
Roommate Love

    "Give me all your money" that voice came from far away, away from where Tiffany is sitting, the voice was easily recognized by everyone. That voice was coming from the bully, Kai, "why should I?" Said cooly by the other guy hidden by Kai's back. Then they fought but the guy on the other side seems to be winning, "STOP" said a teacher who was walking along the hallway, "Detention! Both of you" Shouted the teacher, "b-but he started it!" Cried Kai, "Tsk.. Stop blaming Youngjae for it! You two have detention!" Said the teacher. Tiffany who was at the scene, blushed at the sight of the name YoungJae. 'I need to get detention.' Tiffany said to herself, then she ran over to the teacher and kicked Kai. "I want detention, Miss Noah" Miss Noah shook her head and replied "fine." 

      Tiffany waited class after class to see the presence of Youngjae in detention, she took down some notes and the others she just scribbled. Youngjae, had brown hazel hair, a green beanie and wore a tank top, that revealed his biceps, Tiffany just can't wait.

    "Ring, Ring!" The alarm for dismissal went, everyone except Tiffany and Baekhyun ran out of the class. Baekhyun had a crush on Tiffany since- Forever! And today he decided to confess, 'now it's the perfect time to do it, you can do it Baekhyun!' Said Baek to himself. Tiffany turned around and saw Baekhyun walking over to her, she knew he had a crush on her but she doesn't have feeling for him, she feels sorry for him. Tiffany quickly lifted up her bag and flunked it to her right arm and ran away, "NOO- my life is ruined" said Baekhyun to himself.




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