
The Band-Aid for my Heart


"I love you", Chanyeol said softly, looking deeply into your eyes while the corner of his lips slightly lifted upwards. You lost yourself in those eyes, forgetting everything around you, only feeling your hammering heartbeat in your chest.


"Yes! Exactly like that, amazing!", the teacher shouted from across the room. "This, girls and boys, is exactly how the scene is supposed to be!".


You teared your gaze away from Chanyeol's beautiful face and looked around at all your classmates. While Chanyeol told you that he "loved" you (yeah, sadly it was all just his perfect acting), you totally forgot that everyone was watching and your heart rate went up again, but this time it was because you were rather scared anyone noticed the huge crush you had on Park Chanyeol, your best friend since kindergarten.


The emphasis lies on best friend, because never would Chanyeol love you in a way you did. It wasn't even a crush anymore, you loved Chanyeol; with all your heart. That was the problem about all that. You were friend-zoned, no worst, sister-zoned to Chanyeol.


He always acted like a big brother to you, he was a popular guy in school,  of course, he looked like a freakin fallen Angel or something, how could you possible NOT be in love with those huge sparkling eyes, that wide grin and his idiotic sweet self of him. That was nearly impossible.


"We're a great team after all, that's why we'll get the main roles miss Lee, right? ", Chanyeol grinned and put an arm around your shoulder. "Yeah-- what no!", you hit him not so softly with your elbow. Sometimes you really wanted to hit that huge dome of his (and maybe kiss him afterwards but of course you wouldn't ever admit that out loud). As much as you enjoyed the little moment of Chanyeol confessing you his fake love to you, there was no way you wanted to play the whole thing-- in front of people-- with everyone watching. And come one high school musical 3? that was more than embarrassing.


"Wow Park Chanyeol, I'm thrilled.", mrs. Lee smiled at Chanyeol, it was rather creepy because she was biting her lips, staring at him as if he was some kind of delicious candy, "Such a good student, you all should learn something from him", she continued and winked at him.

Gross, really, just gross you threw Chanyeol a disgusting look and he giggled.


"So Chanyeol and (y/n) are Troy and Gabriella". 

"No!", you screamed immediately and a bit too loudly, "I mean, I can't-- I don't want to be Gabriella", the volume of your voice suddenly vanished and you looked down. As if it wasn't hard enough to face hundreds of students each day, let alone talk to them and now being the spotlight out of all? that was too much to ask for.


"I'll do it then!", Dara shot into the room and stood up, throwing her hair back so perfectly, you could swear she was a queen in her last life or something. She pushed you to the side as if you were some kind of dirt and nuzzled herself against Chanyeol.


You felt like vomiting at the sight, sadly there was also that stupid aching heart of yours that made you feel like crying. It wasn't just that. The way everyone treated you. It was always like that, you were the poor orphan girl, who had no family.


Ever since kindergarten you were horribly treated. They all had acted nicely around you, but even back then you had known it was all fake. You remembered the dirty, pity looks that lied in their eyes. Secretly they all had looked down at you and you had known it.


"You look prettier when there's no water coming out of your eyes", the young Chanyeol had told you, wanting to make you smile. Looking up, you met his sincere huge eyes and that cheerful smile plastered on his face. Ever since he had taken care of you and had beaten up endless of guys who made fun of you, even in high school.


You looked away, trying to act like you were okay. You were used to being treated like that, but you never got used to the pain. Suddenly it would just hit you, and you'd remember just what a miserable life you actually had.


"Uhm no, (y/n) will do it, but thanks for trying sweetie", Chanyeol gave Dara a bittersweet smile and came up to you.


"I know you can do it, and with me as your partner, well then nothing can go wrong", he winked and you rolled your eyes, but you smiled and that was what mattered to Chanyeol.


"Besides it's our last year, do it for me okay?"


Yeah, it was the last school year-- to be exact it were only a few weeks left, before you and Chanyeol would be seperated and he'd never ever know just how much he meant to you and marry some rich snotty famous girl in China that fit him way more than you (well not the snotty part, but rich and famous definitely described Chanyeol perfectly; he was the son of the Parks after all).


