What's with the Professors?



Two months later…

                “Good afternoon class. Three months more and this sem will end. I have a project to be done by a pair.” The professor announced something important once the class has started. Taeyeon, being an introvert, doesn’t want the idea of doing the project with a partner nor even with a group. She’s used to do assignments and projects alone and sometimes with the help of her best friend. She thought that she can request or convince the professor that she can do the project alone but, “I know some of you doesn’t want this but my decision is final.” Taeyeon gasped, as if the professor just read her mind. “Now listen, this is a thesis paper, an argumentative one, I don’t want you to rush up that’s why I’m giving you three months, three long months to complete your project and I’m hoping that you can give me a great report. The topic should be related to your course, so find a partner whose course is related to yours.” The professor continued to give more instructions. Taeyeon couldn’t believe it, she swear she can do that project by herself. Upon hearing the last sentence, she thought, “A partner whose course is related to mine? Aish!”“Class? Is that clear?”  Some students agreed but some disagreed. “Okay, you are dismissed early, I still have a meeting to catch up, so please start to find a partner as soon as possible. I hope I made myself clear. Good bye class.” With that,the professor left followed by the other students.






                This.Is. Not. Happening. Is it the end of the world? Aish! I know I am overreacting but…but… I do not interact with other people that much. Um wait. Let me calm myself first. Sigh. Fine. I’ll do this. Fighting! After I curled my fist and punching the air I realized I was already alone in the room. I mentally face-palmed myself and thanked that I was already alone and nobody saw what I was doing, they might think I’m insane. Then I heard someone cleared . OMO! I thought the room is empty already! I gently hit my forehead repeatedly with the side of my fist. “A-are you okay?” I slowly looked at the latter beside me, and what the! She’s beside me?!  I smile awkwardly and nodded. “You s-seem not.” She added. “I was just thinking about things, that’s all.” I answered her. Ugh! I really thought I was alone. Why didn’t I notice her? Maybe because it’s cold here and I felt numb? “I’m s-sorry, I disturbed you when you w-were thinking a-about  t-things’. I-I decided not to l-leave the classroom b-because, umm, it’s too early f-for the next class since our p-professor dismissed us early.” She explained. Why is she stuttering and she didn’t have to explain. My eyes unconsciously squinted. “Umm. You know. It’s okay. Continue what you’re doing.” With that I gave her a reassuring smile. Eh? Why am I smiling at her? Aish.Fine. She’s an exception since she’s my seat mate.



                Taeyeon thought interacting with other people isn’t bad after all. She continues to think about their project and thought about her possible partner. She stared blankly at the ceiling, then at the wall, and then at the white board, then she remembered something, she remembered that this girl beside her was writing on her music sheet before. She thought that music and art are somewhat connected, since music and art related courses are under the same department. She took a deep breath and sighed heavily. “Okay let’s give it a try.” She mentally said.



