
Last stage for a while

You were getting ready to go solo, 

You were the first in your girl group to go solo, All of them were unprepared and you had the most talent.

Your manager suggested you do a cover of another artist in the company's song.

The first group that came to your mind was EXO.

Probably because your boyfriend was in EXO, You met him while you were training........


You were walking out the back of SM building after 15 hours of training for your groups debut, You were extra tired and a bit pissy today since your manager came in and called all of you ugly and untalented. It was to get you girls to work harder but it still stung. But deep down you knew that he meant it as a warning because not everyone was going to like you guys, but that's what you strive for. You want everyone to like, or atleast acknowledge your group. Since you were the leader you had responsibilities out the , and that means you can NEVER slack off. If you messed up, your group would get a bad reputation

You and your group were really close, you all shared every secret you each had before you all even started being friends, and that somehow brought you all closer. You're able to talk to them about anything and vice versa, They came to you about boyfriends they had that the fans might not approve of since they were not famous or whatever, and all of those relationships ended quickly, but they all have found their special one except you.

Cristy (a girl in your group) Is dating Bangtan boys V, Angel is dating GOT 7's Youngjae, HyoMin is dating Shinee's Minho, and you're all alone. 

You do have a crush though, He's in EXO. He's the shortest member, but he's still taller than you thats one of the things you love about him. He always makes sure to stand by you in a crowd of people because he feels tall when he's around you, and s tend to pick on him less. You two hang out a lot, but nothing other than that has ever happened. You planned on telling him about your feelings until a scandel came out about him dating one of your members, and of course you knew that wasn't true because you've met all of their boyfriends. and also none of them have ever mentioned Kyungsoo. All 3 of them know you like him more than a friend. Hell, you love him. But he doesn't know that.

And he probably doesn't love you back.

Unrequited love for you, as usual. Every fangirls worst enemy. 

You were never able to let out your fangirl side because if you did, he'd probably run away and never talk to you again, and you didn't want that.

Although you never saw him with any other girl groups, or even girls for that matter, He always stuck around you.

You didn't know whether he meant that as if he's just comfortable around you or MAYBE , just MAYBE he had similiar feelings as yours?

As soon as you walked out of the building a ton of fangirls were surrounding you shouting and pushing you, pulling your hair out of it's ponytail, some of them even hit you.

"Who do you think you are?" 

"Always standing by D.O. Oppa??!" 

"Who exactly are you, you're just a "

"! Stay away from him"

"Don't ever touch our oppa!"

"Stop, PLEASE, stop!" Was all you could respond.

"What do you girls think you are doing! Get your hands off of her!!" A voice shouted.

"(all of the girls gasp) D.. D... D.O. Oppa..."

"Get away, GO AWAY!" He shouted.

All of the fangirls just stood in place shocked.

You thought everything would get worse until Kai walked out the door and said 

"Ladies! If you want an autograph follow me!!" He shouted and ran as fast as he could.

The rest of the fangirls followed after him dutifully.

All that was left was Kyungsoo and You.   "Are you okay (Y/N)?

"Yeah, Uh Kinda, Not really... I can't get up, one of them stepped on my leg when they pushed me down"

"Here, let me help you" He said as he reached out but he stopped immediatley as soon as he saw you flinch as he was about to help you up.

"I'm not gonna hurt you (Y/N).." He said with pain in his voice.

"I.. I know, I'm sorry.." You said as you started to cry, You made sure to hide your face because you didn't want him to see you like this.

"Come on, Come to my place and I clean up your cuts, you can spend the night, they'll more then likely be waiting for you at your dorm"

"Oh.. Uh, Okay, I'll warn my members.." You said as you got up with his help and followed him to his car and you got in, before you could even reach for the seatbelt he had already reached over and clasped it together for you.

"Thanks..." you said.

"You're welcome, It was my fans that hurt you, this is the least I can do. "

" No, Really, It's fine.. " 

"No, (Y/N), It's NOT fine. They hurt someone I care about." 

" about?" 

"Yes, (Y/N, Have you not noticed yet? I care about you a lot.."

"Oh.. Uh.. I care about you too"


That was the whole conversation as it was silent the rest of the way to his home. You arrived and he helped you out of the car and into his home.

It was a nice place, He went straight to the fridge and got you a sode, it was your favorite. 

"Here, your favorite, right?"

"How'd you know?"

"Well, Everytime we go out you always get this"

"Thank you for noticing, I really love this drink"

"Well You can have as many as you want, I bought them for you mainly."

"Oh.. Thanks" You said, as you smiled at him, he smiled back instantly and he stepped closer to you.

"Um.. Ky.. Kyungsoo, What are you doing?"

"Something I should've done a long time ago."

He kissed you, gently, but enough to where you finally realized his feelings, this man loves you.. and you never noticed.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too Kyungsoo."


"Yes, Haha, I kept my feelings a secret because I didn't think you felt the same."

"I did the same haha, Atleast one of us finally admitted.."


Kyungsoo and you sat down and he brought you another soda, and then he went to get the first aid kit.

He fixed up your wounds and brought you fresh clothes, they were his but they fit fine for sleeping. They smelled just like him and it made you want to keep his T-shirt forever. You went towards the couch. He hasn't brought a blanket or anything and he went straight to his room. 

"Um,.. Kyungsoo. What am I supposed to sleep with?"

"Me, Now come here" he said as he pulled you into his bed with him and snuggled you close


"Night.. " You both drifted off to sleep .


Ever since then you two have been in a very happy relationship, Nothing ever bothering either of you. 

But the fact that you kept it secret was kind of stressful with all the reporters that were surrounding both of your groups.

You decided to sing What Is Love by EXO.

It was your favorite song by them, Especially because your boyfriend sings it. You told your manager about it and he agreed. The whole company knows about your relationship, Just the only people that don't know is other companies, and fans. 

Today was the day of your solo debut, Kyungsoo and all of EXO was there, Even Kris was hiding in the audience so that no one would see him. You had been feeling kind of sick today, but you just ignored it because you thought it was just the nerves getting to you.

You got up on stage and the music started playing. About halfway through the song you started feeling heart pain, and you fell down, But you continued singing, you wanted to finish the song atleast. Kyungsoo and BaekHyun got on stage and helped you out because your singing was getting shorter and shorter by the minute, and You could tell Kyungsoo was worried for you because he couldn't keep his eyes off of you. 

You looked up to him one last time and said "Help" And right when the song ended you collapsed and went unconcious.

You woke up in a hospital room 2 days later, Apparently all that stress made you forget about eating healthy and you fainted. Kyungsoo immediately went to your side and barged you with questions.

"Babe.. are you awake?"

"Er.. Yeah"

"Oh MY GOD. thank goodness."

"What happened?"

"You stressed yourself out and fainted, I was so worried.. I pictured my life without you... I ... I .. I was so scared (Y/N)"

"Shh.. It's okay. I'm alive, aren't i?" You said as you hugged him close.

"Marry me."


"M a r r y m e."

"I .. I mean, YES but, why?"

"I pictured my life without you, and I can't do it. I need you in my life forever. Let's get married, and tell everyone about us."

"Oh my god, Okay, Lets get married, I love you Kyungsoo"

"I love you too (Y/N)"





AND then once you told everyone about your relationship, everyone accepted you two, and you got married and had beautiful children.

THE END. now, I'm going to sleep, it's 5:00 am.. 



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