my knight and shining armor

he loves me, he loves me not



Once upon a time there was a girl who’s fainting every time she saw this guy who has no feelings with her. She always thinks that he’s the man of her dreams, a guy that she will marry when she gets old. How poor this girl was, she just wasted her time to with this guy. She gave all the things that she could give just to be close with this guy. She just doesn’t know why’s feeling that kind of feeling when she see this guy. Then she told herself “this is love!” yeah~ a forbidden love. This guy ignores her every time she’s there. What I mean is, he ignores what she was doing, not totally ignores her physically, he just thought that they’re friends that’s why this girl was sweet and just like that. Friends, oh~ poor girl loving this numb guy. They’re just friends in the eyes of the guy but they’re lovers in her eyes. She was totally, super freakin’ in love with this numb guy. Until she saw this guy hugging another girl, it was her birthday, so she searches for this guy to invite him and his friends to her birthday. But then as you’ve read a while ago, she saw him hugging another girl. The bottle that she was holding fell on the floor that caught their attention, she was just shocked and then she runs away. She was crying, she run and run along the long path, it seems like the path will never end until she stops. She fell inside a man hole. As she gets herself out of that freakin’ man hole she told to herself not to be jealous and so on like that. she slowly walks away taking the chance that there’s no one saw here fell inside the man hole. When she reached their home, she took a bath and then after that she went to her bed and sleep without remembering that it was her birthday. So she fell asleep very deep. (In her dream she was chased by a guy who’s raising a knife so she run and run and run, until she reached the end of the way. And she saw her crush “the numb guy” goes her way, and so he hugged her tightly, told her not to be afraid. She felt like it was really happening in the real life. As she express her love to this guy the other guy’s still looking for her to kill her, and so this killer found her. But then the nub guy pushes her, he was the one who was targeted by the knife. She cries and cries, but as she looks to the face of the culprit she woke up by the ring of her cell phone.) She answered the call, with her eyes closed. As she heard the voice on the other side she was shocked! She was shocked and so she look down there gate. She saw her crush holding a gift and a cake for her birthday. But she just locked herself up to her room and just ignores the guy. As she read the messages on her cell phone she was shocked again, “why are you crying? It’s your birthday today right? Can I come, even though I’m not invited?” she went back to sleep, and so this poor numb guy just leave the gift and the cake inside their gate and he leaved. An hour ago, someone told him that this girl has a crush on him, and she was desperately, absolutely in love with him. As usual, he ignores it. The next day, he was waiting for this girl to come to their school, he waited a long time ago but then no weird girl came. He just thought that maybe she was absent. And so many days and weeks came, but this girl doesn’t appear, until one bad news came into their school. The girl was kidnapped by someone. The guy was shocked. But he realized that his cell phone was not on many times ago. So he switched it on. He waited on the messages to go in. then he read the messages, then his face was just full of sad emotion. “I’m hoping that you would come here to save me, the kidnapper doesn’t know that I’ve got my phone in my pocket. Please do reply ASAP. I will wait for you no matter what will the kidnapper will do to me.” The sad thing there is, the messages was sent 3 days ago. He felt like crying. He searched where the girl was. He reported the incident into the police station but they don’t give him a report. The case was just ignored by the police because he has no other proof beside the text message. He was worried about the girl. So he didn’t stop. His phone was ringing and he saw that the number appeared on the screen was the number of the girl. He answered it quickly expecting that the girl will speak to him. He heard a voice of a guy commanding someone to shut up. And he also heard the voice of the girl preventing him to save her. She shouts “I’m sorry, don’t mind me. I’m okay as always.” But he was very scared on what will happen if he did not talk with the kidnapper. The kidnapper told him to go to the place where the girl was. So he went there. He saw the face of the girl full of fright, and crying so he hurriedly goes to her side. “I told you not to go here.” The girl said. He just hugged the girl tightly, telling her not to worry anymore. The girl smile but her tear doesn’t disappear. The kidnapper appears and so he was holding a gun, pointing at their way. The guy just tells her to close her eyes, and as she opens it again everything will be alright. The girl just holds her faith and trusts this guy. He covered up the girl’s ears as the kidnapper clicks his gun. Both of them were scared. The girl can’t help but to cry and as she opens her eyes, she saw the kidnapper was lying down on the floor. Both of them stand up and walk away to the kidnapper not knowing that the kidnapper was still holding the gun, so he raised it and points on their way, and then he clicks it. The guy was hitted at his leg, and so he fell on the floor. Someone killed the kidnapper, but the girl doesn’t mind it. She was just focused on her crush. She was crying, but still the guy tries with his might to stand up. He hugs again the girl asking her if she’s alright. The girls answered back “yes don’t worry about me. Why did you go here?! I thought I’m just your nothing…” and so she starts to cry again. The guy just wiped her tears and said “that’s what you think.” And he gave her a smile. Riding on the ambulance the two was still feels freaky~ as the ambulance moved the girl saw the kidnapper runs towards their way and so she was so scared and then shouted pointing outside. She remembered about what she dreamt. And she’s happy because her knight and shining armor went to save her. The guy proposed to the girl, he also apologize that he was not aware with the girl’s feelings. The girl just answered back with a smile. But then she remembered about that day, her birthday, the day when he saw the guy hugging someone, then she scolded him. The guy told her that, that girl was her younger sister. They were close to each other that’s why they’re hugging each other on public. The girl feels she was the most important person living on earth because on what happened.

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flyhighkiddo #1
it was a happy ending by the way.<br />
so no need to be sad. :P