
I Will Find You Again

I had spent the night and the following days just listening to the song on repeat. I wonder when I am going to get sick of this song... Hopefully not before the performance. I mean, I needed to have energy and be bumping like as if it was the first time I heard the song. I stood by the same corner everyday, staring at myself, surrounded by so many people, yet so lonely... Until he would come in and accompany me with his presence and that dimpled smile of his. 

"Hellooooo!" He waved to me stretching his morning greeting. 

"Hello." I waved back plastering a smile on my face. 

"It's been a week... A week goes by so fast." Lay let out a somewhat content sigh. "How is the choreography? I know we've gotten through only half. But there's lots of refining and touching up and so far... The dance seems to need a lot of getting-the-timing-right-on-point. Probably another week we'll finish the whole song, then we can focus on refining and touching up the little bits so that every movement you make is clear, sharp, and not lacking one bit of energy." I nodded my head understanding the consequences that needed to be completed and considered. 

"Hmm... I was wondering about the beginning part, what do we do? There's mostly just snapping... And for the part when the beat comes in is kinda hard to put into movements. Do we use the beginning to make a big opening or keep it small and simple?"

"Small and simple." 

"Ohkay, so what do we do?"

"Well, you guys are both singing. Since Seona doesn't really dance, what could happen is have Seona come afterwards when the singing starts so you just snap your fingers. Simple as that. Don't forget that Seona is also doing this." 

"Mm... Ohkay. So do I just keep my arms down and snap or snap while moving up? That way when I sing, 'In the sky...' I'm doing some kinda elegant wave with my hands then do small fast movements with 'ch-ch-ch-tah'."

"Hmm... Yeah you could. For the fast movements, you can always roll your shoulders and flare your palms open at the ''tah'." I did the moves seeing how well it looked and how fitting it was with the song. Then continued snapping down. And just as the beat dropped, I leaned onto my left, knee bent, my arms prepped up on top of each other, the elbows leaning either down or up (diagnol) every time the beat was dropped, then switching to the other side, but I would do each little movement isolated and going one by one that way I wasn't too rushed or being too fast to finish. I then would spread my arms out slowly and came back with sharp precision. Of course it was harder to catch onto, I had to do two quick beat moves then pause, then do it over again. 


"It was good." I turned over to Lay and felt my insides get jittery. 

"Thank you... But I think I need to work on putting in more movements, I mean, I have literally around 15-20 seconds of quick quick pause, quick quick pause." 

"Hmm... That's true. But you don't need to make extravagant moves ohkay? Keep that in mind. Just go with the flow and oh if you want you can freestyle that little part just because you probably would feel a bit more relaxed just knowing the beats beforehand and do whatever. While the rest can be choreography." 

"Oh! That's perfect! I thought that maybe I'd feel more into it if I could just do it without thinking; without being restrained to do a routine." 

"Ohkay, then that's what it will be." I felt myself getting happier and laid down on the floor with my chest rising and falling. 

"Hey, get up, let's do one more run without any pauses and parts that we haven't finished, you can just pretend you're singing." Lay stood above me and grabbed my wrists pulling up my dead weight body. Surprisingly, he lifted me up like I was as light as picking up a dictionary off the floor. I went through the routine and sang some parts I didn't have choreography to. After finishing, we both went over some moves, refining what needed to be refined. Lay would do some moves and I would follow. Especially since the rapping part, I decided to do, I had to do moves that wouldn't throw off my voice and make me sound like I'm getting hit in the back while rapping. So for this performance, no popping or really energy-draining movements. 

"You two are working hard. Can I see what you guys have come up with?" Hyoyeon walked towards us with a cheerful smile. 

"Oh. I am only helping. I am not dancing with her." Lay shook his head and took a step away from me. I felt like a stranger for a moment but regained thought that we are not strangers. 

"Oh! Yes, yes, of course. Mm... Seohi, how about you perform for me then. This is your performance." I gulped and bowed my head. 

"Ah, yes. I shall show you what we've come up with. We are not entirely done so parts that I do not have down I will lip-sync to." Hyoyeon nodded her head letting me continue and do the routine. I had gotten Lay to press the play button the moment I was ready and in position. Just before he pressed play, the bell had rang. Hyoyeon groaned. 

