
Love That Started Young

"Am I suppose to go back to Korea now? Like right now?" I said in perfect English. My assistant looked at me and nodded. "Yeah, some entertainment company has hire you to be the designer of BAP's clothing for their MV 'One Shot'. I already got the tickets and I have already asked the maids to prepare your luggage so we are good to go." My assistant, Emily, grinned. This is the first time she's going to Korea and is a big fan of BAP. I only heard of them a few times but never really bother to check them out. 

Emily briefly explained what the company wanted for the clothing on the plane and I already have some ideas in mind. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe I'm going to meet Himchan!" Emily exclaimed into her pillow so her voice will be muffled and would not disturb other passengers. I sighed at Emily's fangirling moment and tried to catch some sleep. 

"Mum!" I ran into my mother's arms once I saw her waiting at the arrival hall. "Oh my, have you lose weight? Anyway, I'm sure you would want to meet this person." My mother smiled, as if she has something up her sleeve. She grabbed Emily away when someone walked towards me. "Auntyyyyyy!!! I'm supposed to be with Hyunmi!!!" Emily struggled against my mother. So cute. Well, anyway, who's this person wearing shades indoors? "You sure you don't recognize me, Miss Hyunmi? Am I that hideous?" I'm sure as hell don't recognize him but I do recognize that enchanting voice. "Bang Yongguk?" I said, and he nodded, both arms extended for a hug. I ran into his embrace of course. Who wouldn't after 5 years of not seeing your best friend? "Hell, since when you became so tall? I remembered I was taller than you before I left for Australia!" He was freaking half a head taller than me now. 

"Yeah yeah. Technically you're tall for a girl, alright?" Yongguk placed his arms around my shoulder. "Let's grab something to eat. I bet you miss Korean food." 

I do miss Korean food but I miss Yongguk more. He has become more handsome and more muscular. I wonder what he does for a living. "I'm an idol." He said right after I asked him. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. "Don't tell me you are under TS entertainment." I said, poking at a piece of dulboki. "Did you stalked me?" Yongguk came closer to my face. I ALMOST blushed. "The company got me to design clothes for their group BAP." I said, sipping my drink. Yongguk wiggled his eyebrows. "I'm the leader for that group." I almost choked on my drink. As if on cue, his fans spotted him. Luckily I have my shades in my bag and I put it on, turning away from his fans. His fans walked closer to us and Yongguk chuckled at my actions. 

"Oppa! I'm your fan! Can I have your autograph?" His fans shrieked and it hurts my ears. After what seems like an eternity, someone spotted me. 

"Omo, who's that? Oppa, are you dating? Tell me you're not!"

"They are so cute!"  

"I ship them so hard right now!"

"That's the famous fashion designer! Choi Hyunmi!"

"Oh my, I love her designs! I even have one piece of her design, 'White Love', in my closet!" 

"Seems like you are famous too." Yongguk winked when the restaurant got all the fans out for our privacy. "Not like you." I stuck out my tongue and ate my food. Yongguk flashed a smile and continued to eat. 

Being able to see your best friend is literally the best thing ever. We had been friends since we knew how to talk, so maybe this friendship has lasted for 21 years. Wow, that's very long. I hope it will last longer though. Emily broke my train of thoughts when she came into my room. "OHMYGOSHHH Hyunmi! Korea is so beautiful!" My mum had toured Emily around Seoul. "Correction: it's Seoul." I said, trying to stop her from jumping around. "Whatever, it's still beautiful. I brought heaps of clothing! Ahhh! Seoul sells the best clothes!" Emily shrieked in happiness. I smiled softly. It's common for Emily to be like that. She gets excited over small things. "Oh yeah." Emily started to get serious. Not quite surprising. "Tomorrow you will be heading to TS company with the designs. I hope you got it?" Emily asked. Of course I got it. I drew up 6 designs right after Yongguk sent me home. I nodded. Emily flashed me a thumbs-up. 

