Your Happy Ending

M&M's - Doojoon

A year and a half passed, with little steps taken everyday, you started to smile, laugh and enjoy life again. When you found out you were pregnant for a third time, Doojoon told you that this was going to be okay despite your nerves from the previous failed attempts.

Following his orders and the doctors, you were confined to bed rest for most of the pregnancy, only allowed to get up and walk around a little. Doojoon made sure that you had everything you ever needed. He was going to be the perfect father, if you ever could have a child of your own.

Months passed and you managed to make it through your full pregnancy without loosing the baby. Now finding yourself in the hospital ready to deliver, the doctor came in with his white jacket hanging over his shoulders.

"Are you ready?" The doctor looked at you with a smile, knowing that it was time, you nodded your head and Doojoon held your hand tightly. Moving you down the hall to a delivery room, machines and tubes filled the room as you were wheeled into the center.

Doojoon was asked to scrub up and he was in a green blue gown like the others in the room. Holding his hand, you looked up at him as he gave you a smile and leaned down kissing your lips.

"We have made it this far, we just need the baby to hold on a little longer, then we will be a family" He smiled and kissed your forehead as you nodded in agreement.

Hours of contractions and complications lengthened the procedure, forcing the doctors to do a C-section, you held onto Doojoon’s hand until you saw a limp body being passed to the nurses and carried over to the glass bed where they were checking out the little life.

Gripping onto Doojoon’s hand, he held it tightly right back, looking over at the baby he looked down at you with a small smile.

"The baby will be fine" He whispered while his thumb moved over your fingers, his other fingers pushed away your sweaty hair and tucked it behind your ear.

A loud, strong cry filled the room as tears instantly filled your eyes and you kissed Doojoon’s hand in happiness, hearing your baby cry for the first time, you just looked up at him until there was a different cry heard in the room. Doojoon’s eyes widened and looked over at the doctor as he was smiling brightly.

"You were carrying twins" The doctor announced with a proud smile on his face. The small bed were wheeled out of the room for further tests as Doojoon stayed right by your side.

Once they stitched you up, they wheeled you back to your room so that you could get some rest. Your head rolled over to Doojoon once all of the doctors and nurses left.

"Will you let me know when our babies come back?" You whispered ever so softly.

"Of course, just rest and I will wake you up" Doojoon leaned over and pressed his lips on yours, a smile curled on your lips after he pulled away.

"I love you" You held his hand tighter.

"I love you too" He kissed the tip of your nose causing you to giggle, your eyes fell closed from exhaustion while he stayed by your side, thinking of what each twin could be and what they looked like.

A few hours later the door opened and Doojoon woke up from resting his eyes as two glass cribs rolled into the room.

"Jagi, jagi" He gently woke you, your eyes opened and you carefully sat up. "They’re here" he whispered with bright eyes as two nurses stood there.

"They are perfect twins" The head nurse said as she passed you the first and oldest baby "This one is the oldest, it is a girl" She gently shuffled the sleeping bundle into your arms.

"She’s so beautiful" You whispered, gently bouncing her in your arms while she slept and cuddled closer to you.

"This one is younger and it is a boy" The other nurse announced as she shuffled the baby into Doojoon’s arms.

"Thank you two so much" Doojoon bowed to them as his eyes started to fill with tears.

"You are very welcome, press your nurses’ button if you need anything, but we will come and check up with you in a while" They both bowed and left you and your family alone.

"A little boy and little girl" Doojoon whispered leaning and getting a glance of his little girl, you did the same and smiled at your little boy.

"Do you have any names that you want to name them?" You questioned, your fingers gently brushing over the little boy’s cheek.

"It would be cute if their names matched each other" Doojoon whispered trying not to wake the sleeping babies.

"I like Miles for our boy" You smiled just getting lost in his precious face, that looked just like Doojoon’s when he slept.

"I think Mackenzie fits our little princess" Doojoon looked up at you then down at the little girl as he saw the beauty that each of you carried in your small smiles.

"Our M&M’s"

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Chapter 2: Aah this story was very sad at the beginning!! And what made it more depressing is when she wanted to attempt suicide.. aah that was wrong! Why would you think of suicide when a loving man is beside you to give you strength :( ? ❤️
I really loved how she was blessed with twins at the end!! That was incredibly sweet!! ❤️❤️❤️
If I were in her place I would always be in his embrace, seeking his love and support to make me forget the pain

Thank you so much for writing it!! ❤️❤️
Chapter 1: I'n trying so hard to read this story.. it seems so great!
Remind me to read it soon. I'm sorry but I'm so exhausted to continue. Wish that I get through the illness
Shenae #3
Chapter 1: So cute!! ~~ <3<3
KiwiPrincess #4
Chapter 2: Happy it..
shujun #5
Chapter 2: Superb!!!!!
Great fic once again, chungu-ah~
Chapter 2: Cute~~~ >3< ❤❤❤❤❤
Stars2Heaven #7
Chapter 2: gah! i love how it ended! ^_^ <3
Chapter 2: tears. tears all over the place. ;-;
Chapter 2: Kya sweeet. Though heartbreaking at first
Chapter 2: Aww omg that's so cute <3
twins to make up for the two losses XD
aigoo <3
I didn't expect the twist but it's great ^^
I like your writing sytle as usual
Thank you :)