
I Will Find You Again


"All packed up and ready to hit the beach!" Beora put her hands to hips and sighed happily with the little luggage she was carrying. 

"Wow, you managed to keep your patience and only packed so little."

"Well, it was a requirement that I made for myself."

"True." I straightened out the last pieces of clothing I had just put in and zipped up the bag. 

"You're so good at packing very little." Beora said enviously. 

"It's ohkay Beora, over packing is ohkay, sometimes things go wrong and you need extra clothes."

"But I could just hit up a nearby shop and just buy extras there."

"Oh haha, that is definitely true." I flopped down onto my bed. "What time are we meeting?"


"Thanks. You always know the time when we have to be at places. I always forget."

"Hmm..." Beora laid down slowly and snuggled herself comfortably to rest. I smiled and looked up at the ceiling.


"Hm?" She groaned.

"What time is it?"

"I don't know check your phone, I want to lie down a bit." Beora stirred and turned around to face the wall. I pat my hand around the bed trying to find my phone and then slapped something hard and cold, found it. I pulled it up and checked the current time, 12:01AM. I guess we'll be leaving the house at 6AM to get to the airport and meet the others. I set an alarm clock ten minutes to 6 and snuggled myself to sleep. 

~Give me XOXO L O V... E You're my XOXO L O V... E~

"Mm... Beora..." I slapped Beora's arm lazily while trying to wake myself up. 

"Mm... Can we just sleep a little bit longer?" Beora shifted and turned to me, her eyes still closed.

"No. Get up or we'll be late for the plane check-in. It's morning rush hour right now so we can't be too absent-minded."

"Aghh... alright alright." Beora stretched out her arms and legs and exhaled when she loosened herself. 

"Hey sleepy kiddos." Dae-Ho peeked a head in the doorway and smiled to us. 

"Hey Dae-Ho. You're riding with us?"

"Yeah." Dae-Ho opened the door a little wider and let himself in. 

"You're packed and good to go then?" I asked standing up.

"Yeah. YAH! Beora! GET UP!" Dae-Ho pulled the lifeless body of Beora's, cursing under his breath while tugging at her wrists. 

"Dae-Ho, leave her. If she won't get up to go to Jeju, then she can just stay here. We can just go." I threw my duffle bag over my shoulder and began walking out the door.

"Wait! I'm getting up! I am getting up!" Beora stood up and frantically grabbed her things chasing after me.

"Thought so." I smirked and walked my way to the car. "BYE MOM BYE DAD!"

"Bye honey! Have a great time!"

"Where's Seona?"

"She went ahead with the others already."

"I guess I don't really need to worry about her when it comes to gatherings like these anymore. Alright. Well I'll be back Monday night!"

"Be safe."


"Hey you guys made it! Alright, well I am going to take attendance and then we'll get moving." Hyoyeon pulled out a pen and clipboard with a piece of paper listed with all our names. Hyoyeon began calling our names one by one in alphabetical order. 

"Hey." I jolted and turned to the voice behind me.

"Hey... I didn't know you guys were going too."

"Yeah I didn't think so, but I guess the school wanted to thank us for coming out to help you guys." Lay smiled showing off that deep dimple of his.

"Oh! That's really nice of the school to do that for you guys, plus it's nice to take a break right? Haha."


"What's wrong? You seem very... distant."

"Huh? Me?" Lay gave that dumfounded look of his. I nodded my head.

"Yeah... What's up? Tell me."

"Uhm... I don't think you'd want to know." He sighed. 

"We have time, tell me."

"I was just wondering if you remembered, but I guess not."

"Remembered what?" I was not so sure, but my guts were silently telling me it has something to do with our past.

"Nothing. Actually, don't worry about it. I think that should be enough information." Lay gave a forced smile and walked away back to the other EXO members. I wonder what he was talking about... 


"Yes? Present?" 

"Alright. We have all Performing Arts Students, how about we get going then? To Jeju Island!"

"I don't like planes." I whispered. 

"Hm? You don't like plane rides? You can sit with me if you want." Dae-Ho hopped to my side and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 


"Yeah? Why not? Plus, Beora is already sitting with someone else."

"Oh. So I am your side chick now?"

"What are you talking about?"

"C'mon, I think between us we both know who has a major crush on Beora. Heads up, I am straight, so it ain't me." Dae-Ho flushed and looked away. "Caught you red-handed." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his waist and sighed. "You're so cute when you like someone."