I would like to see Yongguk in a singlet and a suit. Oh god, that would be manly and at the same time funny. I have searched up BAP before I started on my designs, of course. Damn all of them are HOT! I repeat, hot! Yongguk is so handsome in his teaser photo. *cough* Um, okay I think I need some sleep before I head over to Yongguk's company tomorrow. 

I gathered all my designs and put it in my bag. I had wore a plain white long sleeve knee length dress, accompanied by a black plain belt. I wore a red open toes high heels. Emily got it for me for my 18th birthday 5 years ago. As you can see, I like it simple. I clicked my fringe back and curled the ends of my hair. Back in Australia 2 months ago, I have dyed the ends of my hair blue and the rest of my hair chestnut brown. Emily said it suited me a lot, so I gave it a try. It turned out perfect. I just hope my hair won't be a bad impression. If you know what I meant. "HYUNMI! ARE YOU READY?! IF NOT WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE IF WE DONT GO NOW!" I heard Emily shouting from the living room. God, Emily had a very loud voice. "Keep it down Emily!" my mother shouted from the kitchen as I walked out from my food. 

"Holy , Hyunmi! You look so perfect!" Emily wore a peach frilly dress, accompanied by a white cardigan. Her golden brown hair was tied into a half ponytail. She had on a pair of white flats. "You too, Emily. Let's go." 

We went straight to the conference room. BAP was already seated when we came in but the CEO is nowhere in sight. I guess we have to wait. "Punctual as always, Hyunmi." Yongguk smirked. "Early bird, as usual." I said, sitting down while Emily sit beside me. "Hyung, you know her? I mean, she is more famous than us." The guy, which I recognized as Zelo, the youngest in the group, asked. "What if I say we have been friends for 21 years?" Yongguk grinned. Ah, he still remember how long we have known each other. The other members stared at him in awe. The door opened and it revealed the company's CEO. "Ah, glad you came, Miss Hyunmi." The CEO shook hands with me. Manners, I see. "It's my pleasure." I smiled and sat back down. 

The meeting went pretty smooth, I must say. The CEO is satisfied with my designs. I gave the designated designs to all of the members. They seemed to be satisfied too. Emily, who is beside me, kept staring at Himchan. I'm sure she's holding all of her feels in. "Are you guys happy with this design?" The CEO smiled at them. He must have dote on them a lot to use so much money to hire me. They all nodded. I can literally see the fatigue in them. Being an idol isn't easy. "That's good. It's all settled then. Thank you so much for cooperating with our humble agency, Ms Hyunmi." The CEO stood up to shake my hand again. BAP stood up to shake my hand too. Another satisfied client. 

"Are you going back to Australia, Hyunmi?" Mum asked after I offered prayers to my father at the altar set up in the corner. "Not so soon, I guess. I have a lot of free time on my hands." I smiled and sat down to eat my dinner. Emily has gone out to shop, and I hope she doesn't lost her way. She seemed very happy when she went out. Something's a little fishy. "Have you catch up with Yongguk this few days?" Mum asked as I put some vegetable on her plate. "He's been busy." I simply said. Mum seemed to understand. The doorbell rang. I went to get the door. Yongguk was standing outside, holding a chocolate cake. "Happy birthday, silly. Bet you forgotten." Yongguk smiled and signaled me to blow the candles. Today's my birthday? Oh my, how did I forget about it? "Happy birthday, hyunmi." my mum said after she ushered Yongguk into the house. "Did you guys planned this?" I said, narrowing my eyes at them. Both of them shrugged playfully. I cut the cake and said a wish. I then have an evil plan up my sleeve. heheheh. I dig up some cream on the cake and smashed my creamy finger onto Yongguk's nose. My mum was laughing uncontrollably. 

"Oh, you are so going to get it." 

