Kai 004 | Movement to Your Answer | sasha260100


Movement to Your Answer



"As one year passes, another year will arise, but how will I know which year is our year."


Kai paced back and forth in the studio that he had rented for the past year as he waited for his students to arrive. The past weeks had been hectic for him. Running his own kind of errands were dangerous but not as dangerous as ignoring Minji.


It wasn’t accidental of course. He purposely had to avoid her whether he liked to or not. Things had to be done this way in order to get the result that he wanted.


“Teacher!” Ahyeon yelled.


Kai’s head immediately turned to face her. She beamed him a smile like she always did before letting go of her mother’s hand and running over to hug his legs.




Kai was a little taken back by her strong contact. He laughed as he patted her head, before she pulled away and held his hand. She looked up to him and kept her smile on resulting in him smiling back.


Ahyeon had always taken a liking to Kai. He never really knew why, but concluded that since she was the only child, she must have wanted a big brother, and that was who she probably took him as. Of all his students, she was the most obedient one.


“Be good now sweetie. Don’t give your oppa a huge headache okay?”


Ahyeon frantically nodded her head as she waved good bye to her mother. Kai bowed to her and watched as she disappeared out the door.




Kai hm-ed as he crouched down to her eye level.


“Are we going to have lessons on Fridays now?”


Kai laughed. “No Ahyeon.” He ruffled her hair. “Oppa just needs your help on something.”


“Ohh…” She said nodding her head as her tiny hands fixed her hair back in place. “What are we going to help you with?”


“Well—” Kai stopped his sentence as the door swung open.


“Teacher! Go help my… my mommy… unbuckle the rest of us!” Sangjoong said loudly in between breaths.


Kai laughed as he stood up. He extended a hand to Ahyeon, who happily took it, and walked towards the door that Sangjoong was holding open for them. He walked over to where the minivan was parked at.


“Ah… Kai. Sorry for bothering you again. Mrs. Seo couldn’t drop off Yeongha and Yina and something came up so Mrs. Geum asked me to help drop off Yeongi and Kyujin.”


“Don’t worry about it Mrs. Nam.”


Kai walked over to the opposite side of the minivan and opened the slide door.


“Hyung! Me first! Me first!”Yongha yelled as he held his hands towards Kai.


“No! Oppa! Me first!” Yina whined loudly, trying to swat Yongha’s hands away.


Kai shook his head sideways as he gave a light laugh. Yongha and Yina were neighbors who never liked one another even though their parents agree on taking turns on taking the kids to dance class. They always had this big competition going on ever since Yongha joined a couple of months ago.


“Come on Yongha. It’s easier to get Yina out first. You’re in the middle. That’ll just make it harder on hyung.” Seongyoon said stating the obvious.


Yongha made a face at Seongyoon and crossed his arms over his chest as he stuck his nose in the air. Kai laughed as he unbuckled Yina first and then him. Yina ran over to the sidewalk like Kai had instructed them to do so every single time he came to help them out of the car. Seconds later Yongha came trailing behind.


Mrs. Name helped Yeongi and Kyujin out as Seongyoon got himself out. He was the oldest of the bunch and the smartest. He always proved himself useful and independent, never wanting to wait on others to help him even when he can’t even help himself at times.


“Now you kids be good to Mr. Kim okay? Mrs. Geum will pick you all up at three.”


The kids nodded their head as they waved goodbye to Sangjoong’s mother. They followed Kai in a single file line and sat down crisscrossed on the ground after being told to do so. They eagerly waited for him to tell them the reason why they were to come here today.


“Today is a very special day. I’m going to propose to Minji and I need your help.”


“P…pro…pro what?” Yina asked in a high voice.


“Propose idiot.” Yongha retorted.


Yina humph as her hands found their way to each side of her hips. “No one asked you.”


“Yongha.” Kai said in a serious tone. “What did I say about treating a women?”




“No buts.”


“Okay. You said to treat a women with fragileness and care only until will a true man be made out of me.”


Kai nodded his head as he looked to the rest of his students. The only person who wasn’t pondering was Seongyoon, who he suspected knew what he was talking about.


