Chapter 3

Living With My Rival
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Previously on Living With My Rival. . . 

Since the maids has already unpacked everything for Soojin and her umma, everyone just went back to do things that they usually do when they finished dinner. That night, Soojin laid in her bed thinking about what her appa is doing at this time. Finally after 30 minutes or so, she fell asleep.

The alarm on Soojin's phone came to life. "Hmmmmmmyyuaahhhh~" Soojin rubbed her eyes and stretched before pressing the 'dismiss' button to stop her alarm. "Uhmm ... ," she looked at her surroundings through half-awake eyes, "w-where am I?" She mentally racked her brain and suddenly realized that she was not in her bed nor her house. "This will need some time for me to get used to," she put her glasses on, eyed the spacious room before getting off her bed, and went to her closet to get her clothes. She then opened the door to find a smiling Luhan, who laughed upon seeing her morning image. 

"I was just about to knock on the door to wake you up," Luhan said. "I already showered and Kris is almost done so you're next in line. If he takes more than enough time, just bang on the door as loud as possible," Luhan informed Soojin. "After you're done showering, come downstairs for breakfast," Luhan walked away. 'hmmm. it's like i am forgetting to tell her something. i just can't seem to put my tongue on it...' Luhan pondered as he went downstairs.

"Okay and okay ... wait, I forgot where the bathroom is ... nevermind, I remember now," she innocently scratched her head before heading to the bathroom. Sleep taking over her system, she unknowingly turned the doorknob of the bathroom and opened it. She stared at the human figure wearing a towel wrapped around their waist that stood there with a shocked expression making eye contact with her. 

It took about a minute or so for her to register in her brain that it was Kris, half . "Oh, ugh mianhe," she turned and closed the door behind her, somewhat unphased. From inside the bathroom she heard, "YAHHHHH OH SOOJIN!" After this tremendous sound, Luhan came jogging up the stairs, "That's what I forgot to tell you! Kris usually leaves the door unlocked so uhh ... yeah, you probably know thank by now judging by Kris' scream. Sorry for not alerting you ahead of time," Luhan bit his lip in embarrassment. 

"It's fine, Luhan," Soojin said, sleep still clearly evident in her body. "Fine?!" Kris, now fully clothed, opened the door in bewilderment. "Yeah, it's fine," Soojin shrugged her shoulders. "What if I was not wearing my towel, huh?!" Kris asked. "I won't do it again," she walked into the bathroom, closing the door on Kris trying to lecture her. "Aishhh! That girl gets on my nerves!" Kris stomped his way downstairs, Luhan following several seconds after. After she was done, Soojin walked out of the bathroom in a white bathrobe. She looked down at herself before muttering, "Aishhh, I forgot to get dressed." She rushed back in and came out dressed in a white tank, leggings, and a flannel tied around her waist.

(Soojin on the left; for future reference, Eunjung on the right)

"What's for breakfast?" Soojin walked downstairs. "I made bacon, eggs, and spam. Choose what you like," Soojin's umma smiled as she motioned to the mouth-watering sight of crispy pieaces of bacon, sunny-side up eggs, and sizzling slices of heavenly spam. "The maids wanted to cook since it's their job, but I wouldn't let them because I knew how much you love my cooking," Soojin's mom let out a soft, heartedly laugh. "Umma," Soojin pretended to cry and wiped a fake tear off her cheek, "you're the best." Soojin sat down and prepared to dig in when she looked up to see two pair of eyes watching her; the eyes belonged to Kris and Luhan . "--Oh! Where's imo and samchon(auntie and uncle)?" she scanned around her as if they would pop out at any moment.

"They already left for work, and same for me soon because I have to meet up with a former client," Soojin's mom scurried upstairs and came back down in professional wear. "Wait ummma--ommmm nommmmmmm. dayymm jish ish guhd," Soojin chowed down as much of her breakfast as she could then turned to face her mom. "How am I going to get to school? I want to enjoy my food," she pouted. "You ride with Luhan and Kris in their escalade. Their driver knows the wa

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Chapter 14: What happen next ?!. You left us hanging . Update soon
2407briana #2
Chapter 14: Wahwahwah He confessed!
Chapter 13: Did kris has a feeling toward soojin . You know i ship them both . But sehun being the rival also great . So kris can be jealous. . Btw update soon . I want to read more .
2407briana #4
Chapter 13: New reader here! I'm enjoying your story! Please update soon!
Chapter 11: Nice update .. *^O^* i like it . More chapter about soojin and kris pleasee.. >o<.. UPDATE SOONN o(^^o).
Chapter 10: Nice update . *^O^* .. Looking forward for the next chapter . Cant wait to read it o(^^o). UPDATE SOONN~~
Chapter 10: Why is this updated chapter is short.. and look same the with previous chapter ?... ╯︿╰
Chapter 9: Nice update authors-nim*^O^* ... Looking forward for the next chapter( ^)o(^ ) .. UPDATE SOON .. Can't wait to read it ..o(^^o)
Chapter 8: Kyaaa!! .. they ended up sleep at each other .. hihihihi ... can't wait for the next update!! .. UPDATE SOON . Btw nice update ...*^O^*
Chapter 7: I think soojin have a girl fight with fan girl in the bathroom = ̄ω ̄=.. UPDATE SOON curious on soojin!! ...>o<... btw nice update authornim~~ i like it //jjang//