Change of plans

Well, who knew this would happen to me.

"I need you to take Chanyeol here, I don't want anyone else to know where you're going. Just take him here. Let him know that it'll be a surprise but once he steps in the door, he has to stay, he can't back out."

"So you're really going to tell him huh?" Cocky, still so cocky. 

"Yes, there's no other way our relationship can continue unless I tell him."

"What if he rejects you afterwards, what if he says no?"

"Then I'll let him go, if it's his wish. Then I'll vanish."

"What about me then? What will happen to me?"

"Calm down Luhan, you'll be fine, they won't do anything to you. It's my fault if anything happens."

"You know I didn't mean it like that."

His sudden sincerity almost catches a little off guard. "You know what I mean, bring Chanyeol there."


The house was extremely secluded. From what you know, this is the one of the few places that the underworld can't touched. Something about an alliance that was signed a long time ago. You didn't quite understand the details, but most places you went to had a place like this. Limited people were given access to places like these. Actually access can only be granted by one person. If you find the person he or she will decide whether your situation is important enough for you to use the safe haven. Luckily the key bearer of this house happens to your mother, and one phone call was all that was needed to grant you permission inside. Unless you have formal invitation into the house, it's pretty much impossible to get inside. 

For this weekend, only two people were allowed in this house. You and Chanyeol.

You pulled the thin sheet over the piano down onto the ground. The hidden gem, a large white grand piano was concealed underneath it. It hadn't been touched for a long time. The keys sounded slightly off but still someone skilled enough could still produce fine music out of it. The piano sat awkwardly in the large lounge room, not exactly in the center, but not exactly off to the side. It kind of just sat there, almost in mid movement, like something or someone had forgotten about it and left it there. 

You set up two bedrooms up stairs. One for you and one for him. The sheet were a lot softer than the ones you had at home. The maids obviously still look after this house really well, despite the lack of guests over the years.

You went back downstairs to check the fridge. As expected it was stocked perfectly to cook any sort of meal that you would want or need in the moment. The only problem is that you really didn't know how to make a lot of different foods. So Chanyeol will probably end up doing most of the cooking. That's if he stays after you tell him what you have to.

You shifted the envelope on the table between your fingers, moving it from left or right, back to left to right. Everything, everything about you, the truth, is contained within this small envelope. If he chooses to open it, if he chooses to see, it'll all be revealed to him. You knew that revealing this to him, brought an equal amount of danger to him, but you trusted him, you trusted this relationship enough to do it. This was the easier option after all. Call it selfish if you will, but this is the first time you've felt such a want and need for something. It's the first time, you're willing to do everything and anything for something. It scares you that you love him that much, but it's also equally as scary to think that he might feel the same way. 

You watched slowly as the clock ticked closer and closer to the moment Chanyeol would step through the door. You watched hoping the dreaded hand would both speed up and slow down. 



"Hyung, where are we going? Why won't you tell me?" Chanyeol asked for the millionth time in the car and you were starting to get a little ticked off. Why did she fall for this guy, out of all the fine men in the world, she picked this one. Yes he was kind, generous, extremely selfless at times, caring, loving and talented. Okay, maybe he was quite perfect after all. 

"I told you, Jinni said it was a surprise, I'm not the type to ruin surprises, you know that." You took the turn off the highway, meaning that you'll almost be at the destination. "The only thing she said was that once you step inside, you can't step outside."

Chanyeol hid a shy smile within his hands. "Hyung, have you been in love before? Is this how it feels like, the butterflies." Chanyeol pointed to his stomach as a goofy smile continued to hang across his face. 

"No I've never been in love," you have once, a long time ago, but you wouldn't call it love, it was just a deep longing for another. It wasn't love though. "Those feelings though, they're wonderful aren't they?"

"They can be, they can be absolutely torturous when you don't see the one you love for a long time though. So I guess, just like all things in life, there's a good and bad side."

You turned into what seemed like a very large farm, it seemed like it was empty for acres and acres of land. Soon in the clearing a small building started to appear. You were close. 

"When did you and Jinni get so close any ways." Chanyeol questioned.

"I guess she must've felt comfortable around me since I can speak Chinese too." It wasn't entirely a lie. "don't worry, I'm not trying to steal your girl like Sehun and Jongin, I'm just friends with her." Friends, well since you will be marrying her soon, friends didn't seem like a bad start. 

The small house started to get bigger and bigger as the car got closer and closer to the structure. All the windows were lit up brightly by the lights inside. Small road lights adorned the sides of the road leading into the large opening of the door. The car made little noises as it run over the heavily graveled road. The house had an old architecture, but was kept very well by all the previous owners so you couldn't even see a hint of aging upon it. 

"Is this it?" Chanyeol couldn't keep his mouth shut as he stared at the giant mansion in front of him.

"This is it, call Jinni, she'll come out to get you. My job here is done." you watched as he jumped out of the car with his bags and waved his final goodbye. "Remember, we still have a schedule in two days, don't be late okay!" You yelled at the boy as you slowly drove back down the road.

You should've stopped him, maybe you should've told him first. You shouldn't have driven him here so obedient. You were never the obedient type so why were you so obedient to her orders? Was it pity, or was it jealousy? What was it that made you so weak for her. You should've pretended the car broke down or ran out of petrol, you should've done everything you could to keep him away from her. She will never leave him if keep helping them see each other. You're suppose to be her protector.

Oh Luhan, what have you come to these days. 



Your phone vibrated against the counter and you picked it up a little too eagerly. 

"Hi," your boyfriend's soothing voice called down the line. It settled your nerves a little, it also made your heart beat faster a little. 