“Seongyoon, why don’t you tell them what I mean by proposing to Minji.”


He nodded his head and took a deep breath. “Teacher is going to live with Minji noona forever.”


Sangjoong suddenly gasped when he caught onto what he was saying. “You mean teacher will be sleeping in the same bed with noona?”


“Whoa! That means more than one shoe at home like mommy and daddy.” Yeongi blurted out as he counted his fingers.


Kyujin and Ahyeon kept silent as their prince and princess was going to marry one another. Kyujin really like Minji a lot and Ahyeon, on the other hand, had a huge crush on Kai. The two inhaled and exhaled at the same time as they looked at one another. But they were still happy at the same time if that meant the other two were happy.


“Okay guys, we have a lot to do. So who’s ready?!”



“I can’t believe that idiot forgot that our anniversary is today.” Minji whined as she stirred her drink with the straw in a daze.


Shinjae shook her head sideways as she stuck her hands in her jacket pocket and leaned back on the couch. Minji had taken the day off work today just to spend time with Kai, but he told her that he was busy and didn’t have time today. She was so depressed that she called Shinjae up and wanted to hangout, not realizing that all she was doing was venting.


“I will never understand you couples.” Shinjae shifted in her position to find a more comfortable one. “It can’t be all that bad. After all it’s just an anniversary.”


Minji pouted as her bottom lip stuck out. What was she thinking when she wanted to hang out with her best friend. She didn’t even know anything, well scratch that, she didn’t even understand relationships nor have she ever been in one before.


She sighed as she put her drink on the table before them and leaned her head back staring at the ceiling wondering what Kai could be doing at this time. It was so strange that not once during their five year relationship did he even remember when their anniversary was. He always forgot.


“Shouldn’t he at least just remember once?” She turned her head to look at Shinjae. “I mean forgetting every year is just strange.”


Shinjae looked at her and closed her eyes as she smiled. She knew what was coming up next, and she didn’t want to deal and have anything with it.


“What if he is chea—”


“Don’t even think about it. I’m not going to go there with you. You would think that fifteen years with you through school drama would be enough. But nope. Here you are in your professional life complaining about cheating.”


Minji sighed as she moved closer to her friend and laid her head on her shoulder. “I just need comfort. That’s all.”


Shinjae pushed her head away with her hand. “You know I’m not good with that and I hate it when people touch me whether it be female of male.” She went into the kitchen and came out seconds later. “Here this will help.” She handed the ice cream to Minji.


“Ice cream? Really? How is that going to help?”


10 minutes after eating ice cream.


“I don’t know… he just… he was so mean… to mean. Jung Minji. Who can be this mean to Jung Minji? To think that he was my boyfriend and all yet he still… ” She said in between tears, on the verge of crying


Shinjae looked at her and face palmed her forehead. Of all things editable in the world that could make her drunk-like, it had to be ice cream? She tsk-ed as she reached for the ice cream in Minji’s hand, but failed to take it away from her as she began to cry.


She hung her head low as she grabbed the remote and the TV. What was she thinking, ice cream was a little too much.



Kai looked at the dance room and was satisfied with the decorations and positioning of the tables and chairs. He made one more final check before releasing a relaxed sigh. Everything was complete and just the way he had imagined it for years.


He turned around and scanned the area for his students but they were nowhere to be found. He walked into the locker room in the back and found the door open with the lights on. He walked in and to his surprise, they were fiddling with color papers and scissors.


“What are you guys doing? Kids aren’t supposed to be using scissors without adult supervision.” Kai took the scissors away from them and directed them to stand by the door. “Whose idea was it?”


“See… I told you guys it wasn’t a good idea.” Seongyoon said as he entertained his fingers behind his back not speaking another world.


“Well?” Kai pressed on.


“We just wanted to help?” Yeongi said unsure.


“Help? Why didn’t you guys ask me?”


“We wanted to surprise you.” Sangjoong said as he grabbed the papers on the table and handed them to Kai.


