Ch. 3


You froze as the pair of brown eyes pierced into your own.


Lee Jaehwan, you thought.


You thanked the gods that you covered up your bruises and scars well. His eyes remained fixated on you, looking you up and down. Jaehwan wasn't checking you out, and you were well aware with the fact he wasn't. He was trying to break into you. He was trying to see into you. And the fact that he was trying to get inside your thoughts made you wish he was checking out your body instead.




You looked up and let out the breath you didn't know you were holding. You didn’t know if you should feel relieved or even more scared when you saw Taekwoon walk up next to the younger boy. His gaze drifted from you towards your house. He noticed the broken and empty beer bottles on the floor. The eyes of the ever so watchful Taekwoon darkened at the sight of the mess. Jaehwan's gaze followed his hyung's.


"Did you have a party or something?" Even now he still had the decency to crack a joke.


You shook your head. "Appa just drank a bit too much... Where's Hakyeon-oppa?"


Taekwoon nodded his head towards the house beside yours.


"We went to his place first but found out he was still showering. So he told us to get you first." Jaehwan smiled.


You stepped out and shut the door, locking it before looking back at them. "I take it we're all going to be hanging out today then?"


They both nodded.




Jaehwan was the one person who Hakyeon needed in his life. You watched the two laugh and share jokes with each other as you trailed behind the two with Taekwoon. Jaehwan would say one thing and Hakyeon would answer with another thing before they both erupted into an endless hole of laughter. The two got along so well, it was almost hard to believe that Jaehwan had only transferred two days ago.


Your thoughts were cut off when you bumped into the said boy's back. Confused, you looked up only to be met with his own confused gaze. You blushed.


"S-Sorry," you muttered, "I-I didn't know we arrived..."


Hakyeon smirked at you and slung an arm around you. "Eun Jae-ah must like you because she never gets nervous around guys. Not even Taekwoonie!"


You spun around and began to hit him. "Hakyeon shut up! I don't like him!"


The boy laughed and kept teasing you. Jaehwan looked over at Taekwoon. "Is it true?" he whispered.


The poker faced boy glanced at him. "You like her already?"


Jaehwan just remained silent.


The four of you entered a small café that had just opened only a mere three weeks ago. Taekwoon was the one who discovered it and suggested to Hakyeon that you all eat there. It was no surprise to see that the three handsome boys attracted many unwanted attention. The whispers and squeals from girls made you wish you never agreed to leave the house. You could feel the glares and snickers of people around you, and it made you want to hide away in a hole. Hakyeon had told you many times before that you were pretty. You knew you were pretty too, but compared to the boys, you also knew you were not even comparable. Your beauty was delicate. Soft features, large and innocent eyes. Your body was petite. But still, the judging eyes of strangers whom you will never see again still made you feel self-conscious about yourself.


"I'm so hungry," Hakyeon groaned once he sat down in the booth. You plopped yourself next to him, leaving Taekwoon and Jaehwan to sit across from you two. A female waitress sauntered her way over to where you sat, and you wished you never came. Her body was full of curves, eyebrows arched perfectly. She wore quite an amount of makeup, but she definitely knew where to put it to make it look good. She glanced at you and scoffed.


"I'm your waitress, Jihyun," she began, leaning over the table to show off the tops of her s. You noticed all the boys glance over at the cleavage. She smirked in approval. "Can I get you guys any drinks?"


Hakyeon pointed over at one of the drinks on the menu. "Banana milk for me, please."


"I'll take a cola," Jaehwan said.


"Tea," Taekwoon added.


Jihyun turned to you. "And you?" You looked up, about to order until you saw her gaze. She challenged you. Her eyes mocked you, daring you to make her bring something for you. You swallowed the lump in your throat and shook your head.


"Not thirsty..." you whispered softly.


"What was that?" Her voice was even mocking.


"I-I'm okay with nothing..."


She leaned back, satisfied. "I'll be back~"


The boys looked at you, both shocked and concerned. Hakyeon's hand touched your shoulder softly and you jumped slightly, looking at him with a look of pure shock.


"A-Are you sure you don't want anything?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed with worry.


You nodded. "I-I'm not that hungry..."


The keen Taekwoon spoke up, "You haven't eaten anything since last night." His voice was low. "That has to be a good eight hours of no food."


Your body tensed at his words and you forced yourself to pick up your head and put on a smile for him. "I-I'm fine, really..."


Jihyun returned, drinks on a tray for the boys. She pulled out her notepad and smiled, ready to take orders. Everyone ordered except for you.


