Thinking it Through

If You Know Everything...

    “So...” Myungsoo began. “You have a power too. Instead of reading minds you read Intentions, Instead of hearing what they are thinking you understand why they do what they are doing?”

    “Yeah, pretty much.” Sungjong answered taking a sip from his glass of orange juice.

    Myungsoo lowered his head into his hands. “This is too much to take.” He jolted up. “Wait, why can’t I read your mind?” He asked.

    “Ipit maes oo peel be er, Ma abiity oesn’t ork on oo eider.” Sungjong mumbled with a handful of jolly ranchers in his mouth.

    “Don’t eat so many at a time!” Myungsoo said.

    Sungjong grabbed the pile of wrappers beside him and threw them at Myungsoo.


    “Stop talking so much, it’s annoying.” Sungjong said.

    The others came into the kitchen. “It’s almost 3 am so we’re gonna go home.” Sunggyu said.

    “Are you coming?” Sungyeol asked with one foot out the door.

    “No, I brought my own car, and I’ve only been here an hour I want to stay longer.” Sungjong called.

    “Whatever.” Sungyeol sighed.

    Once the others were gone Sunjong went to the living room and laid down on the couch. “Do you mind if I stay here tonight? The rent for my apartment is overdue and I’m kinda out of money right now.” Sungjong made himself comfortable.

    “Uh yes I do mind! Go sleep in your car!” Myungsoo said.

    There was no answer from the tired boy. His eyes were closed and already his breath had slowed to the steady rhythm of sleep.

    Myungsoo looked at him, as his eyes finally adjusted to the brightness he realised that he actually kind of... cute. He decided that Sungjong could stay, but only for one night.

. . .


    The next day Myungsoo woke up to find his blanket missing. He looked on both sides of his bed to see if it had fallen, but it wasnt there, and he was freezing. He made his way to the kitchen still not able to think straight since he had just woken up. One the way there he saw the answer to his problem. “SUNGJONG!” he yelled. Myungsoo walked quickly over to the boy on the couch and smacked him on the head. “GIVE ME BACK MY BLANKET!”

    Sungjong sat up slowly. “ow.” He swung his legs over to the floor and stood up. “here” he said handing Myungsoo the blanket with one hand and rubbing his eyes with the other.

    “Why are you in pajamas?” Myungsoo asked.

    “I changed” Sungjong said giving Myungsoo a look.

    “But those aren’t mine.” Myungsoo said

    “Ew, why would I wear your pajamas? They’re probably all black.” Sungjong said as he went to go get something from the kitchen, he came back with a pile of cloths and a bag full of bathroom supplies. “I’m going to take a shower.” He said.

    “Where did you... YA!” Myungsoo yelled as he saw the bags in the kitchen, the suitcases were filling the entire area. Myungsoo went to the locked bathroom door and started pounding on it. “What is all your stuff doing in my house!”

    “All of my stuff? That’s not even a third of it, the rest couldn’t fit in my car. I’ll have to go back and get it later. Does one of your friends have a truck?” Sungjong called from the other side.

    “That is not what I asked!” Myungsoo yelled.

    “I told you I need a place to stay.” Sungjong said.

    “So you brought all of your stuff because you were planning on me letting you?” Myungsoo shouted. Through the door he could hear the water from the shower turn on.

    “No, I had planned to stay with Sungyeol but since he was over here I just thought ‘why not?’” Sungjong explained.

    “Then why didn’t you go with him last night!” Myungsoo asked.

    “My car is out of gas, and he lives with two of those other guys so his apartment is really crowded, and it’s smaller than your house.” Sungjong said. “Now leave me alone, it’s weird talking to you when I’m .” At this Myungsoo backed away from the door and sat on the couch.

    After about fifteen minutes he heard the water shut off, but Sungjong still didn’t come out. Myungsoo got bored of waiting so, momentarily forgetting the mess in the kitchen, he went to make himself breakfast. He stubbed his toe on one of the suitcases and shouted out in pain.

