Sunggyu's heart part 6

Sunggyu's heart

        "Today love is surrounded by us. We are here to join Arianna and Sunggyu together in marriage. Marriage is a beautiful bond between two souls who find one another and decide to become one.  These two are the perfect example of true love." The priest looks from oneto the other. Ari blushes and Sunggyu smiles and winks at her. "Arianna and Sunggyu would like to share vows that they both have written for one another. With a smile on his face and joy infecting his words he turns to Ari. "You may go first Arianna." She nods quickly at the priest, pausing for a moment clasping her hands together she looks at Sunggyu and smiles. Taking a deep breath she begins.

    "Oppa you make me the happiest girl in the world. Life with you is incredible we don't have to be doing anything or we can be doing everything and it just feels right. Oppa you are my rock. I can not promise we will always see eye to eye on everything but i can promise that no matter how hard life gets i will be here with you facing every struggle, fear, doubt , joyous or happy moment loving you and supporting you every step of the way. Baby, you are my everything. I love you." Ari smiles as she finishes.

"Very beatuifully said Arianna." The priest smiles and turns to Sunggyu. "Sunggyu, my son it is your turn." He swallows deeply trying to figure out just how to start. Looking from the sea to his beautiful bride he begins.

"I have always loved you. Ever since we were 15 years old and you walked into my house with my sister pleding to be best friends for ever. Jealousy had hit me right as soon as the words left . that first look at me unlocked something inside of me. I was way to shy to say anything but when my grandfather told me to try i knew he saw what I felt." He pauses for a moment collecting his thoughts. Ari raises her hand to to his cheek to wipe the tears that have fallen. Gently he takes her hand, he notices the bracelet she is wearing. Brushing his fingers across the stones he smiles as he remembers his grandfather. He continues; " When he died you were the only one who knew what to say to make me strong again. I made a promise to him that I would protect you everyday of my life. That's what I intend to do. I love you Arianna."

Such beautiful confessions of love we just have witnessed." The priest then begins to share a few verses about love and how honest and unconditional it should be. "Before we let these two love birds go they need to exchange rings. Sunggyu do you have Arianna's ring?"

"Woohyung the ring please." He quickly beings searching for the ring patting his pockets frantically. With one finger in the air he finds the ring and pulls it out. A chuckle comes from the grooms men and the guest as he hands Sunggyu a pair of fuzzy handcuffs. "For later." Sunggyu winks at Ari as he puts them in his pocket. "Oppa!" Ari half screams of embarrassment and giggles at the two men.  "Ah I remember I have it. Pulling it out of his other pocket a small white glod band is cradled between his thumb and pointer finger. Taking Ari's left hand the priest ask. "Sunggyu Kim do you take Arianna Amor Sanchez to be your wife?" I Do." He quickly answers as he slides the ring on her finger. "You are my heart, I love you" he whispers to her. "Arianna  Amor Sanchez do you take Sunggyu Kim to be your husband?" "Ido." Looking down at his hand as she slides the ring over his ring finger she notices that his ring has "Arianna's Forever" etched into it along with their wedding date. Couriously she looks down at her own ring and notices "Oppa's Heart" along with their wedding date. With tears in her eyes she looks at Sunggyu and mouths "I love you" to him. "Ladies and gentlemen I would like to introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Kim. You may now kiss the bride. "Sunggyu leaned down and pointed  to his cheek for the kiss. As she inched closer he turned his head and locked lips with her. Resting her hands on his waist and his at the base of her neck. The crowd clapped and cheered for the happy couple.

The evening was beautiful, everyone made their way to the happy newly weds to give their well wishes and luck on this journey called marriage. Ari and Sunggyu made their way onto the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife. B1A4's Chu Chu CHu began to play as Sunggyu took Ari into his arms and kissed her. The candles and the flickering lights above made everything perfect. For a few moments in the whole night they felt as if they were the only one here. "Baby I'm happy you said yes." Sunggyu said before kissing her again. " I love you why wouldn't I say yes to marrying you." "No I was talking about when we were 16." "Oh Oppa," was all she could say as tears began to fall. He kissed her tears away. "I love you"  As the song ends the photographer comes up and asked if he could take a few pictures of the wedding party around the cake. Adrienne and Dongwoo stand to the left of Ari as Daisy and Woohyung stand to the right of Sunggyu. Flashes from the camera sent flashes of her 16th birthday party into Ari's head. Couriously she glances at Sunggyu who is looking at her as if he is in the presence of an angel.

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rainfalls04 #1
good good good
looking forward on this :)