You sighed, maybe you should try it, it couldn't be that bad right? you told yourself with a heavy heart.


Mrs. Lee gave out the lead roles and not long after the bell rang.


"Before you go, here are the scripts, you should know everything by next week". She handed out the scripts, especially brushing her fingers against Chanyeol's when she gave him his.


"Mrs. Lee is so creepy", you told Chanyeol when you were on your way home. He laughed. "She totally has a crush on you I swear."

"Nahh, she just knows what a good student I am", this time you laughed, "dream on yeol, you're an idiot".


"Hey, you still love me though". Yeah, sadly you did love him, more than he'd ever know.


"ew you? never!", you teased just to get hit with the elbow softly, knowing you weren't serious.


You seperated at the usual street and felt the empty spot in your heart again as soon as Chanyeol wasn't in reach anymore.


You were a rather lonely person, there was no one except Chanyeol in your life. Sure there was your old friend from the orphanage, Baekhyun and some other people, however none of them could fill that hole in your heart like Chanyeol did. With only a simple smile of his, it felt like you could own the whole world. You always wondered how he did that.


He was always there when you needed him, ever since you were little. How could you survive when he was gonna move to China because of his dad's company after school ended? it were only a few weeks left. Your stomache twisted at the thought. Sooner or later you had to let go anyways, however you didn't expect it to be this soon.


Lost in your thoughts, you didn't even notice a couple of creepy boys coming up to you. Since you didn't have much money, the area you lived in wasn't really full of well-behaved people,  but they never really bothered you. Those boys though came nearer with every step and gave you dirty smiles from the distance. You took a step backwards, wanting to go to the opposite direction, but it was already too late. You panicked.


"Well, who's this little girl?", one of them asked giving you that dirty smile of his. He looked like the leader of them all, since he was very tall and muscular compared to the other boys. "Let's get this done with", another guy exclaimed, before pulling you by your shirt.

Before realizing your movement, you slapped his hand away.


"D-don't t-touch-- me".


Your heart raced and your whole body was shaking in fear. His face hardned and his grip got tighter.


"P-please, that hurts", your voice vanished and tears started to fall.


Another guy laughed and took you by the other side. You knew there was no way to escape the situation, but before you knew it, you screamed on the top of your lungs. You screamed his name. "Chanyeol", you screamed again and again.


The muscular dude tackeled you to the ground with all his force. Pain was going threw your whole body. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see the horrible things they were about to do next, you expected the worst.


However, you didn't expect to hear a loud scream out of one of them. You opened your eyes to see Chanyeol beating the tallest up. The other boys ran away after they saw how strong he was. Of course, Chanyeol had years of training in jujitsu and karate. After he was done, he immediately came up to you inspecting your body for any injuries.


"I'm f-fine", your voice was shaking, when you started to cry. Chanyeol pulled you close to his chest.


"Stupid! Why aren't you taking better care of yourself?!" He tried to sound angry but all he did was pulling you even closer, not letting you go.


"I'm sorry", you whispered. "I'm so sorry", your cries got louder.


But all he did was kissing your forehead and whispering, "it's okay", over and over again; and that was the only thing you needed.




Hours passed when you arrived at Chanyeols. After you had cried there for god knows how long, Chanyeol carried you home with him, refusing to let you sleep alone in your apartment that night. Mrs. Park had all kind of worries when she saw you. She always treated you like her own daughter and took care of you ever since you knew Chanyeol.


"Eo meonim, I'm fine, really.", you said quietly, trying to sound convincing, "I just want to sleep, I hope that's okay".


"Of course darling!", she kissed your forehead, her face still full of worry and let you off to sleep.


Instead of bringing you to the guest room like usual when you slept over at the Parks (which really didn't happen often, cause Chanyeol mostly stayed over at yours) Chanyeol brought you to his room.


"Yeol I really wanna sleep", your voice sounded tired.


"I know, sleep here tonight". Your eyes widened, "what?"


