Toy Store

Toy Store - Myungsoo

Colorful toys lined the shelves, stuffed animals were happily pressed against the windows, the big red doors happily beckoned in the costumers, the happy chime of the bell rang through the shop as a fellow employee happily sang a greeting to you.

Myungsoo and you happily browsed through the store, looking for a birthday present for your three year old son, Miles. Myungsoo’s hand held onto yours while the two of you started to look around, trying to find something that Miles would like.

"What about some more train tracks?" You offered, pointing over to the wooden sets for his already purchased trains.

"Trains?" Myungsoo perked up, walking over to the shelves that held the boxed up toys, he happily pulled you behind him as his eyes scanned the shelves.

Pulling a blue train off of the shelf, he took his hand out of your while you happily took this opportunity to look around as well.

"Does Miles have Thomas?" Myungsoo asked, his fingers spinning the wheels as he smiled and looked over the craftsmanship of the blue train.

"I think he does, he has Gordon, Percy, James and Annie and Clarabelle" You told him while you looked at a cool bridge that you hadn’t seen before. 

Myungsoo turned his attention from the train table that was behind him, grabbing one of the derailed trains, he picked it up carefully and put it on the wooden tracks. Rolling it over the wooden rails, you turned and saw Myungsoo playing on the train table.

"Does he have a train table jagi?" He questioned while rolling the train all around the table.

Lifting up the bridges and trying out all of the different routes around the table, you heard a faint train horn from Myungsoo. A smile spread on your face while you watched the kid in him come up to the surface. Facing the shelves, once more, you looked over everything, keeping a few toys in the back of your mind you knelt down besides Myungsoo.

"Are you ready to try another part of the store?" You ruffled his hair like you do with Miles

"Just let me stay here and play" He whined trying to wave you away

"Now I can’t leave you, I know that you get sad when you are alone" You told him.

"Go look around, I will come and find you" He finally said while he attached a few more cars on the back of his train, the magnates clicking the cars together.

"Okay, I’m leaving first" You sang, standing up, you slowly started to walk away.

Just when you rounded the corner and looked at the play foods that were in boxes, you heard Myungsoo’s feet run over and his hand slide into yours.

"Did you put the trains away nicely?" You asked him, he nodded his head when he looked over your shoulder.

"Why are you looking at the play food?" He questions, taking the box from your hands.

"Miles likes to cook for me, when I cook" You tell him as he nodded and just slipped the box back on the shelf.

"Let’s go look at the books" Myungsoo offered, nodding your head, both of you walked over to the bookshelves surrounding a cute little reading nook in a corner of the toy store.

Thumbing through the books, you just saw all of the books that Miles already had in his bookshelf at home. Finding a book that he might not have, you pulled it from the shelf and started to turn the pages. Half way through the book, you looked around and saw Myungsoo sitting in a kid’s chair, his knees were up against his chest while he read a book that sat on his lap.

His fingers gently pressed against his lips, his eyes moving from left to right and then moving over the pictures, you smiled as you saw his lips move along with the words.

Placing the book back onto the shelf, you moved over to the stuffed animal corner, going over what animals Miles liked in your head, you scanned over the stuffed animals.

Looking at the puppies, you knew that his other one at home was getting worn, lifting a cute one from the shelf, you heard those familiar footsteps and an arm that wrapped around you.

"What are you looking at now?" Myungsoo’s sweet voice spilled over against your ear

"Just some stuffed animals" You shrugged your shoulders and pet the top of the puppies heads as you placed it back on the shelf.

"Oh look at this!" Myungsoo trotted over to a cute teddy bear and held it in his hands, gently moving it’s arms as he comes over to you and pressed the bears nose on your cheek and loudly kissed.

"He gave you a kiss~" Myungsoo smiled cutely

"He did~" You nodded with a smile as you kissed his nose back

"Yah" He poked your side "You are only supposed to kiss me"

"I kiss Miles too" You hummed as you took the cute bear from his hands and played with his paws. "So what do you think we should get him for his birthday?"

"How about a cool bridge, a cute teddy bear and a cute bedtime book" Myungsoo counted them on his fingers

"Okay, but that will take a lot of time and he will be waking up from his nap soon and I know that the members’ won’t want to watch him for much longer" You told Myungsoo

"No need to worry, I have them all right here" Myungsoo trotted back to the check out counter and gathered up all of the items in his hands then came back over to you.

"See?" He beamed happily showing you all of the things that he picked out for his son.

"How did you get all of these?" You looked up at him with big eyes

"Well after you kept leaving me, I found the best presents and then I found you after every time. Do you like them?" Myungsoo asked you while you looked through his arms full of the presents.

"They are perfect" You whispered as you looked up at him with loving eyes, "Now all we need to do is wrap them"

He let out a breathy chuckle, “They gift wrap here too jagi” He giggles pointing to the wrapping paper that hung down from large rolls. Nodding your head, you walked over with Myungsoo, buying the toys and waiting for them to be wrapped.

Once they were wrapped with star wrapping paper, Myungsoo took the bags and wrapped his free arm around you and kissed your head, before the two of you walked out the store to get some other things for Miles’ birthday.

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