He inspected the papers and smiled. “So that was what they were trying to do.” Kai ruffled Sangjoong’s hair and smiled. “This is a good idea. Let’s do it.”


“Yay!!!” Yina and Ahyeon screamed at the same time as they ran over and hugged his leg.


The rest of the kids ran over and celebrated with the two girls. They were so excited that their teacher allowed them to take part in his marriage. However, Kyujin stood where he was kicking the floor with one of his foot.


“It’s okay Kyujin. I know you just wanted to help.”


Kai knew that Kyujin was the one who came up with the idea. He was never good at hiding his guilt and wrong doing, making him easy to point out.


“Come on, let’s go glue these black letters onto the color papers and teach you guys how to spell the words correctly so you can stand in the right position.” Kai said laughing a bit when they spelt the words wrong.



“Feel better?” Shinjae asked as she gently poked Minji’s head, off of her shoulder.


She had been sleeping for a couple hours now.


“Yeah. A little bit.” Minji sat up as she hugged the pillow. “How did you know ice cream was good for healing for the time being?”


Shinjae smiled as she turned her full attention to the TV screen. “Someone you most definitely wouldn’t want to be thinking about right now due to your current state.”


“You mean Kai?”


Shinjae nodded her head and said nothing more.


“Kai oh Kai. I wonder what you’re doing right now.” Minji sighed as she hugged the pillow harder and placed her chin on top of it.


Shinjae looked to the table in front of them and grabbed her vibrating phone. She looked at the screen and it was her mother calling her. She slide her finger across the screen and brought the phone to her ear.




“Sweetie can you go pick up the kids and drop them at home? I’m busy right now. I can’t go.”


Shinjae groaned as she placed a foot on the table. “All seven of them?”


“Yes sweetie. All seven of them.”


She tsk-ed and leaned her head back as she stared at the ceiling. She hated driving even though she was really good at it. It was just burdensome.


“When you drop your brother home, come in for some of your favorite dishes.”


“Mom~ don’t bribe me. As tempting as that seems I’m not going to—”


“We’ll be having fried chicken.”




She ended the call and smiled at the thought of fried chicken. She never really liked eating it until Kai got her into it. She hated him for doing so because she was gaining a little bit of weight.


“Was that your mom?”


“Yup! She wants me to go pick up Kai and your babies.”


Minji’s cheeks redden immediately when she realized what her friend had just said. “They’re not my kids!” She tossed the pillow at Shinjae and kicked her off of the couch.


“AH!” Shinjae fell flat on her face. “Ow! Min. Ji. Ah~” She sat up on the ground and picked up the pillow that was thrown at her and tossed it at Minji with full force.


Unfortunately for her, Minji dodged it and tossed another one at her. “They’re not my kids! Not my kids!!”


“They will be soon enough!” Shinjae stood up and ran for the kitchen.


Minji tossed a pillow at her even though she knew that it wasn’t going to hit her. “Kai’s and my kids huh?” She said to no one in particular. “I sure do hope so.”


“Hope what?!” Shinjae asked loudly.


Minji furrow her brows. Dang she had an ear of a dog. She didn’t respond but stood up and picked up all the pillows on the ground. She grabbed her jacket and put it on before grabbing her purse and putting the strap on her right shoulder.


Minutes later, Shinjae came out from the kitchen with her keys and backpack. Minji placed her hands on her hips and frowned at her friend.


“How many times have I told you to get a purse?”


“Billions. But I don’t want to. They’re such a hassle.”


“No wonder why you don’t have a boyfriend.”


“Ah! I see, so that purse helped you get Kai to be your boy—” Shinjae stopped her sentence when she caught on that Minji was going to kill her for saying that.


“Yah! Geum. Shin. Jae. Ah!!!”


Minji ran after her friend who was long gone out the door.



“Teacher!” Yeongi yelled as he ran back into the dance studio.


“What is it? Why did you go outside?”


“I went for some air. It was hot inside. You won’t ever guess who I saw outside.”


“Who did you see?”


“I saw Kyujin’s noona.”


“Oh… you mean Shinjae?”