"I know you're having a half trauma because of the thing that happened earlier... I just want you to be safe, please", you could see the worry in his eyes and Chanyeol really was a well-behaved boy, so you knew there weren't any other intentions behind that. Too tired to argue with him, you plopped down on his bed, pulling the blanket up your chin, hearing a relieving sigh from the corner of the room. The lights switched off and you felt the bed going down with the weight beside you.


You still felt like crying, but you tried your best not to. You hated crying in front of other people, even when it was Chanyeol, it only showed how weak and miserable your life was. It was something you didn't want others to see, you wanted to seem strong and make it seem like you could deal with all the events that had happened in your short life.


You shivered, for some reason you felt really cold, although you had the whole blanket for youself. "I'm cold", your voice was shaking again and you suddenly noticed the wet spots on your cheeks. "It's okay, (y/n)", Chanyeol whispered so softly into your ear, only being a few inches away.


He took his shirt off and pulled you close to his bare chest. You were about to protest, when you felt the warmth going through your body. The drowsiness overcame you and you fell into a peaceful sleep, still clutched to his chest. The last thought that left your mind was about how Chanyeol was your giant band-aid, that could heal any wound and lessen any pain you were feeling.




A few days went by and you were still at the Parks, since Chanyeol including his mom, dad and sister refused to let you go back "home" (if you could even call it that). They even offered you to move into their guest room till they'd move to China but you nicely declined the offer, telling them you were okay.


"We need to go through our scripts till tomorrow", Chanyeol said excitingly while pulling it out of his bag. You sighed, "Come one, high school musical? I know the movie by heart". "But I don't, so we need to practice now, get yo lazy out of the bed", Chanyeol laughed and you stood up lazily throwing a pillow at his face.


"This is when I'm in college and we're supposed to be at the prom. But then you surprise me and we dance,  tadah", you explained Chanyeol the next scene without looking at the script.


"But before we dance, we kiss", Chanyeol said as if there was no big deal in that.


"Yeah-- what.", you took a look at the script. Even without looking at it you knew there was a kiss, you just didn't think about you and Chanyeol actually doing it.


"Uhm, we can skip that part yeol".


"No why, we have to do it anyways so I think we practice it before it turns out really awkward in front of everyone".


You didn't know what to say to that. Of course you always wanted to kiss him, but-- not like that. Not when it didn't mean anything to Chanyeol.


"But--", before you could say anything Chanyeol quickly moved his face closer, till it was only a few inches away from your own. Your breath hitched. It was a miracle you could breathe at all, because you actually felt like suffocating.


You had looked into those eyes ever since you were a little girl, but you never saw them from such a distance; they were even more beautiful.


You closed your eyes feeling his hot breath caressing your lips. The room was silent and the only thing that resounded were both of your heartbeats.


"Chanyeol", you whispered breathlessly, brushing slightly against his lips.


"Mm?", he replied lunguorous.


"I don't know how to kiss".


Your eyes were still closed and with every passing second you got more convinced that your heart was gonna jump out of your chest any second. You didn't even care anymore what he was gonna reply, you just wanted to feel his lips against yours, feel-- him.


"let me show you", was the last thing that left his mouth before connecting both your lips with each other.


The kiss was sweet and innocent. It started off slow, when Chanyeol softly pushed you down the bed and was hovering over you. He interlocked your fingers with his and nuzzled his body against yours.


Your hands went to the nape of his neck to pull him closer. The kiss got more passionate and it felt like Chanyeol was putting all the feelings he had for you into the kiss. 


Maybe he did love you the way you did... but your brain wasn't functioning to think about that at that moment.


You didn't know how many minutes, seconds or even hours passed after you pulled away with a heavy breath. Your eyes were still closed and Chanyeol flopped down on the bed beside you. You felt all fuzzy and drowsy, there were no words to describe how amazing it felt to kiss the boy you longed for that long.


"So how was I as a Troy? My acting is amazing isn't it?", Chanyeol grinned widely, looking at you from the side. You were harshly brought back to reality. A second ago it felt like you'd never feel the pain and sadness that lingered in your heart that long again, but just now it felt like Chanyeol had ripped your heart out of your chest, crumbled it and threw it into a trashcan.