"Hey. You should know that I do not like Beora. I like you."

"Whah?! REALLY? You're tripping me." I gave him a suspicious look and he just bursted out laughing.

"No no no, I like Beora. You're like a little sister to me." He ruffled my head and we continued walking. 

"Oh! Lay! Where are you sitting?" I peeked over at his boarding pass and he pulled away and looked at me. 

"What's yours?"

"I asked you first!" I pouted and reached over to grab his boarding pass but his long arms extended a bit too far for me, being short everywhere. "C'mon tell me..." I did a bit of aegyo and covered my face due to embarrassment, that was the first time I did that.

"HAHAH! You're so cute! Do it again!" Lay guffawed and pointed at me. 

"NO!" I turned away and faced in front of me. 

"Fine fine, here." Lay passed over his boarding pass and I enthusiastically grabbed it. 

"Hey! You're sitting beside me and Dae-Ho. But on the other side." I passed the boarding pass back to Lay and smiled. 

"Oh really? Cool." Lay was suddenly absent-minded again and searched through his music player. 

Flight 127 of Jeju Air will be boarding in a few minutes. Please be ready and board your flight.

"Oh that's us! We should go." Dae-Ho tapped my shoulder and waved me to follow him. 

"Oh ohkay." I took a deep breath, I hate planes.

"You alright?"

"Hm?" I looked over to Dae-Ho as the airplane began driving away from the gates. "Ah... I don't know."

"It's ohkay. It's about an hour and a five minutes flight. Before you know it we'll be landing." Dae-Ho winked and rested himself comfortably against the chair. "Hey, question." 


"Is this your first plane flight?" I hesitated.


"Oh haha, that's why you're so nervous. Don't worry. Plane rides are actually pretty relaxing, unless you go through turbulence. That's when it gets a bit shaky but nothing to worry." 

"Oh ohkay... Thank-" I grabbed Dae-Ho's hands the moment the airplane bursted into speed. I squeezed my eyes shut and tensed my whole body. Dae-Ho's rough hands interlaced with mine and I felt so much calmer with him sitting beside me. After the plane settled into the air I let go and opened my eyes. "Sorry... thanks Dae... I was just surprised..." 

"Haha, it's all good. You went to sleep late last night right? You should sleep." 

"Ohkay... Thanks... Again."


We have landed in Jeju Island. Thank you for choosing your flight with us, please wait until the seat belt signs are off and you may grab your baggage, have a great time in Jeju. We hope you can fly with us again some time soon.

We waited a bit before we could get up from our seats, but overall, we were able to get out, the plane flight wasn't too bad, relaxing and comfortable. Dae-Ho was there for me when I needed it, Dae-Ho would point out the sea water beneath us since he sat in the window seat. The sea was definitely beautiful, luckily we were staying at a beach hotel so we can play volleyball and swim in the water. Lay kept looking over for some reason. But either way, we all gathered, the big group of us and got into a shuttle bus and got driven straight to our hotel. We all filed out into the lobby and waited for Hyoyeon's instructions, some of us just wanted to check-in and run onto the beach and start playing, others wanted to eat. 

"Alright guys, we have finally made it. We will start by checking into the hotel first and go eat some breakfast since it's still early."

"Will we go to the beach later?" A student asked.

"Yeah for sure, but let's get some of the essentials done first before we scatter and have fun. So how about we meet back here in an hour after checking in?" A bunch of 'ok's were scattered between us all, Beora and I just walked up to the desk to check-in. 

"Here are your cards, thank you for staying with us." 

"Thank you." I took the card the lady handed to us and bowed to her. Beora and I squealed to ourselves and went in and up the elevator. "Hm... level 7 was it?"


"Wow this is so exciting!" I squirmed and giggled to myself. 

"I wonder how the room is going to look." Beora hummed to herself.

"Oh my goodness! I bet it's going to be really really nice." The elevator doors opened and we skipped our way to the room. 

"Room 715." Beora slid the card in and she opened the door exposing the beautiful design of the hotel room. 

"Wow...." We both gasped, walking in with awe. It was so luxurious, the walls were completely white, there were obivously two double beds with red and black bed sheets, a nice big screen TV, a nice lounging area with four black sofa chairs with a square red pillow on each of them, and the bathroom just took our breath away. Grey, black marble tile counter, and a bath tub with a nice big window that gave a view of the outdoor hotel pool and beach. 

