★ chapter eleven

caSTAR§ rookie

In the other studio, HyeMi beckoned the girls towards her as she started on a quick pep talk. The girls nodded solemnly as HyeMi reiterated reminders. They had been told to make themselves comfortable while the techies sorted out some problems with the sound system, but none of them could really relax, pacing about restlessly as they waited for instructions. HyeMi glanced towards the sound booth from time to time to make sure everything was in order. She stood poised, and ready to act, but in reality, she was feeling as nervous and unprepared as the rest. KyunJi had lost the bright twinkle in her eye, where worry took its place, though an anxious smile was still plastered on her face. She nodded reassuringly to MiYoo, who seemed to be having a hard time. The rest of the girls were engrossed in recalling the steps and lyrics, and a hysterical HaRu turned to an equally edgy HyeSun, trying to ascertain that she had the right choreography in mind. 

There was a commotion in the sound booth as the super junior members entered, still discussing about the previous group's preformance. They quickly shushed when they saw the girls turn towards the one-way mirror separating them in confusion. The techies tapped their mics before announcing that they would be going through the song promptly. The girls shot each other fevered looks as they shuffled to their respective places. HyeMi checked their positions in her head and visibly relaxed when she confirmed that they were indeed in the right positions. The starting beeps sounded and the trainees instantly exuded a different aura as they stood up straighter and prepared for their first verse. 

The girls moved off perfectly in time with the music, and with every well-executed movement, they became bolder as their confidence rocketed. KyunJi heard her voiceover as the music started up and made an extra effort to synchronize her verse. She held the microphone close to her lips as she went through the choreography diligently, her voice breaking cutely at the end of her first sentence. She tried hard not to break form, but her eyes crinkled as she stopped herself from gigling, a huge grin plastered on her face as she finished the rest of the verse with a flourish. Instead of being embarrassed, KyunJi had become more comfortable as she accepted and laughed at her own mistakes. The super junior members chortled along good-naturedly as SungMin prodded at a brooding figure. "HeeChul-hyung, why are you so serious?" The elder turned away from the scene in front of him and whispered to the camera, "Kyeopta..." His bright eyes bore straight into the camera as he nodded, blinked, and returned his gaze to the trainees, leaving an amused SungMin staring after him.

RuiXian took her cue and continued the verse, singing straight into the mic. She was unnaturally hyped up today and the adrenaline was still pumping from hearing KyunJis slipped note. RuiXian belted hers with care and shot the elder the triumphant look, to which the elder rolled her eyes. HeeChul sniggered at the exchange as LeeTeuk watched on, murmuring something about HeeChul and problem kids. SiWon shot two thumbs-up at the nearest camera. "Look at their comaraderie..." EunHyuk popped up into frame as he continued, "They look like they'll play well together~ I can't wait for their variety shows - hopefully we get to guest on that!" SiWon placed his elbow on EunHyuk's shoulder as they nodded at each other, pretending to lip-sync along.

MiYoo emerged from within the group and sang rigidly into the mic, holding it particularly still so her voice didn't waver as she sang into the mic. It got a little awkward as she tried to move the rest of her body along with the upbeat and fast-paced song with as much zest as she could manage without disturbing her mic-holding hand. The super junior members burst into laughter as KyuHyun dabbed at his eyes. "She - she looks like a - a mulfunctioning gif!" He doubled over in laugther as DongHae started choking and coughing beside him. "- but her moves are all so neat and on point!" Henry pointed out, pursing his lips and giving a solemn nod of approval, turning back to the screen, before breaking out into laughter again. "Ah... We must protect her..."

The girls went into formation for their little hip-wiggle, and as the girls pumped their arms in the air and brought them forward enthusiastically, a single mic slipped and flew towards the glass separating the trainees from the techies and super junior members, missing it by a mere few inches. There was a collected gasp as MiYoo stood frozen mid-line, the rest of the girls torn between continuing the choreography or stopping to make sure everything was alright, and a harried JinRa ran forward to retrieve her wayward mic. Shock was plastered over the super junior memers faces as they let out a sigh of relief at the almost-accident. "Ohhh~" SungMin whispered shakily as he clutched at his chest with wide eyes. JinRa lowered her head in mortification as she returned to her spot, and MiYoo picked up where she left off, the entire group on edge after the unexpected event.  

HyeSun took the lead shakily at first, straining as she expected to be called to pause the rehearsal, but as she progressed and there was a lack of indication that anything was wrong, she vsibly relaxed and continued the dance with a burst of energy. "Mine, mine!" EunHyuk gestured to himself and formed a little heart with his fingers. "Nan dongsaengie~" KangIn strode past EunHyuk to take a closer look and clouted him on the head o get him to shut up. "They'll hear you!" EunHyuk "tch-ed" and shot a dirty look at the elder, but quietened down as he watched his litle sister perform with undisguised glee. HyeSun excelled at dance, but her voice faltered, although it wasn't clear if it was due to her mic-holding. Nonetheless, she gave it her all.

