The Plan I

Well, who knew this would happen to me.

Where are you? You're not home? CY

Home. I like that, feels like we're living together. I'm at my grandmother's, do you think you can sneak over? Jinni.

Of course, anything for you and your grandmother's food. Text me the address? CY

Too easy, literally walk out of the apartment, turn right and then right again. There will be an small electronic gate. Text me once you're there and I'll come get you. Jinni.

See you soon girlfriend! CY

"I'll be back grandma, I'm going out to pick up someone." You quickly excused yourself from the apartment before running outside into the slightly cold evening air. You gripped the side of your jacket a little tighter as you walked towards the gate. There behind the boom gate stood a tall dark figure. Although he had covered most of his facial features, it was still hard to keep your gaze away from someone who had such a tall and dominanting stature like Chanyeol. 

"Boyfriend," you surprised Chanyeol with a back hug, you herd his deep growl like laughter before you released him from your grip. Chanyeol turned around and captured you inside his long coat. It was warm inside and you felt the small up and down heaves of his chest as he breathed. "I missed you." You kept your head against his broad chest as you waited for his response. 

"Me too, I missed you too." He your hair gently making your lift your head out of his chest. He placed a finger underneath his face mask, pulling it down as he leaned down towards your face. You quickly pulled his mask back up before he could reach your lips. You poked your tongue out at him playfully before pulling him inside the boom gate. 


That morning.

"It's me, I'll need a new passport, and a plane ticket. I don't care where, somewhere far from Korean or China, where he can't find me. I'm going to need a new name too. I know they'll find me, but I need to try. I'll get rid of Chanyeol." You hung up the disposable phone as you stared  the picture on the counter. A second package had come in that morning for you and the pictures were a lot more intimate than the previous. You didn't know but they had tracked you and Chanyeol since the beginning of your relationship. The pictures of you wound tightly in Chanyeol's lap, the way your heads lean together. It was your first proper kiss with Chanyeol, and you can still remember it as clear as yesterday. 

You broke down in tears are you spoke to the Chanyeol within the picture. "I didn't want this to happen, I didn't mean for this to happen, non of this was suppose to happen. I wasn't suppose to fall in love, I wasn't suppose to meet you, I wasn't suppose to do any of this. However I made a wrong move, one wrong move and now everything is crashing down. I can't pull you into this, you don't deserve this, you don't deserve someone like me." You pulled out the small pocket lighter and lit the photographs each on fire, watching the amber flames slowly consume your face and then Chanyeol's. 

"Do I need to remind you of your bother" 

Your father's words haunted you as you started to clear the ash from the pictures from the counter. This wouldn't be the first time you've planned to escape, your mum did it so well. Your dad has never been able to reach or find your mother because of her ability to stay hidden. You found it a lot harder, you desired to be free, to experience life, not hide from it in the middle of no where with no one. Your mother coped, because she was use to it. You're not, you need people to feel safe, or to stay alive. 

It hurts, this pain of knowing what you're doing or about to do to Chanyeol and yourself. It hurts knowing that you will say words and do things to him that you don't intend to. It'll hurt like there's no tomorrow but there's nothing you can do. It's selfish you know, but in this world, you need to survive, and in order to survive, means hurting him, letting him go and running away, far, far, away. 

It's selfish, it really is.



"Grandma, this is my boyfriend." You shyly pulled on Chanyeol's hand as he stood in front of your grandmother. He was already a full head and shoulder above your height, and next to your little grandmother, he looked like a towering giant. 

"Hello, I'm Chanyeol." His mandarin was a little choppy, his accent was strong, but you laughed at his effort and so did your grandmother. 

"What a handsome boy you are. So tall too, you'll make great grandchildren with my granddaughter."You nervously laughed a little, almost choking on air. Your grandmother brought your hand which was still captured within Chanyeols up into hers, almost as a way of giving her blessing.

"What did she say?" Chanyeol asked while still maintaining his smile.

"She said, you're very handsome. We'd make really beautiful grand-children" Chanyeol's face turned a slight pink as he coughed a few times. 

"Thank you!" His cute Chinese once again make you giggle as you tried to cover your laugh with your hand.

"Take a seat, the food will be out soon." You grandmother signaled for you both to sit down on the small sofa in the corner of the room. Chanyeol was about to go and sit down before you caught him by his hand and pulled him up instead.

"I want him to meet grandad first." You smiled just as your grandmother did. You pulled Chanyeol down the hallway into the smaller room where the buzzing of the radio can be herd. 

"Now, I'm extremely nervous for you to meet him, he's really more like a dad to me than anyone else. I'm sure after this my grandmother and grandfather will think we're going to get married. Even if we don't I think they'll keep bringing you up in conversations, so yeah, I just wanted you to know, I'm nervous about this okay?" You smiled up at him, almost peeking through your fringe. Chanyeol didn't really answer, but his answer was clearly plastered on his face. He turned the door knob and entered into the room before you.

Chanyeol and you sat across on your grandfather's bed a you both looked at your grandfather. "Grandad, this is Chanyeol, he's my boyfriend." Your grandfather's lifeless eyes shifted towards the handsome tall boy next to you. You grabbed his hand a little tighter as he squeezed yours in reassurance.