“Yeah. Not only her though. She brought Minji noona along too!”


Kai’s eyes widen as he looked around panicked. They weren’t even finished with the performance of the letters. Crap, what was he going to do now? He can’t let them see all of this.


“We have to move all of these into the storage room.” Kai announced.


“But we were just about finished.” Sangyoong complained as he placed his paper down.


“I know. But we’re not ready yet. Let’s move.”


Seongyoon grabbed all the decorations that Kai had unpinned from the room and tossed them into boxes. Yina took the ribbons and cloth off of the chairs and stuck them into bags. Yongha collected all the letters and ran into the lock room. Sangjoong and Yeongi helped dragged the chairs into the storage room while Kyujin peaked out the door looking out for his sister, but most importantly Minji.


With amazing teamwork like theirs, it didn’t take them long at all. Kai rushed them all to the locker room and told them to pretend that they were sleeping. Yina and Ahyeon both took the arm chair while Yeongha, Sangjoong and Yeongi slept on the couch. Seongyoon and Kyujin both slept on the floor.


Kai grabbed blankets out of the locker and placed them over each one of them before going back out to the main dance room and turning the stereo on, pretending that he had been practicing all day.


When the door opened and the bell rung, he pretended not to hear. He kept his eyes on the mirror and tried to relax his body and tensed muscles. Suddenly his music stopped playing. He turned around and faced Shinjae.


“Where’s Minji?” He asked.


Shinjae raised a brow. “How did you even know that she came with me?”


Kai was taken back from her words. “Um… I… uh…”


“You at lying and pretending.” Shinjae turned around and started walking towards the locker room. “You don’t teach on Fridays. What did you guys do all day?”


“Nothing really. Just helping them touching up on moves in the song that we’re going to preform soon.”


She opened the door and the lights. Her eyes scanned the room for Kyujin. He was on the floor sleeping. His closed eyes were twitching. He wasn’t a good actor like the rest.


She gently kicked him with her shoes. “Stop pretending. Come on let’s go home.”


Kyujin opened his eyes and stood up. He pouted as he knew well he let his teacher down. He watched as his sister told the rest to stand up because she was going to take them home, but no one budged.


“I guess we’re going to have to do this the hard way.”


Shinjae went over to the couch and grabbed the Yongha and Yeongi and tossed them over her shoulders. “If you don’t want to meet the same fate wake up.”


The kids’ eyes shot open as they stood up and started following her out of the locker room and into the dance room. She placed the two boys down and instructed them to go to the car and that Minji will buckle them in.


Shinjae turned around to face Kai. “Did you honestly forget today?”


Kai sighed and looked at the ground. “No I didn’t.”


“What are you doing here anyways? Shouldn’t you be spending time with her instead of her spending time with me or you with the kids?”


Kai knew that Shinjae was right, but she didn’t know what he was planning. If he told her them she might tell Minji which will no longer be a surprise. Kai just sighed and looked at the ground not saying anything.


“I got to get the kids home. Try to make things right. She’s been crying a lot today.”


He nodded his head as he followed her out to the car. When he saw Minji laughing with the kids while buckling them in, he smiled. That earned a smack on the side of his head from Shinjae. He rubbed his head as he walked closer to the car.


“Wow… would you look at that. It’s evening already.” Shinjae said looking at the watch on her wrist. “I have to pick up a friend on the way. I promise to take her to her parents’ house Minji. Looks like Kai’s going to have to take you home.” She got into the car and closed the door before putting her seatbelt on. “I mean you two do live together.” She waved to the two and left.


Minji deeply inhaled and exhaled before turning around to face Kai.



The ride home was long. Minji and Kai sat in the car in silence. Once home, the two didn’t speak to one another, afraid of harming each other’s feelings in any way unimaginable. Kai took a shower while she watched a movie. Afterwards, the two switch activities. This went on for a couple of hours. Before Minji decided to be the one to break the silence.


“I thought that Shinjae was distracting me.”


Kai replied nothing more than a hum.


“But I guess I was wrong.” She sat up on the bed and looked out the window. “I thought you were putting something together for our anniversary.”