Gosh, we ended up having cream all over our face and my mum have to clean up the cream that was dropped onto the floor by accident. We went to the toilet and cleaned our faces. "You two are just as childish as ever." My mum laughed and cut two slices of cake for us. Both of us smiled at my mum's comment. "Do you like the surprise?" Yongguk asked, eating his slice of cake while changing the channels on the television. I hummed as a reply. "When's your comeback?" I asked, snatching the remote control away from Yongguk. "In about two and a half weeks I guess." Yongguk replied, finishing his slice of cake. 

I have a clothing line of my own, H-Mi, and it's pretty famous. The price aren't too expensive, don't worry. They are all just $3-$4 more than regular clothes from a normal clothes store and it's still considered branded. I don't know why. I'm such a good person. haha. The CEO of TS has requested me to choose some clothing for the boys for the acting part in their upcoming MV. now I'm here in one of my own store, with BAP trailing behind me. My hands brushed against the clothing I designed and I have not find what the CEO wanted them to wear. "Um, have you not find what you want for us? I mean, we had walked past at least 10 clothes rack." Jongup said, stopping to look at a jacket. Yongguk shushed Jongup. He still remember I do not like to be disturbed when I'm thinking. I finally saw something that would fit yongguk for his role in the acting for the MV. A big furry blue coat. Umm. Since he's the leader of the 'gang' in the MV, he should wear something more of a leader's aura. 

I gradually found every piece of the clothing and asked some of my employee to pack them up so they could bring back to their company. I had also asked them to labeled the boys' name individually on the boxes of clothes. Six boxes for six boys. 

So I randomly pressed a channel number and it was airing M! Countdown. "Let's welcome BAP!" The MC cheered. They were wearing my designs and they all looked good in it! "Mum! Yongguk is on TV!" I yelled to my mum, whose is in the kitchen. My mum came right over and sat right next to me. I have no idea where Emily went, probably at the live stage of M! Countdown. "My, they look good in your designs!" My mum complimented. Of course they look good. It's my designs lol. Yongguk look so perfect here. *dreamy sigh* I wonder if he had any girlfriend from his industry. I will probably ask him about it later. 

When they went backstage, I immediately whipped out my phone. 

me; hey hey hey! ;) I saw your performance! it was great! 

It only took a few seconds for him to reply. What, did he carry his phone to the stage? 

yongguk; I know you did. ;> do I look handsome in your designs? 

me; I think Daehyun looked better in my designs. 

Ha, I did that on purpose. and....he called me right after he saw my message. 

"Yah! What do you mean?" He sounded like he saw his girlfriend cheated on him. "Thank you noona!" I heard Daehyun screaming in the background. "What?" I decided to play the innocent card. I kinda debated with him for awhile before I asked him something. "Hey, do you have a girlfriend from your industry?" I asked, curious. "No, why?" He replied. His reply kinda lifted the stone from my heart. I don't know why. "Uh nothing. Curious, perhaps?" 

"Speaking of girlfriend, Himchan seems pretty busy with his phone lately." Yongguk whispered. "Does he have a girlfriend then?" I asked, playing with my fingers. "From what I know of him, no." Yongguk replied, doubting himself. I already have some conclusions. After a few more minutes on the phone with Yongguk, we hang up. 

It was already 10pm when Emily came back, with her eyes glued to her phone. I hopped off the couch and took her phone away. "Hyunmi! Give me back!" Emily said anxiously. Umm, so she's texting... HIMCHAN?! WHAT?! Ew, all those sweet messages. "Explain." I gave her back her phone and went back to my sofa. Emily knew I wasn't the kind to joke around with. " I kinda got Himchan's number because er.. he passed me a note secretly with a phone number and asked me to text him or whatever thing I wanted to do. And then we got along well. *nervous laughter*" Emily's eyes wandered around the room, and just not meeting my gaze. "You do know that we are leaving next week right?" Oh yeah, I forgotten to tell Yongguk about this. Emily plunging into a relationship with Himchan is a bit ridiculous. Emily had learned Korean before and was able to communicate with Himchan. Oh god, it's only been three months here and she got herself a idol boyfriend. This is getting ridiculous and what if we go back to Australia and never come back to Korea again? It would only be another 5 years because I promised my mum that every 5 years I would come back. 