"I don't ever want to leave this place man." I took in the beautiful scene of the room and imagined myelf relaxing in the room.

"Me too." I heard a knock on the door and turned to Beora.

"Who could that be?"

"I don't know, go check." I walked out of the bathroom and opened the door. "Oh Dae-Ho! How did you know our room was this one?"

"Oh... I just sparked up my charms and asked the lady at the desk. Hehe. Anyways, how do you like the room?"

"It's perfect."

"Hey Dae-Ho, what room number are you and who's your roommate?"

"Oh, I'm just beside you guys, so if you guys open the door in your room, like the second random door on the wall over there by the TV, you have easy access to the mens'." Dae-Ho winked and we both gagged jokingly. "And Lay volunteered to room with me since no one else wanted to..." Dae-Ho was now making a sad face and put a hand over his chest. "I am so lonely."

"That's nice of Lay. Oh, is your room door open? We can just-" I skipped to the door beside the big screen TV and opened the door and revealed a topless Lay to my bare eyes. "AH! I AM SO SORRY." I slammed the door shut and panted. I screamed again when the door pushed open against my back. 

"Hey, stop screaming. Hyoyeon is going to think something's up."

"Sorry." I sheepishly said and backed up a bit. Lay was still topless. 

"Alright guys, well, we're going to get changed and call you guys out when we're done so we can head down to the lobby together?"

"Yup! See ya!" I waved and flopped onto the bed. "We should change and get ready."

"That's what I'm doing, what are you doing lying on the bed?" I sat up and opened my duffle bag and started grabbing some 'lazy' clothes, my Adidas Training pants and blue, black tribal print Nike tank top. 

"Hey guys, are you ready? We're going to head down now."

"Yep!" Beora and I grabbed our wallets and went out the door. We took the elevator down and met up with some other students and had a little bit of small talk with each other. 

"Right on time guys. Awesome. Well, we're going to head over to a restuarant nearby, walking distance, and eat and probably shop for some things too." Hyoyeon smiled and the big lot of us followed her to a very plain family restuarant. Dae-Ho gasped beside me.

"What Dae-Ho?"

"This is my family's restaurant." 

"OH IT IS!?!?"


"Well what are you waiting for? You can go meet your family right now, go go!" I pushed him to the front and an old lady greeted us but stopped halfway. She looked up and her eyes were beginning to redden and glossify. 

"Dae?" She placed her palm over and gasped. 

"Mom... I came to visit."

"Oh my goodness Dae! You've grown so much! What are you doing here? Aren't you working? Wow..." The lady hugged Dae and carressed her thumbs against his cheeks.

"Uh... well, Seohi invited me and just tagging along with her schoolmates. I took some days off, it's alright mom." It was picture perfect. A moment you can capture where without them looking into a photo, you can see the amount of love was surrounding the both of them. You can never break a bond between a mother and her son. "Uhm, but mom, maybe I can catch up with you later? I think Seohi's schoolmates would like to eat."

"OH! OH! I am so sorry Ms. Hyoyeon, you have booked 62 seats am I correct? Right this way please." Although it may have seemed plain from the outside, but on the inside, it was definitely a setting that made you feel like you were at a fancy, five-star restaurant. "Seohi, how are you doing? It was very kind of you to invite Dae-Ho along. He hasn't visited in..." Dae's mom sighed, "I don't know how long. I missed him so much."

"Oh! No problem, I knew of your family situation and just thought that it would be a perfect chance for him to visit."

"Well, I thank you so much for that. I hope you can visit us too some time in the future." She gave a smile and excused herself to the kitchen. I bowed politely to her and took a seat beside Dae-Ho. Dae-Ho wanted to sit beside Beora, of course. 

"What are you going to buy at the grocery store?" "I don't know. Probably some food of course." "Oh yeah, drinks too." "Yeah..."

"I wonder what next year is going to be like." "Me too... This year flew by so fast." "Well, they do say that high school flies by in a blink of an eye."

"Oh my god! He is so cute!" "I know right? I hope one day I can meet him and we can do shows together or something." "You know what would be really awesome?" "What?" "Doing the We Got Married TV Show with them!!" 