"Awehh... I wanted to see the progress. Oh well, tomorrow for sure." I bowed and frantically reached for my things. I'm not going to be late for the next class, again. Just when I stepped out the door, Lay tapped me on the shoulders. 

"I'll see you tomorrow." I smiled and nodded. 

"Mm! See you!" I fast walked off into the hallways that were beginning to crowd. I went through the day like normal, along with Beora, maybe hitting up a few little questions about her group and how it's going. Finally... It was home time. My feet were dragging along the grassy fields, barely dry, since we were only halfway through spring and rain was often. 

"You shouldn't be walking in the grass. You'll get your shoes wet." I looked over to a familiar voice and saw Lay walking alongside on the concrete, avoiding the grassy part. 

"Oh. I just wanted to walk on something soft. My feet are tired." 

"Haha. Do you want a piggyback ride?"

"What?! No... It's ohkay. Plus, you don't know where I live." 

"Uhm... You still in live that old house I am sure. So I actually do know where you live."

"Oh yeah..." I looked down at the slightly green grass with bits of yellow strands poking out every now and then.

"You want the piggyback ride or not?" 

"Hmm..." I stopped walking and thought for a moment. "YES PLEASE!" I ran over and jumped onto his back and laughed, wrapping my arms around his shoulders and chest. 

"Wow... You're heavier than when I picked you up in Performing Arts."

"Because I have my backpack duh..." I bumped my forehead on the back of his head and he let a small, fake "ow" and pretended to drop me. "AHHH!" DON'T DO THAT!" 

"You bumped me!"

"WELL..." I paused. What was I supposed to say?

"Well what?"

"Well... It was just a thing... Plus you said I was heavy... I have my backpack." I pouted. 

"Haha. Ohkay ohkay." I rested my chin on his shoulder and sighed. Lay suddenly jolted almost causing him to drop me. 

"WOAH. What are you doing?"

"You breathed on my neck!" 


"My neck is sensitive..." He quietly said with shyness totally present. 

"You mean... Like this?" I blew on his neck again and he let go and his hands went straight up to his neck covering them. Thank goodness I was ready to fall off, or else I would've injured my . 

"Don't do that..." He whined. 

"Why are you so sensitive there? I mean, I don't think I am sensitive there..." 

"How about we try and see?" He walked up to me with full confidence that I probably have the same sensitivity. He held my jaw with his hand and blew into my neck. I giggled and pushed him away. "See? You're sensitive too."

"Wha-?" I blushed, looking away. I began walking home and ignored him. I was too embarrassed. 

"Hey... Don't you want a piggyback ride? I thought your feet are tired." 

"No." I stubbornly said. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes." There was a long silence between us. But it seemed so comfortable, just enough that we were by each others' side. Nobody needed to say anything. Hmm... I feel like I said something like this before. 

"Are you ohkay?"

"Hm? Yeah. Why?" 

"You were frowning haha." Lay tapped between my brows. "Frowning gives you ugly wrinkles."

"Whatever." I had finally reached home and ran towards it, home sweet home. 

"Hey! Don't leave me behind."

"I thought you were just going to drop me off."

"No. I'm going to visit your parents." 

"You're an Idol, don't you have any schedules?"

"Yes... But I'm just visiting for a little bit. Going out for a little bit won't hurt anybody." 

"Fine..." I unlocked the door and swung it open. "MOM. DAD. LAY IS HERE."

"Lay? Who?" Mom peeked her head out of the kitchen then gasped. "Oh my... YIXING?!" She put down whatever she had in her hands and patted them dry on her apron as she quickly waddled towards Lay. "My... How long has it been?"

"Hahah, hello NaNa." Lay bowed down a perfect right angle. 

"Oh no! We don't do that in this house, you're family."

"Oh. Is that Yixing?" Dad stepped in from the patio. 

"Ah! Hello." Lay bowed again. 

"Hey! No need for that." Father patted Lay on the back and chuckled. "How are you? How is your family? When did you guys get back?" Father began to bombard Lay with questions about the family and him. Of course Lay answered with no problem, smoothly and calmly. They all sat down on the couch and instead of going straight to my room, I served them drinks and small snacks. 