Emily face fell and nodded. "Do you really like him? I mean, except for those fangirl feels." I asked. "Yeah... I know my feelings best. When I first saw him, I thought I would be having those feels as a fangirl, but to my surprise, I don't feel anything but my racing heart." Emily said. I think she's serious oh gwad. Emily had some not serious relationship before but I didn't know she could get this serious. What to do? We are leaving next week and ugh. "Can't we just stay here?" Emily asked softly. But if we stay here, what about my business in Australia? I really wanted to ask Emily about that but I don't want to hurt her feelings. I sighed and left the living room to my room. 

I made some calls to Australia and went to sleep with a frown. 

I woke up early the next day and got out of the house after washing up. I left a note for my mum though. I walked around Seoul. It's still the same before I left for Australia 5 years ago. I miss Seoul so much. "Noona!" Someone was calling me? I turned around and saw Zelo calling after me with BAP trying to catch up with him. "Hello, junhong." I said, giving my best smile I could ever muster. Himchan isn't touching his phone so I guess Emily is still sleeping. I assume Himchan knew about our leaving next week, that's why he's so gloomy. He must have loved Emily very much. I think Yongguk had looked right through my fake smile. 

We were sitting in a private area in the cafe. Yongguk and I went to order the boys' drinks while the boys are goofing around. "You faked that smile." Yongguk said, "Anything wrong?" I stopped in my tracks and Yongguk stopped beside me too. Not known to me, a tear has make its way down. "I'm leaving soon." I said, while Yongguk wiped my tears away. The boys were looking at us and unexpectedly, Himchan has started sobbing a little. Yongguk looked stunned. I turned around. "Do you want me to call Emily down?" Himchan nodded while the others comforted Himchan. I guess Himchan had break the news to them. 

When Emily came, the atmosphere was still. No one spoke a word. My phone rang and it pierce right through the silence. 

*note; Rieun is Hyunmi's friend over in Australia and also a quite well known fashion designer. 

me: hello? 
Rieun: hyunmi, good news! you are allowed to stay in your country but you still have to move your entire business in Australia to Korea. 
me: help me thank the association, Rieun! I will be coming back next week to settle the business. 
Rieun: good, they will be expecting you anyways. good luck in Korea! 
me: thank you, Rieun. 

I was at the airport waiting for my flight with Emily. Er, well, not exactly with Emily since Himchan took her away from my side to take a long walk around the airport before our flight. I was maybe expecting to see Yongguk to appear but he had not. I really don't know how to deal with this feeling within me. It had battled with me for years since I know Yongguk. I sighed and looked down on my phone. Not even a 'safe flight!' message from yongguk. It's almost time for my flight and he has not appear. I think he's not going to see me off. Himchan and Emily returned. They for sure noticed my glum expression. "Hey, Hyunmi. I think he's just busy with his schedule. You two will only be off for one week, so you will still be able to see him." Himchan tried to cheered me up but it's no use. Yongguk won't do this right? He promised to see me off. Emily pecked himchan on the cheek and turned her attention to me. "Hyunmi, we really should go now." Emily picked up her jacket and her handbag while Himchan helped her with her luggage. "Yeah." I whispered. 

We were about to step into the departure hall when I heard my name. "Hyunmi! Wait!" Yongguk came running to our direction. Himchan smiled. "Go for it, buddy!" Himchan pumped his fist in the air. Wha..t? Why did Himchan cheered him on? Anyway, I ran into Yongguk's embrace. "Sorry I'm late." Yongguk hugged me tighter. "It's okay, as long as you see me off." I smiled into his jacket. "Hyunmi, I've been keeping this feeling in for years now and I should let you know something. I... I really like you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Himchan and Emily went 'awwwww'. 

"Oh yes, I would be your girlfriend." 


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