HaRu stepped up shyly, and did a double-take when her voice wasn't captured by the mic, before remembering to turn it on. She had a relatively short line, and her forehead creased in disappointment as she melted back into the shadows, albeit after a well-placed high note. The super junior members seemed to have felt it as well, and offered silent encouragement behind the glass. "Gwenchanayo~ [it's okay] it's just a rehearsal - just make sure you turn it on three days from now!" SungMin made a "hwaiting" gesture and nodded solemnly. HyeMi glanced at the girl with concern, but HaRu was too absorbed in the aftermath of her mistake that she failed to notice the leader. HyeMi brushed past the younger as she took centrestage, leading their combined sections. They girls came together, and parted, and JinRa stood out for her part.

She stood gingerly in the center of the stage, clenching her mic tightly, obviously uncomfortable. Nonetheless, her voice came out clear and crisp, and was met with applause from the other side of the mirror. JinRa did an awkward bow, as if apologizing for the commotion she had caused earlier, and the super junior members smiled at the girl's innocence. "I like her voice - it's really unique!" KyuHyun nodded with his arms across his chest, deep in thought. JinRa did a little hop and made space for the next girl.

KyunJi took the stage again, and this time, her mic control was significantly better, and she seemed like one of the few who were not really bothered by the mishaps onstage, the other being RuiXian. The girls got together at the center of the stage and synchronized their choreography to a T as JinRa harmonized along. YonNi strode out confidently and fluently sang her part before rejoining the others in one swift motion. The super junior members were mesmerized by her professionalism and her colleced demeanour. "She must be a great help to the leader..." LeeTeuk vocalized absent-mindedly, to the jealous protests of the other members. Are you saying we're not good enough! "Aniya~" The flustered leader swiped at the members before pausing, "Yup, she's probably a greater help than all of y'all combined." YonNi was a natural, her actions cutely accentuating the endearing nature of the piece.

MiYoo sang the overlying tones as the performance progressed rather successfully, as MinJae led without any mistakes, her agyeo eliciting squeals from some of the members. KyuHyun and SungMin shared a glance, both wondering how their fellow labelmate Onew would react to his close hoobae's efforts in the group. MiYoo remermerged as the song drew to a close, and the girls' faces brightened in relief. The girls ended the song and stayed for a beat before breaking formation and thanking the staff. The super junior memebers cheered for the girls as well, as MinJae trooped towards JinRa and checked her mic for her. JinRa let out a sigh of relief as it was pronounced a-okay by the elder, and MinJae patted her head comfortingly.

This group undoubtedly had better mic control than the other, but still, HyeJin quickly went through the basics of mic-handling, as she corrected MiYoo and JinRa conscientiously, and reminded the latter to hold onto the mic tightly, especially during parts where vigorous choreography was involved. An abashed JinRa nodded as she let slip a gurgle of nervous laughs. HyeMi rubbed her back affectionately as she listened in, paying extra attention, since she didn't have much of a mic check during the rehearsal. HaRu constantly flicked the power button on and off during the entire briefing, reminding herself to always check her mic before she sang. HyeSun had her mic turned up, and that was it.   

As with the previous group, they were quite certain of who would emerge as the best performer, but the most improved would have to wait. HyeJin called for individual mic checks on the floor and after making sure that they were comfortable, called for a second run-through. The girls eased up considerably as they got ready, eager to perform better on the second try. 

The super junior members stayed to watch, although they were not obligued to sit through the entire rehearsal. 

author's note:     I'm done up till the first elimination - and I'm here to ask all of y'all for a favour before I decide on the subsequent line-up... >>here (readers without characters feel free to vote as well!) another four more chapters till the first revelation!


YAH who chose eight members for the first question hahaha y'all will be the death of me seriously! 

I'm joking I love y'all too much~

but reallyyyyyyyy? you brats.

