
◊☆☾Heart Thief☽☆◊ -completed-
'Really~?' smirked jaejoong seeing the look in Junsu's eyes

'I…I will be away for a while' Junsu's look turned serious now


'I'm going aboard for a couple of weeks; I need to think things through' Junsu sipped some wine, it tasted bitter this time, way too bitter that he was about to spit it out but he forced himself to swallow before pushing the glass away

'What's wrong?' frowned jaejoong

'Bitter!' Junsu made a sour face

'What?' blinked jaejoong tasting some wine from his glass, it tasted alright to him

'Anyway, I gatta go, I need to pack' smiled Junsu weakly, he hugged jaejoong and left leaving a very confused jaejoong

Junsu opened the door and entered, it was Yoochun's house and as he knew it will be empty, Yoochun will still be at work but entering Junsu was proven to be wrong, Yoochun was sitting there with Jung yunho, Mr. Park and his father going through some documents. Yoochun was frowning for sure

'Oh su' Mr. Kim smiled seeing his son but Junsu just smiled weakly and was about to go upstairs, he had his passport in his nightstand and he wanted to get it and leave quickly

'So he got the chain now?'

'Yes but I got his black notebook, the one with his designs'

The whispers made Junsu freeze in his spot, wide eyes his body shivering he ran to his room at once, not caring even to close the door he started to look through his stuff, he opened his closet and started to throw everything out till he found his passport, he slipped it in his pocket hidden under his shirt and went on searching for his notebook not believing he did not check it in the morning

Spot by spot Junsu was looking through his entire bedroom, he had broke and trashed the entire place looking like crazy for his notebook but not finding it anywhere

'WHAT…?' Yoochun and everyone else rushed into the bedroom after Junsu accidently crashed his lamp

'WHERE IS IT??!!' Junsu rushed to Yoochun grabbing his collar wanting to kill him

'Calm down' Yoochun tried to reason with the angry Junsu but everyone knows that this can't happen, right?

'GIVE IT BACK!!!!' Junsu yelled again, Jung Yunho rushed to help Yoochun by pulling Junsu away from him

'Let's talk about it' spoke Yoochun seriously


'I will give it back to you if you agree to speak to me, seriously, just the two of us together and I promise I won't publish a word of out chat'

'Fine!! Give it!!' hissed Junsu

Sighing Yoochun handed Junsu the black notebook and smiled:' let's talk downstairs'

Junsu did not say anything; he just walked after Yoochun downstairs. The rest remained upstairs trying to listen and hoping the two won't kill each other or most likely Junsu won't kill Yoochun

'Hope they will be fine' sighed Mr. Kim

'Yes I hope so too, Yoochun could be provocative sometimes' agreed Mr. Part

'Don't worry Yoochun loves the boy so he won't hurt him' smirked yunho knowing the news will make the mid aged men who wants the boys together happy

'Huh?' blinked Mr. Kim

'They got drunk and slept together last night, Yoochun admitted to me he fell for the boy an hour before you two arrived' grinned a proud yunho, a grin which was met by two other grins from the elder men

Yoochun and Junsu sat in the living room looking at each other; Yoochun took a few minutes to look at Junsu, stare at him and realize how pretty the boy was, even when he was this angry he was still so pretty that made Yoochun's heart race

'I… why, your designs are amazing so why hide them? Why not publish them?'

'I… don't like to… it's a girly job' frowned Junsu

'Really? says who?' Yoochun cracked an eyebrow

'It's privet' frowned Junsu

'Look why not try? I offer you a spot at my company, be my partner, let's give it a shot'

'I don't like to work' pouted Junsu, its truth, a part of the reason he did not publish any of his designs was because he hated to wake up early every morning and go to work beside Junsu did can't just sit and force himself to come up with a design just so he can make a deadline to publish a new collection or whatever, Junsu designed when he liked, when he felt like it so he liked to stay free

'Why? I won't tell anyone please~'

'Ok once before when I was still in middle school I designed a necklace for my other, I was working on it to give it to her on her birthday but because I did not have stiff to make it I bought some necklaces and cut them to parts making my own special necklace for mom but then she came into the room and saw me working on it and she took it away and got angry saying jewelry designing is for girls and that I should stop playing with these stuff so since then I stopped publishing anything and kept it hidden till you stole my chain and notebook!!' frowned Junsu

'But now you are gown up, I know for sure she did not mean to say that and plus you will work with me every day, in the same office all day and you are not forced to design, you can design when you feel like it, please just give it a shot, for me?'

'I… I need to think' frowned Junsu, he just stood up and without any other words went to the door, Yoochun ran after him

'WAIT!! Where are you going?'