“I was.”


“But you didn’t even do anything. Over the past four years of our relationship, I’ve always been the one putting something together for us.”


“You have no idea.”


“Why aren’t you saying anything?”


Kai sat up on the bed and turned his back to her. He knew she had gotten on this emotional roller-coaster. But he couldn’t blame her. Everything he did this past week did make it seem like he was a whole different person and not the old Kai that she use to know.


“The night is still young. We can go do something if you like.”


Minji released a hard sigh as she looked away not believing any of this. “That is beyond the point Kai.”


She stood up and walked out of the bedroom. She grabbed her jacket and opened the door. She looked back once and sighed. She shook her head sideways and closed the door after her figure slipped out of the house.


Kai buried his face with his hands as he bent forward and rested his elbows on his thighs.


“I guess it’s going to take another year to propose yet again.”



“Nooooooooooonaaaaaaa~!” Kyujin whined loudly as he wrapped his arms and legs tightly around his sister’s leg.


Shinjae slowly walked to the front steps of their home. She was having trouble going up the stairs as Kyujin’s weight didn’t match his small figure. She tried shaking him off a couple of times but he wouldn’t let go. Pulling him off was out of the question as his determination to hold on seemed like his life depended on it.


“We have to go back and get the others. We have to. We must.”


She stopped in her tracks and sighed harshly. “Why do you insist so much?”


She had never seen her brother behave this way. He had always been a mature and quiet kid who followed everything that their parents and she had told him what to do. But now was different and she could definitely tell by his current behavior.


“Because, their relationship depends on it.”


“What do you mean?”


Kyujin finally let go of her leg when he knew that she was willing to listen to him. He grabbed a hold of his sister’s hand and started dragging her back to the car.


“Mr. Kim was going to propose to Minji noona.”




“Yeah.” Kyujin crossed his arms over his chest. “And you ruined everything. Hn…” He turned away and stuck his nose in the air.


“What~ I did not.”


“Did too!”


“When?” Shinjae squatted down to his eye level.


“Just earlier when you came in and took all of us away from teacher.”


She scratched her head. “But there was nothing. The room was completely plain. There’s no way he was planning to propose to her.”


Kyujin gasped as he placed his hands on his hips. “How dare you say such things?”


She furrow her brows at him as he got more aggressive. Did she really ruin a plan that Kai had up his sleeve? If so why didn’t she catch a hint like she usually did? Also, why did Kai hide if from her? She was the best at keeping secrets.


“Alright. If you can prove it to me then I no doubt will gather you all up and fix this.”


Kyujin’s face brighten up as he motion for his sister to come over. She unlocked the car and he went inside. He grabbed a bunch of papers and handed it to her. She took it and looked at him confused.


“What am I supposed to do with this?”


“Look at it dork.”


“Tsk.” She pushed his head with her finger before looking at the lettered paper.


She gulped when they spelt marry him. Kyujin was right. Kai was going to ask Minji to marry him.


“Just because you proved it to mean doesn’t mean that it was my fault that this whole thing was ruined.”


Kyujin nodded his head as his sister and he ran into the house. He opened the garage door and pressed the button to open it. She went into her room and grabbed her car keys. They two hopped in and she sped off.




His sudden outburst scared her a bit as she stepped on the brakes hard causing his upper body to swing forward. He tsk-ed and his sister gave him an innocent smile.


“I forgot the key to the dance room in the van.”


Shinjae eyed him. “Key?”


“I took the spare key from the locker room. Shh… don’t tell Mr. Kim.”



Minji walked through the park a couple of times and couldn’t take it anymore. A lot of lovey-dovey couples were walking around holding hands and leaning on one another. It reminded her of Kai and her when they were still dating for the first time. Everything was great and perfect. But now she wasn’t so sure anymore.


She stopped at a bench and seated herself down. A pond was in front of her. There were ducks swimming around with their kids. Then they went over to another duck. She guessed it was the father. The male duck wrapped its neck around the female duck. Minji sighed, even animals were affectionate towards one another.