"Hello, I'm Chanyeol." Ahhh, that broken Chinese once again. You stared intently at your grandfather, waiting for a response, or just anything, approval, disapproval, just anything. But nothing, he just turned his head back towards the ceiling and listened intently at the radio. 

"I don't think he likes me very much." Chanyeol whispered in your ear, a hint of confusion brushed across his face. 

"I told you, I'm nervous about this." You could feel your hands starting to get sweatier, you wanted to release your hand from Chanyeol's to wipe the sweat away, but he just gripped tighter, almost scared of you leaving him in here alone. 

"Grandad? What's wrong? You don't like him?" You kneeled closer to the bed, waiting for a response as Chanyeol sat nervously behind you. Seriously you've never seen Chanyeol so nervous before, and you almost broke out in laughter at the sight. 

You're granddad looked down at your you can almost see a thin layer of water had formed over his dark and slightly cloudy orbs. "He'll take good care of you?" Those were some of the clearest words you've herd him speak, and you could almost feel the tears swelling up in your eyes.

You looked back at the still nervous Chanyeol, he also noticed the small droplets of tears that were starting to form and roll out from your eyes. "Yes, yes he will." You reassured your granddad as your felt his hand slightly brushed away the tears dropping from your eyes. 

"Then yes, yes I like him." He breathed out staring at Chanyeol, who just continued to smile and decipher from our body language whether this is good or bad news we are communicating. 


"So your grandmother makes amazing food, your grandfather is silent but extremely kind, how amazing is your family? I can't wait till I can meet your parents." His last sentence made you freeze in your track. Chanyeol walked up beside you causing you to snap out of it before he noticed anything was wrong. 

"Yeah, I wish you can meet my parents one day too." But you never will, I'm sorry, but you ever will. You let out a sorrowful sigh, which didn't match the mood at all. 

"What's wrong?" Chanyeol turned your around so you're no longer facing with your back to him. He sat on the stool against the kitchen and pulled you in between his legs. "We never finished our conversation this morning. What's wrong?" 

Oh so much had happened since this morning. You looked up to Chanyeol's worried eyes. Can I tell you that I love you deeply? Can I tell you that I love you so much that I'm going to have to break up with you and disappear from your life? Will you be okay with the fact that I might being marrying one of your band mates in a few months? What if I also told you I was born into a family of bad blood, very bad blood. What if you knew that I had caused someone to be killed due to my careless decisions? So what really is wrong?

"I met some old friends last night, and they reminded me of some things in the past that made me upset. That's all." It wasn't really far from the truth, but that's all you can manage to make-up right now. "It's nothing, I get emotional when I drink too, so maybe that's one of the factors." Wrong, you tend to do stupid things when you're drunk, like agreeing to marry Luhan. So many lies, upon lies, upon lies. So many that it'll be hard to peal it all back, to find the truth that was lost quite a while back. 

"That's it? That's all? Are you sure? You seemed a little more upset than just that?" Chanyeol's gaze wondered again and soon his fingers started to play with yours again. Oh this silly habit of yours baby. 

"Yep, that is all, I promise. Lots of things happened in my past. It's hard to get away and forget it all you know." His fingers still played with yours as he started to pout a little. 

"Hopefully one day you'll trust me enough to tell me your story? Who you really are?" 

You swallowed hard. "Yes maybe, one day." No not really, I'm sorry. 

So I kinda know how I want this story to end. However you guys can help me out. Let me know in the comments if you want a happy or sad ending. It really go either way but I want to see what you guys want in the end :)

Thank you all for being so supportive of this fic. It's my first long fic so it's really precious to me. I'm also just warming up to this whole writing thing so I do apologise for any mistakes. I had a hug flood of inspiration so I have a heap of chapters lined up that just need to be edited. 

What's going to happen next? Can ay of you guess? hehe Special prize for you if you get it right!

Happy Virus here to brighten your day!! :)

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I haven't forgotten this story. It's just I've had a rush of inspiration for my other stories and writing more one shot things. I will finish this off! :)


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Chapter 41: Omo authornim ur story is so good.i love it
Chapter 41: I love the ending!!!
jiyoung17 #3
Chapter 39: WHAAAAAAA?!?!?!?!....what just happened....omg ...ebdjdjekendn!! this is getting good!..where's the popcorn!haha
exofanaccountlover #4
Chapter 39: wait they have the same mum???
jiyoung17 #5
Chapter 28: Wooo can't waAait! for if u guys want then sure I don't mind ! :)
jiyoung17 #6
Chapter 27: Hehehe chanyeol is so cute!..haha but I don't mind how it ends I like surprise's!..fighting!
jiyoung17 #7
Chapter 26: Omg I really love this story!!!!keep up the good work!!!
exofanaccountlover #8
Chapter 26: Good job authornim!!!! Hwaiting!
exofanaccountlover #9
exofanaccountlover #10
Chapter 24: This is so complicated i think imma starting to get lost alr