
Of Books and Coffees


“What are those?” He pointed at the books, suppressing his stupid grin. He decided to be cool about being this close with her, when deep inside his heart would eventually burst sooner or later from the abnormal beating.

Being a gullible lady as she is, Feiyen answered truthfully. “Books, ge.

Luhan let out a chuckle. “I know those are books,” he gave her a look, “what I meant is why you are bringing them here.”

“Oh,” she laughs and covers . A habit of hers which Luhan finds really endearing. “Mr. Go asked me to—”

Feiyen was cut off when they heard the bells ringing, showing a girl with a stunning blonde hair on the entrance. The two of them looked at the door in reflex, and boy did Feiyen felt insecure all of a sudden.

“He asked you to what?” Luhan asked while standing up slowly. He doesn’t want to end his small conversation with her. Not even a single bit. He only got rare chances like this to talk to her about something; he just won’t let it pass. But he had no choice. He still works here after all.

Peeling her eyes off from the new customer, Feiyen turned to look at Luhan who surprisingly had his eyes on her only at that time. Even though he already stood up, he still hasn’t moved an inch from his place.

“Chop, chop!” Feiyen pumped her fist in the air, allowing Luhan to go.

He inwardly groaned and mouthed, ‘Be right back,’ before he ran back to the counter to take the blonde girl’s order.

Feiyen observed them carefully, taking note of their every action as they talked. She saw how the girl was really clueless of what was the bestseller in there—caramel macchiato—which Feiyen answered quietly on her seat; how Luhan was smiling at her trying to sales talk her into buying the cakes in there; how he was preparing the drink expertly and flawlessly as he pours the exact amount of ingredients into it; and how he was occasionally stealing glances at Feiyen every now and then.

Sneaky glances. Cheeky smiles. How come she never noticed those?

She caught herself blushing. Looking down, she landed her gaze on the blueberry cheesecake. Right, how could she forget the cheesecake? She pushed aside the book taking up the space on the small round table, before she dragged the cake near her.

The luscious taste of the blueberry exploded in , together with the right amount of saltness of the cheese. She had never tasted a cheesecake this delicious before, until now.

“How was it?”

“Nice,” she answered absent-mindedly, “and tasty.”

“That’s good.”


“I baked that myself.”


“Can you go out with me later at dinner?”

“Yeah,” she took the last bite of the cake but stopped, letting the fork and hang mid-air. She looked up, and there was Luhan leaning on the wall with his arms crossed against his chest, smiling so cutely at her. Immediately looking everywhere, she noticed the blonde girl already left the café.

Did she hear it right? Or were her ears just deceiving her?

“What?” Luhan asks excitedly, not expecting to have the answer immediately.

Feiyen realized she wasn’t dreaming at all. Luhan is asking her out.

He is asking her on a date.

Both of them, outside the café.

“What what?”

“You said, ‘Yeah,’ just now.” He imitated Feiyen exactly, earning a chuckle from the girl.

“I did?”

Luhan sat down at the couch again; the grin never leaving his face. “It’s a yes?”

Feiyen pretended to give it a thought. She found Luhan really cute with that anticipating look on his face. After a few more seconds of admiring his baby face, she finally answered. “Sure,” she swallowed the last bite down , gulping huge amounts of her caramel macchiato after.

He suddenly stood up, bringing his fists to his face, resisting the urge to cheer. Feiyen laughed at him. He is just too adorable.

After he calmed down, he sat on the couch again, making it bounce lightly. “Is six fine with you?”

“Six, then.” She smiled, picking her book up again.

Luhan’s smile faltered a bit. “Are you that busy?”

“Not as busy as you are.”

Feiyen pointed at the direction of the door, and Luhan saw a group of students entering the shop. She gave him a pat on his shoulder as he shut his eyes in pure disappointment.

More and more people are going in and out of the shop as the time passes by, but Feiyen was still there trying to finish her work. Other employees arrived already for their own shifts, helping Luhan. The younger girl working at the counter with Luhan, gave Feiyen a teasing wink the moment she saw her in her usual place. She just smiled back shyly and looked down to her book.

She was getting tired by now. It was already her second cup of coffee, and third slice of cake, as Luhan kept on giving him the cakes instead of another caffeine drink. He said it is not good to drink a lot in a day, or she would have bad cases of insomnia during the night.

And to think she hasn’t paid anything at all that day.

“You have contributed a lot for this shop already,” Luhan would insist and wink, every time she tries to hand him some bills. Of course she knew better than anyone Luhan wouldn’t let a cash shortage happen in the café he has loved so dearly. Of course Feiyen knew he would pay for all of those. That caused her to stop ordering for more.

She averted her gaze from the last book she was reading to Luhan’s direction — he still hasn’t removed that smile on his face even while punching on some buttons on the cash register.

Has he been always this adorable? She never noticed. Come to think of it, she had been oblivious of the boy’s undeniable attraction towards her, and vice versa. Those everyday visits, those long hours of staying in the café, those smiles that are regularly exchanged — they mean something.

And she only realized it now.

When the customer gave him the money, he glanced at Feiyen again. Luhan smiled, and she can’t help but smile too.

What is that man? I can’t help but to fall in love.

She closed the last book, finally finishing her work. Feiyen couldn’t wait any longer for later.



I totally fogot I have a fic like this omg this fic makes me sad I don't even know TT_TT Missing Lu ge so much. I am happy for him though, he seems to be a lot healthier than before. And yeah, he was spotted in a cafe! Luhan x coffee is love. Thank you for reading lovelies! ♥ 

I am making a fic nowadays. Yas, again. I think I'll finish it before Nov. 3? Bcs classes will resume alrd :( lol I talk too much. Until the next story!~ 

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-natsukim #1
Chapter 2: oh my, the ending is kinda cute! you should make this longer :D
-natsukim #2
Chapter 2: auw! obviously both of them like each other!
just go and date already, yah!
anticipating for the next update :)