Chapter 19- Twisted Paths

Before the Cause (Haitus)
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  Luhan noticed the slight change in everyone's aura after the attack. Jongin was worried, Baekhyun was silent. Joonmyeon nervous and he wouldn't go anywhere without Jongdae by his side.   "How do you think they found us ?" Sehun asked one night. They were all at Minseok's grandmothers farm.    "I don't know. But it's oddly suspicious that all this starts happening when Jongin comes." Chanyeol said.   "Do you think it was him ?" Kris asked.   "No. I don't know."   "I don't think we shouldn't  be pointing the finger at anyone. Jongin is on our side. He warned us of the creatures and even fought beside us. I think we all need to focus on the bigger picture which is defeating the Toska. Besides, if Luhan feels complete then we all must be in this together right ?" Minseok said and turned to Luhan.   Luhan felt eyes on him and turned his dull golden gaze towards the others.   "Ge, please give us some advice." Yixing said.   "I think we should train. I'm tired of feeling restricted like I can't do anything in a fight." Zitao said.   "If there is more of those things coming after us then we shouldn't let this bring us down but encourage us to get stronger. We can't let them destroy this world like they did the last." Kris said.   "How do we even know we are safe from another attack ?" Sehun asked. He didn't understand anything the Chinese males were saying but from the looks of it, it was deep.   Luhan still remained silent. He hated how everyone went to him for advice. He didn't know every little thing. Sure he could read minds and even see the past but the future was another thing. It was blurry and choppy. He could barely comprehend most of them. He couldn't even see for Pete's sake. All of this was a burden on Luhan. He didn't know what to do either. The path before them was getting darker and he knew he had to believe in all of them for the light to continue to shine.    "Luhan."   Luhan jumped at the hand placed on his shoulder. He flew said person back and the person let out a yelp.   "Sorry." Luhan said as he realized it was Minseok.   "It's fine. It's just, you look spaced out." Minseok said. Luhan nodded. "Do you want to talk about it ?" Minseok asked.   "Not now." Luhan said. "For now we rest. Yixing, how's Kyungsoo's recovery ?"   "Slow but steady. I was thinking of a earth treatment for him for when he wakes. We could have Chanyeol melt the earth and Joonmyeon-ge water it down and add a few herbs together into a sort of mud bath. If what I'm studying is right, our body's react best near our elements. This might heal him more swiftly." Yixing said.   "Wow Ge, when did you have time to figure that out ?" Zitao asked amazed.   "Well I've been researching since I'm trying to expand my healing. This only came to my knowledge a few weeks ago." Yixing said.   "Aw my little scientist, soon you'll be able to heal anything." Kris cooed. Luhan didn't need to see to know that Yixing blushed. He noted that the mud bath thing seemed like a great idea and would tell Jongin about it later.   Thinking about Jongin, he was reminded of what was going on. This boy is very odd. Luhan was itching to touch the boy to get a good read on him but Luhan wasn't exactly sure if he was ready for what he was going to figure out. There was a much darker darkness around him and it made Luhan uneasy but it wasn't anything too bad. The voices didn't scream at him when Jongin was near. No they screamed oddly when it got bright.   "Okay how about we rest ? Training tomorrow morning ?" Minseok said and the whole table agreed.   "Hey Lu, don't go to sleep too early tonight okay ? I want to talk to you." Minseok whispered as he walked by Luhan. The slightly younger male kept silent.   Luhan took a shower alone. He told Yixing to go to sleep. The younger male was loosing sleep from all his research and Luhan knew everyone needed to be well rested for what's to come.   So here he was, letting the water rush down his body as he tried to block out the sounds of everyone else in the house. It was hard though as through the stream of water he would catch thoughts every now and then.    "I don't know, something is off about him you know ? Ever since the attack he hasn't been his usual happy self." Chanyeol's deep Korean rumbled the loudest.   "He's just worried about Kyungsoo. Once he gets better, everything will go back to normal." Baekhyun said reassuringly.   "Is there anything normal to you around here ?" Chanyeol asked.   Luhan tried to block out Baekhyun's response but the "You" he thought rang in Luhan's ears. Letting the water run down his head to his ears Luhan caught something else.   "Read, write, spell, count. I do all of this but why does it seem like I make no progress. Why do I feel like everyone pity's me?"   "Myeonie looks like he's stressing. I wish I could say something to him to cheer him up. He's so hard on himself. How should I cheer him up ?"   Joonmyeon's and Jongdae's thoughts gave Luhan an odd feeling. These two and communication seemed to be their biggest issue. Luhan got out the shower and waved his hand to bring his clothes towards him. He was about to put on his t-shirt when a cold chill went through his body.   "Luhan."   Said boy jumped as he heard his name.   "Are you finally alone our sweet Luhan ?"   "It's been such a long time since we talked."   "You actually seem happy."   Luhan froze. Oh no. He knew it had been too quietly lately.    "Leave me alone." Luhan said.   "But didn't you miss us ?"   "Yeah don't be like that Luhan. Someone has to keep you in your place."   "S-stop." Luhan said. Trying to block out the sounds.   "You can't block us out."   "We are all one Luhan. You can't get rid of yourself."    "Oh no your cousins already did that once. Pity you came back to life."    "Leave me alone !" Luhan shouted. He felt the whole house pulse as a force field of anger shot out from him. It came back to him full force as everyone in the whole house thoughts attacked him at once.   "Ugh." Luhan groaned as he fell to the ground. His head throbbed and he didn't notice the door open until  hands touched him and everything went silent.   "Lu...han ! Luha...! Luhan !"    Luhan a opened his eyes and for a moment he saw nothing but blue before it all faded back to black.   "Hey hey calm down. You're safe."   "Minseok?" Luhan muttered feeling icy palms holding him.   "Yeah it's me. What's wrong ? You started screaming."   "Everything." Luhan said staring into the darkness. The voices laughed through his head. "Everything."   .   Baekhyun felt the pulse of energy run though the house before it slammed everything against the walls.   "Ow." Chanyeol groaned who sadly was standing up at the time.   "I wonder what's wrong this time ?" The younger male muttered and Baekhyun wondered the same thing.   "We should just sleep. We will most likely find out in the morning." Baekhyun said and Chanyeol agreed.   When he came to the next morning, he was alone. Frowning, Baekhyun made his way to the living room. Sehun and Zitao were still asleep. They had left the tv on and Baekhyun turned it off before moving to the front door. Outside was bright and the winter air blowing hard made soft sounds.   "Where are the others ?" Baekhyun asked Jongdae who was in the kitchen. He made a few hand signs and Baekhyun frowned not knowing sign. He slid a dry erase board to other and Jongdae wrote something down quickly.   "Chanyeol, Joonmyeon and Kris are with Yixing. Minseok and Luhan hyung are asleep. Jongin is around." It read.   "Oh. Do you think we will train today ?"   "Maybe. Probably not with Luhan-hyung. He's a bit shook."   "What happened?"   "Telepathic overload. Or so Minseok said last night." Jongdae wrote.   Baekhyun looked at it curiously before excusing himself. He walked outside to the other half of the house.  Kyungsoo's door was cracked open and he looked inside. The boy heart monitor was beeping normally. His body was still as he sleep at Baekhyun decided to walk inside. There were plants all over Kyungsoo's bed and Baekhyun knew this had to be Yixing's work as flowers didn't bloom like this in the winter.   Baekhyun took in the slowly healing Kyungsoo. The bruises on his face almost completely gone thanks to Yixing and his neck didn't swell like it used to. Baekhyun took a step closer and picked up one of the flowers. It was lilac and Baekhyun took notice of Kyungsoo's wrapped stomach. He didn't know why but his hand moved on its own as it touched the wound.    Baekhyun gasped as images of red eyes and shadows flew into his head. He pulled away when he heard Kyungsoo groan in his sleep. Quickly leaving the room, Baekhyun didn't look where he was going as he bumped into a tall body outside.   "Oh Jongin it's you." Baekhyun said.   "Yes. You looked frightened Baekhyun."   "It's hyung."   "Sorry. We don't say that word where I'm from." Jongin explained and Baekhyun nodded.   "You look scared ? Something on your mind ?" Jongin asked.   "A bit."   "Is it nightmares ? I never had nightmares until I came here. Mother says their thoughts of your deepest fears. Do you think my fears are coming from this world ?" Jongin asked.   "Probably. I have fears. We all have fears. Where you come from must be a really happy place to not have nightmares." Baekhyun said a tad bit jealous.   "Where I come from, there's sunny days and clear nights. Flowers everywhere and a everlasting warmth running though your body. Everyone glows, even the darkness and no one is really sad. I sometimes want to go back home but then I would have let mother and auntie down and I can't do that. I would let this world down as well. I think for the first time ever I'm scared." Jongin admitted.   "Scared ? Of what ?" Baekhyun asked curious. He was curious of Jongin. The boy from another world. The boy from darkness.    "I don't really know ?  The unknown ? I never once been a afraid of the dark and now some nights it feels foreign towards me. Some nights I feel like I'm not myself."    "You know if you ever feel lost, there's always the light." Baekhyun said. "Dark and light must co-exist. One can't be without another so if you ever need help, just look towards the light. It will probably give you a shadow or two to think off of." Baekhyun explained.   Jongin smiled at that. His boyish smile reflecting off of him warmly and Baekhyun smiled back.   "And if you ever need the darkness, little light," Jongin began, shadows curling around him. "We're always by your side."    "Thank you Jongin-ah, I needed that." Baekhyun said.   "Thank you too hyung." Jongin teleported away leaving Baekhyun with a smile on his face. The Toska was the least of his worries now.   ...   "Ahh." Baekhyun groaned as he was kicked down again.   "Get up. Your mind seems to not be focused." Minseok said.   Baekhyun got up. He took another dab at Minseok who easily caught it and flipped him back on the ground. The ice below them cracked and Baekhyun felt the breath leave him for a moment.   "Seriously Baekhyun are you okay ? Maybe you need to meditate." Minseok said concerned.   "I'm fine." Baekhyun wheezed.   "You've been saying that for the past two days. Whatever is on your mind,  please fix it." Minseok said walking away. He stepped out of the light force field and into the house. Baekhyun sat out there alone for a moment before Jongin popped up next to him.   "Fears still getting to you ?" Jongin asked as he walked over to the boy on the ground.   "Maybe." Baekhyun said looking up at the moon.   "What is it that you see when you zone out these days ?" Jongin asked.   "I see... I see..." Images of that night flashed through Baekhyun's mind. "I see me. And death. It coming for me. Looming over me. I see red eyes but lately they have changed. They no longer threaten me but stare at me curiously." Baekhyun admitted. " I feel the darkness calling me and I don't know what it wants."   "The darkness call me too. It's looking for someone. Someone strong and powerful and it's been looking for a long time." Jongin said sitting down next to the boy.   "Is the darkness evil, Jongin ?" Baekhyun asked. Needing to know.   "Of course not." Jongin said, looking up at the moon. "It is merely a friend of the light."   .   Kyungsoo woke up a day later. His head was foggy and the room smelled wonderful and he was hungry. His first thought was water and thankfully when he sat up there was a bottle next to him. He chugged it down swiftly before looking around. He groaned at the pain in his stomach and noticed the bandages. The night on the t
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Chapter 19: Awww
I was really enjoying this story. It sounds fascinating.
I hope one day you come back to it but if not, I loved it so much
Chapter 19: I love this story!!!! When can you update?!? I'll wait!!! Its so original and beautiful!!
Shiragiku-chaan #3
Chapter 16: I really love This story and the way they gained their power. The only sad thing is luhan he seem invincible. He can lift objectif , control mind and have vision. I wonder how you will handle it all.
iLawlix_ #4
Chapter 19: yUSSSSSS kai is a bias wrecker nowadays i was fangirling abit when he blinked bc he couldnt understand what was flirt HAHAH
Yukotan #5
Chapter 18: I'm so glad you updated! I love how Kai still seems so child-like, after all he's 15... but I'm kinda worried of how he will react when he will know the truth about himself. But he has new friends now that will help him :3 Thanks a lot for this chapter <3
blackrosa413 #6
Chapter 18: wahhhhh update soon author-nim!!!!! it's finally getting more interesting!!
purplefrost #7
Chapter 18: Waaaaahhhhh!!! Daebakkkk! Goshhhh I love this! Huhuhu update soon please!!!
iLawlix_ #8
Chapter 17: oh my god this is so good !! i need the next chapter author-nim !! huehue i love this story. i need more taohun hahah they're my otp sorry. keep up the good work ! waiting patiently for the next chapter.
Chapter 17: forever curious what she took from Baekhyun
blackrosa413 #10
Chapter 17: it's so goodddddddddddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love you author-nim
hope the update to come soon!!!!!!