
Dreams Come True

The newly engaged couple entered the mattress store with their hands intertwined. They were almost done moving into their new apartment, having one last furniture to buy for their place. The last on their list was a bed. It took at least a month to transfer from both their separate condos, making the couple very exhausted.

A smile grew on the tired young man’s face as his eyes travelled down to the latter on his right. He admired his future wife’s reaction. Her face said it all.

“Welcome to heaven, my Sleeping Beauty.” he said through his grin. He knew her too well. If there was one thing his fiancee loved more than him, it was her sleep.

An adorable giggle escaped her lips as she playfully slapped her fiance’s hulky arms. Her head then lightly fell on the young man’s broad shoulders. He found himself leaning over to kiss the crown of her head.

An employee soon greeted them, asking if they were in need of any assistance. The couple shared how they were looking for a comfortable but affordable queen size bed for their new apartment. She led the way.

“This entire section consists of queen size beds.” the employee informed. “You both can test them out.”

It wasn’t a surprise when the young man felt his fiancee quickly let go of his hand, making her way to the closest crib. He watched as she pressed both her palm into the mattress, finding its comfort levels, then examining its size and texture. A famous ahjusshi laugh she knew too well filled the room, resulting her to roll her eyes.

“You’re not going to test them out?” the employee curiously asked as she watched the petite brunette do all the work. He shook his head.

“Her specialty is sleeping. She knows best.” he chuckled. The employee joined in with his laughter.

“Taengoo” he heard his fiancee attractively call him. He made his way to his princess who was sitting on the edge of the bed. “I kinda like this one.”

Taeng sat next to her. His face showed discomfort as he bounced up and down. “Sica, it’s too soft, don’t you think?” Taeng saw his other half pout.

“Fine.” the only thing Jessica said.

Taeng watched as Jessica lifted herself off the bed to face him, standing in between his legs. He eyed her as he felt familiar small hands on top his well-built chest.

Taeng felt a force on his upper body that he couldn’t stop, causing him him to fall back. He laid there with his arms wide to the side and turned his head, watching Jessica walk away.

Jessica looked over her shoulder, meeting eyes with her beloved one. A smirk grew on both their faces. She was the first to change her expression, sticking her tongue out. Jessica fixed her attention back to the next set of beds.

Taeng rolled off the bed and made his way back to the employee who was laughing at the situation.

“Cute.” she commented.

“She is, isn’t she.”  a smile found its way back to his face.

“I’ll let you two continue to find the bed of your dreams. Just let me know when you find it.”

“Sure will,” he read her nametag. “Thanks, Sunny.”

His attention found its way to Jessica, who was lying down on what seemed to be a smaller sized bed. She did look comfortable though, her arms above her head said everything. “Taeng! I want this. Come here!” she cutely welcomed him, patting the open space right beside her. “It’s soft but it also has support. Join me”

“It’s kind of small babe. I think this is a full size. Not a queen.” he said while pushing down the mattress to find  the comfort level.

“Don’t worry, Taengoo. Your feet will not dangle off. You’re not that tall to begin with.” she joked. Taeng gave his girl a pout as she laughed at her own humor. He knew what Jessica said was true, but he was still sensitive about the topic. He kept telling himself at least he was taller than her by 5cm. That’s all that mattered.

Taeng walked over and sat at the edge closest to where she was lying. He unknowingly placed his hand on her thigh. “This is pretty comfy. Do you really want it?”

Jessica nodded cutely. “Do you like it?”

“Just as long as you’re beside me, I can sleep on whatever.” he rubbed her thighs after giving it a light squeeze. Jessica blushed.

He pushed himself off the bed, letting Jessica know he was going to tell Sunny they found a bed. Jessica only nodded, wanting to hide her red cheeks away from Taeng.

Taeng and Sunny returned to the dream bed the couple was looking to buy, only to find Jessica laying down in the exact spot he left her. Taeng knew she must have dozed off and let out a chuckle. Sunny also couldn’t help but laugh at the petite beauty laying unconsciously on the bed.

“Your girlfriend picked a good mattress. Alright Sir, I’ll be back with your paperworks. Give me about 10 minutes. Will that be okay?”

“Call me Taeng, please.” he smiled. “Take your time, Sunny. I think she’d want you to take your time also.” both eyed the sleeping beauty.

Taeng immediately climbed onto the bed to join his love. The bed was perfect. It wasn’t as small as he thought. He loved the size, it was a perfect bed to cuddle in with just enough room to breathe. It was pretty difficult to avoid physical touch, but he didn’t mind, he was looking forward to it.

Hearing light snores from his beautiful fiancee, he took a few minutes to admire her beauty. He knew he was the luckiest man on earth, getting married to the most beautiful woman ever seen. He was surprised that a clumsy kid like himself could get a perfect human being to accept his hand in marriage. He let out another laugh as the memory of him proposing to Jessica played in his mind. He noticed ever since he met Jessica, all he found himself doing was laughing and smiling.

While having the flashback, he spread his arms and legs apart, accidentally hitting her. Eyes snapped open as Jessica felt someone interrupt her sleep. She met eyes with Taeng’s innocent orbs, cover with guilt and apology. Jessica mightily pushed him away, adding a few slaps and her infamous kicks, causing Taeng to defensively curled into a ball. Taeng could easily take her hits, but when it came to disturbing her sleep, the pain was a totally different story.

She rolled to her left, back facing Taeyeon, after feeling like half her energy was gone. She wanted her sleep.

Taeng unraveled himself once he felt no movement on the bed. He stretched his arms to reach for Jessica’s waist and pulled her closer to his embrace. Jessica let out a small squeal as she felt his built chest pressed against her back. Taeng leaned in.

“Babe. I’m sorry for waking you.” he showered her hair with kisses. “This bed is perfect.” Showering her shoulder with kisses. “You’re perfect.” Another kiss, this time on the corner of her lips.

They were now in Jessica’s personal favorite position. Her favorite pair of arms wrapped securely around her body while his warm breath neck giving her goosebumps. Their body fit so perfectly together. She was so comfortable. And before she knew it, a smile crept on her face while her eyes closed once again.

“Sooyeon?” Jessica tiredly hummed.

“I love you, my princess.” he whispered softly. He once again heard his soon-to-be wife let out a cute snore. I could get use to this. He smiled at the thought of having Jessica be the last person he sees at night and the first person he sees in the morning. He kissed her and decided to close his eyes. Before he knew it, sleep also greeted him.

Not long after, Sunny arrived with the paper works. She was surprised to see the couple sleeping shamelessly in such an open environment. She didn’t take that long, did she?

Other customers seem to have noticed the cuddled couple. Many were envious of their relationship, but no one bothered to ruin such a precious moment, not even Sunny. She decided to place the paper work on the nightstand.

Even the manager seemed to have found the couple’s moment precious as he let them stay in their position for the next 30 minutes. It did attract many customers in wanting to buy the bed the cute couple was “modeling” for.


How was it? Let me know what you guys think. Or what you want? Or what I should do? :3

I might just start accepting prompt requests? We'll see. Bye!

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Chapter 1: this is too cute..
taenysic3981 #2
Chapter 1: Still the sweetest thing to read ♡(∩o∩)♡
Movie91 #3
Chapter 1: Love it :) more....something like multi shots?
Chapter 1: share more please
Chapter 1: share more please
zeinnn #6
Chapter 1: Free modeing? It's cute update soon!
norevS #7
Chapter 1: this is super cutttteeeeeeeeee.........
Bumella #8
Chapter 1: ahh the story is so cute.. free modelling.mhaha
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