                Eh? Why are her eyes squinting? Did she think I’m lying? Maybe because she noticed me stuttering, I was nervous okay? It’s the first time she that I heard her voice! It’s the first time that she talked to me! In my peripheral view, I can see Taeyeon was spacing out and let out a deep sigh. What is she thinking? “Aumm. Excuse me?” I narrowed my eyes. Is she talking to me? Am I hearing things? “Excuse me miss?” I heard her again. I slowly lifted my chin up and tilted my head to face her. She’s talking to me again! Oh my gosh! Is this real? I’ll try my best not to stutter. “Yes?” “Hi. I’m Kim Taeyeon. Just want to ask something, if it’s okay with you?” I really can’t believe this. Oh my gosh! “H-hi!T-Taengoo. Ah! I mean Taeyeon. Yes it’s okay. What is it?” Ooops my tongue slipped; yes this is supposed to be her secret nickname - Taengoo. I hope she didn’t notice that. “I was just thinking of our project, may I know what your course is?” “Sure. I am a voice major student.” Gosh Taeyeon, I always see you at our department, and I understand you don’t notice me; you never attended any of our acquaintance parties.“Oh. I’m an arts major student.” Yes, I know that already. “Oh really, we’re in the same department then.” I pretended “By the way I’m Jessica Jung, nice to meet you Kim Taeyeon.” I extended my hand and she took it. “Nice to meet you too Jessica.” She smiled at me. I can feel my stomach is churning up and down already. “Are you by any chance, available?” What?! She’s asking me out already? “Aum, I mean do you already have a partner for the project?” Taeyeon added as if she has just read my mind.  Sigh. What the heck am I thinking? “I still don’t have. Why?” Please Taengoo, please be my partner. “Since our courses are kinda connected, can you work the project with me? If you don’t mind?” I really don’t mind Taeyeon. I really don’t. “Sure.” Oh em gee! I feel like I’m being asked out for a date. “Thank you Jessica.” “No problem.” I looked back at my notes and I didn’t realize I was already grinning from ear to ear. “So. Um.” I heard her again. “Yes?” “So when do we start working?” This is it Jessica. It’s happening. “Lemme think about it first, c-can I ask for your number? So that I can inform you about our meet-ups.” Here I am again explaining. I looked for my phone inside my purse and lend it to here. “Can you type your number here?” She slowly took my phone and started to save her number. I can’t believe this. I already have her number. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Please don’t forget to inform me about your number too okay?” No Taengoo, I will ever not. “Sure Taeyeon. ” “Aumm, I’ll leave now, thank you so much Jessica for being my partner, we’ll work hard. Fighting!” With that she got up from her chair, my eyes are still on her until she completely got out from the room. Is this real? Am I dreaming?



                Taeyeon finally arrived at her apartment; she threw her bag on the couch and sat on the wooden floor. She decided to start her new art projects because she felt like today is not a great day to procrastinate. She remembered what happen a while ago at her class. She can’t believe it, she really did the first move to interact with other people. She was quite happy that she already have a partner for the project, she was afraid that no one will be available and she might end up asking the whole class if she can insert with other pairs, that would be horrible.

                Taeyeon didn’t realize her phone was vibrating all the time; she was too immersed doing her project.

                She stood up from the floor and took a break; she slowly walked to the kitchen and grab some snacks from the fridge. She returned to the living room and slowly sat on her couch. She decided to check the time and grab her phone. “Oh. A message from an unknown number.” She thought. She unlocked her phone and read the message.

From: 09********

Hi Kim Taeyeon, this is Jessica Jung. You remember?

Ah. My partner in my BC class.Taeyeon smiled then she decided to reply after saving Jessica’s number.


To: Sica

Hi Sica, yes I remember you. J

Unknowingly to Taeyeon, Jessica was shocked about her new nickname, well in fact, Taeyeon was just too lazy to type her whole name and just came up with that nickname, but for Jessica, it made her feel special. Jessica excitedly replied back to Taeyeon.

To: Taengoo

Keke. I thought you didn’t. Aumm.About the project. Can we meet up in a café near the campus?

After reading Jessica’s message, Taeyeon wasn’t happy about the idea of meeting up in a café. She doesn’t want to work in a noisy place nor work with too many people around. She didn’t reply to Jessica’s message, she thought of other places to work with. Hmmm. How about the library? Aish, no. too cold.How about the old music room? Eh? Too eerie.

While Taeyeon was thinking of other places to work with, Jessica was waiting for her to reply, she thought that Taeyeon didn’t want to work with her, many negative thoughts came to her mind.

From: Taengoo

Hi Jessica, sorry for the late reply, I was thinking of other places to work with the project.

Jessica sighed, she thought Taeyeon won’t text back to her anymore.

To: Taengoo

It’s okay. So you don’t want to work the project in a café? Where do you want? It’s okay with me. Wherever you are comfortable.

From: Taengoo

Yeah, I really don’t like noisy places, I am sorry. Umm, are you sure? It’s okay with you? I was thinking if we can just make the project here in my place.