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I feel like I might be imagining the update - or was it deleted. I know I'm really late for it...but I don't see it anywhere. I'm so confused. I was looking forward to what you had written...
Chapter 60: Authorniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim ~~~~~ Hello hello hello hello helloooooooo! I'm just so glad that you're back. ㅠㅠ You could do whatever you want, Authornim. I'll be sure to give you all my support~ Hwaiting~ ^^ ♥
EeteuksAngel #3
Chapter 60: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm so glad that you're alive!
I hope you are doing alright! ^^
I will be up for whatever you want. ^^ If you wanna do a new fic, I will totally be there. Or if you want to complete this, it's all good. Whatever you would like to do, author-nim. ^^
Chapter 57: OMIGHOSH YOU'RE BAD I LOVE THIS CHAPTER AND I LOVE YOU HEUHEU I'M SO HAPPY YOU'RE BETTER ENOUGH TO UPDATE but remember that health comes first before anything else and we're here to support ^0^
Cant wait to see what happens next but omg its getting emotional hopefully my character kyunji doesnt leave but i dont want anyone else to leave either its so nice as it is :""( good luck to everyone and no matter what im always here until the end author-nim!! :D
Chapter 57: /screaming/ omg you're back!!!! asdfghjkl this was a really nice chapter, i can't wait for the next :# It's ok, take ur time, i'll be waiting patiently hehehe; hwaiting!

I can't watch the performance video now, since I'm still in school, but I will watch it later when I get home XD
The description of the performance is just too detailed! It's like I can imagine everything they're doing and is watching their performance live! I don't usually like long chaptered fanfics but this one is an exception XD
Don't worry about any of those mistakes, girls! It's totally normal since it's your first time infront of such a huge audience body! And on air too!
I'm sure Super Junior are nice judges and will give the poor girls a second chance... right?
Catching and doing aygeo at the hover camera eh? XD
Seems like they're not that inexperienced either hahahaha!
Goodjob SooJin and YoonKi! :D
And take care of your vocals JaeEun!
All the girls are so talented and adorable, I can't imagine any of their sadness when the results are not in favour of them T^T

Awwww omg the girls are all so sweet to each other! And HyeMi escaping huh XD
KyMin is just so cute HAHAHAHA lightening the mood
N and MinHo as mc! Omg mueheheheheheheheheheheHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha

Chapter 57: I got mixed feelings while reading this. T___T On the first part, I was smiling because the trainees were sooo cute! Well, they've made quite some mistakes but even so, it seems that they enjoyed their performance together. And those mistakes can help them grow and improve as artists~ It's really cute seeing them perform with such energy!
But then came the last part. ;---; I wouldn't want them to say goodbye to someone. T___T Nooooo~ The eliminations. T^T *cries a river* I already bought a lot of tissue boxes. Authorniiim~ my hearteu is ohmygatheu. ;--; </3

Thank you for the update Authornim! It's okay. :) Take your time! I know you're going through a lot these days but just know that we're always here to turn your frown upside down. Keep on smiling! We're right here for you. ^^ *blows you kisses*
EeteuksAngel #8
Chapter 57: Eeep! I'm so excited for this! ^^ *rubs hands together*

Ah... yes. Muscle memory... I still find my body automatically start breaking out in dance when I hear songs from the musicals I was in in high school. xD
Poor YonNi. The mentally berating is the worst. Even if no one notices the mishap, you do, and it's the worst feeling in the world. Poor thing. :(
Hehe. JinRa's so cute. ^^
Awwwh! ^^ I feel so proud of HyeMi's group. :')
Hehe. it's cute how they're all so excited and giving it their all. ^^
Ouch. That just made me cringe and hurt my throat just thinking about JaeEun's mess up. >.<
Ohhh.. Uh, oh. A little too enthusiastic... now they're just getting sloppy and making mistakes all over the place. >.<
*sigh of relief* Thank goodness that SooJin and YoonKi were able to hold their own without any mistakes.!
Awwwh. TT.TT This is making me sad... Poor things...
Hehe. I can see you couldn't resist putting N in there. (;
Hehe. When I read that Minho was there, I smiled. Now that I see Super Junior, I'm now leaning closer to my laptop screen with a goofy grin on my face. Ugh. I think I'm helpless.
SuJu would converse noisily... just saying. I don't think those guys could ever truly be quiet. xD

Eeeep! I'm so excited for the results! :D

This was so good, Author-nim! I loved this one completely (as usual). It's just so good. And heartfelt. And real. Like it just feels real. Like the emotions. The actions. It's just great.

And you don't ever have to be sorry. We understand. Don't push yourself too hard and take your time. We all love and support you so much! ^^
lemony1004 #9
Chapter 57: hiii :) thanks for the update!!! :) ooo i was like yesss muscle memory!!! but T.T the mistakes... i'm sure as the audition and training continues, they'll become more professional and perfect choreography like SNSD!
Chapter 57: I hope everything is well now? Thank you for taking the time to update:))

As usual, you delivered! Hahaha omg I love how you brought out the performance! But at the same time.. I feel sad cause this is probably the last time they are performing as a 18><