
Daddy Daehyun

    Finally, some alone time, you thought, as you laid back on the couch in your living room.

    You worked long hours from Sunday to Friday, and you desperately needed a break from your hectic life. Luckily, it was only noon, and your husband, Daehyun, was known to sleep in every Saturday. You began to close your eyes and drift to a slumber when suddenly you were awakened by a familiar soothing voice.

    “Sulli~” the sweet sound could be heard throughout the entire house, and you smiled as the singing continued.

    “Sweetie, come on, let’s go wake up mommy~” Daehyun whispered. The living room was near the hallway so you could see him enter the room where your daughter slept.

    “Okay appa!!” your daughter squealed. You smiled to yourself as you heard her laugh echo throughout the house. Daehyun would always tell you how Sulli got her laugh from you, and now you finally saw the resemblance.

    “That’s my girl!” Daehyun laughed. You heard him close the door and, not wanting to ruin your daughter’s wonderful surprise for you, pretended to sleep.

    “Okay, Sulli-ah, mommy’s still asleep,” he whispered. “Why don’t you go give her a good morning kiss?” You knew he was smiling; he loved it when your daughter gave you kisses in the morning.

    “But appa,” you peeked through your eyes and saw your daughter pout. “What if mommy doesn’t wanna get a kiss from Sulli?”

    “And why would mommy not wanna get a kiss from my precious baby?“ You saw him kneel down in front of Sulli.

    “Because mommy’s very tired from working all week,” you smiled at your daughter’s consideration.

    “Well, do you know what makes mommy forget about how tiring her week was?” Daehyun smiled and kissed her small nose. Sulli looked at you for a second then back at Daehyun and tilted her head. "What?”

    “There are only two things that could make mommy happy at this very moment and one of them is you.“ He explained, smiling at his daughter. “Mommy loves Sulli very much, especially when she gives her morning kisses.”

    Sulli smiled. “What’s the other thing, appa?”

    “Well… me of course!” you mentally scoffed at his response. Here we go again. “Mommy loves appa because he has an amazing voice, and he always brings home the best food! Not to mention, appa is very good-looking…" you saw him run his hand through his hair and almost laughed. "Isn’t appa handsome, Sulli-ah?”

    “Hmm… not as handsome as Uncle Youngjae!” Way to go Sulli, that’s my daughter. You smiled at your daughter’s comment, but you could see Daehyun’s expression change.

    “Uncle Youngjae is very ugly so make sure to let him know that the next time you see him, okay?” Daehyun smiled at Sulli. What a little .

    “Okay, appa!” she smiled. What have you done to our daughter, Jung Daehyun? You’re corrupting her. “Let’s wake up mommy!”

    “Go ahead sweetie~” Daehyun smiled.

    You could hear Sulli’s small footsteps as she ran towards you.

    “GOOD MORNING MOMMY! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UPPPPPP!” Who knew someone so tiny could have such a loud voice... She probably got that from Daehyun.

    You opened your eyes and laughed as your daughter placed a small kiss on your cheek. “Good morning, sweetheart~” you wrapped your arms around her and kissed her forehead.

    “Guess what appa told me, mommy?” she asked, as she attempted to get Daehyun to join the two of you on the couch.

    “Hmm, what did appa tell you this time, huh?” you looked at Daehyun, who looked away and scratched his head.

    Sulli pulled Daehyun towards her so that she could sit in his lap beside you. You turned your body so that you were facing the two of them and waited for an answer.

    “He said that Uncle Youngjae was ugly!” she giggled.

    You laughed with her. “Oh, really now?” You raised an eyebrow at Daehyun.

    “Ah I was kidding sweetie,” Daehyun laughed nervously. “Uncle Youngjae is very handsome~” 

    Sulli nodded. “But appa is more handsome!” You smiled at your daughter.

    “Appa is very handsome,” you agreed and saw Daehyun smile. You winked at him, and he smirked. Oh, not in front of the baby.

    You decided to change the subject, seeing as things were getting kind of… well, you know… “So who’s hungry?” you asked, although you already knew that your husband was hungry. Like he always was.

    “Me! I’m hungry mommy!” your daughter raised her hand and bounced up and down on Daehyun’s lap.

    “What do you wanna eat, my little cheesecake?~” Daehyun cooed. God, please don’t refer to our daughter as a dessert.

    “WAFFLES!” she smiled. You smiled back as you stood up to go to the kitchen. The little toddler got up to follow you, and Daehyun ended up following you both to the kitchen.

    Sulli ran towards the pantry, leaving you and Daehyun behind. You felt his arms wrap around your waist as he whispered in your ear. “Good morning baby.” He kissed your cheek, and you giggled.

    “What’s so funny, mommy?” you saw Sulli’s head appear from behind the pantry door.

    You quickly took Daehyun’s arms off your waist and smiled at your daughter. “Nothing sweetie.” You heard Daehyun click his tongue, and you grabbed his arm to bring you both to the pantry. “So what does our little Sulli want in her waffles?”

    “CHOCOLATE CHIPS MOMMY!” she grabbed a bag of chocolate chips and ran to set them on the counter. You and Daehyun followed her and began to make your daughter’s food as she ran to the living room to watch TV.

    “Finally, we’re alone~” Daehyun laughed in your ear as he wrapped his arms around you once again. You giggled as his breath tickled your ear.

    “No we’re not you idiot, our daughter is in the other room so don’t do anything stupid,” you said, as you began to mix the chocolate chips into the batter.