Jessica gasped. She read the message all over again and again. Specifically at the last sentence.I was thinking if we can just make the project here in my place. “What does she mean? In her place?At her house?” She was thinking of being with Taeyeon but not in her house. Jessica just squealed in a public place, she was taking a break in a famous café in the city. Some people looked at her, they thought some celebrity passed by because of her loud squeal. Jessica smiled awkwardly and bowed apologetically at them.

To: Taengoo

Are you sure? What about your parents? They might be disturbed.

From: Taengoo

Yes I am sure. Plus I live alone in my apartment. My parents are at my hometown. You really don’t have to worry. We can make our project peacefully. J

Jessica squealed again. “What? She’s living alone? And I’ll work with her alone. I’ll be with her alone? Aish.Stop Jessica, stop thinking of something else.”

To: Taengoo

Okay. Just tell me your address and your available time, so that we can make our project as soon as possible. J

From: Taengoo

I am available every 4PM onwards. How about your available time? And um. You might get lost finding where my apartment is, let me know where you are tomorrow then we can walk together going to my apartment. Is that okay with you?

Jessica was smiling like an idiot already while texting.

To: Taengoo

Oh. I am available every  5:30PM onwards. My last class will be at SC207. Is it really okay with you? You still have to wait for me for 1 hour and 30 minutes. I am sorry.

From: Taengoo

No, no. it’s fine. After all we’re doing this for our project right? No biggie.

To: Taengoo

Ah yuh right. Thank you Taeyeon, so it’s settled then? See you tomorrow. J

Jessica can contain her happiness already; she immediately stood up from her seat and left the café. She went home straight and started to think about their possible topics for their project. On the other hand, Taeyeon was sleeping peacefully on her couch after making her art project. She was very tired of what happened earlier, everything was new to her, and she can’t still believe she has a new friend now.


Two months later…

                “Good afternoon class. Three months more and this sem will end. I have a project to be done by a pair.” The professor announced something important once the class has started. Taeyeon, being an introvert, doesn’t want the idea of doing the project with a partner nor even with a group. She’s used to do assignments and projects alone and sometimes with the help of her best friend. She thought that she can request or convince the professor that she can do the project alone but, “I know some of you doesn’t want this but my decision is final.” Taeyeon gasped, as if the professor just read her mind. “Now listen, this is a thesis paper, an argumentative one, I don’t want you to rush up that’s why I’m giving you three months, three long months to complete your project and I’m hoping that you can give me a great report. The topic should be related to your course, so find a partner whose course is related to yours.” The professor continued to give more instructions. Taeyeon couldn’t believe it, she swear she can do that project by herself. Upon hearing the last sentence, she thought, “A partner whose course is related to mine? Aish!”“Class? Is that clear?”  Some students agreed but some disagreed. “Okay, you are dismissed early, I still have a meeting to catch up, so please start to find a partner as soon as possible. I hope I made myself clear. Good bye class.” With that,the professor left followed by the other students.






                This.Is. Not. Happening. Is it the end of the world? Aish! I know I am overreacting but…but… I do not interact with other people that much. Um wait. Let me calm myself first. Sigh. Fine. I’ll do this. Fighting! After I curled my fist and punching the air I realized I was already alone in the room. I mentally face-palmed myself and thanked that I was already alone and nobody saw what I was doing, they might think I’m insane. Then I heard someone cleared . OMO! I thought the room is empty already! I gently hit my forehead repeatedly with the side of my fist. “A-are you okay?” I slowly looked at the latter beside me, and what the! She’s beside me?!  I smile awkwardly and nodded. “You s-seem not.” She added. “I was just thinking about things, that’s all.” I answered her. Ugh! I really thought I was alone. Why didn’t I notice her? Maybe because it’s cold here and I felt numb? “I’m s-sorry, I disturbed you when you w-were thinking a-about  t-things’. I-I decided not to l-leave the classroom b-because, umm, it’s too early f-for the next class since our p-professor dismissed us early.” She explained. Why is she stuttering and she didn’t have to explain. My eyes unconsciously squinted. “Umm. You know. It’s okay. Continue what you’re doing.” With that I gave her a reassuring smile. Eh? Why am I smiling at her? Aish.Fine. She’s an exception since she’s my seat mate.



