Long Story Short

Heightened Senses

Jonghyun fumbled through all of his shoes several times before finally deciding on a pair of Adidas. He had never worn the shoes before, as they were a gift from Minho a few week prior, but they went well with his outfit. Before putting them on, he slid two insoles into each shoe and pressed them down firmly.


With his daily shoe ritual finished, Jonghyun placed the Adidas on his feet. He jumped up and down lightly, testing out the height the footwear gave him.


Something felt odd.


He furrowed his brows as he took off one of the shoes. The young male looked inside and found nothing amiss.


Jonghyun walked out of his room and into the living room to find the rest of the members relaxing on the sofa. He strolled his way to the kitchen when laughter could be heard behind him.


“What's so funny?” he asked, annoyed.


“Did you forget to put your insoles in today?” Key piped up.


“Of course not! I just thought I'd let my feet rest for a day. You act as if those insoles make or break my image.”


“Well,-” Taemin began.


“Shut up I don't want to hear anything from you when you're only a couple of centimeters taller than me,” he glared.


“You bring down our average height enough as it is. No offense,” Minho scoffed.


The shortest male turned a bright pink before he trudged back to his room and slammed the door shut.


Jonghyun hurled his shoes at the wall.


“I can't be shrinking, can I?” Jonghyun whispered to himself.


The next morning Jonghyun went through his closet again. He found battered sneakers that he had worn hundreds of times. The boy put a lot of faith into this pair as he stuck three insoles in each shoe.


Yet again, they felt weird.


Jonghyun frantically put in another pair, but he was still only two centimeters taller than without the damned insoles.


He cursed repeatedly as he threw both the insoles and the shoes into his closet.


There was a knock on the door.


“Go away,” Jonghyun hissed.


The person on the other side knocked again.


“Is my voice shrinking too? I told you to leave me alone.”


“Let me in, please,” Taemin's voice carried to the other side.


Jonghyun slowly opened the door for the youngest.


“What do you want? To make fun of my height some more?” he sniffed.


Taemin shifted uncomfortably side to side before revealing a wrapped present from behind his back.


“No, I wanted to give these to you,” he blushed slightly.


The shorter male frowned as he took the present in hand and opened it.


Inside were eight pairs of insoles neatly tucked into the small box.


“What are these?”


“Your... original insoles.”


“Taemin, what did you do now?” Jonghyun seethed.


“I might have accidentally switched out your insoles for thinner ones by mistake,” the boy laughed nervously.


“'By mistake'?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at the young man.


“And possibly worn your underwear too while you were away,” Taemin grinned sheepishly.


Jonghyun grabbed the nearest blunt object and tossed it at Taemin's head. The younger male sprinted out of the room while laughing.


“Get back here you little punk!” Jonghyun screamed down the hallway while chasing after the brat.


He finally reached the other members and saw Taemin cowering behind them.


“Don't hide that criminal!” Jonghyun shouted.


“What did he do exactly?” Minho glanced briefly at Taemin before turning back to the older male.


“He replaced my insoles with smaller ones!”


“Oh, is that why you were shorter than usual yesterday?” Key snickered.


“Kim Kibum, I will ruin every piece of makeup you own if you say anything else about my height,” Jonghyun barked.


Key was stunned into silence.


“If it's any consolation, we all borrowed your undergarments,” Minho shrugged.


“Each and every one of you will pay for this,” Jonghyun declared.


The other four laughed at the minor threat and continued on with watching TV.


Within a week, Minho's soccer trophy, Key's musical script, Jinki's whiteboard for communicating, and Taemin's stash were all missing.


From that point on, no one ever dared to touch Jonghyun's insoles or underwear ever again.

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TheLotusLurker #1
Chapter 1: I love this. I didn't expect Taemin to switch the insoles, but I should have known. Haha, I like how things escalated after that. I miss you, Skye!
Chapter 1: Jjong is an adorable puppy o3o