to the side. He gently placed his feet on the cold floor and look at the desk clock once more.


Sunggyu wasn’t sure what time Woohyun had went out since he was sleeping like a dead log.
He stood up from the bed and folded the blankets, before heading out through the string curtains to the small office.
The door towards the reception area was opened, but the whole place was quiet except for Sunggyu’s footsteps dragging on the floor.

He stopped in front of the couch.

Memories of last night flooded his mind, Sunggyu can’t help but pace around the room.
How can he face Woohyun after what happened last night?
He don’t think he could ever bring himself to meet Woohyun’s eyes anymore.
With his hands covering his face, Sunggyu smiled bashfully to himself and all of the suddenly he could hear that voice.

- “Ya, are you done?”

Aish this kid, can’t I be happy for once.

Sunggyu folded his arms and cleared his throat. “I-I’m done, what, why are you here?”
He replied while looking up at the ceiling, since that’s where the voice seemed to come from.

- “Enough of those thoughts,

just listen to what I’m about to say.


*Ding dong*

The sound of the doorbell cut their conversation off and Sunggyu’s attention was directed to the front door.

Was it time for the clinic to open already?

Walking towards the front door through the reception area, the interval of the ringing gets shorter and shorter.
The person on the other side of the door must be very desperate for help.
“Alright, I’m coming!”

*Ding dong*

*Ding dong*

- “Don’t open”

The sound of the doorbells were too loud, Sunggyu couldn’t catch a single word that Sungjong was repeating in his mind.
Wait wait, I can’t hear you, we’ll talk later.
Mentally replying to Sungjong, Sunggyu reached towards the doorknob and in a split second of silence, he heard his voice.

Do not open!

Sunggyu, stop!”

But it was too late.

The moment the door clicked, Sunggyu was thrown backwards as the door swung towards him.
Sunggyu had no time to react, he was still recovering from the fall just as two men in black stepped in through the door.
One of them grabbed Sunggyu from the back and covered his mouth with a cloth, and within mere seconds, he was dragged towards the van parked outside.
The man then binded his wrists with a zip-tie and shoved the cloth in his mouth, before pushing him into the back of the van.

Bit by bit, the light around him vanishes as the van door closed behind him.

Leaving him in total darkness.

Still trying to fix the ending, hopefully it doesn't disappoint anyone lol
Don't think I can finish posting all the chapters within this month, but I'll still try to update it weekly ok~
Sorry this chapter is alittle wordy >w< but thank you, as always, for those who're reading/subscribed/upvoted/commented!!


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 17: Its gooddd please continuee
Simran20 #2
Chapter 17: It's fine author need to rush you can take your own time to finish the story. Hope gyu will be fine. Thankyou for the update author nim.stay safe and take care. God bless.
Simran20 #3
Chapter 16: Hope woohyun can save gyu .Anyway it's time for them to meet the real villains .Thankyou so much authornim.Stay safe and be healthy. God bless .
Chapter 16: oh no.... save gyu....
Chapter 16: oh no.... save gyu....
Chapter 16: Wow you are updating
Simran20 #7
Chapter 15: So all this while hyun and gyu were connected .Does hyun have any connection with yeol.more and more questions.Hope hoya clan solve this case . can't wait for your next update.Take care of yourself.
Chapter 14: they are kissing.... im envy.....
Simran20 #9
Chapter 14: Hurray a everything makes more sense since all the dots are connected to woohyun.Hope woohyun and sungyu together with the help of other spirits can defeat this Horus group.(don't mind me these all are my vague thinking ????). thankyou so much for the update author nim.