    “SUNGJONG!” He screamed.

    “Did you kick one of the bags? If you made a mark you’re paying for it, those are rented!” Sungjong called.

    “You little...” Myungsoo started to curse but then Sungjong opened the door to the bathroom.

    “Wow I feel refreshed. It was so hot last night that I had to turn the heater down, why is your blanket so thick?” Sungjong said walking past Myungsoo and into the kitchen. “So what’s for breakfast?”

    Myungsoo could only stare after the infuriating but admittedly pretty boy.

    “Ramyun,” Myungsoo muttered. “and you can only have some if you get all your bags out of the kitchen.”

    “Ugh fine, You’re so bossy!” Sungjong whined. He grabbed the bags and pulled out the handles wheeling them to the other room two at a time. “There happy now?” He crossed his arms.

    “No” he said, shoving a bowl of noodles into Sungjong’s hands. “You’re leaving this house today.”

    “No I’m not.” Sungjong said.

    “Uh, yes, you are!” Myungsoo slammed his chopstick down.

    “Don’t you want to know more about my powers?” Sungjong asked.

    Myungsoo thought for a moment. “Just...” He picked his chopsticks back up defeatedly. “eat your ramyun.”

Authors note:

Please don't hate me! 

I know it took me forever to update.

I'm reeeaaally sorry

But talking about the story...

Wouldn't you be furious with Sungjong too?


I need comments!

Comments are my food and drink and air!

Tell me what you like, tell me what you don't, yell at me for taking so long....

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Thank you!
I made a tiny change to chapter two because of the hard ships of continuity *sigh* but things should make more sense now....


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Chapter 7: Ohmy poor Myungsoo, I thought its all real but no. And poor Sungyeol too, aaaa can't wait for next.
Chapter 7: What the,...I'm so speechless. i don't know what to his mind-reading ability a productof his imagination as well? I wonder while in the coma if his brain had come up with this whole scenario. But at least Sungjong is real, like a real person. Could he really have fallen in love with Sungjong while being comatose?
Poor Sungyeol and WOohyun though...
Chapter 6: Of course Sungjong is beautiful. Hahaha. Oh I might have missed it somewhere but can Sungjong see Myungsoo's intentions? Probably not since Myungsoo can't read Sungjong's mind. This is so interesting and I love sassy Sungjong.
Chapter 4: Lol Sungjong calling myungsoo bossy - most hilarious thing ever!
Chapter 3: Hahaha yayyy Sungjong is special to. I wonder what color Myungsoo is. He can't be black because black is the psychopaths and that wouldn't quite freak out Sungjong. Haha I like how Sungjong is so not bothered when he heard Myungsoo's like him. He's just like, yeah I want my juice lol.
Chapter 6: OMG i love this jajajajajaja. Jongie is so forward jajajajaja he just says every thing he thinks? i just love their characters and how they fit so well with the theme of the story and their abilities. I hope they both learn from each other and become more attached.
And the picture Myungsoo took.. WOW!! it actually made me realize he never saw sungjong. Maybe i should read better and stop spazzing kkk.
By the way i want to read Jongie's POV please? I love both povs but i find him somehow more misterious than Myung. ^^
Chapter 6: omg i really like this story. I don't really read fics nowadays but stumbled onto this fic out of boredom. I like your writing style, i like sassy jongie and I like their relationship. When Myungsoo said sungjong is beautiful in picture, it just occurred to me that he was in fact never see him without the light. We know sungjong is yellow but sungjong never said myungsoo's colour right? Is it yellow too? Please update soon :)
RainbowFartPower #8
Chapter 6: Wow just amazing I love you're writings ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
Chapter 6: Oh wow. I like your style of writing. And i like the diva sungjong. Just the way i like it.
Chapter 6: Yes yes, he is indeed beautiful Myung.. Why did you realize this just now??