10 May 02nd - Lavender 1

짜장면 (Black Bean Noodles)


L A V E N D E R - 01

May 2nd, 2014



„When did my life get all messed up?“ I mumbled to myself, while I strolled down the corridor of the west wing of my university. It was Friday. And, as my agenda told me, I had an appointment with my Business English teacher Lee.
After SungGyu’s birthday everything had been a blur of things I didn’t even want to deal with. SungGyu had called me the next morning, and we had talked as if nothing had happened between us. Well, honestly, nothing had happened. He was SungGyu after all, my jjajangmyun-rooftop-friend who happened to be an idol. He was off-limits. Friend-zoned. And most importantly, not even boyfriend-material. I wasn’t as stupid to think any kind of idol could qualify as boyfriend-material. Besides why would he even intend to kiss me? It had just been my alcohol-driven mind, seeing things when there was nothing to see. Except maybe a jealous JaeJin. I sighed. Contrary to SungGyu, JaeJin and I hadn’t talked since he dropped me off in front of my flat after SungGyu’s birthday party. I tried to call him the next day but he didn’t pick up – maybe he was just busy with university, but I couldn’t help feeling he was angry at me, for whatever reason. I’d see him at work soon enough, so no need to worry. I’d talk to him then, I told myself.
Reaching professor Lee’s door, I shrugged off all boy-related, distracting thoughts, and tried to focus on the issue at hand instead. Professor Lee was expecting me to give him details about the meeting with HoWon I had allegedly organized for his daughter. At the prospect of having to tell him I hadn’t even asked HoWon for the favor yet, an uneasy feeling crept up my spine. The last thing I wanted was to disappoint Professor Lee – for obvious reasons.
If I had been just about shy enough to not ask SungGyu for HoWon’s number before I even got to know him, I was now extremly hopeless whether I would gather the courage to do so. To me, HoWon had come off as someone extremly self-controlled; I simply couldn’t imagine him doing unofficial appearances on little girl’s birthdays. WooHyun or SungYeol, yes. But HoWon? No way.
I sighed spiritlessly, before I finally gathered enough courage to knock on Professor Lee’s dark wooden door. I instantly heard heavy footsteps from inside, and then there he was, holding the door open for me with a bright smile. My heart skipped a beat as I once again found myself inwardly drooling over his stunning appearance.
„Come in, Cha MinAe,“ he greeted me, gesturing towards his desk with his right arm.
I quickly bowed, and made my way to his desk, taking seat down in one of the two comfortable chairs that had been placed there for visitors. The sweet aroma of patchouli and lavender he always smelled of was ever so prominent in his office. I caught myself taking in a generous whiff, indulging in his alluring scent.
„So… believe you have news for me?“ he began with his usually raspy voice, taking his seat behind the desk, while elegantly placing his elbows on top of it, letting the tips of his thin, long fingers touch each other in front of his face.
I cleared my throat, uncomfortably fidgeting around on the chair, since I could feel his intense gaze lingering on me. „Uhm...,“ I started, awkwardly looking anywhere but his face. 
„Yes?“ he urged impatiently, when I didn’t instantly answer his question.
Better get this over with quickly. „I didn’t really get to him,“ I blurted, looking up. I instantly regretted it, as I accidentally met his eyes while doing so, which resulted in me blushing in all shades of red and pink.
Professor Lee sighed, obviously not pleased with my answer. „My daughter’s birthday is in little less than three weeks.“
I nodded, trying to control my blushing. Last thing I needed was for him to notice I had a crush on him. But I couldn’t help my palms from becoming sweaty as I fumbled with the hem of my dress.
Professor Lee ran his hand through his hair, and sighed. „Look, I don’t want to be an and make you fail my class. But you are barely passing as it is; you can’t deny that this deal is pretty good for you.“
„I-I....“ I stuttered. It was indeed hard to concentrate when he was so incredibly good-looking; and the room practically reeked of his perfume, making my mind spin.
„Let’s make this easy, Cha MinAe,“ he finally said, while twisting a thin, silver ring on his right ring finger – reminding me that he was a married man, and that my thoughts were inappropriate in every way.
I again made the error to look up into his deep green eyes, eventually losing full control over my blushing. But appatenly Professor Lee didn’t even notice, since he just sternly looked at me.
„Can I count on you?“
I surely didn’t expect that question. „What?“
„Please give me a honest answer. Because if you won’t do it, I have to organize a normal birthday party for my daughter,“ he explained, souding desperate all of a sudden.
How could I say no to him?
„I will try my best to get him for your daughter’s birthday. Please tell me the date,“ I heard myself say. The second I said it, I could’ve slapped myself. What the hell, MinAe?
„Then I will count on you. Thank you so much,“ Pofessor Lee exclaimed with the brightest smile I had ever seen him display. I felt myself slowly beginning to melt at the sight of his perfectly formed lips. Knowing that I was the reason for his smile...
„Her birthday is on the 23nd this month. Please give me your phone number so I can contact you when I know the exact time and place,“ he added.
After I told him my number, he guided me out of his office, and straight into the harsh reality of a situation I had – once again – gotten myself into.






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[짜장면 (Black Bean Noodles)] Merry Christmas to you all!! :)


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mandapanda123 #1
Chapter 20: author-nim...are you going to update this fic? T_T
Been delaying commenting because I wanted to summarize all of my thoughts after reading all chapters in one sitting, but I'm giving up bcus too much feels lol. I haven't looked forward to an update from a story this much in a while. Idol!gyu feels so dorky and human and real, and I like how the Minae is so nonchalant about the fact that he's a star. Their friendship seemed almost too comfortable for romance to occur, but it just made me ship them more lol. The last chapter was soooo good, but it's torture waiting for the next update.
i cracked up when she lied to sunggyu about woohyun ahha pimples ? omfg this was a long one & sweeeet toooo ((insert feels here))
Chapter 20: Is that jaejin shouting in the end?? I actually smell the love triangle between them, but i hope you manage to avoid such things.
Chapter 18: I love the twist, I didn't think I would dislike HyeMi as much but after reading this chapter.... It changed my mind xD Anywho, great story thus far, one of the rarest story line I've certainly come across. This chapter was a cute chapter as well with Woohyun. The ending for this chapter was funny xD Love it~

-Infinite Contest
Chapter 13: I'm so happy you used this live performance haha xD Love it so much~ No comments on HyeMi yet~
Chapter 9: Close call it sounds like xD Haha, cute chapter~
cheesenb #8
Chapter 20: Omo! Sunggyu made a move finally! And why Jaejin again?
Can't wait to read the next chapter!
Sakura7 #9
Chapter 20: Ahhhhh..... he kissed her... the feels.. wooohooooooo
mandapanda123 #10
Chapter 20: woohoo! SUNGGYU! haha
is that jaejin at the end?