Lead Vocal/Rapper

A New Girl Group is Coming to Cube (CLOSED)

Here is the Lead Vocal/Rapper!

Account name: XxAnGeLsVsDeViLsXx
Idol name: Ha Young II
Idol nick name: Hailey
Place of birth: Seoul, South Korea
Age: 19
DOB: 29/07/1992
About Yourself: Ha Young II is very creative in drawing. She is very understanding of people around her and their situations. She is sweet and kind to people and can be very random at times. She usually hangs out somewhere quiet so that she can have peace to do her drawings. However very rose does have its thorn... She gets really angry easily and has a bad temper. Even if someone bumps into her, she will blow her top off. However under all that petals, she is very genuine. People mistake her for a “Bad-” because of her temper and even though she doesn’t show it, that really makes Young II sad. She wants people to know her for who she is... Her sweet and gentle side, not her mean and angry side. Because of this, she doesn’t have that many friends, only 1.


2.Playing the piano
3.Her brother
4.When people understands her


1.People misunderstands her
2.When people make her angry
4.When her parents lecture her
5.Waking up early in the morning

Idol friends: SHINee
Rival: Tiffany (SNSD)

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KwonSaRang #1
KwonSaRang #2
Sorry and I won't :) here's the link: http://www.asian-fashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/1.jpg btw I can't see the pic that you put mube it's my iPod ^.^
Opps I mean don't leave too many questions for me!!!!!!!!!!!
@KwonSaRang Sure if you don't like it you can pick one alright but leave to many questions for me!!!!!!!!!!!!
KwonSaRang #5
@UnnieJune Thank you, sorry to be a nuisance but would you like an ullzzang of me to use? (it's not actually me, I just it'd fit ^.^)
Opps 1994 i meant to put.
@KwonSaRang Sure you can be the other rapper if you have more questions just tell me okay well bye!!!!!!!
Account Name- -fluffycakes23<br />
<br />
Idol Name- Cho Minyoung<br />
<br />
Idol NickName- Minyoung<br />
<br />
Place of Birth- Seoul, Korea.<br />
<br />
Age- 17<br />
<br />
Date of Birth- August 6th, 199.<br />
<br />
About Me: I have really good aegyo, and singing skills. I am nice, can be rude if your mean to me and my friends. But first you have to cross the line. I might be small but i can be a ninja and fight for myself. I usually get my way with my aegyo and pickachu voice.!<br />
<br />
Likes- <br />
Listening to music. <br />
Non judgemental ppl.<br />
<br />
<br />
Dislikes- <br />
<br />
People who are mean and snobby.<br />
Dwarfs, Trolls, Gnomes.<br />
<br />
Idol Friends- SHINee, Super Junior Big bang, Boyfriend, f(x)<br />
<br />
Rivals- Yuri and Jessica SNSD.
KwonSaRang #9
Can I ask what my position is other than being a maknae? Possibly a rapper? Thanks again
KwonSaRang #10
Aww Thank You, Thank You oh I'm so happy you've made my night, it's 00:48 here ^.^ thank you