Start's End

Last Breath

He knew he wouldn't last till the next morning.

Clutching his chest, he stumbled to Jiho's studio, a 5 minute walk away from the dorm.

Breathe.. Breathe.. 

It was already past midnight.

Kyung leaned against the cool metal of the small lift.

5th floor

Kyung walked with increasing difficulty.

He began to see dark spots at the corner of his eyes, and the fact that the corridor to Jiho's studio was dim wasn't helping at all.

Bang Bang Bang

Jiho unlocked the door.

Kyung was breathing in short, fast breaths, as he collapsed onto Jiho for support.

"Kyung what the are you alright?" Jiho held onto Kyung.

Kyung's legs fell asleep. The suddeness caused Kyung to give in to gravity and nearly fell onto the floor hard, if it wasn't for Jiho.

Jiho dragged Kyung to the leather couch in his studio and laid Kyung down, cooing and patting his head.

"It'll be alright Kyung" Jiho rubbed circles into Kyung's back.

Kyung blinked hard trying to clear the clouds and spots of darkness he was seeing.

He blinked and blinked but Jiho's face still wasn't clear.

Kyung started to tear up, causing his breath to quicken.

"Kyung breathe, breathe" 

Kyung looked at Jiho's blurry image.

"I don't think I can go on I don't think I can make it till tomorrow." Kyung whispered in between breaths.

"It's time then?" Jiho sighed. 

He propped Kyung up against him, back to back.

Jiho picked a random can of beer off the table and opened it, letting the alcohol fizz out.

"Well then I'll be right after you." Jiho chuckled sadly, gulping down his beer.

They just sat there not talking until whatever remained of Kyung's life were drained and all that was left was a cold body.

"It's time." Jiho whispered, kissing the forehead of Kyung's body.

From a drawer he took out a gun and he shot himself.

Because they promised that they will never leave each other and will follow each other wherever they go.

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how, why?
andrea2313 #2
Chapter 1: <3<3<3<3<3