"Oh... Yixing... I'm sorry to barge, but how did the two of you end up meeting again? And does Seohi remember you now?" Mother scooted up forward a bit from her seat and placed her hands gently onto Lay's arm.

"Ah... We met at her school, she was assigned to do a performance and my group had a chance to come in so we could help the students, I ended up with Seohi. And unfortunately no. Instead, we're just getting acquainted, but I am very hopeful that I will bring back those memories." He flashed a smile. 

"Oh..." Mother looked over at me disappointedly. But then she turned over to Lay and whispered, "I am hoping that you two can get married and give me little grandchildren." She giggled as Lay's face began to redden. 

"MOM!" I yelled causing her to jump back a bit. "Don't talk about things like that... Plus, I'm only 16." 

"Oh honey..." She fanned her hand, "I got married at around your age. It's comepletely fine. Plus, I love your father." 

"But... I don't know if I love Lay, I barely know him and I am no where near in thinking about relationships. Maybe never. Have Seona reproduce for you." I stood up and stomped away into my room. I slammed my door and buried myself into the cold-untouched sheets. 

How embarrassing...

"Seohi...?" I heard a knock before I responded harshly,


"Can I come in?" 

"..." I kept silent and the door knob clicked open. 

"Hey... Look, your parents are just being parents. They've been friends with my parents for as long as they can remember, of course they would want their children to get married, but marriage in general. They want to be able to see their children enjoy the blessing of caring for their own upbringings. Don't take it so seriously."

"But I'm sure you would love for that to happen."


"Me and you." I sat up from my bed. "You would want us to get married and have children wouldn't you?"

"Yes... Because we couldn't have children in our past life... We couldn't bear a child together... at all." It was then I felt my head spin and a familiar surge of heart ache and depression rushed through me, piercing my chest, the thought of not being able to bear a child made me want to give up on everything. The thought of not being to hold a newborn child in my arms after finally pushing the little out, the thought of my parents never being able to have any grandchildren had begun to overwhelm me with the feeling of loss and hopelessness. I held my head and warm tears streaked down my cheeks. "Hey are you ohkay? What's wrong? Did I-"

"For a moment, the thought of being unable to bear child just put me through a really emotional moment sorry." 

"Oh. Well, you went through depression in the past life because of it." I looked up sniffling a little bit. Maybe I shouldn't have said that I wouldn't bear a child so casually, I was just mad that mom said such a thing to him. To be honest, I wanted to have a baby, I wanted to have one maybe two, so much. 

"I did?" 

"Yeah... You wanted to have a baby so much, we both did. But I guess the God's didn't want us to..." Suddenly, curiosity sparked me.

"How much do you remember?" 


"How much do you remember our past life?"

"Enough to remember the moment we met." He smiled so gently that it had comforted me. He sat down on the edge of the bed and rubbed my arm. "You ohkay now?"

"Mm... yeah." I leaned forward and s my arms around his skinny torso, leaning my head against his chest. This is the comfort I needed. But then a reminder had made me pull away for a moment. "WAIT. Don't you have a schedule to go to?!?!" 

"Hahah, no. I lied." I frowned and pouted. 

"Why did you lie to me?"

"I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders and looked down, his eyes slowly trailed down to my plump lips. "You don't know how much I want to kiss your pouty lips right now." I flinched and felt my cheeks getting hot. I pushed him away and awkwardly looked around my room, avoiding to look at him. "I was joking, hug me again." Lay scooted closer to me and took my arms to wrap them back to where they were once before, where these arms used to hold every night in the past. 

Ok. Yay. Done. Let's move on. Whoop. 


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Believeitornot007 #1
Chapter 15: Good luck with schooling! I hope you can update again soon ^^
Believeitornot007 #2
Chapter 8: Can't wait till the next chapter! Hwaiting!
Chapter 7: Eeyahh~~. So intresting!
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Chapter 3: Please update~~~~~~ i love it~~~~ its killing me~
Chapter 1: Omg~~~~~~ i've been dying to read something like this~~~ something that related to recarnating -lololoidkhowtospellit-