                Taeyeon thought interacting with other people isn’t bad after all. She continues to think about their project and thought about her possible partner. She stared blankly at the ceiling, then at the wall, and then at the white board, then she remembered something, she remembered that this girl beside her was writing on her music sheet before. She thought that music and art are somewhat connected, since music and art related courses are under the same department. She took a deep breath and sighed heavily. “Okay let’s give it a try.” She mentally said.



                Eh? Why are her eyes squinting? Did she think I’m lying? Maybe because she noticed me stuttering, I was nervous okay? It’s the first time she that I heard her voice! It’s the first time that she talked to me! In my peripheral view, I can see Taeyeon was spacing out and let out a deep sigh. What is she thinking? “Aumm. Excuse me?” I narrowed my eyes. Is she talking to me? Am I hearing things? “Excuse me miss?” I heard her again. I slowly lifted my chin up and tilted my head to face her. She’s talking to me again! Oh my gosh! Is this real? I’ll try my best not to stutter. “Yes?” “Hi. I’m Kim Taeyeon. Just want to ask something, if it’s okay with you?” I really can’t believe this. Oh my gosh! “H-hi!T-Taengoo. Ah! I mean Taeyeon. Yes it’s okay. What is it?” Ooops my tongue slipped; yes this is supposed to be her secret nickname - Taengoo. I hope she didn’t notice that. “I was just thinking of our project, may I know what your course is?” “Sure. I am a voice major student.” Gosh Taeyeon, I always see you at our department, and I understand you don’t notice me; you never attended any of our acquaintance parties.“Oh. I’m an arts major student.” Yes, I know that already. “Oh really, we’re in the same department then.” I pretended “By the way I’m Jessica Jung, nice to meet you Kim Taeyeon.” I extended my hand and she took it. “Nice to meet you too Jessica.” She smiled at me. I can feel my stomach is churning up and down already. “Are you by any chance, available?” What?! She’s asking me out already? “Aum, I mean do you already have a partner for the project?” Taeyeon added as if she has just read my mind.  Sigh. What the heck am I thinking? “I still don’t have. Why?” Please Taengoo, please be my partner. “Since our courses are kinda connected, can you work the project with me? If you don’t mind?” I really don’t mind Taeyeon. I really don’t. “Sure.” Oh em gee! I feel like I’m being asked out for a date. “Thank you Jessica.” “No problem.” I looked back at my notes and I didn’t realize I was already grinning from ear to ear. “So. Um.” I heard her again. “Yes?” “So when do we start working?” This is it Jessica. It’s happening. “Lemme think about it first, c-can I ask for your number? So that I can inform you about our meet-ups.” Here I am again explaining. I looked for my phone inside my purse and lend it to here. “Can you type your number here?” She slowly took my phone and started to save her number. I can’t believe this. I already have her number. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Please don’t forget to inform me about your number too okay?” No Taengoo, I will ever not. “Sure Taeyeon. ” “Aumm, I’ll leave now, thank you so much Jessica for being my partner, we’ll work hard. Fighting!” With that she got up from her chair, my eyes are still on her until she completely got out from the room. Is this real? Am I dreaming?



                Taeyeon finally arrived at her apartment; she threw her bag on the couch and sat on the wooden floor. She decided to start her new art projects because she felt like today is not a great day to procrastinate. She remembered what happen a while ago at her class. She can’t believe it, she really did the first move to interact with other people. She was quite happy that she already have a partner for the project, she was afraid that no one will be available and she might end up asking the whole class if she can insert with other pairs, that would be horrible.

                Taeyeon didn’t realize her phone was vibrating all the time; she was too immersed doing her project.

                She stood up from the floor and took a break; she slowly walked to the kitchen and grab some snacks from the fridge. She returned to the living room and slowly sat on her couch. She decided to check the time and grab her phone. “Oh. A message from an unknown number.” She thought. She unlocked her phone and read the message.

From: 09********

Hi Kim Taeyeon, this is Jessica Jung. You remember?