Tears welled up in your eyes and you immediately stood up.


"I- uh need to go". You ran down the stairs, ignoring Chanyeol shouting after you.


All you wanted to be was away, away from him, because your stupid heart suddenly couldn't deal with the fact that that stupid idiot never would love you back.


Unfortunately he was faster and pulled your arm back.


"(Y/n), what's wrong? Was it something I said?"


You covered your face. "No. Yes. Just leave me alone Chanyeol! I never want to see you again!"


Those words said he abruptly let go of your hand.


You ran out of the house and never saw the tears that had left his eyes the moment you had said those words.


You never heard him saying "but i love you", after you had left. 

You never waited for him to ask you if you wanted to move with him to China.


Maybe it was right like that after all.

Maybe you and Chanyeol weren't meant to be.

Maybe Chanyeol was never supposed to tell you he loved you at the end. Maybe.




Weeks passed by and you stayed in bed for the time being. The only time you woke up was to eat a piece of bread at least to not die of hunger or to go to the bathroom.


For the past few days you were crying yourself to sleep, waking up to horrible nightmares and feeling unbelievably lonely. You wanted to die. The thought didn't even surprised you anymore because there was nothing to live for. No one loved you and no one ever would. No wonder your parents gave you away when you were little, you thought.


You didn't go to school, it were the last weeks so it didn't matter anyways. You hadn't seen Chanyeol ever since.


You felt the pain again, his name echoing in your head.




He was already in China by now. You weren't even upset that he didn't tell you his goodbye. It was your fault you'd never see him again. It was the stupid you who fell in love with the only person that cared for you, protected you, loved you.


That day the door of your apartment opened (it was old and rusty anyone could've just entered it) and you heard heavy steps coming closer and closer.


Maybe this was the day something bad happened. There was no Chanyeol to rescue you this time. The worst thing was, you didn't even care. You didn't care if something happened or not, deep inside you heart all you wished for was that it were Chanyeols steps coming closer by each passing second instead that of a murdered or thief.


"I love you Chanyeol", you whispered before knowing it was the end.


2 strong arms packed you and you were pulled into his chest. You thought the person would strangle you any second or god knows what do to your body, however all you felt was am embrace that filled you with warmth and love.


"I love you too", a deep voice said quietly.


Immediately you pulled away and really-- it was Chanyeol in front of you.


He looked tired, there were dark rings underneath his eyes, but they still sparkled, the same way they always did when he looked at you. 


You cried and hugged him as tight as possible.


"Why are you crying?", he laughed with teary eyes himself, caressing your hair softly, "I can't breathe love".


"Because this is just a dream", you sobbed, "I don't want to wake up again just to realized you're not there Chanyeol, I need you, I love you, you didn't even say goodbye before you left idiot!"


You were pulled back to meet his eyes again. This time he was crying but there was a smile plastered on his face. "It's not a dream (y/n), I let my parents leave alone. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Let's move in together yeah? Out of here", he took a deep breath, "please marry me" was all he whispered before pressing his lips on yours.


It was a dream, yes. A dream from you'd never wake up from, because Chanyeol was your dream.

A dream you had never believed to actually come true.


Your life turned tables not only one time but two times consecutively, the only thing that mattered though, was that you finally lied in the arms of your lover.




a/n: and it's doneeeee~ i hope you liked the story although it was cliche much (cough the twilight scene with the shirtless body cough) and lol but i'd be happy to see some feedback because i'm already working on a new fic but i don't know if i should post it or not, also i wrote a very short arranged marriage one shot so let me know if you wanna read it. thanks for reading this awfully written something >___< english isn't my first language btw so excuse grammar errors and stuff.

ily, much love momo~ ♥

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Chapter 1: Really loved it...
ReinaPark #2
Chapter 1: I love it alot......
good job
Chapter 1: Oh my gosh i love this one-shot a lot! it made me squeal all night haha
Chapter 1: Love this one shot a lot! It was cute, yea and cheesy, haha!