I listened to distant conversations between students while I sat staring at the menu. I knew what I was going to order, just wasn't in the mood to talk to anybody at the moment. No reason, just wanted some peace. There's some days where you just want to sit and listen to the world around you. Luckily no one striked conversation with me which I felt at ease and we all ordered one by one, some shared big dishes and others ordered some extra side dishes for everyone to share, we also decided on eating dessert later, if we were still hungry. I ordered the classic, jjajangmyeon. Plus, I wasn't very famished or full so I think something simple would be enough for me. Afterwards we all finished our main dish and went straight into shared dessert, of course I just ate mine alone because the dessert looked good enough for me to be a little greedy to not share. 

When we all finished eating and paid in full, since we didn't want to take the discount that Dae-Ho's mother insisted, we went into a grocery store and shopped for our essentials. Which surprisingly took pretty long since there were 62 of us. I bought the necessities, water bottles, little snacks like bananas and apples, maybe I grabbed some junk food; chips and green tea pocky, but overall, I mostly bought food. If I needed anything else, I was going to get them later. Each and every one of 62 people finished buying whatever we needed and were a loud, talkative group. Hyoyeon had to shush us many times. 

"Ohkay, let's just meet back at the beach since we should just rest and relax." Hyoyeon tiredly exhaled and zombie walked her way into the elevator. We all let her take the elevator alone since she probably wanted to have some alone time. But the moment the next elevator door opened, the students would rush in. I took my own way and walked the stairs. I know it was seven flights, but exercise was a nice thought after eating jjajangmyeon. 

"Seohi... Are you not taking the elevator?" Lay asked. 

"No... I think I would be waiting a pretty long time for my turn, plus I think walking is nice. Would you like to walk come with me?" 

"Yeah sure." Lay jogged after me and we both walked up the stairs in silence. I felt like I should talk to him, ask him, 'what was it that I was supposed to remember?' But I felt that I would be pushing it or it'd be more painful for him since all he can do is tell me what happened and we couldn't share that together. Sometimes, I wished I didn't get into that car crash. All I could remember was how I got into the car crash, that wouldn't be a good topic to bring up. "Hey Lay... did I cry very ugly when you left?" 

"Hmm... I would have to be honest, you were an ugly, nose-full-of-booger cryer. I honestly thought you were hiding behind from me because you didn't want me to go and you were just mad, but no, you were crying so ugly..." Lay chuckled to himself. 

"Ugh... Being an ugly cryer is not something that's funny. It's embarrassing."

"Oh come on. If you saw your face, I think you'd probably laugh at yourself. I should've thrown napkins at your face."

"That would've been the worst way to temporarily say good-bye to someone."

"It's worst to come back after ten years and find out you totally forgot about me." I stopped in my tracks and felt my chest ache.


"No, sorry... I shouldn't have said that. It's ohkay Seohi. If it's meant to be, you'll remember this place and why it's so important to me or us. But anyways, let's go to our rooms and head down to the beach." Lay smiled and began walking ahead of me. 


Lay and Seohi arrived to their rooms just before Dae-Ho and Beora. Seohi and Beora went into their room as did Lay and Dae-Ho and agreed to meet up again in a few minutes. They all came out at the same time and took the elevator down. Everyone was gathered in the lobby like the usual and cheered happily while taking a one minute walk to the beach. Of course everyone dispersed at this point, they all ran onto the hot sizzling sand and straight into the crashing waves. But somehow, Seohi stayed a bit behind the big rush and noticed Lay standing in one place with his hands in his pockets staring out into the vast sea. He seemed to be in his own little world, faintly smiling to himself. Seohi stared at him from afar. Slowly she walked up to Lay and tapped his arm. 

"What are you doing standing by yourself? Aren't you going to join the others?" Lay blinked a few times and smiled at Seohi.

"Later. I just want to reminiscence the time we had here together."

YAY. This is probably the longest chapter so far haha. Aiight cool. Catch you guys in another week. I'm slowing down the update from now on. And probably write in author's pov - maybe cut into Seohi's pov once in a while but yeh. 

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Believeitornot007 #1
Chapter 15: Good luck with schooling! I hope you can update again soon ^^
Believeitornot007 #2
Chapter 8: Can't wait till the next chapter! Hwaiting!
Chapter 7: Eeyahh~~. So intresting!
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Chapter 3: Please update~~~~~~ i love it~~~~ its killing me~
Chapter 1: Omg~~~~~~ i've been dying to read something like this~~~ something that related to recarnating -lololoidkhowtospellit-