"Back at cha handsome. Now follow my instructions, because when you step in, I'm not going to let you leave for a while." You tried to sound serious, but your voice came out a little weaker than you had intended. 

"Okay, should I be worried?"

"You'll see. Firstly, there's a statue to your right, it's in the shape of an ugly leaf like thing, lift it up and there should be a key, it opens the front door." You calmly recited your instructions that you had rehearsed multiple times inside your head. 

"Go it." You herd the front door unlock and open revealing your very handsome boyfriend. He obviously can't see you hidden upstairs but you can see him very well. The sight of him made you more nervous made you scared, made you wonder what will it be like if he didn't accept you. He carried such a genuine smile on his face, he lit up from the inside with joy. You didn't want anything to take that away.

"I need to walk into the kitchen for me, it's just through the double doors in front of you." Chanyeol slipped his shoes off and walked casually towards the double doors.

"Will you be behind them? Is that your surprise." Chanyeol's giddy voice echoed through the empty halls of the room. The kitchen was a large area. There was an island bench in the middle of it. Knowing Chanyeol's fascination with cooking, you waited a while before you gave the next set of instructions. You could hear his oohs and ahhs. Draws and door slide open and close and you know that Chanyeol is trying to check out the draws filled with cooking utensils. "You don't even cook, but this kitchen sure gives an illusion that you're a great cook." Chanyeol teased and you laughed. This will be harder than you think. 

"See the envelope in the middle of the table. I need to find a chair, sit by the table and open it." 

"Wait, don't tell me, did you buy this house for me? You shouldn't have." Chanyeol pulled one of the dinning room chairs close to the island and sat himself down with the envelop inside his hands. Slowly he ripped the package, and with every rip of the paper, your heart pounded harsher and harsher against your chest. Chanyeol tips the heavy envelop upside down and watches as all the content falls out of the bag. 

Silence. There's just silence as Chanyeol's fingers flipped through all the documents scattered before him.

It seemed like eternity before Chanyeol spoke. "What is this?" His voice was calm, but the joy that was present before is now all gone. "Who is this person? Is this you?" He gripped the passports, there must've been around 8-9, that's how long you've been running.  

"Yes, this... this is the real me." 

Silence. Again. Only Chanyeol's fingers flipping the pages and pages of written document. 

"XiaoXue? Channel? Johanna? Ashley? What is your real name? What is real about you? What is this about? Is this a trick? Where are you." You hear the sound of Chanyeol pushing the chair out from underneath him, his footsteps work their way around the infrastructure searching for you. He was going to find you sooner or later so you hang up and sat tight in the main bedroom. You left the light off and just let the natural moonlight shine through the giant double window doors. 

The doors to the room snapped open revealing a rather flustered Chanyeol. You didn't turn to face him, you couldn't bare to see the face he had on currently, or see the thoughts he has about you. Your right hand gripped the covers tighter as you herd his footsteps get closer. You felt the mattress shift as Chanyeol seats himself at the edge of the bed just behind you. He crosses him leg on the mattress and lets out a long sigh.

The papers and documents within his hands are placed on the bed. Chanyeol's fingers rearrange them into an order that he can comprehend. "Who are you?" Chanyeol's question was a mere whisper, but it felt like the loudest words he had ever uttered. Who are you? What are you? Who are you born to be and who do you dream to be? All these questions that you asked your parents constantly when you were young. "Look at me." Chanyeol's hand ghosts over yours making you release the sheets that you had gripped tightly inside your fist. 

You're extremely reluctant at first but you turn around to finally to face him. The moonlight shone brightly against his face. His face remained unreadable though. Strangely it didn't contain the disappointment and anger you had expected. It displayed a mixture of concern and worry instead. That made your heart break more. 

"You have a choice to make." You looked down and played with Chanyeol's hand. A habit that he normally does, but it seems like it has rubbed off on you. "I haven't really been honest with you, you see I'm different, special almost." You peeked up through your fringe at Chanyeol's face, but his expression hadn't really changed. "I'm ready to be honest with you today, everything, I trust you enough to tell you my story."

"But?" Chanyeol's sudden words catch you a little off guard.

"But, I'm not sure you'll want to be with me anymore once I tell you."

Don't hate me for ending it here! I think you know what is to come :)

This fic is finally nearing the end, I have a few surprises planned still though so grip tight and enjoy the ride. 

I was in a bit of rush editing so please excuse any mistakes. I'm going away for the rest of the week so I wanted to get a chapter out for all of my current active fics before I leave :)

Keep letting me know what you want, I've written a chapter but I've also written a non- one so youre choice which on will be released hehe!



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I haven't forgotten this story. It's just I've had a rush of inspiration for my other stories and writing more one shot things. I will finish this off! :)


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Chapter 41: Omo authornim ur story is so good.i love it
Chapter 41: I love the ending!!!
jiyoung17 #3
Chapter 39: WHAAAAAAA?!?!?!?!....what just happened....omg ...ebdjdjekendn!! this is getting good!..where's the popcorn!haha
exofanaccountlover #4
Chapter 39: wait they have the same mum???
jiyoung17 #5
Chapter 28: Wooo can't waAait! for if u guys want then sure I don't mind ! :)
jiyoung17 #6
Chapter 27: Hehehe chanyeol is so cute!..haha but I don't mind how it ends I like surprise's!..fighting!
jiyoung17 #7
Chapter 26: Omg I really love this story!!!!keep up the good work!!!
exofanaccountlover #8
Chapter 26: Good job authornim!!!! Hwaiting!
exofanaccountlover #9
exofanaccountlover #10
Chapter 24: This is so complicated i think imma starting to get lost alr