"Why are you even here?" she hissed out, making you whip your head around at her.




"I mean, it's a café. Why are you here if you won't even order anything?"


You were about to answer her when someone's voice broke in. "I'm sorry, but please just go and leave us alone unless you're bringing us food."


You looked over at a now irked Jaehwan.


"We don't appreciate you trying to involve yourself in our business," Hakyeon added.


Taekwoon just glared at her.


Taken aback, Jihyun could only roll her eyes and shoot you a glare. Before stalking off, Jaehwan called out.


"Bring her some ramen and juice while you're at it."


You gave him a look, pleading him to stop. But the mischievous look in his eyes only grew when he saw her jot down the order on her notepad. He gave you a smug look and you frowned.


"Yah," you said louder than usual, "I didn't ask for anything because I really-"


"Pfft~ Anyone could tell that you were hungry. You couldn't take your eyes off the menu before she came," Jaehwan smirked.


Your cheeks flushed and you ducked your head down. You wondered how you ended up surrounded by boys who could easily break into you. Hakyeon frowned slightly and gave your back a rub.


"Eun Jae-ah," he pleaded, "Please don't think of yourself as a burden, okay?"


You could only nod.




Your lunch with the boys ended rather smoothly than you expected. You exited the small shop and started walking through the town. The two older boys walked ahead, chatting about school while you found yourself walking side by side with Jaehwan. He kept his gaze forward, hands tucked into his pockets. You, of course, didn't know that you kept staring at him. The boy beside you, however, was very well aware of the brown eyes that remained fixated on him. Jaehwan smirked and turned to you.


"Is there something on my face?" he asked. "Or am I really as beautiful as Hongbin?"


You blushed and turned away, scoffing at him. "As if," you said. "Hongbin's much cooler than you."


Now this got his attention. Hakyeon and Taekwoon turned their heads, eyes wide with surprise.


You were completely oblivious to them. You thought that admitting Hongbin's good looks was nothing since it was true. But the three boys were all surprised you actually complimented a man for his good looks, especially Hakyeon since this was his first time hearing you ever utter such a thing.


The quirky Jaehwan recovered from the shock quite quickly. "Oh c'mon," he cooed, "I'm cute, aren't I?"


It was your turn to be surprised as your cheeks flushed pink. A frown came upon your features and you lifted a palm that quickly came in contact with Jaehwan's arm. You slapped him continuously while trying to hide your blush. "Shut up! I don't think you're cute!" you denied. "You're stupid, okay? Stupid, stupid, stupid!"


Jaehwan laughed at you while the older boys just stared on in complete shock. Hakyeon nudged Taekwoon. "Should I take her to see a doctor?"


Taekwoon nodded. "Just to be safe..."


It wasn't long before you stopped in front of a small clothing shop. Your head tilted to the side a bit, eyes scanning the contents of inside from your spot outside of the large window. The boys followed your gaze, and Hakyeon, being the brotherly figure he is, grabbed your wrist to drag you in.


"Well let's go guys!"


You snapped out of your trance and tried to pull away the moment his cheerful voice reached your ears. "W-Wait! Hakyeon-oppa no it's not what you think!"


Jaehwan placed his hands on your shoulders, leaning his head down to yours so you could feel his breath just tickle the shell of your ear. "Just go."


You were pushed (and dragged) inside with Taekwoon strolling in behind.


Oh just what would your dad say if he saw you with bags full of new clothes? You tensed up at the thought, but looking up you saw the reassuring smiles of two boys and thought that just maybe...




Maybe it'll be alright.



Literally had the longest writers block stage. But I'm back now.

Chapter 4 in progress.


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Green_Chinmayi #1
Chapter 6: This fics is really good.. im just dissapointed that aunthornim 'seems' like've abandoned it.. seriously its indeed a really good story n writing .. yeah :')
Chapter 6: Hi there,
It's really hard to find good KenxYou fics and this is one of the best I've come across. I'm just wondering if you plan on finishing it? (I hope you reply back.)
I realy like the story c: you have a beautiful writing stil,got me all into it :3 love it so of course upvote x3
Balqis-ah #4
Author-niiiim!! Update pliisss... ><
Balqis-ah #5
Chapter 4: Oh nooooo.. i'm so blushing everytime got scene with jaehwan... i really know the felling!!! Love this story.... ><
kittyleo #6
Chapter 6: Please update! :(
i love this story so much!! hehe pls update soo authornim i cant waaaaittt
Kpopfanfan_elf #8
Chapter 5: I LOVE THIS
Kpopfanfan_elf #9
Otto_kenyonce #10