'Out of sight for a couple of weeks, I wanna think about some things… I will give you an answer when I come back' Junsu just walked out of the house, he did not pack anything but went straight to the airport and bought a one way ticket to Tahiti (You know before everything happened recently there, just the place boys before flowers went to remember, the island for vacation, that Tahiti) the beach and the golden sand, the air and everything there always made him feel better

The plane was to leave in two hours so he got his passport checked and everything and sat down in a café drinking some water, the first sip of water taster bitter and the second tasted worse, feeling angry Junsu bought a bottle of every kind of cold liquid the man had, from ice coffee to fruits smoothie to soft drinks, everything tasted bitter to Junsu, anything he drank but the cola tasted good, normal better say so he drank it but deciding to rest a little, it must be because he is tired or something

When in Tahiti Junsu went to the best hotel around, the rooms were small huts that led you straight to the ocean (Again just like BBF) and Junsu rented the best one

Entering the hut Junsu jumped on his bed, he did not feel that great, in fact he felt a little dizzy so he decided to sleep a little and rest

Two weeks passed…

Yoochun was in his office sitting and spacing out, he had so much to do but still all he could think of is his little brat, the one he is unable to find no matter what, he was nowhere to be found in Korea and he did not feel like asking Mr. Kim to spy on his son for him but two weeks alone without the boy Yoochun missed him like crazy, he had decided that the second Junsu comes back he will confess his love to him, he will make him his but now he had to suffer and wait till he comes

Junsu opened his eyes wide open, his hand covered his mouth at once and he rushed to the toilet to throw up again! This crazy dizziness won't leave him alone and the sickness he was feeling every morning since he came did not help too, Junsu thought it was because he spent most of his days at the beach so it may be from the heat but no it did not look like it so today after starting day fourteen with vomiting Junsu decided that he gives up and that even though he hates hospitals so much he will go have a checkup so getting dressed he took his rented car to the town and went to the hospital

'Hello, I'm doctor Sungmin how may I help you Mr. Kim?' the doctor entered the room where Junsu was told to wait

'I…I had been feeling dizzy and vomited every morning since I came here, fourteen day ago, plus food tasted good in the past tastes bitter now, I eat only sea food excluding fishes and I can only drink cola!'

'I see…' Sungmin sat behind his office and typed some things on his computer; he read the report that popped out in a news window before he nodded

'From your medical record I see you are a special case, we will do a simple blood test but I must ask if you had been uality active with another male lately'

'I…did fifteen day ago… I was drunk…' blushed Junsu

'I see, and he topped I guess… sorry for asking this but its important'

'I think… I don't remember clearly' frowned Junsu

'Ok, I will take the blood sample now' Dr. Sungmin took the blood sample quickly and painlessly and called a nurse to take it to the lab saying it's urgent and gave her a paper with the tests he needed, it was one actually

'So what is wrong with me?' frowned Junsu

'We can't be sure till the results comes back in four hours but I think that you are pregnant sir'

'WHAT??!!' yelled Junsu with his high pitch tone startling Sungmin, he could not believe this, those two weeks he did lots of thinking when he was not sick and he came to learn he feels something for Park Yoochun, what exactly he was not sure, it could be true love or a crush but it was giving him a warm blessing feeling for sure, and he was even ready to give the jewelry designing thing a shot too but this… this is something he never thought about!



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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description Will read soon
Visiting old fics!
Visiting old fics!
Chapter 30: I have to say that this is the most entertaining fanfic I have ever read.
Its aaaamaaaaziiiing!!!!!!
And Junsu is somehow still annoying. Yunho ... So cheesy -_-
Uee how DARE you??!!! Lemme get my hands on you *grrrr*
Kimin (or should I say, Minbum? Keke) is cute, Minnie's personality doing a total 180` turn. No more DEchangminVIL, yay.
Happily ever after!! Yayyyyy
also this might sound a bit too much to ask but is there any chance of a sequel? Like, the life of YooSu couple and children, and the YunJae and KiMin couple with their *adopted?* kids too? Coz that would be sooooooo sweet. *blushes*
Chapter 11: Not finished but all I have to say is -
Junsu: Annoying, overreacting drama queen. (JUST GET OVER IT KIM JUNSU YOU ARE ANNOYING THE SH*T OUT OF ME)
Yoochun: So mean, Yoochunnie ... *pouts* poor Junsu. Can't you give it back? *sigh*
Changmin: The true devil. *smirks* lol so cute when he's jealoooooous
Kibum: Poor Kibummie, how did he ever get to (if even) love the DEchangminVIL? (I'M prefer changDEVILmin tho)
Chapter 30: Oh my my..this was indeed a great story... Yoochun suffered alot but got what he deserved.. His junsu... Love it :-)
Junsu really is a brat but he's also adorable at the same time so I can't hate him. Also really hate uee
moonjoy #8
Chapter 30: i laugh so hard for junsu... his the best in making yoochun life misery , but yoochun is much better in making junsu fall in everything :)
Chapter 30: Its so fun~~
Omg all your stories are amazing~
Can wait to see what else you'll do ;D