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Jungah walked through the hallways quietly. She had a blank expression on her face. Everyone was doing there own things. Some were laughing. Some were walking. Some were getting there stuff from there lockers and some were making out as a couple. Jungah just ignored there presence and continued walking. She knew that she wasn't going to get bothered or anything. The girl just walked until she finally hit her classroom. She entered her classroom. Everyone was doing there own things. Though they were all talking. Jungah just continued walking. Finally she reached her desk and quietly she sat down. She sat down and just opened her book and started reading. She ignored everyones presence and just studied. Study, Study, Study. That's what her mind told her to do all the time. Never give up. That was another thing that she kept on putting in her mind. Though she knew that she've given up along time ago. Finally the bell rang and the teacher quickly entered the classroom. 

"Good morning class" said Mrs.Kim. In return everyone just groaned out loud and opened there books and started copying notes from the board. 

Jungah is the only one who didn't complain. She just did as told which made Mrs.Kim sigh in her head in relief. She was the only girl that was listening to her and she liked it. She was the only one who was nice and she knew that she had something special in her. But something always hit her. The girl never talked to anyone. It was like she was mute and her eyes were so locked. It was like there was nothing to see in them. She had a expresionless face and her eyes showed no emotions. Never once did the teacher see her lips curl up. Mrs.Kim just stared at the girl who was writing in her notebook. 

The teacher just sighed again in her head and continued on with the lesson. 




It was already lunch time and all Jungah did was just stay in the classroom and take extra notes. All Jungah did was take notes. Never once did she stop. She have never eaten lunch here at school. The girl just sighed out loud in her he

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YWDA7204 #1
Chapter 1: Fighting!!!