Hearing her phone ring, she took it out and sighed. It was Kai. He must be looking for her, worried since he couldn’t find her. She ignored the call and placed the phone back into her pocket before continuing on her destiny walk.


At this point, she was stuck between two decisions. Should she end it with Kai, or give him another chance like she’s been doing for the past couple of years. This wasn’t the first time that he had forgotten about their anniversary and that hurt her very much.


She felt like she was the victim, and he was the perpetrator. He stole her heart away when she was still young. He was a heart thief that made her fall hard for him. The way he smiled at her and turned away when he realized she was looking at him or he had been staring far way too long.


The way he bit his lips and slyly tempting her to turning her like into love was easy back then. But now it was hard to reverse it all, to change love back into like to crush and finally to neutral, the first stage.


“Have things really gone wrong… or have I missed something?”


Right now she felt like she was in denial. There was something inside of her heart that wanted her to believe he was still good. Her mind spoke of the same thing. A little flame was still lit somewhere in her soul, barely alive. She was well aware that it was her who wouldn’t let it die.


“Why? Why can’t I just… just let him go?”


She was tired of pretending to be okay. Being strong wasn’t easy, but she forced herself to subdue the pain. Was all this five years really for nothing? Can they really not be together? It pained her so much just thinking about it. She missed him so much and couldn’t bring herself to hate him. But she knew that she had to make a choice. It was now or never.


“I must go through with it no matter what.”



“She’s not answering.” Kai said as he sat on the couch in the locker room depressed. “For all we know, she might have already packed up and left.”


“Yah!” Shinjae said as she slapped him on the back of his head. “Keep saying that and she might just leave your behind.”


Kai glared at her while he rubbed the spot on his head where she had hit him. He knew that she was only worried for their relationship but she was a bit over doing it.


“I’ll call her and get her to come. You help the kids set up the rest of the decorations.” She said as she walked out of the locker room.


She dialed Minji’s number a few times but she didn’t answer. “Don’t make me leave a voice mail. I hate those things.” She redialed her number.


Shinjae called and called. She wasn’t going to give up. Finally her call went through. She knew Minji was going to give up sooner or later. Anyways, there was no reason not to answer her calls as she didn’t even do anything to her.


“Yah! I called you a thousand times. Why didn’t you answer? Okay okay okay. I get it. Come over to Kai’s dancing studio. Just come. Stop asking a lot of questions. What?! You’re not coming? Well fine then, I won’t tell you what happened to Kai. Nope. If you don’t come you don’t get to know. Okay. You better be here.”


Seongyoon came into the room and told her that everything was ready. She nodded and walked out of the room and into the dance room. Kai looked at her and she nodded her head.


“Alright kids, remember that Kai will be dancing first then you guys will get into position with the letter cards then we will eat. Got it?”


The kids nodded and went into their hiding spots. Shinjae hid herself behind the curtain that Kai used to cover the mirror. She reached her hand to the wall and turned the lights off.


Several minutes passed by and no one came. Kai was starting to get worried. Shinjae hushed him when he tried to ask her if she was going to come. The door then opened the bell rang.


“Kai?” She took a couple of steps. “Shinjae?” She stumbled and yelped. “Aish.”


She bent down to rub her leg but stopped when colorful circular lights started to go around the room. Then a song came on. She furrowed her brows when she recognized the song. It was Jason Derulo’s.


“Marry Me…?” She asked to herself barely above a whisper.


When the singing voice came the color lights disappeared and a single light shone in the center of the room. She looked at the person there and tears immediately filled her eyes. It was Kai. She had no idea that he had prepared all of this.


All those weeks that he had been ignoring her was because of this? He practiced late and ignore her just to make sure that she would never know what he was planning. Was he trying to do this all these past years for their anniversary but it never worked out so he had to wait for another chance every year?


She watched him dance beautifully to the song. The way he moved showed how passionate he was about wanting to become her husband. His moves to the beat were fierce and accurate, ever so serious causing tears to stream down her face.


