Terrible reality

How to save a life
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"Breaking News!Famous Exo member Byun Baekhyun was found dead this morning in his room.It was reported that it was suicide.Fans all over the world are grieving over this tragic loss.Our condolences go to Exo and Baekhyun's family"

Everyone was hurt deep!Exo had just lost their brother,the Byun family A son,and fans hope.Exo's dorm was quiet almost as if no one lived there.How could they not've known?How were they so blind to see how bad he was hurting?Luhan was the one that found baekhyun dead in his room.And now they have to live their lives while baekhyun is no longer here anymore..

"This all could've been prevented!We could've saved him!Then he would be sitting right here with us right now!"Chanyeol yells full of pain.His bestfriend was dead and there was nothing he could do about it.How long had baekhyun been hurting?The last time he saw baekhyun was last night...they were just hanging out with each other as always but baekhyun was acting different.The way he talked to chanyeol that night was as if he was saying goodbye."Ah chanyeol you've been the bestest bestfriend to me and I can't tell you how thankful I am for that"Baekhyun says looking chanyeol straight in the eyes."Aww baekhyun...you're not my bestfriend..you're my brother"Chanyeol says and smiles."Yeah...Chanyeol promise me that one day you'll learn to let go"Baekhyun says."I promise..but why that?"chanyeol asks."Because it'll make you feel more alive"baekhyun whispers."Awwww baek come here"Chanyeol hugs baekhyun and baekhyun doesn't let go."Goodnight Baek"Chanyeol says and gets up and leaves the room."Goodbye Chanyeol...'baekhyun starts to cry.

"I found him and  when i saw him his eyes were closed.At first I thought he was sleeping but when he wouldn't wake up I knew something was wrong.I mean how could he-how can he be gone forever?He was so cold....so cold"Luhan says as he sobs into suho's arms.The last time Luhan saw baekhyun alive was earlier that morning around 1 am."Hey you still up?"Luhan asks as he goes in baekhyun's room."Uh yeah just thinking thats all"baekhyun says."About what?"luhan sits down beside baekhyun."Life....."baekhyun turns to look at luhan."Well life is a weird term to think about.You never really know whats in store for you...you never know how far you have to go in life and  who you are as a person in this world"luhan rambles on."Luhan thanks for always being there for me"baekhyun says and hugs luhan."Awww no problem...your like a little brother to me..I'm always gonna be there for you"luhan says and hugs baekhyun."Wait don't let go I want to hold on a little longer"baekhyun says as he hugs his brother for the last time."Anything for you baek'Luhan smiles and kisses Baekhyun's forehead.

Sehun felt the most guilty about all of  this.His hyung was gone and now living life without him seems impossible.He felt like he was the one to blame since he told baekhyun where the pain killers were ."Hey sehun where are the painkillers?"Baekhyun asks as he goes into the bathroom cabinet."Uh they're in the kitchen I think...are you having back pain again?"sehun asks worridly."Ah sehun I'm fine I'm fine its just a little pain..your so caring"Baekhyun smiles at sehun."Hyung I'm just trying to take care of you because we're like family"Sehun says but is suddenly shocked when baekhyun suddenly hugs him out of the blue."Ah sehun your the best,don't forget that"Baekhyun says as he walks away.

Kai isn't one to cry very often but right now he was sobbing."I don't understand how could this have happened?!Why didn't we notice that he was hurting?!Kai had only saw baekhyun last night while he was practicing some new dance moves they needed to do for an upcoming performance."Hey baekhyun will you come in here and watch me dance"Kai asked baekhyun."Sure but don't you think that you're being a little to hard on yourself?"baekhyun says eye's full of worry."No i'm fine I just need to get this one move right then I'll be done"Kai says as he goes back to playing music."Look Kai you are one of the most talented dancers I've ever met and you don't need to overwork yourself b

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ruthysweet #1
The title reminds me to the movie, update soon
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