please let me marry your son

Project: Proposal




I decided that this will be a short fic. Maybe four? to five chapters? idk let's just see how this turns out. Enjoy~


Chanyeol needs a new roommate.

He’s this close to throwing the butter knife he was holding directly to the said boy’s face. Right in between his eyes.


Yup. He’s that desperate.



Sehun was obnoxiously running around the small, tiny excuse of an apartment in practically nothing but his once-used-to-be-white boxers with its hem fraying around the edges. Don’t judge him, he calls it his ‘lucky underwear’.

In and out, in… and out, Chanyeol told himself as he slowly breathe through his nose lest he started yelling to the unsuspecting younger boy.

When he deemed himself calm enough, he loosened his grip on the poor knife, turning over to see Sehun perching himself on the small stool near the kitchen island.


“Yah Oh Sehun!” he groans, snatching away the small sized strawberry yogurt before the younger boy even had a chance to eat it. He sneakily the plastic spoon that comes with the cup of yogurt and started mixing it. “At this rate we’re going to be late, you stupid idiotic ! And I absolutely don’t want to see you in your stinky underwear so please go and put some clothes on.”


“That’s the last one! Chanyeollll!” Sehun actually whines, ignoring whatever it is that the older boy had said while helplessly watching him mixing his own spit into the berry flavored yogurt.

“It is my lucky underwear,” Sehun said with as much dignity as he could muster. “And for the record I just had it freshly laundered, so it obviously doesn’t stink.”


“Do I look like I care?” Chanyeol grumbled, the top of the lid and tossing it aside. “Seriously though, if you don’t get dressed up by the next ten minutes, we’re going to be late. And if we do happens to be tardy, I will not hesitate to kick you and your goddamn lucky underwear to the moon and back. I swear to god, Sehun-ah.”

To prove his point, Chanyeol maneuvered himself out from the tight space in the kitchen and squarely kicking the younger boy in the , eliciting a high pitched yelp from him.


“It’s my lucky underwear, you ! You should be thankful I even bothered wearing this on such an unimportant occasion!”

Chanyeol sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose upon hearing the nonsense the younger boy had sprouted.


He really needs a new roommate.




“Stop being a coward and just knock on the goddamn door already!” Sehun groaned, crouching beside the small pot of red poinsettias. Meanwhile, Chanyeol stood frozen, discreetly wiping his sweaty palm onto his pair of black jeans, legs shaking due to nerves.

“Oh shut up,” he retorts, jumping from one leg to another. “When it’s finally your turn to marry that Disney princess, I’ll be sure to laugh in your face.”

Sehun scowled. “Disney princess has a name, you douche.”

“Sure,” the elder pipes, “Leuhan, isn’t he?”

Sehun sighed and rolled his eyes, but he doesn’t bother to correct him.


They stood in front of the intricately carved door silently for the next twenty minutes. Sehun’s patience is getting considerably thinner as minutes passed, he contemplated on going up to the door and knock on it himself. But he has a better idea, or so he thinks as he pulled his phone and tapped on the first number with the initial ‘B’ displayed on his screen.

“I’m currently freezing my extremely fabulous off outside your parent’s house with your pathetic excuse of a boyfriend. So if you’ll be a dear and open the door for us, I’ll be extremely thankful.”

He ended the call before the receiver even had a chance of replying, and pocketed the device back into his pocket. Sehun turned and looked at the older boy who looked like his eyes going to pop and fall out.

Sehun let out a visible shudder.

“Oh god. That’s creepy.”



The door finally opened after a minute, and Sehun rolled his eyes the taller male whose attitude underwent a 360 degrees change when he spotted the top of the brunette’s hair peeking from behind the door.

“Oh hey guys,” Baekhyun greeted warmly, opening the door wider. “Why did you wait outside for so long? There’s the doorbell, you know,” he grinned as Chanyeol swept him into a brief hug.

Sehun snorted. “Somebody has been freaking out outside your door and is being completely useless, so I feel like I had to step in.”

“Oh shut up, Sehunnie. I’ll treat you to bubble tea later.”

“I want mine Chocolate. And large. With extra bubbles.”