Towards the end, he did a spin then got down on one knee and held out a ring. The lights flickered on and confetti fell from the ceiling.


He looked up at her. “Will you marry me Jung Minji?”


Tears filled her eyes. She couldn’t answer. Was this real? She couldn’t believe it. She stared at him, frozen. Kai laughed at her and stood up as he placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her around. When she saw the kids and her best friend she cried out, not being able to hold it in any longer.


They were all a part of this? Helping Kai make this happen? Making this dream of both his and hers come true. She fell to her knees and covered her lips with her hands. She closed her eyes tightly as she beautifully cried. Kai knelt down and hugged her as she cried on his shoulder.


“Look Minji.” Kai said as he pulled her away and pointed to Seongyoon, the first kid on the stairs.


He smiled at her brightly and pulled out his card which had the letter M. Ahyeong had A, Kyujin double R, Yeongi Y, Sangjoong H, Yina I, Yongha M, and last but not least, her best friend, Shinjae, held the explanation mark.


“Jung Minji will you take Kim Jongin as your husband?! Will you marry him?!” The kids asked loudly in unison.


Minji sniffed as Kai helped her stand up. She smiled at every single one of them and nodded her head. She wanted to marry this man. He was the love of her life.


“I can’t hear you~” Shinjae teased.


Minji smiled shyly as she turned to Kai. “Yes. I will marry you.”


Kai’s eyes widen as he laughed out loud in happiness. Nothing could describe how content he was. He wrapped his arms around her thighs and picked her off the ground spinning around. She placed her forearms on his chest as she gave off a surprised scream.


He placed her down and slipped the ring on her finger as she did to his. She laid her head on his chest as she smiled. He caressed her hair as his other hand held her hand. The kids ran over and hugged their legs jumping up and down full of glee.




Everyone stopped and looked at Shinjae.


“Awe… you want a hug too?” Minji asked.


Shinjae shook her head and wiggled her finger back and forth at Minji. “Tsk tsk tsk. See I told you. They are your kids.”


“Yah!” Minji screamed as the kids and her grabbed a hold of some food and attacked her with it.


Kai smiled as he joined in the fight.



Author's Note: I am so sorry for taking forever to finish your one shot request. I put quite a lot of effort into this. I hope that you like it. I tried to not make it extremely long like the other one shots that I have iously written. Please comment and let me know what you think. Again I apologize for the long long long wait. It was my fault and partically schools XD

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capricciofarce! I'm working on it! I'm half way there =] It's super long! Just hang on for a couple more weeks.


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sasha260100 #1
Chapter 12: i squealed so much while reading the story tbh. i like it!-- no. wait. scratch that, i love it. the story is a 100 times lot better than i was expecting of (did i write that correctly? lol. my english writing can be a little bit jumbled up sometimes.) ; - )

i really like the part when kai is with the kids- (the feels is just too much.) and when kyujin called her own sister a "dork". also the part when he finally propore. ; - 3

for the long wait. i think it's worth it- i mean. i'm very very veryyy satisfied with the result even tho i have to wait long enough.
thank you for the awesome story! keep writing, author-nim!!1!1 < 3
Train_girl #2
Chapter 11: Thanks so much! I love it!!!
Requested~! :)
Chapter 10: This was written really nicely, thank you so much! :) And quite lengthy too ^^
Even the side characters were intereseting. I really like the interactions between the boys. Seuja is a cute name and her character's pretty nice too. And OMG I loled at the date part Chanyeol was like a malfunctioning pick-up line machine which kept throwing up really bad pick-up lines.
All in all, I love it :)
One thing I don't remember, though, did I request a particular plot for this, or did you come up with it?
sasha260100 #6
Hello, I requested~ (Sorry it took me awhile to comment >_<)
Chapter 9: The ending was not what I expected of Lay but overall this OneShots went smooth. I liked how you made Zhenni and Lay interact with each other gives the feeling of how a composer and a singer might date like in real life. Also it was sweet to name the kid after Lay calling him Little Star. Thanks for your hard work and I hope to see more OneShots in the future!!!
Train_girl #10
Just requested!!!