Ah. My partner in my BC class.Taeyeon smiled then she decided to reply after saving Jessica’s number.


To: Sica

Hi Sica, yes I remember you. J

Unknowingly to Taeyeon, Jessica was shocked about her new nickname, well in fact, Taeyeon was just too lazy to type her whole name and just came up with that nickname, but for Jessica, it made her feel special. Jessica excitedly replied back to Taeyeon.

To: Taengoo

Keke. I thought you didn’t. Aumm.About the project. Can we meet up in a café near the campus?

After reading Jessica’s message, Taeyeon wasn’t happy about the idea of meeting up in a café. She doesn’t want to work in a noisy place nor work with too many people around. She didn’t reply to Jessica’s message, she thought of other places to work with. Hmmm. How about the library? Aish, no. too cold.How about the old music room? Eh? Too eerie.

While Taeyeon was thinking of other places to work with, Jessica was waiting for her to reply, she thought that Taeyeon didn’t want to work with her, many negative thoughts came to her mind.

From: Taengoo

Hi Jessica, sorry for the late reply, I was thinking of other places to work with the project.

Jessica sighed, she thought Taeyeon won’t text back to her anymore.

To: Taengoo

It’s okay. So you don’t want to work the project in a café? Where do you want? It’s okay with me. Wherever you are comfortable.

From: Taengoo

Yeah, I really don’t like noisy places, I am sorry. Umm, are you sure? It’s okay with you? I was thinking if we can just make the project here in my place.

Jessica gasped. She read the message all over again and again. Specifically at the last sentence.I was thinking if we can just make the project here in my place. “What does she mean? In her place?At her house?” She was thinking of being with Taeyeon but not in her house. Jessica just squealed in a public place, she was taking a break in a famous café in the city. Some people looked at her, they thought some celebrity passed by because of her loud squeal. Jessica smiled awkwardly and bowed apologetically at them.

To: Taengoo

Are you sure? What about your parents? They might be disturbed.

From: Taengoo

Yes I am sure. Plus I live alone in my apartment. My parents are at my hometown. You really don’t have to worry. We can make our project peacefully. J

Jessica squealed again. “What? She’s living alone? And I’ll work with her alone. I’ll be with her alone? Aish.Stop Jessica, stop thinking of something else.”

To: Taengoo

Okay. Just tell me your address and your available time, so that we can make our project as soon as possible. J

From: Taengoo

I am available every 4PM onwards. How about your available time? And um. You might get lost finding where my apartment is, let me know where you are tomorrow then we can walk together going to my apartment. Is that okay with you?

Jessica was smiling like an idiot already while texting.

To: Taengoo

Oh. I am available every  5:30PM onwards. My last class will be at SC207. Is it really okay with you? You still have to wait for me for 1 hour and 30 minutes. I am sorry.

From: Taengoo

No, no. it’s fine. After all we’re doing this for our project right? No biggie.

To: Taengoo

Ah yuh right. Thank you Taeyeon, so it’s settled then? See you tomorrow. J

Jessica can contain her happiness already; she immediately stood up from her seat and left the café. She went home straight and started to think about their possible topics for their project. On the other hand, Taeyeon was sleeping peacefully on her couch after making her art project. She was very tired of what happened earlier, everything was new to her, and she can’t still believe she has a new friend now.




Hi subscribers/readers, i updated four long chapters. :) Enjoy. Please comment for suggestions or whatever you like to say. thank you for subscribing again. :)

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TaeFanytastics #1
Chapter 9: I am really looking forward for it to be taengsic..
Chapter 10: please update soon
Rihali168 #3
Chapter 10: Yey yulsic , can't wait for more.
soneako9 #4
Chapter 9: i thought its taengsic..
poor sica, she loves taeyeon since before..
Chapter 9: please update soon
Yulsic... and Taeny...??
Kbye. //runs off//
TaeFanytastics #7
I hope this TaengSic ! Please Author ! Make it TaengSic !! And hope you update soon..
Chapter 7: please update soon
yellow0325 #9