    “Aish! Why don’t you like having sekshi time with me anymore?!” Daehyun complained with a pout. You stopped mixing and looked at him, “We have a daughter now, Dae. You can’t just have “sekshi time” whenever you want it…" you smirked. "It can wait until she’s asleep.”

    He smiled and hugged you. “Thanks, baby!” He let go of you and began eating some of the chocolate chips.

    “Yah! Why can’t you wait until the waffles are ready?!” you whispered, making sure your daughter didn’t hear you. He shrugged and continued eating.

    When you finally finished making breakfast for the three of you, you told Daehyun to call Sulli while you set up the table. “Breakfast is ready, my little fried tofu~” This little .


    “Yay waffles!” you were interrupted by Sulli, who came just in time or else Daehyun would have been dead to you.

    By the time you finished your first waffle, Daehyun and Sulli were both already on their fourth waffle. “Slow down guys, I’m not gonna steal your waffles.” you laughed.

    “Oh, mommy I know you won’t do that,” Sulli said, as she took another bite of her waffle. “But appa might, so I’m making sure he doesn’t eat all of them!”

    “Yeah, you’re right, your appa is a fatty,” you said as Daehyun glared at you. It would have been intimidating if it weren’t for the fact that he had half of a waffle in his mouth.

    When the three of you finished eating breakfast, you decided just to spend the day with your two favorite people.

    2:00 PM — You and Daehyun decide to watch Sulli’s favorite show with her.

    “What’s your favorite show, Sulli-ah?” you asked her as you set her down on your lap, moving closer to Daehyun.

    “I don’t really have a favorite show mommy,” she replied. “I just like watching the Food Channel.”

    You looked at Daehyun, who was laughing. “Is this what you make our daughter watch?!”

    “Baby, sometimes when you’re still at work and we’re waiting for you to get home, we like to watch the Food Channel together.” You couldn’t help but smile at him. But you're still a little .

    5:00 PM — After watching the Food Channel for three hours straight, Sulli got tired of it and wanted to go to the playground.

    The three of you walked to the playground across the street holding hands, with Sulli in the middle. As soon as the playground was in her sight, she let go of you and Daehyun and ran for the slide.

    “Be careful, sweetie!” you and Daehyun said in sync. You grabbed his hand and walked to a bench. You sat down, holding his hand, and leaned your head on his shoulder.

    “She’s growing up so fast, baby,” Daehyun sighed as he leaned his head on yours. “It seems like it was just yesterday when she was one year old and I introduced her to the members.”

    “They absolutely loved her,” you smiled, recalling Sulli's "debut day," as Yongguk called it. “Especially Jongup.“ Daehyun nodded.

    “Yeah, that kid has a thing for babies just like Yongguk,” he laughed. “He wouldn’t even give her back to me."

    You laughed when you saw him frown. “You’re still the only man in her life so don’t worry, sweetheart.” There was a short pause before he responded.

    “What about you?” he sat up, which made you sit up. “Am I the only man in your life?”

    You gave him a reassuring smile and put your hand on his cheek. “Of course you are Daehyun. You always have been, and you always will be.” He leaned into your hand and closed his eyes.

    “I love you,” he said.

    “I love you, too,” you said.

    “I LOVE YOU MORE!” Daehyun quickly opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Sulli in front of you two.

    “Come here, you!” he picked her up and swung her around before putting her down on your lap.

    “Do you wanna go home now?” you asked your daughter, who responded with a yawn. She nodded and rubbed her eyes.

    Daehyun grinned at her cute action. “Here sweetie, get on appa’s back.” Her face immediately lit up. She LOVED getting piggy back rides, especially from Daehyun.

        As you were walking back home, you looked ahead at Daehyun carrying your daughter on his back, and you couldn’t help but smile at the heart-warming sight. It had only been four and a half years since Sulli was brought into your lives, and she was already such a jumping ball of joy to the both of you. You were thankful everyday for having Sulli, and you knew Daehyun was thankful for you for giving him such a beautiful daughter.

    When you finally got home, Daehyun helped Sulli brush her teeth and change into her pajamas before tucking her into bed. You walked into her room just as Daehyun finished saying goodnight and kissed her forehead before saying goodnight and closing her door to go to your bedroom.

    After washing up and changing into your pajamas, you walked over to your bed and found Daehyun waiting for you.

    You sighed. “Sorry Daehyun, but I’m really tired so can we have ‘sekshi time’ some other night?” you laid down beside him and covered yourself with the blanket.

    He laid down beside you and wrapped his arms around your waist, laying his head on your neck. “I just wanted to do this~” He kissed your cheek, which caused you to smile.

    “Goodnight, Daehyun,” you said softly, closing your eyes.

    He tightened his arms around you before responding. “Goodnight, my little cupcake~”

    Your eyes flew open, and you turned to face him. “YOU HAVE ONE MORE TI—” You were interrupted when you felt a pair of lips touch yours. This little er.

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DiarraCha #1
Chapter 1: oh my, what a lovely story
daehyun <3
Chapter 1: It was so lovely!!
Chapter 1: Aw the food nicknames were the cutest! I can totally see Daehyun doing that, haha!
Chapter 1: so cute ^_^
jtwakaraniii #5
Chapter 1: Way toooo cute!!!! Daehyun's food nicknames, the most adorable daughter, hints of naughtiness between the parents... it was a good mix of everything! Great one shot! :)
koruxkpop #6
Chapter 1: This story was so cute...daehyun~ie always refering to them as food and 'my' thoughts were the best...=3 <3
Chapter 1: Lol daehyun is just crazy with food he always refer his daughter and wife as food or dessert XD