“Sure thing, brat.”



“Oh. It’s you.”

“Yeah, it’s me. Haha. Hi,” Chanyeol smiled, though it looks strained. He awkwardly took a seat beside Sehun who was admiring the interior of the house. “This is a nice house, uncle,” Sehun commented, lifting his eyes into little crescents.

The corner of the old man’s lips twitched, yet he made no attempt to smile.


“Dad, behave.” Baekhyun reprimanded as he got up and went to look for his mother. The old man sighed and fixed his wire rimmed glasses on top of his nose.

Chanyeol knew the old man wasn’t one for friendly banter, well, not to him, anyway. So he wasn’t completely surprised as he went straight to the point, asking him about his business coming to their house.


“Do I need to have a business before coming here? I, uh, I,” he stammered, trailing off while thinking of a good enough excuse to use.

“He’s here to ask you something, Uncle Byun,” Sehun supplies helpfully, despite Chanyeol's protests, taking a glance over at his nails. “Really? Ask him what, dear?” Baekhyun’s mother pipes, suddenly emerging from the kitchen. She set down the plate of cookies she’d been holding and goes over so she can ruffle Chanyeol’s hair that he styled up very carefully that morning.


By now every pair of eyes are on him, and Chanyeol gulps. Sehun was looking at him with an expression that clearly screams ‘just get this all over with so I can have my bubble tea’. “Um…”

“Um… Uncle Byun, may I marry your son?”


The silence is so thick you could cut it by using a knife. Chanyeol gulps down nervously, his palms sweating like crazy as he went down to one knee in front of his boyfriend’s father. He heard a muffled giggle and the shutter sound of a camera.

That must be Auntie Byun.


“So… may I?” he muttered hopefully.


Chanyeol let out a huge sigh. “Thank you-"


“Wait, what?!”

The old man raised an eyebrow at him, as if challenging him to say more. Grudgingly, Chanyeol shut his mouth. For only a second.


“Pleaseletmemarryhimhe’stheloveofmylifeIcan’tlivewithouthim,” the tall boy spits out in lightning speed.

Baekhyun’s mother let out a small squeal as she probably think that Chanyeol pleading is cute.

“But please let me marry him. I’ll die if I lose him,” he pleaded, this time fully on his knees, giving the puppy eyes that he’d mastered from Baekhyun.


“More reason for me to say no,” the old man says tonelessly, gently pushing Chanyeol aside so he could stand.

“What the- do you want me to die?” the boy cried, a hand over his heart, hurt written all over his face. Baekhyun stood up this time. “Dad? Please? For me?” he begs, extending an arm so he could tug on his father’s sleeve.


His father shook his head. “I can barely wrap my head around the fact that my son swings the other way and now you’re telling me you’re getting married with a guy?”

“Dad, please, I know this is hard for you-"

“My answer is no, Byun Baekhyun. And that’s that.”


Okay, Chanyeol. Breathe in, and out. In, and out. That’s good, Chanyeollie, he mentally congratulated himself. “Look, can you do this for the sake of Baekhyun?”

“I don’t want to see my son spending the rest of his life with a , boy. He deserves much more than that.”


The tall boy felt his blood boil from hearing that word. Had he just got called a ? He took a deep breath and tightened his lips.

You can do this Chanyeol. Take a deep breath, and just say it out calmly. “Uncle.”


Calmly, yeah.



Sehun raises his eyebrows at the low-budget drama that was unfolding.


Don’t this up, don’t this up, don’tthisdon’tthis-


“Geez you old geezer why are you so hung up over the fact that me and your son are gay? Stop being a homophobic and just let us have our happiness. Is that so hard to ask you old prick?”



Aaaand you ed this up. Okay.


“Get out from my house.”





If this then let me know. Tell me what you think. Tell me everything! /flails/

Okay I'll shut up now. 

See you next chapter!



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jesselee #1
Chapter 1: Man poor baekyeol
MsTurtle #2
hehehe I hope you'll update this quickly author-nim ..
can't wait to read it !! especially since its chanbaek and I love the song too ..

p/s: also because I really need some fluff in my life .. been reading way too many drama fics lately